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UNION of /Nonh A.meri{a 2!)SG Seneca AVCl1uC!
Nia gara Fal ls, New Yorl< 1~3D5
·PHONE: (7115) 297-6441
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LOCI\.L NO _') I Affiliated with AI '
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OF OKLAHOMA R2301 E. Steve OW~/'IS alvd. 8Qx.'128J Mlarni, Oklahqrne 74;36S (918) ~42-6609 FN<;. (918) 5<12-3684
March 4: 2002
The Honorable George E. Pataki Governor of the State ofNe"", York S~
Capitol ' Albany, New York 12224
Dear Governor Pataki:
r turote you
February 6~ 1002 to express the inrerest of the St:lleQll-CayugaTribe in.
nega.tiaring tJJith the: state ofNew Vark to cpmplete I! gami.ilg- compact, 1 have also fa UoW~ recent newspaper articles closely with regard 'In tb.e status of negetiations with other tribes fur gaming oompacts, I heve recently met with the Seneca-Cayuga Business Cb,m'iJitteotmd I'have bc:t:tJ authorized to propose the following slJpplcmcn1 to my lecer ofFebrua:ry 5 Q> .
The Seneca-Cayuga Tribe would propose ~terihg iD~O coinpacts foe two sites iD. New York Strte; one within (he Cayuga land elaim area, and tl}e crWi in NhigamFalls, In eat:l,l case, the Sc~CfiyugJlT~u~ would ~ ag reeable to all ~ provi~ol1S' included in tho MC'ID.ar.m.d~ ofUnil~g and thl; recent Sf3te glllii.ir\g legislation." Specifically, the Tribe is WillJng to make c:ll;ch..lsjvityp/:lYTUeots to me State ofNew.York 0[25% of the sfQt revenues g<"-l1erilto;I at a Class ill W-cilil]'- .Further, the Tribe is willing toenter into pxojeet labor agreements wi(b building trades and the Tribe is prepared to agree to the; labor a.rgarA%.ins provision ofthe recent legislation.
,We understand that me Stat€: wants tribal laad claims resolved as prot of the compacting
process. Whlle th~ Seneca-Cayuga Tribe cannot speak for any other party to the cayuga land claim, l:I{t ~ pte,Pnrt;d to discuss a n~ber of proposals that We believe could facilirate a negctiated resolution ofthM claim that woUld be beneficial to all parties. For example,the Tribe1.'{QU1d be wi.Uing to make em additional payment offive million dollars a year to the State of New York from each of the two gaming facilities to assist We State in those negotiations,
Governor, I hope that you wiH give this pEfer serious consideretiori, as we ofthc: SenecaCayuga Tribe have done. We bi;li~ve· that it is jp the best interest of all crmcerned, r look forward (0 hearing from you. ; Sincerely,
044d~d Leroy Howard, Chief
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma