Introduction Throughout this presentation many of you will experience the graphics and details of many different models, including: Atomism and the Earth, Fire, Wind, and Water Model, the Solid Sphere Model, the Plum Pudding Model, the Planetary or Nuclear Model, the Orbital Model, and the Electron Cloud or Quantum Mechanical Model.
•“Nothing exists except atoms and empty space; everything else is opinion.” -Democritus-
Atom is m and t he Earth , Fi re, W ind, and Water model
Solid Sphere Model
Proposed by: J.J. Thomson; the discoverer of the electron in 1897. Proposed in: March 1904 before the discovery of atomic nucleus. In this model, the atom is composed of an amount of positive charge to balance the electrons negative
Plum pudding continued…..
Planetary or Nuclear Model
Proposed by: Ernest Rutherford and Neils Bohr. The nucleus was said to be small and dense to account for the scattering of the alpha particles during the Gold Foil Experiment. Most particles were observed to pass straight through the foil, however, some scattered at different directions, and ricocheted back. This determined that there was a nucleus in the
Orbital Model
Electron Cloud or Quantum Mechanical The disciplines of Relativity and Quantum Mechanics were developed to account for the cracks in everyday physics. In Quantum Mechanics, electrons can behave like waves in certain situations; while the electromagnetic radiation or light, can behave like particles. Electron cloud is a term used for introducing the concept of wave function in low-level of teaching introductions to atomic physics, molecular physics, chemistry, or quantum chemistry. This idea corresponds to de-located electrons moving or standing like clouds around the atomic or molecular nuclei. This is indeed a better image than the very common image provided by the Bohr model which commonly leads to a visualization of electrons traveling around the nuclei along orbits like the planets around the sun.