What’s the Buzz About?
What is a Bee?
Life in the Hive
Pennsylvania State Standards
1.3 2. J Acquire and use grade appropriate conversational, general academic, and domain specific words and phrases.
TLWBAT: Talk about pictures and text using new vocabulary words or phrases. TLWBAT: Use new vocabulary when answering questions or describing situations or objects.
3.1 2. B.6 Participate in simple investigations of physical characteristics of living things from the same species to answer a question or test a prediction.
TLWBAT: Ask questions about objects, organisms, and events. TLWBAT: Plan and conduct a simple investigation and understand that different questions require different kinds of investigations.
1.4 2. F Demonstrate a grade appropriate command of the conventions of standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
TLWBAT: Capitalize proper nouns. TLWBAT: Use commas and apostrophes appropriately. TLWBAT: Spell words, using common spelling patterns.
4.1 2. E Identify how living things survive changes in their environment.
TLWBAT: Identify different adaptations. (e.g., growth of extra fur, deer adaptation due to habitat destruction) TLWBAT: Discuss the ability of living things to adapt to the environment. (e. g., seasonal, environmental, man-made
Bees in Their Environment
Bee Unit – Mandi Skura – Mount Aloysius College
Nectar, Pollen, and Honey
Culminating Experience
AL.1 2.A Explore and ask questions to seek meaningful information about a growing range of topics, ideas, and tasks.
TLWBAT: Use senses to explore and learn from the environment. TLWBAT: Ask questions to understand something.
4.3 2. A Describe the jobs/ hobbies people in the community have that relate to natural resources.
TLWBAT: Identify community jobs/hobbies relating to natural resources. (e. g., gardening, fishing, farming, hunting, water treatment)
Bee Unit – Mandi Skura – Mount Aloysius College