Gospel Of John Bible Study- Week 8

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  • Words: 1,867
  • Pages: 5
Youth Devotional

©Tad Wychopen 2009 Week 8, Day 1 Daily Reading: John 15:1-11; Psalm 24 The verses in John 15:1-11 clearly show the relationship between those that believe and Jesus Christ. From chapter 1-14, John has been talking about believing; now, those that believe in Jesus Christ are shown how to live and how to serve. Jesus Christ, the True Vine, wants to have a wonderful relationship with every believer. 1.) What is the final “I AM” statement declared by Christ? (John 15:1) 2.) Who is the Vinedresser or caretaker? 3.) Who are the branches? (15:5) Explanation: In this metaphor, we have four characters. 1) Jesus Christ- the true vine. 2) God the Father- the Vinedresser. 3) Believers- branches that abide in Christ. 4) Unbelievers- they are the branch that does NOT bear fruit and is cast out. 4.) What does God do with those that bear fruit? 5.) Explain the only way that a branch can bear fruit. (15:5) 6.) What can a person do without Christ? 7.) What happens to the branch that does not bear fruit? 8.) The word “abide” means to remain or to stay around. How many times is that word used in verses 4-10? 9.) Is that an important word in this passage? 10.)What will you have if you do these things? Explanation: This passage is SO important for believers. We can see that God loves us and will “prune” us so that we are better servants. A person that is a true Christian will abide in Christ. The person that does not trust Christ cannot go to heaven, and they are cast into hell. Do you believe? Application: Have you been obeying the Word of God? Examine your life: have you been obeying your parents? Have you been honoring and respecting them? If not, then don’t say that you have been obeying the Word of God. A true believer will continually and habitually obey and abide in Christ! Day 2 Daily Reading: John 15:12-17; Galatians 5:22-23; Colossians 3:12-17; Proverbs 24 These verses help Christians see the proper relationship they should have with Jesus Christ and with other Christians. 1.) What is the commandment that God gives in John 15:12? 2.) Name some ways that Jesus Christ showed love to His disciples. 3.) What is the greatest display of love? (15:13) 4.) Read 1 John 3:16. What kind of love should we be willing to have towards others?

Explanation: At this point, the disciples did not know that Christ would die on the cross for them. They were His friends and they loved Christ a lot, but they were not ready to have this type of love. Christ already loved them more than they ever could love Him. They would see that love displayed in the death at the cross. 5.) According to John 15:14, who are the friends of Jesus? 6.) Who chose whom according to John 15:16? 7.) What does God want His chosen ones to do? 8.) What fruit can you bear? (Consider these passages: Galatians 5:22-23; Colossians 3:12-17) Explanation: God himself chooses people for His glory and service. We glorify God for His love for us! We are responsible to accept God’s good gift of salvation. Therefore, we should love Him and others. Application: Do you love others as Christ has commanded you? On a scale of 1-10 wit 10 being the highestWhat would you say is your level of commitment to Christ? What about your love for other people? List 2-3 that you can do to start bearing more fruit for Jesus Christ. Day 3 Scripture Reading: John 15:18-27; Psalm 25 As you may have noticed already, many people hated Jesus Christ. The Pharisees and other religious rulers were opposed to Jesus! Many hated Him for saying that He was the Messiah, some hated Him for not doing enough signs, and some hated him because they didn’t want to lose their political position. None of these people had a legitimate reason to hate Jesus, but they still hated Him anyways. 1.) Remember, Jesus is talking to His disciples in this chapter. Who did the world hate first, Christ or His disciples? (John 15:18) 2.) Why does the world hate followers of Jesus Christ? (15:19) 3.) Should Christians expect persecution? Why? Explanation: Many people may love Jesus; however, people without Christ will hate the true teaching of God’s Word because it convicts them of their sin! People do not naturally desire to love God and keep His commandments. In verse 22, Christ is saying that since He came to the earth, people commit the greatest, most terrible sin possible: rejecting Jesus Christ! Unbelief is rejection of Jesus Christ. 4.) If someone hates Jesus, then whom do they also hate? 5.) Christ came to do good to people, but people still hated Him! Did people actually have a reason to hate Christ? (15:25) 6.) Whom does Jesus send to help believers? (15:26) 7.) What does Jesus Christ say true believers will do? (15:27) Application: Have you ever been made fun of or hated because you believe in Jesus Christ? If not, why do you think people have not hated you as Jesus said they would? Often, Christians do not bear witness of Jesus (tell people about their sin and need for Jesus to save them). People are too afraid of being hated, so they don’t do anything to witness for Jesus Christ. ~ Ask God to help you tell others about Jesus Christ no matter what happens to you! Day 4 Daily Reading: John16:1-16; Proverbs 25

Christ was about to leave His disciples. They would be left without their leader! Christ did not want them to be left alone and helpless, so He encouraged them by saying that the Helper (the Holy Spirit) would come! 1.) What was the reason that Jesus was speaking to His disciples? (16:1) 2.) Why would people kill and hate the disciples? (16:3) Explanation: Christ would soon be crucified, buried, raise from the dead, and then ascend into heaven. This departure would be very hard for the disciples so Christ gave them a warning about what would soon happen to them. 3.) Why was it for the disciples advantage that Christ leave them? 4.) The Helper convicts the world of three things: what are they? 5.) Why do you think the sin of unbelief is mentioned in verse 9? 6.) Can a person have eternal life if they do not believe in Jesus Christ as their savior from sin? (read John 8:24) 7.) What will the Spirit of Truth (the Holy Spirit) declare to believers? (16:13-15) Application: The names used for the Holy Spirit in this chapter are very important: Helper and Spirit of Truth. The Holy Spirit is the greatest help to a believer living in a world that hates the truth of Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit is a gift of tremendous value! ~If you are a Christian, then you have the Holy Spirit residing in you. -Praise the Lord right now for sending the Holy Spirit to you. ~Ask the Holy Spirit to help you live for the truth, to convict you of sin, and to give you strength to live for Jesus Christ. Day 5 Daily Reading: John 16:17-33; Psalm 26 Have you ever had something very important taken from you? It is difficult to have something taken from you and still have joy and happiness. The disciples were about to witness the death of Jesus Christ on the cross. They would be temped to lose joy and confidence in their Savior. The disciples would have a tremendous loss, so Jesus wanted to help them. 1.) What were the disciples confused about in John 16:17-18? 2.) What would the disciple’s response be to not seeing Jesus Christ? (16:20) 3.) What about the world’s reaction? 4.) What would the disciples “sorrow and weeping” be turned into? 5.) What illustration does Jesus use to describe this “sorrow turned into joy” situation? 6.) Will anyone be able to take the joy from believers? (16:22) Explanation: Jesus would soon be crucified and the disciples would be devastated! However, after Jesus’ resurrection, they would be rejoicing! In addition, Jesus would give them the Holy Spirit, so they would NEVER be able to lose their joy! 7.) In whose name should we ask things from God the Father? (16:23-24) 8.) Did the disciples believe Jesus’ words? (16:30)

9.) Why does Jesus say that He spoke all these things to the disciples? (16:33) Application: Christ has given us everything we need to believe in Him and then our lives for Him. Christ did not leave His disciples or believers hopeless! There will be trials and tribulations (verse 33); however, a person that trusts in Christ is full of hope. ~Are you a Christian? ~If so, then what is your outlook on life: are you full of joy with peace in your soul? or Are you bitter, tense, angry and nervous? Christ wants to give you peace and Joy! Day 6 Daily Reading: John 17:1-26; Proverbs 26 Jesus Christ was not thinking about himself and what would happen to at the cross; He also thought about his disciples and all the people that would believe in Him for eternal life. Christ wanted Christians to be glorifying the Father and to remain united through Him. In this passage, Jesus Christ prays to God the Father for His disciples and all believers. 1.) Whom did Christ want to glorify? (17:1) 2.) What is eternal life according to verse 3? 3.) What three things did the disciples do with the words that God had given Christ? (17:8) 4.) Concerning unity, what did Jesus want for the disciples? (17:11) 5.) What did Jesus Christ want for the disciples according to verses 15-19? Explanation: The idea of being sanctified or holy means that a person is set apart from something. Jesus wants believers to be sanctified by His Word and set apart from the sin of the world. Our responsibility is to learn the Word of God so that we can be sanctified. 6.) In this passage, who was Jesus praying for? (17:9 & 20) 7.) In verses 21-23, does Christ pray for unity between Christians? Do you think unity is very important? 8.) According to verse 26, what will be in all believers? Explanation: Christ’s desire for believers is that they love each other in unity. We must realize that love is NOT blind, but guided by the truth of God’s Word. Christ loved us so much that He asks His Father for us to be with Him in heaven. It is awesome to know that our God and Savior Jesus Christ loves us so much! Application: Memorize John 17:17. ~How can you love others more? ~What areas in your life are preventing you from loving God with all your heart? Thank Jesus Christ for His concern and love for you! Day 7 Daily Reading: Proverbs 27; Psalm 27 Write down one thing that you learned about friendship from Proverbs 27. Write out your favorite verse from Proverbs 27.

Write down two things you learned about the Lord from Psalm 27. Write out the meaning of Psalm 27:14 in your words.

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