Gospel Of John Bible Study- Week 3

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  • Words: 1,178
  • Pages: 4
Youth Devotional

©Tad Wychopen 2009 Week 3, Day 1 Daily Reading: John 5:1-16; Psalm 6 1.) How long had the diseased man been lying next to the pool? 2.) How did Jesus heal this man? 3.) What does this miracle show you about the power of Christ? 4.) In verse 10, why were the Jews upset? 5.) In verse 14, what does Jesus tell the man that was healed? 6.) Why did the Jews want to persecute Jesus Christ? Explanation: The Old Testament Law forbid doing work on the Sabbath. (Read Exodus 20:8-11) However, the Jews had developed an “Oral Tradition Law” which made up more laws than the Old Testament Law actual had. In fact, they had made 39 forbidden activities for the Sabbath day. Jesus did not break the OT law, for there was nothing forbidding someone from doing something good. However, Jesus broke the Oral Law of the Jews. That is why the Jews were upset! Application: Jesus is God and He has set certain standards for Christians to live by. We must be concerned with obeying God’s commands! ~Write down 2 or 3 commands that you know God has given. Explain how you will obey those commands today. Day 2 Daily Reading: John 5:17-30; Proverbs 6 Has anyone ever asked you how you know that Jesus Christ is God? Many people try to say that Jesus is not God; but in this passage, there is proof that Jesus Christ is truly God! 1.) The Jews were upset with Jesus for working on the Sabbath; however, what was it that made them even more upset? (verse 17-18) 2.) Since Jesus is God, does he need a day of rest? (Look up Isaiah 40:28 and Matthew 12:8) 3.) According to verse 21, what is the Son able to do? 4.) According to verse 24, how does a person have everlasting life? 5.) According to verse 22 and 30, who has the power to judge all things? Explanation: Jesus Christ has power over the Sabbath, He has power over life, and He has the power to judge all things. No other person or supposed “god” has that kind of power! These three things prove that Jesus Christ is God! Application: Have you believed in Jesus Christ, the true and living God, for eternal life? ~Do you know anyone that does not believe or know that Jesus is God? ~What would you tell them to help them believe that Jesus Christ is God?

Day 3 Scripture Reading: John 5:31-47; Psalm 7 1.) According to verses 31-36, who is greater- Jesus Christ or John the Baptist? 2.) In verse 36, Jesus said that he had a greater witness than John the Baptist. What was the greater witness that Christ had? 3.) According to verse 39, do the Old Testament Scriptures testify of Christ? Explanation to verse 41: If Jesus agreed to be the kind of political leader that many Jews wanted (for example: providing food, military power, and miracles) he would receive honor from them. Jesus chose to honor God instead of man, and by doing that, He received the honor of his Father. 4.) Who was the person that all the Jews trusted? (verse 45) 5.) Did he write about Christ? (Look up: Deuteronomy 18:15,18) 6.) From verses 31-37, four things testify or give proof to Jesus Christ. Please write those four things. Application: When was the last time that you testified about Christ to another person? We need to be witnesses of Christ and His power to give eternal life! Day 4 Daily Reading: John 6:1-15; Proverbs 7 Have you ever been to a large feast? How many people were at that large feast? It is usually expensive to feed thousands of people at one time, but Jesus Christ was able to feed a huge crowd of people without any expense! 1.) According to verse 2, why did the people follow Jesus? 2.) Did Jesus know how they would feed the huge crowd of people? 3.) How much money did they have? Explanation: The wage for one days work would be about one denarii. The amount of money that the disciples had would not be enough to feed a crowd of so many people! 4.) Who had the two fish and five barley loaves? 5.) What did Jesus do before he distributed the bread? 6.) Did Jesus provide enough food for everyone? 7.) What did the people say about Jesus Christ after the miracle of feeding the 5000? (Look up Deut. 18:18) 8.) According to verse 15, what did Jesus know the people wanted to do to him? Explanation/Application: Jesus would have been a wonderful king on earth, but He did not come to be an earthly, physical king. He came to do His Fathers will. He came to be the spiritual king of many people! Have you asked Jesus Christ to be the King in your own life? Who is the ruler over your life?

Day 5 Daily Reading: John 6:16-21; Matthew 14:22-33; Mark 6:45-54; Psalm 8 Have you ever ridden on a boat? Of course, you have ridden on a little boat in a pond, but have you ridden on a boat in the ocean or a large lake? Have you ridden on a boat during very terrible weather? If you have ridden a boat in stormy weather, you were probably very scared! I know I would be. 1.) What was the weather and sea like? 2.) According to Matthew 14:26, what did the disciples think they saw? 3.) Who wanted to walk out on the water with Jesus Christ? 4.) Did Peter walk on the water? 5.) Why did Peter start to fall? 6.) After Jesus came into the boat, how long did it take to them to get to shore? 7.) After Jesus Christ came into the boat, what happened to the wind?  Application: What do you think this proves that Jesus has power over? He has power over time, distance, weather, the seas, the world, and over men’s lives. The weather, time, and all things are in the power of Christ, yet many people are not willing to let Christ control them. Are you willing to let Christ control your life? What part of your life do you hold back from Christ? Day 6 Daily Reading: John 6:35; Various passages in John ; Proverbs 8 In the book of John, the phrase “I Am” is mentioned 23 times. Several times, Jesus Christ joins the “I Am” statement with another metaphor that expresses his relationship with the world. Today, look of those seven phrases and write them down in the space provided. John 6:35, 41, 48, 51 John 8:12 John 10:7, 9 John 10:11, 14 John 11:25 John 14:6 John 15:1, 5 Day 7 Daily Reading: Psalm 9 Today’s reading is just from Psalm 9. Read Psalm 9 one time. Once you have finished, write down five reasons why David, the author of this Psalm, praised and thanked God.

Now, write down five different reasons why you can praise and thank God.

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