Gospel Of John Bible Study- Week 5

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  • Words: 1,978
  • Pages: 5
Youth Devotional

©Tad Wychopen 2009 Week 5, Day 1 Daily Reading: John 7:32-52; Psalm 13 1.) Where did Jesus say he would go? (verse 33) 2.) Did the Jews know what Jesus was talking about or were they confused? Explanation: Many people were confused about the words of Jesus Christ. They were not sure how to respond to him and his teachings. In this passage, we can see many mixed reactions to the teachings of Christ. Some responded in confusion, others in acceptance, but many responded in hatred and denial. 3.) What happens to those that believe in Jesus Christ? (Verse 38-39) 4.) In verses 40-44, what was the question they had about Jesus Christ? 5.) Read verses 32, then 44 and 45. What were the officers supposed to do to Christ? 6.) Why didn’t they arrest him? (verse 45-46) 7.) In what chapter was Nicodemus previously mentioned? Do you remember the conversation that Jesus and Nicodemus had? 8.) Did the other Pharisees accept Jesus? (Verse52) Why or why not? Explanation: They Pharisees said that no prophet ever came from Galilee. Sadly, the Pharisees did not even check to see where Christ was born. Their lack of research and study of Christ’s background shows their complete ignorance and disbelief. Many people in the world deny Christ and reject his teaching without truly researching and studying about Christ. Don’t be like the Pharisees and deny Christ because you don’t understand him! Learn about Christ. Study hard to know Jesus. Jesus Christ came to save you and he wants you to know him well! Day 2 Daily Reading: John 8:1-12; Romans 6:1-14; Proverbs 13 At this point in John’s Gospel, it is clear that the Jewish religious leaders did not like Jesus Christ. He was a challenge to their religious and political authority. Throughout the rest of this book, you will see a growing hostility towards Jesus Christ. The result of the hatred towards Jesus is the crucifixion. Unfortunately, often when people do not understand or agree with something, they do not seek to learn the truth. They blindly follow their own opinions. You must learn to study and understand the truth that is found in God’s Word. 1.) What was Jesus doing in the temple when the scribes and Pharisees came to him? 2.) How did the Law of Moses say to punish adultery? (Read Leviticus 20:10; Deut. 22:22) 3.) Do you think Jesus Christ knew what the Law said about adultery? 4.) What person did Jesus tell to start the stoning process? (Deut. 13:9; 17:7) 5.) What sin did Jesus expose in the life of those around him?

Explanation: The Pharisees and scribes were testing Jesus Christ. They were trying to put Christ in a bind. If Jesus rejected the Law of Moses, His credibility would be gone. If he held to the Law, His reputation for compassion and forgiveness might have been questioned. However, Jesus responded very carefully by exposing the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and scribes. They were guilty of sin and were convicted in their conscience. 6.) What did all the people do after they were convicted? 7.) Did Jesus forgive the woman? 8.) What was Jesus’ stern command in verse 11? Explanation: Read Romans 6:1-14. Jesus was saying to the woman go and leave your life of sin. He was giving a stern command to turn her life from wicked adultery to righteousness. Often, people think that it is ok to sin since Jesus is a forgiving God. However, you should have seen in Romans 6 that living in sin after salvation is wrong. Pray and ask the Lord to search your heart for sin and wickedness. Ask the Lord to convict you. Pray for change and start to memorize verse that will help you live holy for Jesus Christ. Day 3 Scripture Reading: John 8:12-30; Psalm 14 God is a loving, kind, and forgiving God. God is also a just, righteous, and holy God. God’s holiness demands that there be a sacrifice for sin. God is willing to forgive all men. However, there is one sin that God is not willing to forgive- unbelief. If a person does not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior from sin, then they are going to die in their sins. 1.) According to verse 12, what will people that follow Jesus not do? 2.) In what ways do you think that is Jesus Christ the light of the world? 3.) What problem did the Pharisees have with Jesus? 4.) Who did Jesus say was his witness? 5.) Did the Jews understand what Jesus was talking about? 6.) In verse 21, what three things did Jesus say would happen? 7.) Where was Jesus talking about going? 8.) According to verse 24, what happens if you do not believe in Jesus Christ? Application: The application of this passage is very serious. You MUST believe in Jesus Christ as your savior from sin, death, and hell. God is loving and forgiving, but unless you believe in Jesus, you must bear the punishment of sin. If you do not believe, then you have NO hope of eternal life; that means an eternity in hell. Unfortunately, some people think they have time to decide, they think that this is not important, or they simply ignore the truth. No matter why someone does not believe in Jesus, every unbeliever will die in their sins and go to hell forever. Please examine your own life. Have you believed in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior from sin? Day 4 Daily Reading: John 8:25-36; Proverbs 14

In John 8:25, the Jews ask a very sad question. They say to Jesus, “Who are you?” Christ had told them who He was many times. The Jews were simply rejecting the truth- the truth that Jesus is the Son of God and He is the Messiah. 1.) Where did Christ get His messages and his authority? 2.) How often did Jesus do things that pleased His Father? 3.) According to Jesus’ words in verse 31, What proves that a person is a disciple if Jesus? Explanation: A disciple is a learner. It is a person that learns and applies the teachings of someone or something. A disciple is a faithful follower that trusts and obeys. That is what Jesus wants from your life; He wants you to be a disciple that will learn from Him and obey Him. 4.) What will set a person free? 5.) From what will the truth set a person free? 6.) Did the Jews understand the freedom that Jesus was talking about? (verse 33) Application: A disciple is one that learns the truth from Christ and then applies it to their life. That person will not be a slave to sin. People have problems following Jesus because they don’t apply the truth of the Bible to their life. They remain in bondage to sin when they could really be set free. Do you want to be set free from the bondage and slavery of sin? Do you want to get rid of the terrible burden of guilt because of your disobedience and sin? If so, then you need to learn and obey the truth that God teaches in His word. How are you going to apply the truth of Jesus to your life today? Read Romans 8:1-2 and learn of the freedom in Christ Jesus. Day 5 Daily Reading: John 8:37-47; Galatians 3:1-9 Psalm 15 There is a great contrast between God and Satan. In every way, they are different. The most obvious difference is the view of sin. God absolutely hates sin. God is holy and cannot tolerate sin in his presence; and in fact, God must punish all sin with His righteous wrath. Satan does not hate sin. Satan is the great deceiver, he is a liar, and he is the reason for sin. Satan will be punished by God’s wrath. Whose side are you on- God’s or Satan’s? 1.) The Jewish people are descendants of what person? 2.) If the Jews were acting as the spiritual children of Abraham, what would they do? (verse 39) Explanation: The Jews wanted to say that they did good just like Abraham; however, Jesus told them that they were not “spiritually” the sons of Abraham. If they were truly trusting God like Abraham, they would have accepted Jesus Christ, however they rejected Him because they were following the lies of their fatherSatan. 3.) Read Galatians 3:1-9. Why was Abraham counted righteous? 4.) What did Jesus say the Jews would do if God were their Father? 5.) Who did Jesus say was the father of his audience? (John 8:44) 6.) What is the difference between a child of God and a child of the devil?

Application: Are you a child of God? Have you heard the words of Jesus Christ and trusted Him? Read 1 John 3:4-12. A person that is of God does not practice sin but practices righteousness. Who is controlling your life? Think about your life- would you say that it is characterized by practicing righteousness or practicing sin? Be honest. Is there any desire to obey God? If you don’t want to practice righteousness, then you need turn from your sin and trust in Jesus Christ today! Day 6 Daily Reading: John 8:48-59; Proverbs 15 The Jews had just attacked the character and life of Jesus Christ, but they could find NO fault. The Jews had a problem: they could not find any sin in the life of the man they were accusing. Jesus was really the truth and the Messiah, but they did not accept him. From John 8:48-59, the Jews try to attack the background of Jesus since they could find no fault in His life. Satan’s tactics are evil and deceiving; we must be careful of subtle lies that are told about our Lord Jesus Christ. 1.) What two things did the Jews accuse Jesus of in verse 48? 2.) Whom was Jesus honoring and glorifying? 3.) What happens to the one that keeps the words of Jesus? Explanation: In John chapter 7 and 8, Jesus has been saying to believe in Him for eternal life. He said, that if someone does not believe in Him, then they would die in their sins. Now, Jesus says to keep My word! Jesus is not teaching “salvation by works”; Jesus is telling people to obey the words that he just saidBELIEVE! 4.) Is Jesus greater than all the Jewish prophets? 5.) Did Jesus Christ exist before Abraham? 6.) Read Isaiah 43:10. Do you see similarities in that verse with John 8:58? 7.) Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus? Application: Jesus proclaimed to the Jews that He is God, and that upset the Jews. They did not want to obey the words of Jesus Christ even though they could NOT find any fault in His life. Jesus was completely sinless. His background was clean. Jesus was proving to the Jews that HE is the Messiah. The Jews completely understood the implications of John 8:58. They knew that Jesus was saying, “I am Yahweh God.” The Jews did not want to accept that Jesus was God. Many of them died in their pride and unbelief. What are you going to do about the truths of Jesus Christ? Have you trusted in Jesus Christ for salvation? If so, think about the many people that do not believe that Jesus Christ is God. Consider what you can do to tell others about Jesus Christ. Day 7 Daily Reading: Proverbs 16 Write down three things that you learned about the way a person uses their speech.

Write down the problems with pride that you read about in Proverbs 16.

Write down one characteristic for each of these: a wicked man, a violent man, a wise man, and a righteous man.

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