Goals And Objectives

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,569
  • Pages: 6
NARATIVE Dear sir/madam, This is to invite to place launch on my first ever Girl child educational film titled "My uncle's apartment" in this country. i studied film production at links international computer academy where i qualified to be an Art director in the media. The vision I have for this film is to send an alert to the entire public, educate, promote and develop the community, the mean to generate livelihood and right to respect dignity and equality among citizens. the mission in this film production is to sell our local languages, ideas and beliefs to the medias internationally and to build up unit among different members in different communities. I have invested more than

Million Uganda shillings to make this production possible

Economic Budget spent on the making of the Film ITEMS


AMOUNT / shs

Panasonic Video camera Computer sets


4500000/=ug shs


2000000’= ug shs

Mini Dvs /Cassettes


200000/= ug shs

Camera stand


90000/= ug shs



90000/= ug shs

TV Set


600000/= ug shs

Editing Software


180000/= ug shs 100000/= ug shs

Costumes Sony camcorder Total Amount


900000/= ug shs 8660000/=


Omar Hood Bugembe P.O.Box Kampala, Uganda Mobile: 071 2 883993 Account no: The Brand Manager of MTN Uganda P.o.Box 24624 Kampala Dear sir/madam, RE: GRANT PREMIERE/ LAUNCH FOR A GIRL CHILD FILM PROGRAME "MY UNCLE'S APARTMENT" Am pleased to submit this request proposal for your review. I look forward for your partnership in my co-operative effort to premiere / launch a film named "My Uncle's Apartment" .on /12/ 2008 My proposal requests Ug/shs...... to premiere/ launch my creative education movie ( My Uncle's Apartment) sending an alert program to provide and match a clear view / alert to public and enable the speechless, the tortured youth of different communities the opportunity to know their rights in their countries / communities. The girl child film (My Uncle's Apartment) is creative in promoting the rights and respect/ dignity for both girls and boys (youth). To add on the above, it is creative in promoting up coming movie stars for all generations. This grand first performance / launch program supports the name of your company to promote and support the community and girl child opportunity. i have used 8660000/=. Ug shs to seed the program. I have pre-qualified more than 100 male and female film/ movie stars for their acting skills and talents. For this year i have successfully produced one educational movie in T*HOOD media Company and delivered more than 40 actors and 60 actresses in my community. Your own going investment in my movie premiere/ launch program and project will enable me to continue and effectively serve my community and its residents. Thank you for your interest in the premiere / launch of my movie “My Uncle's Apartment", i envision building upon our collaborative success by developing my movie premiere/ launch program with you. Yours Sincerely Omar Hood Bugembe Art Director/ Producer




This is to invite to place launch on my first ever girl child educational film titled "My uncle's apartment" in this country. This is going to be prepared on 12/12/2008. am requesting a grant to strengthen the capacity of my Art Directing Skills by funding the likely premiere / launch planning,development,implementation,start-up and expansion period for my new protect girl child educational film(my uncle’s apartment). My successful film bid to support all youths from multi-family, extended families to attract care takers, guardian’s attention giving young people their rights, and continue to alert the public on the on growing child abuse cases in our communities. One of the potential area of promoting culture, is through media, film production, the mission in this film production is to sell our local languages, ideas and beliefs to the medias internationally and to build up unit among different members in different communities. The vision I have for this film is to send an alert to the entire public, educate, promote and develop the community, the mean to generate livelihood and right to respect dignity and equality among citizens.

goals and objectives (a) To support rights of the children’s The movie “MY UNCLE’S APARTMENT” is an educative film in creating the awareness in some cases of child abuse; it is mostly based on a girl child programme to promote their rights and communicate to the public about the problems being faced by the youth after they are left alone with there guardians or other parents And this film is to act as an alert to all generations and it gives a clear picture on how some one could defend him/her self if any thing wrong happens to her in any way. (b) To promote Cultural beliefs / Pride in Local Languages. This film is attractive or planned to create a pride among the citizens, the mission of promoting local languages, ideas and beliefs internationaly.it is advantageous to promote local languages to media internationally by creating movies that can be viewed around the globe. this is the goal of this proposal and my mission in producing/making films for the future generations. (c) To develop our communities However, this film is an educative movie, it targets the youth and brings them together, to form a new Management Company that will permit them to expand and improve on their livelihood. in this they will start up small business thus to keep them busy not to engage in drug abuse and promote their living Participants in this program will be promoted to the international scene and the union of these participants leading to production of quality and standard movies to much the standards which will develop the community. (d) To develop equality among citizens

Faced with these objectives there is the mean to develop the equality among citizens through placing them into different divisions or post in this filed of film production, thus promoting them from a local scene to the international scene. Thus promoting movie stars and movie makers this leads to their support to equality (e) Means to generate livelihood But, this is an opportunity to produce good selling movies for the large publicity-owned, significantly influencing the needs of these film productions thus creating job opportunities.

Target Population Established to act as youths guide, alertness on sexual harassment for both young and old in all regions and across or around the world Thus the need for awareness’ on child abuse. High school guidance counselors, who could identify those students who are about to leave school or those who have recently dropped out of school. Parents and Guardians, to study the feasibility of providing child care. Culturally, the film targets the court officers and probation officers who could get vital information about cases of this kind (Rape/ child abuse/ violation of children’s rights) The need for safe community officer of local political leaders ranging from district leaders to members of the city council, police, state legislature or congress individuals who refer them selves to others.

Project activities Establishing a new filming management company that will permit me to expand and improve my Directing skills agenda responsibility, efficiently and effectively. The new formed film company will create a reliable mechanism to quickly respond to the changing internal and external market conditions, and co-ordinate film stars, Directors and makers to the international management action plane. I will use the film funds to form a unite of directors and a film production training committee which will help in promoting many film actors and actresses to the international level thus leading to the development of our communities The result will Double or tripple our resesidents well being management capacity and will benefit hundreds of traditional residents in our community. I will greatly improve my film company services by improving on the advanced machines, technology and get linked to the international film companies thus promoting acting talents and improving on the quality of my educational movies.

ii PLAN FOR MEASURING PROJECT RESULT I will submit a project report upon the completion of 2008/9 fiscal year, funded in part by your company. I will keep detailed accurate, complete records of expenditures made under the premiere/launch of my uncle's apartment grant, and participate in the evaluation of project activities during the course of the 2008/9 fiscal year. Upon request, I will provide an audited financial statement of the income and expenditure related too the grant by an independent certified public accountant as documentation that the grant money is spent on purposes for which it was provided.




Launching Venue


AMOUNT 10000000/=

Radio Adverts

4 Weeks


TV Adverts

1 Month







DVD’S empty



DVD Jackets



DVD Photocopying



DVD Labels






Transport System







48 Litters


20 personals





Distributing License

Fuel Labor Miscellaneous TOTAL

fiscal Budget spent on the making of the Film ITEMS


AMOUNT / shs

Panasonic Video camera Computer sets


4500000/=ug shs


2000000’= ug shs

Mini Dvs /Cassettes


200000/= ug shs

Camera stand


90000/= ug shs



90000/= ug shs

TV Set


600000/= ug shs

Editing Software


Costumes Sony camcorder Total Amount

180000/= ug shs 100000/= ug shs


900000/= ug shs 8660000/=

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