Gospel Of John Bible Study- Week 6

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  • Pages: 4
Youth Devotional

©Tad Wychopen 2009 Week 6, Day 1 Daily Reading: John 9:1-41; Psalm 16 The Pharisees hated Jesus and they were looking for any fault in His life. They were trying to make Jesus Christ look like a blasphemer instead of the true Messiah. Their unbelief and spiritual pride kept them from seeing the truth. 1.) Why was the man born blind? (Verse 3) 2.) How was the blind man healed? 3.) Why were the Pharisees upset? 4.) In verse 24, what did the people say about Jesus, “this Man?” 5.) In verses 30-33, we see a few reasons why the blind man believed this was a prophet from God. Write down two of those reasons: 6.) What did the Pharisees do with the blind man? 7.) In verse 41, what was the Pharisees problem? Explanation: The Pharisees thought they were good, but really they had a problem: sin. They proclaimed themselves as spiritually good, but they had not trusted Christ for the removal of sin! Application: The problem for many people is they think that they “are not that bad.” They believe that they don’t need spiritual healing. However, the person that realizes they have a great problem with sin and seeks to be forgiven is in a better position. They realize their need for Christ. ~What do you think about yourself? Are you pretty good, or do you need forgiveness because of your wicked sin? Don’t think that you are ok to live in sin! Repent and confess your sin to Jesus Christ. Day 2 Daily Reading: John 10:1-21 ; Proverbs 17 In this passage, Jesus uses the illustration of a shepherd and his flock. In the Middle East, during Jesus’ time, the sheep would be lead by the shepherd’s voice instead of being driven from behind. The sheep would be kept in a pen with one gate. At that gate, a person hired by the shepherd would watch the sheep at night. 1.) Do the sheep follow the voice of a thief? 2.) In verse 7, what does Jesus say He is? 3.) Explain how Jesus really is the door of the sheep. 4.) In verse 10, why does Christ say that He came?

5.) What does Jesus say He is in verse 11 and 14? 6.) What are the differences between the Good Shepherd and a hireling? What about the shepherd and the thief? List the differences 7.) Who had power over Jesus Christ’s life? Explanation: Jesus is the good shepherd to both Jews and people that are not Jews (sheep of a different fold – verse 16). Jesus wants to be the Shepherd of many, but few will listen to him. Application: Who is the one leading and guiding your life? Are you trying to run your life by doing things your way and fulfilling your own desires? ~Are you willing to let the Good Shepherd lead your life? Listen to Christ and follow Him today! Pray and ask the Good Shepherd to lead you today! Day 3 Scripture Reading: John ; Psalm 17 The main point of Jesus ministry was towards the Jewish people. However, many Jews wanted a political messiah rather than a spiritual messiah. They were blinded by their political greed and did not accept Jesus Christ, the true Messiah! 1.) Why did the Jews not believe Christ? (verse 26) 2.) What are the three promises Jesus gave in verse 28? 3.) Why is it impossible for someone to “lose their salvation?” 4.) Why were the Jews so upset with Jesus Christ? 5.) If the Jews did not believe Jesus, then what should have they believed? (verse 37-38) 6.) Why did the Jews want to capture and kill Jesus? 7.) Have you ever had someone tell you that Jesus is not God? If someone asked you how you know that Jesus is God, what would you tell them? Explanation/Application: Believing in Jesus for eternal life is the most important thing you can ever do! Have you believed in Jesus and trusted Him to forgive you of your sin? If not, what is holding you back from doing that? ~If you have trusted Christ as your Savior, then spend some time today memorizing John 10:28-30. These are encouraging verses to any believer! Day 4 Daily Reading: John 11:1-57; Proverbs 18

The Apostle John wrote this book so that people would believe in Jesus Christ as their Savoir from sin. This chapters records one of Christ’s greatest miracles. It was a critical event in the life of Jesus that should help a person believe in the deity of Christ. 1.) According to verse 4 & 15, why was Lazarus sick? 2.) Why were the disciples nervous about going back to Judea? 3.) What does Jesus mean when he said, “Though he may die, he shall live?” (verse 26) 4.) What did Jesus do when He saw where Lazarus was? (Verse 34-36) Explanation: Jesus was probably sad that Lazarus died; however, He knew that Lazarus would be raised from the dead! Jesus was probably more sad to see how devastated the people were about the death. They were not trusting in the truths that they knew about eternal life! 5.) What did Jesus do to raise Lazarus from the dead? 6.) What were the responses to this amazing miracle? (verse 45-48) 7.) What was the biggest fear of the Pharisees? 8.) What did the people want to do to Jesus? (verse 49-57) Application: Jesus did the greatest miracle ever seen by men, yet people did not believe. It is amazing that they had such cold and bitter hearts. What will it take for you to confess Jesus Christ as Lord in your life? Give praise to God for His Word and the awesome signs that He gave to us. We have no reason to doubt our Lord’s amazing power! Day 5 Daily Reading: John 12:1-22; Luke 19:28-44 ; Psalm 18 The time of Christ’s crucifixion was very near. It is obvious that some people believed in Jesus and loved Him very much. However, many people intensely hated Jesus. Some people did not care about serving the Messiah; instead, they were looking for their own personal gain. 1.) Why was Judas so upset about the breaking of the expensive bottle of oil? 2.) In verse 7-8, what did Jesus mean? 3.) Jesus did a wonderful miracle by raising Lazarus from the dead. Did some people believe that Christ was the Messiah because of this sign? 4.) Did the Jews want Jesus to be a spiritual king or a political king? 5.) Read Luke 19:28-44. Why were the disciples praising Christ? 6.) Did the Pharisees appreciate the praise to Jesus?

Explanation: It is clear that some people loved Jesus and others hated Him. The truth is some people will reject Christ! Man has the responsibility to trust Jesus Christ as their Savior from their sins. If you do not trust Jesus, it is not God’s fault! What will you do with the truth of Christ? Each day, people that do not know Christ as their Savior are dying and going to hell. Whom will you tell about Christ today? Pray right now and ask God to help you see the great need for Christ. Day 6 Daily Reading: John 12:23-26; Matthew 10:37-39, 16:24-26; Mark 8:34-38; Proverbs 19 Please read each of the passages from Matthew, Mark, and John. The principles in these verses are hard for people to apply to their life! 1.) What must happen for a grain of wheat to bring forth much fruit? 2.) Did the death of Christ bring forth much fruit (give many people eternal life)? 3.) What must a person do if he wants to be a servant of Christ? 4.) Consider the verses in Matthew 10 & 16. Is the cost of being a follower of Christ great or small? 5.) Read Mark 8:34-38. Do you believe that it is more important to giver your life to Christ than to gain all the world’s possessions? Explanation: Being a true disciple of Christ is not easy. Many people miss the true importance of Jesus’ words. We must give our life to Christ since He died for us! We give up our own selfish, worldly desires and feelings to serve Christ. When we do that, we can bring forth fruit! ~What is holding you back from committing your life to Christ? ~Consider your life- Are you more concerned about the things of this world or more concerned about glorifying God with your life? Meditate and memorize John 12:25-26. "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose." –Jim Elliot Day 7 Daily Reading: Psalm 19 This Psalm can be split into two sections: The praise of God through the world and the proclamation of God through His Word. Write down three things you learn about God through the world. (verses 1-6)

Write down three things you learn about Word of God. (verses 7-14)

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