Gm-13 - Cca Newsletter, Winter 2008

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Union Takes Its Legislative Agenda to AI ba ny

PI-esident C.\ I'l ·.\I:'\S ' QU.\lrl ERI.\'

Art Orric.11 Pubhr..".I 11On of

CO RR ECTIONCAPIl lNS' ~~ O C l lI1 0 II Of"par\l1'ltll l of Corte-cuon City 01 !low vo , ~

233 SIood"''''J. Su,l 1701 '.,. Yo,k,NY 10279

Ph (212] 227- 1090 F, [212}962·\BI9 Ho Hinp. I£mer~ lIC1cs Only):

laaB! 707·3'213 E·Ma,1



vlcr PRESJDl:N I










Pi TER 0. ~ E fl l, GOlD lELiSUTIVE OIRECroRl CllNSUl.TM I

[ :lpt:lins' uartt.'1ly '5


by'he Cotrl~ 1101I C.ap~ ']lns Asso<:i.:'ItIOtl Entire contents <"P!l,' hIed


RON WWTFIELD 011 january 1 of this YC'lI; Capt. Karen Co ad-Rogers relinquished bel' position as the CCA 2nd Vice President, It was with a heavy heart and hard decision, bitt one she felt strong about, and one that! and the rest of the Board understood and respected. I fi rst m et Karen when sbe was .lssiglled to HDM UATC) CPSu. She u-as ,I fighter th en. (IS an OffiCe/" and maintained th e same vigor as a Ca/Jtai1l. She became inuolued ill the Union and the Captains at NIC kneio that Karen was someon e they could relate to. That's wby they elected her as their delegate . Karen's relentless battle [or the members' rights did not go unnoticed. /11 October 200:;, Capt. Coati-Rogers WlIS appointed the position as CCA Executiue Board Secretary. 01/ [auuary 1, 2007, she assumed the duties of the 211a \lice President. In our recent election, the members showed Karen their ooenuhelsniug support by re-electi ng her with the m ost ;III /l1ll11 t o( votes. The Board and I unll miss Karen, but roe know we have her undying support. She [eels very strong abort! her Union and the direction we are beaded in the years to come. / !,1I0W the Union call always count Oil Karen . At this time, I'd like to urelconte two neto members to the Board - Katlryann Fergus. our new Secretary, and Joseph Ferramosca, Sergeant-at-Arms. Both of these Captains are good additions to th e Ul/iOI1 and will be a tremendous help in our lseeping the CCA moving [oruiard ill a unified and successful manner: As we go info 2008,! W<1Ilt to inform you as to tuhar your Ex ecu tive Board is planning. First and foremost, we are in the process of revamping our website to make it easier to access and be more informative. Additional links will be added to providers, professionals. NYCERS, etc . Both active and retired m embers will have access to each and every board member by contacting them via their own e-ntail addresses. This new access uiill enable the Board to be in better touch with all members and to see uilmt suggestions y ou have for the Executive Board and our Union , We are always looking for ways to make our union stronger We are committed to ensuring that you are aware of everything the Deportment is requiring of our members and to see that you receive the training that is needed. We huou: that each and every day the responsibility of a Captain is becoming greater. Thut is why W I! need you to advise your delegates or the board member who oversees your facility of an y problems so uie call address them . Remember; your Executive Board and the union COIl only he strong when rue all act as one. In 2008. we have to be united, workillg together and helping each other: That is the only way we Can show the Departnicnt we are n unified group, VIe have a lot to tackle ill the upcoming months. from legislation and Departmental problems. to benefit enhancements and morale. \Ve want to hear (1'01/1 you so we know what we're doing toell , GIld what ute call be doing better. We might [ind ourselves goil/g back to war with the Department this y ear. When taking over this UI/ion slightly more than aile year ago, / pledged to work together with management so we could get things done. It seem s as if that bas backfired ami there is Ol/[-Y one side playing nice. For more iii[orm ation 0/1 this issue. pl ease see my memo on page 6 of this neioslettcr: We're going to do whatever uie haul' to ill order to stand up for our Captains. You elected us to watch ouer you. an d that's exactly iolrat we're gOhlg to do.

1st Vi e e Presidellt

PATRICK FERRAIUOLO T we nt y year ret irem ent , w ha t ex actl y docs it m ean ? C a n you really re tire fro m t he Departm en t a fte r 20 yea rs w ith o u t go ing back to wo rk ? D id yo u sa ve en o ugh in yo ur d e fe r red co m pen sa tion ? A rc yo u ren ting o r do yo u o w n yo u r home ? W hat abou t yo ur c hi ld ren; ho w ol d arc t hey ? W hat a b o ut thei r co lleg e cd uca tio n ? T he reality is t ha t many of us w ill need to co n t inu e to w o rk a fte r w e retire from rhc De pa rt m en t . My questi on to an y one tha t is a bo u t to retire o n ly to t urn aro u nd und go back to w o rk somew he re d. c w o u ld be , did yo u really t h ink it th ro ug h ? Ret irem e n t shoul d 1110 a rel a xing an d enjoyable rim e o f your life. Yo u sh o u ld n ut ha ve to w o r r y about making .n d s m ee t afte r you re tired . If a n yo ne retires be ca use o f th e work iu u con di ti on s o r t he y' re simply not ha p! y. t he y nee I to ret hi n k the ir decisio n . D o yo u t h in k ir's a picni c in t he p ri va te sec to r ? Do l'S rhc pri vate sec to r offer m o re jo b sec ur ity ? At t he e nd of t he day, it', yo u r ch o ice n n w he t he r o r not yo u lea ve the De partm ent a fte r 20 yea rs. T he re are a few go o d rea son s w h y yo u might w a n t to xra y past you r 20th yea r, Besid es t he fact t hat your pen sion w ill inc rease due to con rracruu l raises, did you k now t ha t eac h a ddit io na l yea r yo u sta y wi ll increas e your pe nsion by 1.6 7 % annually (u p to 30 years u f ser vice) . provided yo u arc in th e 20-yea r pla n ? In a dd it ion , w he n yo u ha ve o rn p lcrc I your 20rh yc o r. yo u no lo nge r ha ve to co n tri bu te into your pen. io n. T h is be nefi t is n ot a vailable for an yone t ha t i in the 2S -yea r p ension p la n . If yo u' re curi o us o n w h a t e ffect t he 1 .r~ 7 percent cOlild ha ve O il increasin g rhe am o un t of m o n ey in yo u r pe n sio n , yo u ca n log on to the NY C ERS we b . ire a t w w w.nyce rs.o rg . I . tro ng ly reco mmen d yOll ' hec k it o u t; it's a be ne fit tha t ~" o u sh o u ld ta ke a d va ntage o f. An o ther reason fo r ' w ying w o u ld be you r Def e r red - o l11 pe ns,n io n Pla n . Simply sa id , t he lo ng e r yo u sta y, the longer yo u gcr to sa ve for t he fu ture. If yo u s ho u ld stay yUlI I ligh t wa nt to ons ider [ he mo ne y yo u ha ve sa ved by not co nt rib ut ing to yo ur pe nsio n to increase yo u r Dcfc r rc J C »npen sar ion s av ing' account. R em e m be r t he w h o le idea is tha t when yo u d o d ecid e to lea ve city se r vice t ha t yo u h. v accumul a ted th e la rgest poss ible pension a n d sa vine s for w he n yo u a re 110 longe r able to w o rk . 'IX/e all ho p e rha r w e' re ahlc to co llect o ur pe nsio n for a long ti me '<0 t he grea te r t he pe n sio n . t he less effect time w ill have on red ucing it (a d o lla r to d a y w ill he 5 0 ce nt s in 2() years }, O ne o ther piece o f informa tio n t hat yo u should he aware o f in reference to Ti l'!" III me m bers is tha t yo u r pensi o n is sec u red. T here is no ris k in losing yo ur pensio n in the event a ny ty pe o f inciden t yo u m ig ht beco m e in volved in . T ie rs I a nd II members do n or share rhar same luxury. In the ir ca ses. if t hey w e re to he r -rrn ina rcd fo r an)' reason , they w o uld not re ceive a I. c ns io n . o lo o k aro u nd YO ll . M o re and more members w h o ha ve re t ired arc re t u rn ing hac k to the D cpa rt mcnr . rea lizing th a t ir w a: n 'r :1"; had as the y t houg ht , or are looking for jo bs because t he y can 't live Oil th e ir pen si o ns al o ne. R e m e m ber, t he grass is no r al way gree ner Oil th e other side . So th in k se r io u sly about retirement b ef ore yo u ~o .

CCA Members Receive Annuity Fund Increase The Executive Board is pleased to inform ~ ou that on November 11, 2007, all Captains st art ed receiving increases in th eir Annuity Fund from the last round of bargaining. The increase is $389/year [ $ 1.49/day) . This brings the annual cont ribution to $1,03 8.89/ year. The CCAwil1 continue to work hard to ensure that


benefits are second to none.

Are You

Really Ready to Retire? .

rass IS not always greener on the other side. So think carefully about retirement before yo g . - Pat" ck Fl:rr aiuoJo 1st Vice President




Congrnt ulation s to ou r th ree fo rmer Ca pra i Il S wh o were promoted ro Assisra nr Deputy Wa rdell o n N o ve m ber 0 , 2 0 0 7.

T he COBA ho no red th ree o f our Ca pra ins, Tanya Littles , Alexis Parrilla and M ichael Walton, fo r their outstanding ac hieveme nts on a nd of f d uty d uring their \Vidow & Ch i Id r cn 's ;\ \V :I rds Di nncr Dance o n O cto ber 2 S, 20 0 7 , at M aestro's . a rcrcrs in the Bron x. \I/e tha nk the O BA fo r rccognizmg our a prai ns a nd we co ngraru larc our recipient s.

Oaniellsa ac Vinc ent Perillo Abdur Rahman Muhammad





011 Decem ber 7, 200 7 , the Exec ut ive Boa rd a nd oth er mem be rs o f ser vice ar tcnd c I th e Eagle S out Co urt o f Ho no r Dinner fo r C a p t. Stephen C u m ber] a rch 's 'o n, jami l Bri e. T he dinn er was ru re ognizc j am il fo r recei ving the highest awa rd g ive n, that of Eag le S CO UL Ca p t . u m berha tch' so n be lo ngs ro Tr oo p #6 o f th e Bo y S COIit S o f America. of which a pr. C urnbcrb a rch is an a ss istant Scour M a sn: r. H e has bee n a mem ber o f t he Boy S C() IItS sin c 19%. C um berbat ch r 'ac hes th e . .o ur ho w to fi h, na viga riona I rech-

niq ucs, map co m pass sk ills. wildern ess survival, an d ho w ro respect ot hers and the mse lves . .a pr. Cumberbatch , the Delega te fo r QDe since 20 0 3 , is ve ry pro ud o f his so n's a chieveme nt a nd th e o the r scours for the award s th ey received . He is truly an ass et ro the De pa rt ment o f Co r rec rio n an d the Boy S "o urs o f America. Th e un ion ackn o w ledged Capt, C um berbatch fo r th e excellent perfo rma nce an d diligence of his d uties on a nd off the iob ; he is a t rue role model for o ur yo ung men .

Cap t. Michael Walton 's (Acade my) so n, M ichac l ./r, i. serving in Iraq . Per the req uest' o f Ca pr. Wa lro n, O fficer Ra lph Smith ga ve the Depa rt ment fJag to him fo r his so n, !vl ichacl j r., to ha vc his so n ly the flag in Iraq. It will he certified as being fl own the re . M ike \'(/al ro n J r. is in the midd le of the fro nt ro w, on the righr. T his is his secon d ro ur of duty.



ContInuedon page 5

TELL US make this newsletter more about the membership, we want to include more about you

In an effort


and your families. If you have :iII even! or good news you'd like 10 share with other members. please let us know. Send in information about your family events (births, an n iversaries, birthdays, graduations , special trips, retirements , etc.) ... And be SUI'C to include photo s.


BIRTHS C ongr aru larious to Re tired Cap t. Joh n Monaco and w ife Ka ren, o n t he b irt h of t heir t w ins Vivia n an d J o h n J r. M o naco , wh o were bo rn o n July 13, 2 0 0 7 we igh ing 6 Ib5., (Vivia n ) a nd 5 Ib ., 8 Il Z. , (joh n .J r.). Mom rep o rts bo t h now we ig h in a t 17 Ibs .







Co ngra rula rio ns to Capt. Hartel Hobbs


(MN CTS) and Sa nd ra Le w is o n [h e bi rth


of t heir tw in bo ys on No ve m be r 6 , 2 0 0 6 . j a d cn (o n t he rig h t) w eighed .3 lbs ., 15 o z. a n d jerem y w eig he d ,) lbs, 9 o z .


BIRTH? WEDDING? GRADUATION? ANNIVERSARY? SPECIAL NEWS TO REPORT ... C o n g r ur u la t ion s ro De b b ie ln rc rn ico la ( Rc p rcsc n t a rivc o f Ama lga rn ar cd Life Insu ra nce) a n d h us ba nd , O ff ice r james Inrc r n ico la , o n th e bi rt h o f their da ugh ter. Angelina M a r ie was h o r n Fc h rua r y 7 , 2 0 08 , weig h ing 6 ll» . J 4 ( 17. .

Co ngratul a tion s to Retired Cap t. Deborah O'Connor and Capt. Ri chard O 'Connor (R D C) on rhc birt h o f th eir grandda ugh te r O livia J ea n C a lla n a n, w ho w a bor n o n July I, 2 0 0 7 . . he is p ic t u red a t her C h ri ton ing on October 13,200 7 .

Congru rulario ns to M arc us j o va n Ram o s, so n of Ca pt.

Marl o Dougla (GM D C ) wa ~ bo rn O cto be r 15, 200 7 , w eig h ing 8 Ills. 2 o z . an d w as 2 0" long.

We Want to Know Send your informat ion, including name and work location. along wit h any pert inent photos. to :

Captains' Ouarterly Correction Captains Association 233 Broadway Suite 1701 New York, NY 10279

([[orrection (.!Captains"



DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTION CITY OF NEW YORK 233 Broadway. New York. N.Y. 10279 . Suite 1701 (212) 227-4090 Fax (212) 962 ·4819

the rest of the Executive Board have become frustrated that our good faith efforts have been met with continued management decisions that violate our 0 act. 1

lchruary 7. 2008 RONALD W WHITFIELD P,

,~ e n [


All Correction Captains


P,0 5tdonl

GUYW BROWN 7nd Prll1SI(J nt






rs la lcv ~



nt - I·Arm li

t\ lillie over ~ year ago, I became President of the Correction Captains Association. II was my intent 10 Iry to work together with management, en. urc our rights arc protected. and 10 secure the best bene fi ts in the future, Unfo rtunate ly. our efforts In wor k with the Dcpuruncn t or Correction han: not b 'en succ essful, I and the rest of "our Executive Boa rd haw become frustrated tha t our good laith cflc)((s have been mel with continued management decisions that violate our contract. the Wittenberg Agreeme nt regarding shif reduction and till: Nicolau Award regarding rescheduling.

thai while \\ . initiullv held out an olive branch 10 \1' 10 turn up the heal and strong ly advocate on you r behalf. It i. o ur op inion and bel ief that the Departme nt mange rs arc taking advantage or us. lhcrc forc, your Ex -cutive Board has decided that we n1l1:1 litigate violations of our rights and. v. hen necessary. ISC the press to publicly call iu t the Department and its managers who arc rcspo n .iblc fo r the wrongful cond uct. We cann ot permit hard won rights 10 be stepped on and taken away by the Depa rtme nt. And we will do wha tever i: necessa ry II ) pro tect yo ur rights and sa fe ty Lei me assure

\ OU

lor pea e. we have not forgotten

Our first duty is 10 you and we will not shirk this important responsibility. I strongly urge you 10 immediately report any and all vio lat io ns 10 yo ur del gale. a lterna te de legate and Executive Boa rd member.

S incere ly. - Ron Whitjjeld President


. Iv

/ :,-- / " ~,{. I( teL{

Ronald Whitfield President


Capt. Kathqann

FERGUS Secretary

O ur new Secreta ry is Ca pt, Ka rhyunu Fcrgu . K;1(h )' beca me :1 rn cm hcr o f the De pa rt me n t 011 August 3, 19 8 9, where he was assigned to rhe Ado lescence Receptio n Detentio n Cent er, now n a m ed R ND C. As an o ffice r, s he wo rked all the hou si ng area s unt il she was assigned to Inn er Develo pment uf Progra ms (IID). During her te n u re as an o fficer, he r abil ity CO handle cerebra l taoks was high ligh te d when she wo rked in the Opera tion Divisio n for , hief Taylo r. Ca pr. Fergus t hen wo rked :H Ga ng Inrclligcncc t rolll 1998 until her promot io n to Cap tai n O il j an ua ry 26 , 2.00 I. As a Ca pta in, . he w as ass igne d to R N DC whe re she wo rked va r io us POStS until she w as assi gned Admini tr ar io n Ca ptai n. In O cto ber 200 2. , s he was tra nsferred to PS in 0 11 C C unt il Novem ber 2 0 0 3 . She then retu rn ed to RN D . wher e she was a. sig ned as M cd i a l Services Ca pta in. She ran fo r Altern at e Delega te in 2003 , a nd afte r win n ing the positio n, she q uickly became the Dclcunrc an d made subs tant ial changes to t he t rea t ment an d w o rking co nditions o f a ll C apta ins in t he com ma nd. She w ro te grieva nces and su bm itted Labor M a na gc mc n r age ndas t hat a re till p re va len t tod ay. Ka thy's pr eviou s a signrncn rs were I\ND _, RM SC, \V EST f A CILITY, J AT _', and on island Headq uart ers. Alth o ugh Capt. Fergus has been new ly a ppoint ed [() the hoa rd , she is no stra nger to raking cha rge . Her abi liry ro lead is evide nt hy being selecte d twic e in all elec tion at her facility.

Capt. Joseph

FERRAMOSCA Sergeant-At-Arms Our n e w Scrgcanr-a t- Arr ns is Capt. J os eph Fcrr.uuosca . j oe is a 27-y('a r vetera n of the Depa rt ment an d br ings a wea lrh o f know ledg e an d exp er ience to th e Execut ive Bo ar d . During his ca reer, J oe has bee n assigned to a variety (If Com ma nds a nd Uni ts - H DM an d Suppo rt Serv ices as a n oHi ccr and in his 20-plll ye a rs as a (:;1p rnin , he w as assigncd to 0 [) ' C fo r 12 1!! yea rs a nd H ea dq uart ers for t hree ~'C;lI'!, . ' jllce 2003 , he has been assigned to the Special Opera tion Divisio n a nd is urrc ntly the Perso nnel Ca pta in. j oe was assigned to the Dcpa rrrncnr's Suppo rt .o nr ingcur sent to Louis iana in th e afrcrmar h o f H urrica ne Kat rinu. He spent more rha n a mont h there , one of a . mall group of Capta in. sup crvi ing a tea m o f SO co rrec tion o fficers wo rking ill four Lou isia na Star e Priso n facil ities a n I in New O rleans. j oe also W :1S a ward ed the Departmen t's M erito rio us O ur)' M cda] for ac tio ns taken on 'cptem her J 1,200 1. Joe has a lways I ecn an act ive suppo rter o f o ur Union . He has wo rke d o n the Annua l Go li O ut ing, wh ich ra i. cs scho la rs hip mo ney fo r our college-h ou nd chil dren . He was a De lega te in OB ..C a nd in SO D prio r to hi: appoin rrncnr to the Executi ve Board.

Meet the CCA's Newest Board Members

CCA Ratifies Contract Ahead of Schedu le first time in more than 25 years, the Correction Captains' Association has a contract rn place prior to the expiration of the prvious

For the first time in more than 25 years, the Correction Captains' Association has a contract in place prior to the expiration of the previous one. O n Nov em ber 16 o f last yea r, th e membersh ip rat ified t he co llec tive ba rga ining ag rc '. rn c nt th at sta rted Decem ber 16, 2 0 0 7 a nd ru ns th ro ug h Jun e 30, 201 2 . This co nt ract pr ov ide s su bsra n ria l pay increa ses, longev ity increases, Ann uity Fun d increa ses and Hea lt h & Welfa re Fund incr eases d uring the cont rac t period . In ad d itio n to t hose mo neta ry inc reases. the co n-

traer also reco ups man y o f th e giveb acks fro m rhe pr evio us ro und of bargaining. The inc reases in pay an d lo ngevity by rhc end o f rhc co n t rac t will brin g t he sa lar y o f a top pay Ca ptain with 20 yea rs on th e jo h to ' 10 2,34 6 . "Th is i. an accompl ishment rhe entir e Exec ut ive Board i so pro u I o f," sa id C JA Prcsi kilt Ron \X1 hitficld . " Far ro o ma n y unio ns go y CJrS witho ut ha ving :I co ntract in p la ce , T he mem bers arc left in limb o as detail s and terms ar c wo rked out. T hat's unsettling to th e membersh ip and th eir fa milies. We are o ne o f th e few un ion tha t was a b] ' to reso lve a new o nrra -r a nd get it in place before our o ld o ne expi red ." T he follo wi ng is a synopsis o f the te rms of rh ' agre ement. Term: Decem ber 16. 20 07 - Ju ne 3 0, 2012 ALL C APTA INS Increases :

Effect ive 12/ 1(,107 4 'X. EffectivL' 12/ 16IOH, 4 %, 4 'Y" Effect ive 5/1 /I O Effcct ivl' 5/1 /11 4% TOTAL L~CREASE , , . . 17%

Longevi ty Increase: (a r a ll Srcp S, 10 1.5 & 20 year s)

Effect ive 1/1 6/09 . , Effective 12/1 6/09 Effective 3/1 6/ 10 Effec tive 6/l /l I ,..,. Effeeti\'e 5/ 1/ 12 T OTAL lNCREASE . . ..

o - Ron Whitfield President

$3 94 $ 145 $100

. 2 -0 2 -0


Annuity Fund :

Effect ive 12/1 6/01) Effec tive 6/1/I I

Lum p S UIll $ 1,000 $2 6 1 $ 1 per day ) a ununl increase

Health & Welfa re: (ucrivc s: reti ree co nr rihu rio n i nc rcusc)

Effective 1/1/ 11 Effective 5/ 1/1 2


Range Day:

,., . Effectivc 12/ 16/0';)

+ $5 0 per )'C :1I'

$ ,0 per yea r

Elimi nat e go ing ro runge on yo ur ow n tunc

pccia l Assignment: Upo n ratificat io n, a specia l as. ignmcnr P ~l Y will be established for 4 .92 % o f our membership.Afte r six mo nths o f sari sfacrory scrvi c in the I crforrnuncc of spec ia l ass ign mcnr d uties, rhc Co mmissio ner ma y designa te a -pecia l Assignmcr r apra in wh o will receive 3 ult) of his/h er sa la ry the first yea r, 6 % the . ccon d year, 9% the t hird yea r and 12 'X. the fo urt h yea r,

Salary Schedule for Correction Captains Promoted Before







2 nd STEP






3,d STEP






4 th STEP






51h STEP






6 th STEP






CA PTAINS PRO j,,\ OT ED O N O R AFT ER 6/ 1/06 \,(I age ·

Efi ·et ivc 11 16/0 9

Effective ' / [() / I O

-l- 5 1,SO/) inc rea se a t a ll steps hel o w top ba s ic ma x im u m p:l y. (T his i. ill addition to the a bove 4 '1., W:lgc increases) Elimina te t he pay step be fo re the basic ma x irnum to p I ny, (T h is ge ts t hese C a p ta in s to ro p pay one year ea r lier ] Rcgill receiving 100'1., night shift d ffcrcnria l a fter the complctio n S yea rs. (\ ncrcasc NSD fro m 55 % ro 100 "" fo r rhc 6t h and 7th years as ;1 Capta in)

N ight Shifr Diffcrentia 1

Eifecrive 6/1 /1 1

Va a rion

Effec t ive 6/1 /1 1

Sta r t accru ing a r th e rate o f 2 7 d ays a nn ua lly, Afte r the co m p letio n o f S yea rs :I S :1 C a p ta in . (T his is all a d d it ional 7 aca rio n da ys one :o'e a r ea rlier )

Add itio na l To urs. Effective c;/ l l1 l

Elimin ate o ne add itio na l tour d uring firsr five yea rs an d eliminate the six a dd itiona l to urs d ur ing rhc 6rh yea r, to r a tota l red uctio n of I [ add irion nl tours

Salary Schedule for Correction Captains









After 1 Yr








After 2 Yrs








After 3 Yrs








After 4 Yrs








After 5 Yrs








After 6 Yrs





ADay in Albany Top photo from left: Joseph Ferramosca, William Inman, Senator Mart in Golden, and

Pat rick Ferriauolo. Bott om left photo from left: Inma n, Assem blym an Peter Abbate, Ferriauolo and Ferra mosca. Bottom

right photo, Ferria uolo w ith Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Pictured on front page: Ferramosca, Senate Majority Leader Joseph Bruno, Ferriauolo, and Inman.

The Correcti o n Ca pruins' Associat ion jo ined w ith do zens of other un ion mem be rs o i th e New York . tate Public Emp loye> Co nference (PEC) o n Jan ua ry 23 in Alban y fo r th e group 's 3 1Sf An n ua l Legislative Breakfast. CA l sr VP Patr ick Fcrria uo lo sai d that the Union louie fo rwa rd to this a n nua l event ;15 i1 mea ns o f ki king ofi the Albany lo bb y s .cne for the scssio n.

Mo re tha n ha lf uf th e Stare's 21 2 Sena tor s a nd Assembly members attend the brea kfast. T his yea r's spea kers incl uded Sena te M a jo ri t y Lead er Joe Bruno , Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, Sta re Co mpt ro ller T ho mas DrNa po li, Sen a to r M a rt in Go lde n , Se n a te Min o rity Leader Ma lco lm Sm it h ; As cmblyma n Peter Abh a rc, Assem bly M ino r iry Lea der j a rne Ted i co. a nd Assemblyma n j oseph Saladino, While each brou ghr a slightly differ ent Illes . age , th ere was one cOl11mon theme - the sta re budget deficit can no t hc ba la nced o n the back. of th e ha rdw o rking men a nd wo men who kee l

o ur rat e run ning b y in an d day O U I. " It is o u r o bligat ion. t he G o ve rnor's and rhc Legislaru rc's, to ensure t hat o ur public emp loyees arc pro perly t rai ned, fairly co mpensa ted , an d diligentl y safeguarded on and o ff du ty, " said Spea ke r Silver. "We must cicmo nsrrarc our respect fo r th is state'. publi c workfo rce and for the dangerous and di fficul t co nd itio ns you regularly en d u re, beca us e yo u are - cn c h an d e ve ry o ne of yo u here a t this brca kfa: r - an d eac h a nd ('vcr y pu blic em ployee t ha t you rep rese nt, the face o f thi s go vernment, rhc heart a nd so ul, rhc muscle and the k no w-ho w o f thi s go vern men r. Sell:1te M a jo riry Leader Bruno con tin ued thi s scurimenr, by sa ying, " Yo u add to th e qualiry o f life of all N ew Yo rke rs. \X'itho tlt the wo rk yo u d o across the hoard. cutt ing acr oss nll wa lks of life, ho w co uld we ill N l: W Yor k irv an d Ne w York rare enj o y :lny qu a liry o f liie? W hen the Gove rn o r puts o ur a budge t. we wa nt to be sur e we prio ritize what's reall y import a nt fo r the peo ple of t his stare. T ha t's ta king care of t he pu blic employees who prov ide a q un liry of life for ~1 1 1 New Yor kers." ella lo r Golden sa id rha r rhc state has faced uphiII battles befo re, bur rhar this yea I' t here ;) rc new cha I· lcngcs. ,.\VIe must m ak e su re t hat the fina l hudger ag reement supports those w ho ar c on rhc fro m lines in pro vid ing t he services New Yor k Sta re is famou s for, ou r ra re a nd C ity wor kers."

On Ja nuary 1I, OB CC hosted a 10- 1J Basketball ga me for the benefit o f Capt . Ha ro ld Erski ne, C O . jo hn Ha rden, a nd C O . Joa nne Torres, There were [ W O ga mes pla yed - OBC C sta ff \' 5 . OBCC Brass an d O BCC lIS. GIvIDe. T he a ud ience was glad to see Har o ld in artcnda nce with his family, a lo ng with famil y members of O fficers Hnrdcn a nd Tor res, In the first ga me, the Brass played ro ug h aga inst a stro nger, yo unger n ::1111 of ..0. $. T he fina l sco re ind icate d just ho w much the Bras appreciat e their sta ff. As all go od supe rvisor s do, they li frcd up the mora le o f rhc staff, lcrring the m win 17- 1' . The game aga inst GM DC was a lso well played a nd exciting. T here were fa . t breaks, 3-po inrcrs galore and cri. p play on both side . In the end, however, eMDC preva iled , 32 to 20. The ga mes we re exciting, hut perha ps mo re exciting wa: the ha lftime cnr crta inmcn r. Th e c ro w d was thr illed to hea r a perfor ma nce by reco rding artist Ti ffa ny M ynon, who WIl W 'd the audience with two song. . Nex t ca me isrcrs in Motio n, led hr our own Ca pt. Tan ya Dea n. istcrs in M otion a re a unique dance group - 12 agi le ladies da ncing Oil ro ller skates. T he whole cro wd was amazed a , their pcrforman e. T he 'f(l Upe dan ce I a. n ne, not missing a bear Of a ru m. lr was a sight ro beho ld. Tanya an d her dan ce part ners were rhc hir o f the event. Borh ga mes were har I fou ghr and well playe d. Bur most import a ntly, rhc event . uccecdcd I II whar it was intended ((l do. Th rou gh the fforrs of the ) BC : Progra m sta ff. e pccially Co rrectio n O fficer .hcry! Smirh, more tha n $6, 50 0 wa s ra i. cd to help ou r ow n. lt was great to sec Harol d there a nd to ta lk to him. We all hop e a nd pr:1Y that he .onrinues on hi. roa d to recovery and rha[ 0 fficers Ha rden and To rres do also . Keep them a ll in you r pra yer s, Ed. N o te: W/lJilc preparing this quurtetl y. we w ere IIn forlll' na tely lI1(cJI'/m:d tha t O/Ticer 10 Jm Harden passed 'Iwa y. 0 ur d eep est sYIl1{lt7tby goes o u t to th e Harden Fall/ily.


CALL 08ce V5. GMDC Basketball Game By Joseph Ferramosca Sergeant-at-Anus

In Loving Memory Capt. Renee


Tuesda y, Oc to ber 30 , 200 7, was rhc day we losr Ca pr. Renee Cho ng due to a rrugic hou se firc. It W ::IS a sud J a y fo r th e C CA a nd the members of the Q ueens Detent io n Co mplex. Ro bert N . Da vo ren Cent er a nd ro a ll wh o kn ew Capt. C ho ng. She ga ve the ulrirnarc sa rifice while t rying to sa ve her child ren , Elliot an d N o a h, as t hey all perished to get he r. Yo u see. Capt. ho ng did u'r [usr ta lk t he rulk. sh e walkc I the wa lk. She always sa id her chi ld ren ca me first. th en her fam ily. a n d t hen her orrccrion family w ho sh e loved and al so w a n ted ro pr otect. She had wo rds o f wisdo m o n a ny given top ic, v,.. hcrhcr it was world event s or rhings rha r were happen ing in rhe [ cp a rrrncnr. Renee lo ved her chil dre n, he r fa mily and her life. • he loved to dr ess li p a nd show her prett y smile and da nce rhe night awa y. Novem ber 7, 200 7 , was th e da y of th e Homecom ing Service for C1P r. C ho ng, Ellior and Noa h - a day to re me m be r a n d to be pr o ud to be in t he 1\.1Y . Dep a rt m en t o f Correctio n. TIll' tu m o ur wa s tremend o us, with members fro m rhe Dcpnrrrnenr both act ive an d retired a nd al l th e friends who a ttended the funeral service . Renee had a grea t impact OJl the man y lives she enco untere d a nd her friend s wanted [() P i1)! rhci . respe .rs to her. T h L' C ho ng family con veyed how wo nderful it W ;1. to sec so ma ny peo p le at th e fune ral c rvicc , It was an 0 cr whclrni ng e ven t to sec with the New Yo rk ' ra te Ho no r G ua rd an d nul' Ho no r Gua rd lining up w ith th e fl ag, th e Q ueens Co urt O fficers conti ngent . N YP[) 105t h Precinct O fficers, Public . c hoo l Sa fety O fficer . and the suppo rt not o nly from the Dep art ment, bur rhos' w ho wa nted to sa )' good bye and give a final salu te o n t he ir ow n pe rso na l rime in unifo rm to pay respect. I want ro than k all memb ers o f ser vice from a ll ra nk. a nd civilians for their fina ncia l and spiritual support for the C ho ng Fa mily dur ing their rime o i sorrow. I know ' a pt. Chong, Elliot an d Noah wen: a ll loo king do w n sm iling at rhc love rha r was shown fo r them hy all who rook the ti me to ay farewell. .npr. Ch o ng bro ug ht us :111 ro gcrhc r a nd she loved her Cor rect io n fa mily. Renee had . a id o r rcc rio n wa s goo J to her; it rook care o f her a nd the chil d ren a nd ena bled her to ger the t hing, she wa n rc I. To t ra vel a nd do anyrhi ng she set her mind to d o th a t wo uld ma ke her child ren and herself happy. She reminded LIS to sa ve o ur mon ey, invest it hy buying that dream ho use an d ave for our pensio n so when you ha ve yo ur rime in yo u can leave and 'a)' C o rrec tio n W 3 S ver y go o d ro m e, Her wo rds o f cucourngcmcnr and insp ira t io n w ill always be reme m be red by a ll o f LIS.

CCA To Hold First Retirement Seminar For Active Members O n Apri l 16, rhc Executive Board w ill no t he ha ving its regularly . chcd ulcd ,(,ller,l l Me m bersh ip meeting. In lieu o f the meeti ng , we w ill be hosting o ur First Retirement Semina r. T he inrcnr o f the semina r is to give our acti ve mem bers who a re in Tier ' a nd nearing retiremc n t a better un derstand ing o f how th e retiremen t pro .css wo rks and what yo u sh o ul I be do ing ro pr epa re for retirement . It w ill be held :H o ur reg ular mee ting place. A nru n 's, 96-4 3 Springfield Blvd ., Q ueen s Village, NY 11429. T he s tar ring rim ' of the semin ar is 4 :0 0 p .m . Space limita tio ns req uire t hat We op en th is semina r fo r acti ve Cap ta ins only. N o o ne else will he admitted (no guests o r child ren ), It is rcq ucs ted rhar if yo u pla n to urrcnd , rhar you ca ll the 'e A office at (2 12) 2 27-4 0 90 and leave yo ur name . Th e follow ing guests will be pa rticipa ting in rhc event : • Kri tel Sinu no nds-Co hb - Co rrec tio n Depa rt ment • Diane At kins - Co rrectio n Depa rt ment • Sharif Solom o n - Ne w Yo rk -~ i t y Employee Retirement ' ystem (N YCE RS) • And rew Fcncc k - New Yo rk City Empl oyees Retirement System (N Y ERS) • j osep h Lizzie - M o rgan Stanley • Ma ria Keeler - M o rga n _ra n ley • Joseph Irw in - C ~ A Insur ance Representat ive It is o ur hope tha r this is just t he first of many ret iremen t sem ina rs.

Legislative Update fl-om


CCA Brings Four Bills to Albany for Action Last yea r was nor on e of rhc most p rod uctive legislative yea r fur rhc la bo r m o vcmcnc in either Alba ny o r ar City Ha ll, With a new Gover no r in o ffice, a nd a City ouncil Speak er who changed rhe rules, la bo r found itself fighting wh ar was an up hill ba ttle. Thi s yea r, we ar c hope ful that the ba n k s o f last year will remain the past. Wirh char in mind, [he CCA is hringing four impora nr pieces o f lcgi lurio n ro Alba ny rha t will benefit ou r Ca ptain s tremend o usly. T he fir. r I:> a Termin al Lea ve Bill tha t wo uld give Capta ins rhc a bility no t to ha ve to give back their ea rned termina l leave t ime when sever ing employme nt with rhc City. Cu rr IItly, mcrn hers either have to usc their terminal leave rime o r rile)' lose it. Th i bill wo uld give mem bers the optio n o f cas hing ou t their accumu lated termina l leave rime ur staying 0 11 rhc payr oll un ri] rhc time wa used up. Altho ugh bot h Fire ,1I1d Police a re seeking this sam e lcgislario n, Ro n, Bill)' :1 IH..I [ decide d rhnr the CC. A is no longer going to wa it unt il the bigger un ions make the tirsr mo ve. T hey ha ve their hill an d we ha ve ours . T his is line ni o m top p rior itic. and a bill we ar c go i n ~ to be lo bbying for dilige ntly. T he second i~ called the 'urviving Spo uses Health In. uruncc .overage Bill. Currentl y, when a Captain dies in the line o f duty, the sur viving ' po u:>e can carry their hea lth insurance cove r,1ge for a limited time frame under COBRA. When that time limit is o ver, so is rhe heal th insuranc e coverage. This bill would allow the surviv ing spo use to purch ase rhe same hea lth insura nce co verage from the City. O ur third hill is ca lled Final Average Sala ry. N{1w when a mem ber retires, their pens ion is base d on their best three co nsecutive yC:HS o f salary. T his bill would give memb ers the option of using JUSt their last year o f sala ry to ca lculnrc pensio n. Member s wo uld ha ve to choose which meth od they wa nt to usc fo r pension ralculutio ns. Fo r th ose tha t still want to usc their three bcsr years, they ca n. Th is hill just gives member a choi 'e. 11)(' last hill we a rc wo rking on wo uld allow members to continue to ea rn service reclir for yea rs in service beyond 25 YI.::JrS. Right no w, mem bers in T iers III an d IV don r get service crcdir for ;11'1, thing beyond 25 ycnrs. Serv ice .rcdit helps boos t pension: a nd helps ra i c final a ver:lgc sa la rv

cveral o f the hold ups on our legislation 1:15r yea r invo lved iry Co uncil Spea ker Christine Q uinn refusing to provide Ho me Rule Messages befor e knowing whet her the Sta re Legislature was going to pass a hill. T he Legislatu re, ho wever, refused ro a r o n bills without ha ving a Ho me Rule Message first. I }11l1 trying ro a rra nge a meetin g w ith Speake r Q uinn in ho pes of explaini ng the situation and getti ng ri ll: City Co uncil to cha nge its a rtit udc. Since three o f u ur bills w ill need fi scal notes from th e C ity, it's vitnl tha t W I.: impress upon the Spea ker the need fo r her to cha nge the Council's position. In the meantim e, Ron, Billy a nd I arc conrinuin g to make our presence know n in Alha ny a nd at City Ha ll hy attend ing imp orrant events and meeting with Legislato rs involved with rhc Labor .ommirrccs.

illy and I are continumg to make our presence known in Albany and at Citv, Hall by attending important events and meeting with Legislators involved with the Labor Comrni ces. - Pefer Meringo/o eCA Lobbyisf

To WllOm It May Concern:

Gladney Center for Adoption If you are interested in hosting or sponsoring a child for summer camp. please call (631) 265-2485 ext . 143 or send an e-mail to info@sgtadoption·

I retired as a Captain back ill 2000. I am writing £0 ask if the CCA would be willing to post ill the Captain's Quarterly about participating ill the Bright Futures Camp. This camp is for children from Ethiopia, who live in orphanages. They come to the U.s. for two weeks during tile slimmer and stay with their host family. These children are older, between the ages of seven to 14 yenrs 01rL The idea is tho c maybe this could lead to the child being adopted This is how we met our daughter Genet. We sponsored her in August 2006. She stayed with us and of course we fell in love and adopted her. In February 2007 we went to Ethiopia to bring her home. While in Ethiopia we saw poverty that we as Americans cannot relate to . There are so mOllY children in orphanages there. This camp was set. up for older children as most people want to adopt babies. /11 an Ethiopian orphanage wilen you become 18 years old you are basically kicked out and now have to fend for yourself Ifit is alright and the CCA would be willing to put somethinq in tile Quarterly, / will Bet all of the information together and send it along. This is preliminary and I am hopeful it will work out. Thank you for your assistance. VelY truly yours,

Thomas R. Kavonaqt: P.S. We are now ill the process of adoptinq Genet's older sister.

Members of the Class of December 14, 2007












































Hispanic Heritage Day On Monda!J,January 7, 2008, the Manhattan Detention Complex celebr ated Hispanic Heritage Day. The event was a huge succe ss feat uring great food and excel lent entertainment. Latin mu sician Orlando Marin was there to ent ertain the staff.

Honoring True Heroes

Th e C ": /\ a nd a ll C a p ta ins . rc pro u d of o ne o f ou r O W Il - : 1 tr ue hcro - ··a p r. Leon Br im m, C C A D e leg a te for Tra ns po rrn rio n . H i com ma nd honors and emb ra ces h im be fore his de parru rc. Leo n, a n I S-yea f vete ra n o f t he Depa rt ment, has been a mem ber o f th e United Sta tes A ir Fo rce servi ng 011 ac tive d uty a nd reserves since 19X3 a nd ha s a rr nincd t he ran k o f M a ste r Se rgea n t, I \ J m iln er w ha t yo ur pe rso nal opi ni o n is of t he wa r in Ira q, one t h ing all of us ca n agree o n is t hat a ll o f our service men and servi ce w o m en arc :111 heroes , T he}' arc figh ting a ba ttle ag a in st r o g ues w ho w a n r nothi ng b ur to destroy ou r w a y of life , to d est ro y a ll of the free do m .'> \\1 (' a s A m e r i a ils e n jo y. Go u bless all our A m e r ic a n troops . Leo n h a s been act iva ted for a secon d to ur o f lury. Hi firsr tou r lasted two yea rs . T h is time , Leo n is . c hcd ulc d to b e hac k a fter four rno nrhs . Plea se re m em be r Leo n :1I1 d his fami ly in yO\ll' t ho ugh ts a n d pra yer s . An yon e w ish ing t o co ntact h im w h ile he is on active du ty ca n reach him via e-mail a t LE O N BR IT r O N @lJ S.I\ EM IL or a t th e fo llo w ing ad dress : M aster Sergea nt Leon Britton , J r. USi\l~/3 3 2 EL R. IAPF

f\P O A E0931 --9997



O u r tho ug h ts a nd pra y -rs arc also w it h d ep lo ym e nt s.

.ap ts . , hcila lrby and Eugenio Ra m os J u r ing t he ir

Leon and his

family in your

thoughts and aye s. - Joseph Ferramosco Sergeant-at-Arms

Dep artment Agrees to Return Medal's Day to CCA T h ree years a fte r th e D e pa rt m e nt ro o k a W:IY M ed a l's Da y a s a mea n s o f spitin g rhc eel\ , t he y h a v agreed to ret u rn t he even t t ha t o ur Cap ta ins rightfully de crvc . "We a rc ex t re m el y pleas ed w it h t he d ecisio n ," sa id l st V I' Pa tr ic k Fcrriauolo . "Ou r "' a p ra ins h a ve w a ited too lo ng to be recogni zed for th e h a rd w o r k rha r th ey p er fo rm . M ed a l's Da y is :1 d a y w he n o u r fam ilies can come ou t an d sec t heir lo ved on es he re ward ed for a jo b w el l don e ." T he C ,A w ill hon or fo ur .ap ra ins in vo lved in an inc ident at G RV . in D cc c rn hcr 2002 w he re in m a tes in a ho us ing area w e re assaul ting st aff and a. a resu lt o f t he a rrac k , one of ou r Captai n w a s forced into re tire ment, A t th e rim e of the inci den t , fo u r Captains c a rne to the ai d o f staff: Ca p t. G rcgo ry Angrum , Cap t . 1\1len M iller. C a p t. M iguc] M e len dez. and C a p t. J o se p h R usso. : hn r tl y a fter t he inc id ent . rh D ep a rt m en t filed c h arges again st a ll four, At t he trial , t he Dep a rt m ent cl a im ed rh e Ca pta ins used e xc ess ive forc e' and should Ill' term inate d . A fte r a lo ng and stressfu l t r ial. a ll of the c harges w ere d is m isse d . T he A d m in ist ra t ive La w J udge o n rh e ca se e ven hailed th e four a s he ro es. Sin ce the inc ident . a p r. A ug r urn ha s re tir ed an d Cup r. M e lend ez wa s p ro m oted to As. i. ra n t De p ut y \'\!a r d t'll. C a pr. Ru . 0 an d C a p t. M ille r arc bot h active C a p ta ins. " We a rc lo o k ing fo r wa rd tu b r ing ing our heroes toge t her along w it h t he ir families , an d to fi nall y gi v ing t hem t heir d a y in the su n , " Fc rra iuol o said .

Retiree Notes Retired Capt. Paul Borkowski and wife Nancy are now residing in Rincon, Puerto Rico. Thel,j have opened a tour and vacation rental business. All Correction personnel receive discounts.

Congrat ulations to Capt. Keith E. Miller (Adjudicat ion ) [ above left ] ancJ Capt. Edward Vinogroski Januar y 22, 20 08 at The Pines in the Holiday In n Hotel in Queens. In top righ t photo, both

Anyone who is interested can contact their website

Captains receive retiremen t cert ificates (rom CCA President Ron Whit field.


(Adjudicat ion ) [a bove right ] on th eir ret irements. A party was held in their honor on Tuesday,

pr.corn or e-mail borkowsk [email protected] . You can also reach them by calling eit her 787-599-5494 or 78?-251-8?39.

Congrat ulations to Capt.

Richard Pasko (BKDC) on his ret irement. On Friday, December 21, 200 ?, the facil it y held a celebrati on in hi s honor. He's pictured above w ith his fam ily and at left recei ving a reti rem ent certificate from Ist VP Patr ick Ferraiuolo and Legislativ e Chairman Will iam Inm an.


DOC Retirees Be Friends Cruise The NYCDepart ment of Correction Retirees and Friends will be hosti ng a seven-dag cruise aboard Carnival's "Destiny". The sailing date is Aug. 31 Sept. 7, 2008. leaving from San Juan, Puerto Rico, to Saint Thomas, Dominica. Barbados. Saint l ucia. Antigua and Saint Kitt s. The first payment of $125 is due imm ediately. For additio nal information and payment schedule. contact Re t. AJON" Joseph Rogers at [email protected] or [919]957-8884. or Ret. Warden Sandra Hudson at [email protected] or (803) 535-3329.

Congrat ul ations to Capt. Michael Sakellaridis ( OSCC· Delegat e) on hi s retirement. On Thu rsday , Novem ber 15. 200 7, the facil ity held a cel ebration in his honor. Pres iden t Ron Whit field and VP Patric k Ferri auolo pos e w it h Capt. Sakellaridis holding h is facilit!:! ret irement plaque (a bove). In pho t o below,

Sakellaridis receives a spec ial gift t hat will hel p h im enjolJ his reti rement.

, ..


. ,'t,


Congratu lat ions to Capt. Amada Carmona-Marte ( HQ1on her ret irement . On Friday , Novem ber 16.

200 7, the facilitlJ held a celebration in her honor. Financial Secretary Frank lJ Soto presents her wi t h a ret irem ent cert ificat e wh ile her daught er holds a plaque receiv ed by the Iacilin].

Congratulations to Capt. Patricia Durante (VCSC) on her ret ireme nt. On Friday , Februarq

8, 2008, a par t y w as held in her honor at the Lobs te r House on Cit y Is land. CC A President Congratu lations to Capt. Sharon Wright

[Adad ernq] on her ret ir em ent . On Novem ber 16. 20 07, the facili ty held a celebration in her honor. CC A Pres iden t Ron Whitfield presen ted Capt . Wright w it h a ret irement cert ifi cat e.

Ron Whitfie ld, i st VP Pat rick Ferriauolo and Legis lat ive Direct or William Inma n joined in he r celebrat ion.

Denise Alston

Ja mes Grillo

Raju Philli p

Zoila Aponte-Reyes

Paulette Harper

Robert Quinones

Joseph Archibald

George Haqden

Jerome Rambert

Lifetime Members Since Last Newsletter

Larry Arono fsky

Allona Hendri cks

Hafsah Rhodes


Nelson Arroyo

Christ ine Hollowa y

Lena Robertson

Kenneth Anderson

Freddie Barfield

Derrick Hutch inso

Raul Rodriguez

William Atchue

Cedr ic Beck ford

Christoph er Jeffre y

Robert Rolling

Compton Bumbury

Stacey Bell

Gerald Johnson

Shaun Ryan

James Bundridge

Leslie Brice

James Kearn ey

Yolanda Selt

John Caroccio

John Brunson

Anthony Kenn edy

Ahmad Shaheed

Michael Casey

Roger Chappelle

Ross Kessle r

Adrien ne Scot t

Verna Crews

Joseph Klusko

John Signe r

Jeffrey Dagress

Joyce Kreb s

Steven Smalls

Will iam Daly

Orvelle Lawson

Cat herine Spann

Daw n Oarnrn

Kyle Long

Georgia Stoutt

Robert Danc y

Denise Manue l

Daphne Tisdale

Gwendo lyn Doz. ier

Will iam Menge

Richard Vickers

Ray mond Eck

Pete r Meringol o

Walter Winter

Eric Geisler

Yolanda Mill er

Minnie Wright

Alicia Gordon

Salv ato re Mogavero

George Zbravos

Sylves er Griff in

Stephen Mucci

Richard Zim ring

2007 Retirees

Art hur Pet ry

Daniel Caudiano Hugh Macisaac Nikolas Makrinikolas Maurice Mayer Dominick Minerva Herbert Moultrie Stephen Ricci Ronald Rizzotti Phyllis Ross Noel Rubio James Sebber Henry Spakoff John Suchodolsky James Watkins Leroy Williams


of the Minds

1st VP Patrick Ferriauolo led a contingent of CCA Board Members to Albany for the New York State Public Employee Conference Legislative Breakfast, After the meeting. CCA mem bers met with Lobbyist Peter Meringolo and members of the Sanitation Officers' Association to discuss possible bills that the two unions could submit together. "Hopefully Legislators will take us more seriously since there will be two powerful unions supporting the bills," Ferriauolo said. Pictured from far left are SOA Lobbyist Bing Markee . SOA Recording Secretary Arthur Cateuacci, SOA President Joe Mannion, Ferriauolo, and CCA Lobbyist Peter Meringok» Facing backward are CCA Sergeant-at-Arms Joseph Ferramosca and Legislative Director William Inman .

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