OCTOBER 21, 2008
Cotton Plant Q and A
Ways We Use Fiber
The plant that cotton comes &om....
People use cotton in many different ways. It is used for cotton swabs to keep your ears clean. It is also a valuable source of Ce%ulose. In it’s highly refined state, cottonseed oil is employed for cosmetics and especia%y in the manufacturing of magarine and shortenings.
Our subscribers were curious about cotton. We did some research and found out some interesting things. Q1. From what organism is cotton harvested? A. Cotton Plant, as the one shown above produce our cotton. Q2. How is cotton processed from the organism to a useable fiber? A. After the cotton has been ginned, it was
made into yarn or thread and used to make a soft breathable textile. Ginning is simply the removal of cotton seeds. Q3. In What parts of the world is cotton Grown? A. It is only grown in warm climates such as The U.S., Russia, China, India, Brazil, Pakistan, and Turkey.