Where Do Spirits Go?

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WHERE DO SPIRITS GO? 1 – The infinite space is full of worlds; at present quintillion of worlds are accounted. This is what the electronic telescope shows. Does it represent everything, the end of calculations?!... 2 – There are incarnate and discarnate spirits throughout the Infinite… What would be the purpose of the worlds, if not to be, among other things, the dwelling of incarnate Humanities? 3 – As the spiritual sparks emanated from GOD or Sacred Principle should return, in other times, in state of total vibrational equity, or in the state of Spirit and Truth, like the DIVINE PRINCIPLE is, it is easy to understand the evolution through other realms, species and families, because by facing the most unlike situations and conditions, is that the total conscience develops. It does not matter what men think, what matters is the Divine Planning. The men who have managed to be intelligent and honest recognize the importance of harmonizing with GOD, with the ruling laws… 4 – No one is born, nor dies… To incarnate or discarnate is a phenomenon of normal life, nothing more… How can the incarnates think? How can the discarnates think? 5 – Incarnates think as they can in the plane of acquired evolution and with the studies that they can take up, because no one thinks, as he wants, but as he can… The same can be said about the discarnates, because their spiritual plane varies more than that of incarnates, through the wideness of hierarchic grades, whether of the worlds, of the spirits, of the vibrational bands or heavens, concerning every planet or world... 6 – Everything has astral double or perispirit… The astral double of the Earth or its spiritual plane or perispirit is divided into Seven Main Heavens… Which are then subdivided into seven others, which, again, subdivide into another seven, and so on, in a marvelous distribution of vibratory dwellings, which add up to more than thirty thousand… And there are many others superior and many other inferior worlds in all senses, of size, hierarchy, etc. Many are the books that deal with this and they are more truthful than some classic doctrinaire books, which are full of mistakes and nonsense… 7 – Any judicious person can realize that there is a relationship between the vibrational grade of the spirits, and of the heavens or astral or spiritual zones of residence. To deserve the more sublimated or divinized heavens, it is important to sublimate or divinize the perispirit… And, to enter totally into the DIVINE UNITY, OMNIPRESENT, OMNISCIENT and OMNIPOTENT, it is important to christify themselves or whatever they may understand about it, because it is still early to have the right idea of this great reality, although this is the destiny of all spirits… 8 – Understand properly, because this reality is fundamental: you will have to transform your vehicle of the soul or perispirt in only one crown of Divine Light… This is the perispirit of the Christs, Divine Links, Divine Words, etc… Since no one will be eternally son of GOD, because every spark will have to become completely reintegrated in the PRINCIPLE or GOD, we invite you to think about this matter… And conduct yourself in terms of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE to achieve this as soon as possible… So we warn, at the right time by Divine Determination… THE CELESTIAL DIAGRAM 1 – All planets start with the Divine Light, thickened or condensed by High Intelligences who command it. Then, energies, ethers, substances, gases, vapors,

liquids and solids form the chart of everything they contain. The movement of the constant renovations in every planes, realms, species and families is marvelous. 2 – The grades more solids could never be without the energies and the substances providing the sustaining determinations. These determinations, or causes, would never exist without the Divine Light that, in turn, depends absolutely on God, the Divine Essence, Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent. 3 – Therefore, the energies and the substances are well before the solids obeying the commands of the Divine Essence through the Divine Light. There is a perfect chain, normal and current, in the bosom of which everything moves and achieves the finality. 4 – The spiritual agents command from top down, that is, the sparks of God or spirits, those who have reached the Christic Grade or United, act and command as Divine Words to the right courses. Nothing exists without High Providential Commands or without the High Directive Echelons. Whatever exists was or is managed by them. Without them, nothing ever was or is because they are the Divine Links that connect the Principle to the Creation still in embryo, being it spiritual or material. 5 – To speak of the solid Planet without considering the substantial, astral or fluidic part, is a proof of great evolutional inferiority, because the part called invisible is what commands the visible part, once the last is a consequence of the first. The substantial part is larger. That is, starting from the center of the Planet, it goes a long way from the Planet or prolongs, in the form of superposed crowns, which are the socalled heavens or celestial bands. 6 – The crowns, bands or heavens are revealed from inside to outside, in growing hierarchy, that is, the farther from the solid Planet, more Light and Glory. However, the Earth is so inferior spiritually that it has a large exterior band of darkness and pain. They are the thresholds. What marks the inferior or expiatory worlds are the exterior dark bands and the Earth has them very wide despite their big decrease since their origin. 7 – The interior bands are the densest or the most horrible darkness. The earthly sub-crust, speaking in terms of astral condition, is the expiatory residence of the worst spirits, of the worst criminals. 8 – Seven are the bands or heavens, in synthesis, but the sub-divisions, in order to serve as residence for the different hierarchies, are multiplied by thousands. Still, in all planes, bands, or heavens, reside creatures that vary in hierarchic nuances, in the innermost conditions. 9 – We call innermost conditions what the spiritual spark has already developed in terms of Love and Wisdom. The weeping and gnashing of teeth are also included here because the Scale is unique and by his acts the spark will go to the grade that he deserves. 10 – The spirit, the spark, that is more matured or evolved, who comes to commit faults, he will temporarily lose his social position. The spark will pay for the mistakes and later return to the previous hierarchic position, from where he will depart in new opportunities of work in flesh or out of it, for his auto-christification. Nobody will ever transgress the Law of Karma and who wishes to take the Celestial Lesson should connect to the Ten Commandments and to the Divine Model Christ. Change whoever has to change because the Two Witnesses will never change. They are not religionist, sectarian nor belong to any parties. They represent the TRUTH. 11 – Out of the seven bands, or the seven planes, or the seven heavens and their many subdivisions, is the so-called Christic Plane. It is said to be the Inter-world Heaven, Kingdom of the Pure Spirit or of the United Spirits, the Divine Words, which constitute the Divine Providential Order. They rule Worlds and Humanities. There are still hierarchic differences but, in the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit, everything is already extremely Divine, for that the human minds could even be able to cogitate correctly.

And we are not saying everything on the Sacred Finality of the Spirit yet… From the same Essence that Father-Spirit is, His sons are, as well, therefore, they will reach such Glories, which, for the time being, should not be commented. Each one should respect the Sacred Origin in himself and in his brothers, to achieve the Sacred Finality as soon as possible. 12 – From the Christic Plane downwards, the echelons hugely subdivide themselves. If materially it is like this, imagine how it is spiritually. And, everything is perfectly counted, weighed and measured by the echelons. 13 – Divine Laws rule from the inside to the outside, spiritually and materially, for the effect of hierarchy and of individual promotion, while providential laws command in the direction of individual and collective activities, that is, the echelons that rule, that govern the worlds, collectivities and individuals. Time will come, for every son of God, when he will know that he is his own Judge, for the good or for the evil and by knowing, thinking, feeling and acting this way, he will conduct himself divinely. It is extremely important to understand this reality but… you can be sure that it will only become reality through evolution! No one thinks as he wishes but as he can… In order to be more and better it is important to grow internally. 14 – In the superior spiritual world, three are the most respectful factors. The first is Moral, which is filtered by the Ten Commandments; the second is the Divine Modeling of the External Christ and the third is the Revelation, the communicability of angels or spirits. You can clearly understand that the three of them offer lessons or information, which may or may not be accepted. However, hear those who have ears for hearing because none of them will change. The evolution will make you grow in obedience to the law, go up in the imitation of the Christ and cultivate the Revelation in superior terms. Do you understand the importance of the problem? Because out of it, nobody will reach the Grade of United... 15 – The still inferior spirits search the Kingdom of God through religionist and sectarian formalisms and formulisms. So great is their ignorance that they disregard in them TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, to believe in monkeyshines invented by men. That is why the darkness of the sub-crust and the thresholds are full of scientists, philosophers and religious men of the world! They think they know a lot, but they live out of the DIVINE MORAL ORDER OF THE INFINITE. 16 – Understand this because it is imperative: the energetic-substantial crowns of the spirit improve from the outside to the inside and those of the Planet improve from the inside to the outside. Do you understand? Who do not improve himself towards the inside, diminishing and brightening the crowns, will never be able to reach the external spiritual planes, which are more divinized. When the crowns of the spirit have been reduced to only one, the first, which is the Individuated Divine Light, this spirit will have ascended to the Christic Heaven, or the heaven of the Pure Spirit, where the Universal Divine Light is a Common Environment. Nobody on the crust will be able to imagine what this represents, the participation in the Divine Powers due to enjoying the Glories of the Divine Ubiquity. 17 – The fools have been talking about the law of fluids when they wish or intend desiring to talk about Superior Kingdoms. The TRUTH as knowledge, and LOVE as way of life command such Glorious Kingdoms. The matter, so to speak, is Divine Light condensed in that grade and it takes the form that the spirit thinks and feels. As the spirit is divinized, everything to him takes the divinized exterior aspect. May the son of God achieve in himself the TRUTH, the LOVE and the VIRTUE, and he will get everything from God, who, in Powers and Glories, hovers above human cogitations. 18 – God, the Divine Essence, is Omnipresent, Omniscient and Omnipotent, but He manifests according to the law of surrounding hierarchies. Understand that: in the abysses of darkness, God seems to be infinitely invisible, while in the Kingdoms of Light and Glory He shows Himself more and more evident. It is the Union through Wisdom and Love that makes the son of God to live the Divine Glories by harmonizing.

There are completely divinized Kingdoms but they are for those who have divinized in their inward. Nobody will ever achieve the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit without moving away from the kingdom of the world. Who has intelligence to understand it should understand it, in order to behave accordingly and ascend in the scale of the hierarchies until he reaches the total harmonization. 19 – There is no sacrifice or resignation in the kingdom of the world that the Kingdom of the Pure Spirit does not reward. Nevertheless, we warn that weakly sentimentalism or religionism will never conduct to such Glorious Kingdoms. Time has already come when the religious labels will fall, because they are rotten… But every conscience should think very carefully, because it is everyone’s duty to grow in his inner side, until the self-christifying freedom. The planes or heavens represent grades of Wisdom and Purity and, to rise more and more to the outside, it is important to rise more and more in his inside. 20 – Humanity will get into the second middle age or maturity phase; and those truths that are prophesized in chapters fourteen and nineteen of the Apocalypse will be fulfilled. Everything will become so much better for those who deserve the Earth of the future cycles. And everything will get a lot worse for those who wish to remain blind and deaf to the clamors of Heaven. Nevertheless, we repeat the following: the Kingdom of Heaven is a matter of TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE, and not a matter of religions, sects, and other manipulations of groupings… 21 – How ridiculous are the human associations, religious or sectarian, and others that consider themselves initiatic, when they forge human titles, to distribute to their credulous proselytes! No label, no title, nothing of human fabrication with these intentions will ever have value before the Divine Justice. Ceremonies, clothings, titles, physical postures, material ornaments, everything that belongs to human convention will never be able to represent Wisdom and Purity. The places of weeping and gnashing of teeth are full of such monkeyshines along with their owners and users… 22 – The Doctrine of the Truth That Sets You Free has the Spread of the Spirit or Generalization of the Revelation as live instrument, or to ban the orphanhood from the world. It is wise to understand the Model Christ’s fair sentence when he spoke to his disciples: “Blessed are you, Simon Barjona because neither flesh nor blood revealed it to you, but the Holy Spirit; and on this rock I will build the Doctrine of the Father and the gates of hell will never prevail against it.” 23 – Being usual that the Divine Father has placed the Truth That Sets You Free as a germ to be developed in every of His sons’ inward, it is important to understand the three basic factors of the same developing: The Law of God as MORAL factor; the Modeling of the Christ as OBJECTIVE TO BE REACHED; the Baptism of Revelation as SOURCE OF WARNING, ILLUSTRATION AND CONSOLATION. 24 – The enemies of this triangle are enemies of themselves and of the Humanity. They demonstrate the error through formalisms, idolatries and all the simulations that they use, for the TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE do not appear as the only and total self-christifying factors. 25 – Who cultivates the Law, the Christ and the Revelation all together will have everything to achieve TRUTH, LOVE and VIRTUE within himself. But who trusts in cleric-pharisaisms, formulisms and all and any simulation will certainly compromise himself with the DIVINE JUSTICE. May the son of God reveal himself as SPIRIT AND TRUTH, because so He is and so He wishes. Earthly youth ends and maturity phase sets in, and other obligations should be observed. With the conclusion of the Restoration, we appointed the beginning of another evolutive phase. Read the Apocalypse, chapters fourteen and nineteen. Heaven will never fail to do its duty; men should change if they want to follow the Earth on its journey towards PERFECTION.

26 – In terms of conduct, nobody shall take the bad example of whoever it might be, under any pretexts. Who wants to become disciple of the TRUTH THAT SETS YOU FREE should remember that every Bibles and Codifications are incomplete, faulty and neglectful works. 27 – Who is better able to understand the TRUTH, should do it; who is able to grow in LOVE, should do it; who is better able to develop his virtues or qualities, should do it. Read carefully the final chapter of Apocalypse, remembering that here we are saying for the effective continuation of the same TRUTHS. God does not change, the Divine Providence does not change, but the Humanities, still in evolutive process, must insist on changing, whenever possible, until the total self-christification. 28 – Because the son-spirit is derived from the FATHER-SPIRIT, he contains the DIVINE FOUNTAIN within himself. If the childhood and the youth made him look for God outside, it is time, with the coming of the maturity, to search for Him in the Inner Temple, and achieve the Supreme Union there. 29 – All the outward appearances will fall rotten, but only in the ones who start becoming SPIRIT AND TRUTH. Each one shall make his free will working properly. 30 – As God, the Divine Essence is above places and times, the same should be each of His sons.


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