Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium 2009 Newsletter

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  • Words: 4,334
  • Pages: 8
Issue #3 • Spring 2009

C on s t ru c t ivi s t C on sor t ium Who We Are The mission of The Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium is to advocate

In this issue…

for learner-centered environments that are

The Spring GLCC Newsletter is focused

experiential, equitable, and ecological.

on orientation. According to the dictionary, orientation is the ability to locate

Editors »  Susan Ballje   »  Anne Nordholm

2008–09 GLCC Leadership

oneself in one’s environment with reference to time, place, and people; one’s

Director of Membership  »  Kim Thiesen

position in relation to true north; the

Director of Communication  »  Leo Alvarez

ascertainment of one’s true position,

Director of Community Partnerships   »   Josh Zimmers Director of Sustainability  »  David Coyle

GLCC Facilitators Bastante Educational Services, LLC 2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207

as in a novel situation, with respect to attitudes, judgments, etc. Orientation is vital to the success of innovative initiatives. Yet, too few organizations (including schools) provide their


Manuscript Submissions ALL GLCC members are invited to submit articles and photos to be included in upcoming

members with the appropriate orientation to ease their way and facilitate that success. A constructivist learning

GLCC issues. Fully edited submissions of

community is intentional about orienta-

no more than 500 words must be

tion practices in order to accommodate

electronically submitted to anne.nordholm@ The GLCC News Summer issue will focus on School/Community Partnerships. Submissions are due by May 27th.

Welcome and Thanks to New GLCC Sponsors

learners’ prior school experiences and assumptions about how learning happens. Orientation processes can communicate to learners the expectation of responsibility and independence regarding their own learning. Failure to

»  D. Wienke, Glenview, IL

provide orientation results in disorienta-

»  Laurie and Ray Wienke, Libertyville, IL

tion — not an optimal state for learning.


s ke


ructivist C on s t Co N



t iu m or


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N e ws

A constructivist learning community is intentional about orientation practices in order to accommodate learners’ prior school experiences and assumptions about how learning happens. advises us on the necessity of telling orienting stories through marketing and social media. Sue McKenzie reminds us that mental health considerations inform how every interaction with learners affects orientation. The Journal Sentinel recently featured an article on Audubon High School that provides a different orientation to school community behavior expectations through restorative justice. Susan Ballje offers examples of orienteering activities that can provide students with clarity about the transitions from middle school to high school. The piece by Sean Michael Dargan

The authors in this issue of the GLCC

about the Many Faces of Constructiv-

newsletter, offer many navigational tools

ism Conference offers readers a first

to better serve an orientation process.

glimpse of the upcoming event guar-

Nancy Frank’s article promotes under-

anteed to provide the community with

standing about constructivist program

an orientation toward constructivism.

components like service learning via

Even the Calendar of Events presents

aquaponics. Michael Wridt describes

many opportunities for folks to learn

how the recruitment, enrollment, and

more about the GLCC and constructivist

hiring practices of a school offer myriad

practices in order to navigate their own

opportunities for orientation. Spreenkler

professional journeys.

3/31/2009 2:04:42 PM

Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium News

The Dance of Change The following excerpt is taken from The Dance of Change, by Peter Senge, et al. (New York: Doubleday/Currency, 1999)

Failure to rethink our enterprises will leave us little relief from our current predicaments: rising turbulence causing us rising stress; increasing disconnection and internal competitiveness; people working harder, rather than learning

how to work smarter; and increasingly intractable problems beyond the reach of any individual or organization. If you are … someone at any level concerned deeply about these challenges, then you face a daunting task. In effect, you are engaged in a great venture of exploration, risk, discovery and change, without any comprehensive maps for guidance. Actually, for most of human history, intrepid explorers have set out on their journeys of discovery without comprehensive maps. … No one

expected them to provide more than rough guidance. Yet, however imperfect, maps and guides have been among humankind’s most treasured artifacts. … Not surprisingly, the first atlas makers, who gathered and collected those charts and notes into books and portfolios, changed history. … Without better maps, it is extremely unlikely that organizational change efforts will ever sustain themselves. Each new adventure will be the first. (pages 3-5)

We have failed if we have not provided a potential staff member or student with enough information about our school that they can make a decision about becoming a part of our learning community.

Orientation During Staff and Student Enrollment

by Michael Wridt

The foundational premise of

choice and voice about their learning is

activities over several contact days. We

constructivism is that learners actively

during the enrollment process. Inland

believe this to be time well spent.

construct their own knowledge by

Seas’ staff and student enrollment

anchoring new information to preexisting

process provides as much information

knowledge. Staff and students have the

as possible through a collaborative

opportunity to exercise initiative, take

process, so that potential staff and

personal responsibility, and be in control

students can make an educated choice

of their learning. Inevitably, this comes

about joining our learning community.

down to choice and voice.

This process is designed to allow

Between a stimulus and a response humans have the freedom to choose based on their self-awareness, imagination, conscience and independent will. Additionally, new

potential enrollees the opportunity to understand our vision and mission and how we manifest these on a day-today basis. The time spent on this is extensive.

information provided prior to the

Our hiring process is conducted

response will aid in the choice on how to

collaboratively with all potential staff

voice the response.

over a 2 day period for a total of 6 to 8

The first opportunity we have as a school to provide both staff and students a

We have failed if we have not provided a potential staff member or student with enough information to make the conscious choice. As Henry David Thoreau said “I know of no more encouraging fact than the unquestionable ability of man to elevate his life by conscious endeavor.” Inland Seas believes that the staff and student enrollment process can help individuals make a decision about becoming a part of our learning community. Michael Wridt is Vice-Prinicpal and Lead Teacher at Inland Seas High School.

hours. Our student enrollment process is also conducted collaboratively with a combination of group and individual


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Issue #3 • Spring 2009

by Susan Ball je

Orienteering in Schools


any years ago, Grand Avenue Middle School was growing into a high school program within MPS. Since most students came out of the middle school and returned to the same building with many of the same friends, the challenge became: What’s different about high school? and What changes from 8th to 9th grade? While there was an 8th grade graduation and summer vacation, as well as strong warnings from sincere 8th grade teachers and families … it became clear that something must be in place to announce, “You are here, now!” Several orientation sessions, called “Welcome to High School!”, were offered in the fall to take students into this new place. The intention was for 9th graders to become more responsible, older and wiser, accepting of bigger challenges, and better prepared for their future. But without a comprehensive re-orientation throughout the year students frequently spoke of high school as just like middle school. They joked and played with all the vigor of those early years! When students visited their former middle school “families”, they became aware that while middle school kids were younger, many of their “high school” friends still acted the same way. Adults soon realized that students needed orientation about what was different about the current context, and what did their future hold for them? In addition, staff needed to be very intentional about designing relevant experiences to get them

initial college tour, there was an apparent awakening. “OMG, I am not ready for college!” one shrieked. And the excitement began! In collaboration with MU admissions, orientation into Grand Ave High School was changed to experiences which included: »  You are here! »  Where do I go for help? »  How do I read a map?


A race across unfamiliar territory using maps and compass. there. Expectations for change need to be included in orientation activities along with clarity in the mind’s of the adults. Planning for further down the road, Grand Ave High School staff began creating 11th & 12th grade courses that were offered on Marquette University campus. When staff walked students through the grounds for an

Walking through the Marquette University campus for a tour, a student from Grand Avenue High School shrieked, “OMG, I am not ready for college!”

Through the Grand Avenue Institute class taught by Karen Green, each student participated in a campus treasure hunt exploring areas that would be important to them throughout their high school experience. Orienteering had really begun! Many got lost and found new friends, the girls adjusted their clothes to look older, the boys settled down to blend in, and the staff worked really hard to make the “Welcome to High School” an adventure where teens would know life is different. Our challenge and discovery as we think about the purpose of orientation in schools is to realize there needs to be a sense of place (not just a building) where each of us belongs, knowledge about what is expected, an advocate to sort the new experiences, including loss and changes in relationships, and a sense of curiosity while feeling safe enough to take risks. IF we are constructivist, orienteering students continues throughout their high school years because there is always unfamiliar territory that will need a map and a compass, while they learn to be their own guide.


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Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium News

b y S u e Mc K e n z i e

What Students Have to Say


he following is a brief summary of ideas that teens and young adults shared with InHealth WI through a process of filmed interviews and from the five years of experience working with teachers throughout the country. Many high school students suffer from mental health challenges. We need to learn how to support them. A Beliefs Check-Up » The teens and young adults interviewed spoke with unanimity when they said, “Believe our pain is real.” Students look for teachers who understand that if given the power and choice, no child or teen would choose to live their school years in suspension rooms, anxious silence, or on the sidelines of learning. This simply means that we need to find a way to say, “I acknowledge your pain.” » Acknowledging does not mean understanding. In fact, adults must understand that we “fly blind” in many situations of troubled children and teens. Spending our limited energy trying to discover the “whys” of a student’s behavior, while helpful if it shines light on strategies for the classroom, often becomes a dead-end full of the barriers of confidentiality, denial, and dysfunctional educational, medical or family systems. » Confronting student emotional pain is not easy. As the grown-ups in the room, we need to remember, “It is not about me.” Keeping our focus on the students’ experience, allows us to make decisions regarding strategies to assess, forge positive connections, and provide learning opportunities that offer possibilities for incremental successes. » One problematic belief is that we

don’t always know if our efforts are having a positive effect. Healing from depression related illnesses takes time. For some it can be a three year path out of the darkness and for many it is a lifetime of managing a chronic illness with all its ups and downs. We must rely on the knowledge that our efforts are part of a bigger scheme. Some teachers might say, “I tried that and it never made a difference.” Yet, the teens who told their stories so others might learn, pointed to the central role that teachers played in their healing. Strategies For Engaging Students During Tough Times » Employ consistent welcoming practices. People struggling with depression related illnesses have many negative thoughts bathing their psyche. » Create regular and consistent time for addressing conflicts. The learning process can get side tracked by arguments between student and teacher.

ing small we can determine what a student is capable of accomplishing. » Maintain realistic expectations regardless of a “super-star” moment. Building a sense of personal competence is a succession of incremental positives that when strung together can outweigh consistent internal depressive messages of being “less than.” » Try your three - five best teaching practices in any given situation and use professional collaboration time to discuss how they are/are not working. Following is a list of effective practices with which to experiment. 1. Watch the tone of voice — this can be a trigger. 2. Engage the senses to bring a student back from darkness. 3. Use (appropriate) humor. 4. After providing a moment of comfort, offer a diversion, engage student in a choice.

» Create a place in the classroom for re-grouping to teach proactive self monitoring and control.

5. Provide compliments from student perspective — be very careful with random empty compliments.

» Communicate with students in writing. The teens interviewed talked about the anxiety of conversations with teachers when they were feeling sad, angry, frustrated, etc. They remembered just trying to look like they were OK rather than taking in what was being said.

6. Model stress and anger management.

» Create opportunities for small successes each day. » Ask students about their learning environment needs early in the school year or semester. » Assess success expectations by giving small assignments. By start-

7. Refer to and connect to the adults in child’s life. Discover which adult, in and outside of the school, the student would turn to if in need. The teens who were interviewed made it clear that what they want are teachers who believe their pain is real and then offer a safe classroom where success is possible in small increments that add up to power over their illness. Sue McKenzie is the Program Director for InHealth Wisconsin. http://inhealthwi. org/


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Issue #3 • Spring 2009

SUPAR Students Work with Sixteenth Street Community Health Center to Grow Food


By Nancy Frank

tudents at the School for Urban Planning and Architecture have partnered with Sixteenth

Street Community Health Center, with assistance from Growing Power, the UWM WATER Institute, and Sweet Water Farm, to build an aquaponic food growing system in the school. Aquaponics is an approach to growing food sustainably in urban areas. Fish and plants are raised together in a closed loop system where fish wastes are naturally converted by bacteria to provide a form of nitrogen fertilizer for plants which simultaneously purify the water for the fish, providing healthy greens and fish for people to eat. Locally grown food has a smaller environmental impact than foods transported many miles. Because of

Sixteenth Street Community Health Center Americorps volunteer, Celeste Verhelst, works with SUPAR students to build a small aquaponic system in SUPAR’s science room. Students are learning about construction, biology, chemistry, and energy by growing their own food.

SUPAR’s emphasis on sustainable

in trying to create a small aquaponic

leader in getting their students involved.

urban planning, we were eager to have

system at school.

SUPAR is proud to be part of this grow-

our students introduced to this option. Along the way, students are learning about biochemistry, carpentry, and energy consumption.

This year, with the critical assistance of Celeste Verhelst, an Americorps volunteer working with Sixteenth Street, that dream has become a reality. Celeste

ing trend, offering our students the opportunity to work on something that is truly experimental. Everyone in this field continues to learn new ways of cutting energy costs and improving the

Planning for this effort began a year

and SUPAR students, along with other

ago, when fifteen SUPAR students

volunteers that Celeste has attracted to

toured the Growing Power facility at

the work, have built the system, planted

55th and Silver Spring. Growing Power

seeds, and transplanted watercress pur-

was founded by Will Allen, a former

chased from Growing Power. The UWM

professional basketball player and a

WATER Institute has donated lake perch

SUPAR is eager to show off our work

recent MacArthur Fellowship recipi-

fingerlings. Over the coming months,

to students at other schools and to

ent. After touring the Growing Power

those fingerlings will grow. We can’t be

community groups. Once we prove our

facility, SUPAR students started their

sure that they will reach “fish fry size” by

green thumbs and earn our fins, we

own vermiculture (worm composting)

the middle of June, but we are eager to

hope to be a resource to community


see how much they grow and how much

groups that want to provide high quality

lettuce, spinach, basil, and other greens

food, locally grown.

While working with Sixteenth Street Community Health Center on “testing

we can harvest from the growing trays.

health and productivity of the plants and animals in the system. SUPAR is so grateful to its community partners for helping make this a reality.

Nancy Frank is AICP, Chair Department

the waters” of the Kinnickinnic River a

We know that SUPAR is not the only

of Urban Planning School of Architecture

few weeks later, SUPAR and Sixteenth

school to have worked on aquapon-

and Urban Planning University of

Street discovered their shared interest

ics. Fernwood Montesorri has been a



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Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium News


of the Many Faces

Hello, GLCC!

My name is Sean Michael Dargan, and

The chance to work professionally with

I am currently helping GLCC plan and

a group that shares so much of my core

produce the upcoming “The Many Faces

values is genuine treat. I look forward to

of Constructivism” event on May 21st

helping make “The Many Faces of Con-

2009 at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

structivism” a fun, informative, safe and

Some of you may have met me last

successful event next month. Although

November at the Wisconsin Charter

this is technically the second year for the

Schools Association Awards Gala at

event, it is the first year that the entire

Turner Hall; I produced that event,

GLCC will gather together as one large,

and had a terrific time doing so! I also

unified group (rather than separate,

produce the Games+Learning+Society

mini-events). The good work of GLCC

Conference each summer for the UW-

schools and GLCC partners certainly

Madison School of Education.

speaks for itself, but the combined syn-

As the new father of a seven-monthold daughter, I am only now beginning to scratch the surface of Wisconsin’s primary education system, and what it might mean for my family. I am thrilled to live in a state with such excellent public schools, and the closer I look, the more

ergy of everyone being together in one space will be truly powerful … and what better place for such a grand event than the very fun, very interactive, very constructivist Milwaukee Public Museum! I look forward to seeing all of you on Thursday, May 21st, 2009!

I am impressed with Wisconsin’s charter

(Incidentally, my picture might seem odd

schools. Furthermore, the constructivist

for an event producer, but in my “real

model — though unknown to me as an

job” I am actually a nationally-touring,

educational movement until last year —

independent musician, songwriter and

resonates deeply, and reminds me most

band-leader who just happens to live in

of how I was taught, both by my parents


and my teachers, all the way up through

the combined synergy of everyone together in one space will be truly powerful … and what better place for such a grand event than the very fun, very interactive, very constructivist Milwaukee Public Museum!

The Many Faces of Constructivism Conference

Thursday, May 21st 2–7 pm Milwaukee Public Museum 800 W. Wells Street Milwaukee, WI 53233

college and beyond.


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Issue #3 • Spring 2009

Congratulations to Audubon Technology and Communication Center High School! “Going In Circles” was featured in the Journal Sentinel article on March 16th by By Alan J. Borsuk.

across MPS this “There is a big push spensions. A nayear to reduce su am came in last tional consulting te had one of the year and said MPS rates — maybe highest suspension the country and the highest — in ctive and less sethat more constru ps were not being vere disciplinar y ste ey should be. used as often as th , the number of Across the system more than 20%, suspensions is down rough last week. according to data th schools have Teachers at some not much more said that means o were suspended than that kids wh nt to the office in when they were se ing sent back to the past are now be class.

re New approaches,


ols, new apBut at some scho tried, and MPS proaches are being aged that they ’re officia ls are encour getting results. S. 9th St., is Audubon, at 3300 taking part in a one of 16 schools ciples of what is program using prin justice. The goal ca lled restorative punish as to get is not so much to to make better students on paths and the impact choices, to underst deal w ith people of what they do, to r words, to learn better — in othe ange their ways something, to ch out classes for and not to just sit three days.”


Calen d of e v e a r nts

• F i r s t T h u r s day E v e n t s •

Reservations are required for First Thursday events and can be made by contacting [email protected] T h u r s day, A p r i l 2 n d

Systems Thinking: What Lies Beneath (and Above!) 5–7:30 pm at BASTANTE 2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 T h u r s day, M ay 7 t h

Restorative Justice and the Classroom 5–7:30 pm at BASTANTE 2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 • Other Events • April 20 –21

Wisconsin Charter Schools Conference Country Springs Hotel Waukesha, WI

By Sara Gehl

GLCC Conference Orientation via Social Media


preenkler, LLC is a creative ser-

increase awareness, build a GLCC on-

vices agency that recruits bright,

line community and inspire people about

S at u r day, M ay 2 n d

Igniting PBL in your Environment! 8:30–12 noon at BASTANTE 2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53207 T h u r s day, M ay 2 1 s t

creative and tech-savvy local college

why they should attend the Many Faces

The Many Faces of

students, cross-trains them in a variety

of Constructivism, May 21st event com-

Constructivism Conference

of fields — from social media strategies

ing up at the Milwaukee Public Museum.

2–7 pm

to web-design and utilizes their talents,

The campaign also integrates grassroots

Milwaukee Public Museum

by working on projects with companies

marketing tactics, which involve sneak

800 W. Wells Street

from around the Milwaukee region,

preview events leading up to the main

Milwaukee, WI 53233

allowing them to gain real world experi-

event. The mini-events will be held

(See for more

ence. In turn, companies get fresh, vital

throughout the Milwaukee area over


and focused innovation.

the next 10 weeks. During the sneak

Specifically, for the Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium, Spreenkler is heading up a social media campaign that uses tools such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter and Flickr to

previews, social media tools will be used to post photos, stream the events live and give the on-line community a taste of what is to come, all the while building

in the campaign to give them hands on experience using the latest tools in the areas of social media technologies.

suspense and anticipation. Local GLCC

Sara Gehl is Director of Marketing &

high school students will be involved

Client Services for Spreenkler, LLC.


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Issue #3 • Spring 2009

Member/Sponsor Form

Ye s !

B e n ef i t s of M embe r s h i p

I’d like to join the Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium.

» »

GLCC Newsletter First Thursdays: A forum provided by the Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium where colleagues and allies talk and strategize about issues that

Name (please print)

charter schools are confronting. (See Calendar of Events.) First Thursday


events are reserved for GLCC mem-




bers. Guests of members are limited



to one event annually. After one free




Please indicate your GLCC

Mail this form, along with a check to

membership level:

Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium


event, membership fees will apply. Eligibility for GLCC Internship program for students Constructivist Leadership Training Program (Co-Directors) Networking/partnerships with like-

Individual Membership — $25

c/o Bastante

minded educators across the Great

School/Organization Membership — $100

2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave.

Lakes region.

District Membership — $500

Milwaukee, WI 53207

GLCC Sponsor $

Sponsors Sponsors will be noted in future newsletters and in the program for the May 2009

Checks are made payable to the Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium, a not-for profit organization.

Many Faces of Constructivism Conference.


Milwaukee, WI 53207 2217 S. Kinnickinnic Ave. c/o Bastante Great Lakes Constructivist Consortium glcc_newsletter_3_final.indd 8

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