Gospel Of John Bible Study- Week 1

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John Bible Study ©Tad Wychopen 2009 Day 1 Daily Reading: John 1; Hebrews 1:1-4; Psalms 1 1.) In John 1:1-14, who or what is the “Word” referring to? 2.) How do you know that Jesus Christ is the “Word?”

Explanation: God’s spoken word brought the world into existence. (Genesis 1:3; Psalm 33:6; 107:20) The Apostle John, the author of this book, is using the term “Word” to refer to Jesus Christ. The Jews and Gentiles of John’s day would be very familiar with this term “Word” and its various uses. John makes it clear that Jesus Christ is the Word and that the Word is actually God. 3.) From John 1:1-3, list the facts that you learn about Jesus Christ, the Word.

4.) What is Jesus according to verses 4-5? Explanation: This is the first mention of the words “Light” and “life.” They are mentioned throughout the book of John as a contrast to sin and darkness. Application: ~Do you believe that Jesus Christ is really God? ~If you believe that Jesus Christ is God, how are your actions reflecting what you believe? Day 2 Daily Reading: John 1:6-18; Ephesians 2:1-10; Proverbs 1 1.) Read John 1:6-8, 15. What was John the Baptist’s purpose? 2.) Verses 9-11 are talking about Jesus Christ. Did the world or Jesus Christ’s own people receive him? 3.) If you receive Jesus and believe in Him, then what happens? (verse 12) Explanation: Verse 13: John is makings sure that we know true salvation is not of our doing. It is not because of our own works or goodness; salvation is truly the work of God.

4.) In verses 14, what does John say the Word did? 5.) In verse 15, what do you think John the Baptist means when he says, “He was before me?” 6.) What two things come through Jesus Christ? Explanation: Jesus Christ and God the Father share an intimate, loving connection. Jesus is the one that declares or interprets the Father to men. We can know the truth about God since He declared it to us. Application: ~Have you trusted in Christ as your Savior? ~Why or why not? Day 3 Daily Reading: John 1:19-34; Philippians 2:1-11; Psalms 2 Explanation: This section talks about John the Baptist. He is not the same as the Apostle John that wrote this book. Some people thought that John the Baptist was Jesus Christ or the Messiah. This section of scripture makes it clear that John the Baptist is not Jesus Christ. 1.) According to John 1:23, what was John the Baptist doing? 2.) Who was John the Baptist talking about in verses 26-27? 3.) In verse 27, what does John say that he is unworthy to do? 4.) Why is Jesus Christ called the “Lamb of God?”

5.) According to verse 34, whom did John say he had seen and talked about? 6.) Who is the Son of God? Explanation: From verse 30 and 34, we can see that Jesus Christ was both fully God and fully man. Christ humbled himself to come to earth and die for humanity. This is the greatest act of humility in all of history! Make sure to read Philippians 2:1-11 and notice the humility of Christ! Application: John the Baptist humbly stated that he was not worthy to loose the sandal of Jesus Christ. He knew that before Jesus Christ, he was nothing. ~Have you humbled yourself before Jesus Christ?

~How will you humbly serve Jesus Christ today?

Day 4 Daily Reading: John 1:35-51; Mark 8:34-38; Proverbs 2 Explanation: In this passage, some of John the Baptist’s followers become Christ’s disciples. Christ asks these men to “follow him.” Read Mark 8:34-38 to see what else Christ says about discipleship. Please answer these questions from John 1. 1.) What does “Rabbi” mean? (verse 38)

2.) What does “Messiah” mean? (verse 41) 3.) What did Jesus tell the two disciples to do? (verse 39)

4.) What did Jesus tell Philip to do? (verse 43) 5.) In verse 46, what does it say that Philip told Nathanael to do? Explanation: Nathanael was skeptical about Jesus. Jesus Christ proves to Nathanael that He is God by telling him that He saw him under the fig tree. Christ shows that he has supernatural power. He is all-knowing! Nathanael believed that Jesus is God because of this sign. Application: ~Are you willing to believe in Jesus Christ? ~If so, are you willing to “Follow Christ” just as the disciples followed Christ? We must be completely committed to obeying and following Christ our Lord! Day 5 Daily Reading: John 2:1-11; Psalms 3 1.) In verse 3, did Mary ask Jesus Christ to make more wine?

Explanation: It may seem like Jesus is being rude to his own mother in verse four; however, Christ is simply addressing her as most others in that time would address a woman. (John 19:26) 2.) In verse 4, what did Jesus say had not yet come? Explanation: Jesus is saying that his “hour” has not come. This “hour” is referring to the time of Jesus’ death and resurrection. John 7:30; 8:20; 12:23,27; 13:1; 17:1.

3.) What is the miracle that Jesus Christ does in this passage?

Explanation: This wine was not like the wine that people drink today. The wine would be mixed with water to make it 1/3 to 1/10 as strong as pure wine. The Jews did this to help purify the water. It would have taken a lot of this wine to make someone drunk. Jesus was not making wine for people to get drunk! See what these verses say about wine. Proverbs 20:1; 23:20-21; Ephesians 5:18; 1 Timothy 3:3 4.) From what you read in these verses, what does the Bible say about drunkenness? 5.) What is the best way to avoid getting drunk? (Proverbs 23:29-35)

6.) In verse 11, what two things resulted from this miracle? Application: Christ has the power and authority over all things. In this passage, He showed that he has the ability to control water and wine. ~His disciples believed in him, have you believed in him with your whole heart? ~Are you willing to let Jesus Christ control your life? Day 6 Daily Reading: John 2:12-25; Proverbs 3 Explanation: This passage talks about the first time that Jesus Christ cleansed the temple. This was during the Passover time. This would be during the full moon at the end of March or beginning of April. The Passover was a time for the people to remember what God did in Egypt by delivering the Jews from the Egyptians. (Read Exodus 12:23-27) Each year, all Jewish males over 12 years old had to go to Jerusalem for the Passover. (Read Exodus 23:14-17) During the time of Christ, there were many problems with the worship in the temple. 1.) In verse 14, what does it say that Jesus found when he went into the temple? 2.) What did Jesus do about these people? 3.) Why do you think Jesus said to stop making his Fathers house a house of merchandise? Explanation: Christ was making people realize that they were not worshiping the Lord in the right way. People were more concerned about making money than pleasing God! Christ is extremely concerned about holiness. The things that were happening in the temple did not reflect Christ’s holiness. Verse 17 has a quote from Psalms 69:9; please read that.

4.) In verse 18, what did the Jews want Jesus to do?

5.) What sign did Jesus give the Jews? 6.) Did the Jews understand that Jesus was talking about His own body? 7.) At the Passover, why did people believe in Jesus Christ?

Application: Often, we allow sin to creep into our life. It is easy to ignore sin when you do not do spiritual “cleansing.” You need to evaluate your life for sin that is keeping you from being holy. Read Psalm 139:23-24 and ask the Lord to do some spiritual cleansing in your life. ~Think about your own life: are you reverent to God in everything that you do? God’s holiness demands reverence. ~Do you believe Jesus Christ enough to trust Him for everlasting life? If you have not, you should. Day 7 Daily Reading: John 3, Psalms 4 Explanation: This is one of the most famous passages in the New Testament. So many people know and can quote the verse John 3:16. If you cannot, I would encourage you to memorize this verse and pay careful attention to the meaning. Christ is meeting with a Pharisee by the name of Nicodemus. The Pharisees were a religious group that held very closely to the Mosaic Law and to their own oral traditions. They were made of mostly middle class citizens. They are mentioned quite a bit in the Gospels. These are some very important passages about the Pharisees: Matt. 15:2–6; Mark 7:8–13. (Other passages about Nicodemus- John 7:50–52; 19:38–42) Today, there are not specific questions to answer from John 3. Please read the chapter and think about what Jesus says about these three things: being “born again,” having eternal life, and believing in Jesus Christ. 1.) If you could have a conversation like Nicodemus had with Jesus, what would you talk to him about? Why would you talk about that? 2.) What do you think Jesus Christ would say to you?

3.) Do you think it is important to believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin?

Application: There is no way to go to heaven except through Jesus Christ. (Look at what John 14:6 says!) You must believe in Jesus Christ as you Savior from sin! ~Do you have eternal life through Christ?

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