Gm-11 - Cca Newsletter Winter 2007

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New Board Takes Office in 2007

P.-esident cxrrxrxs' QlI.IRH. RI.)

An I)f ,[",I P,",h~t ion of CORRECTIONCAPIAINS' ASSOCI A101i Gtp~ftJnOf1 \

c' Conce1K1fl

UUJ of f.i~ w YOrt> l33


SOllie 1701

Nt" YOlk, NY10279

Ph: 1212}n7·~090 F, [2121962..1819 Iiothn IEmori" 1IC1t Only I. (888)707-3213 EM."I cc., nycll';,cI com We b~l l . '~ w nyetta (Iii












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JOSEPH Po RwIN l'FE INSlJR CE POrR 0. ~tE!lINGO' a LEGIS 1M' OiRECTllRt COIISULTANl Cap", ;n,' Ou'''erly .. pn>duced blJ the C.ffer:l"n Capt,,,,,,' soc ;'Il ion EnureCQ.r1H·n l

'OJ"J"i h' erl


RON WmTFIELD It is with great pride that I assumed the position of President o( the Correction Captains' Association 011 january 1. 200 7, after 2J years (1":; a Captain Gild 20 years 011 the CCA Executive Board. First, I iuant to wish Peter J'vleringolo well iii his retirement. He Jed the CCA, along with the Executive Hoard. (or the past 16 years and we have all been better served because of his leadership. We uiant you to know that OUI' goals remain the same and that your Ex ecutive Board intends to con tin ue with tl)(' best representation while looking to improve all our rigbts and v I'lIcfits. january has already P ro /i CII to be a l'cry busy time. First Vice President Patrick Ferraiuolo, CCA Attorney Harry Creel/berg, and I all met with Commissioner Horn ill [auuary. As the ueur President, ] wanted to talk to Commissioner Hom about some issues at hand, such as discipline and respect for 0111' members. [ also u/anted to lay the groundwork for the [utu re. U'le wall ted Commissioner Horn to understand ju st because Peter IJ
UPDATE: Just as this newsletter was going to print, we finished a successful hearing on behalf of Capt. Anastasia Henderson, at which time one of the charges against her was dropped. Her next hearing is scheduled for April 10 and we're committed to working on her behalf to ensure the remaining charge is dropped as well .

1st Viee P)-esident

PATRICK FERRAlUOLO Fellow Ca ptain s, I wo uld like to w ish yo u a nd your fa milies a hap! y and hca lrhv Ne w Yea r, As we en ter 2007, I wa nt to cx pr '. S hm \' extremely ca rer and excited I urn to be giv en th e pr estigiou s honor of serv ing Caprain as yo ur new I .r Vice Pre idcn r. M y 25 years o f eXI cr icncc w o rking in the jails h a ~ given me insight as to how extremely d ifficult a Ca pta in's po .irio n is. 1\5 yo ur ne w l sr VP, I a m fully relea sed to pe rform Unio n acti vities. T his w ill al lo w me ro foc us my energy 100 percent o i the time on helping my cllo w Ca pta ins. M a ny of yo u ma y nor he aw are t ha t fivc of t he C '1\' Exec uti ve Board po itio n: ar c nor 0 11 fullrirne rei ';1S(, an I a rc actu ally as ignc d W work in vario us co m mands. H a ving s: id rh ar , remem ber rhar yo ur entire Exc urivc Boa rd remai ns full y co mmitted to serving eac h and every OIl C o f yo u, no ma tter wh ar. T hro ugho ut my y -ars o f wo rking w it h rhc union bo th Peter a nd Ro nnie ha ve tau gh t me many va lua ble lesso ns. I've [car rie I to never stop fighting for a Ca ptai n's rights, a nd t hat cred ibility i. an extremely im po rta nt 3 S,'Ct. I str ongly believe in a lway. telling a Ca pta in th e a bso lute rrurh, gooJ o r bad. For the past seven and :1 hal f yea rs, I've seen assisting o ur Unio n a rro rne v: at pretria l 0 \T H hearings which ste m frorn n C apta in receiving a M emo ra nd um o f Co mplnin r. Believe me w hen 1 tell yo u t hat this is o ne of the most difficult jo bs to acco m pli h w itho ut a llo wine your em orions to get in rhe wa y. Ho wever, ther e a n: times rhar I mu st be t he vo ice of reas o n. M y ma in object ive d uring these proceed ing is ro en su re tha t ca h and .vcry , ;1pw in rece ive. full represc nra rio n. and that :H the end of the day, the Ca pta in's jo h and ra nk ;1I"e prot ect d . Re mem ber; ta king can: oi our fa milic is para mo unt . T imes have changed , an d we mus t never forg er that t he job is differe nt than it was 10 yea rs ;) ' 0 . Alw ays usc yo ur head w hen engaging in a ny type of sirunrion du rin g yo ur tour. I also W ;lI1 t to rem ind you of Capr, A. Hen derson ' usc an d the unne cessary agony t he Depa rtment a nd Bronx Dt\ a r putting her t hro ugh. We w ill co ntin ue ro fight fo r her unt il we a re victo rio us. T he Boa r I remain s fully comm itted to each a nd every Ca ptain . Let me close by say ing rhnr I w i. h Peter M cringo lo the best of luck in his retiremen t. He served o ur nio n a nd mern bcrshi well in his rcr rn as President. I' m sur e YI) U a ll join me in sen d ing him o ur best as he hegi ns a new ph a c o f life.

SCHOLARSHIP REMINDER All SAT scores from students who will graduate this spring, and who will be applying for a CCA Scholarship, MUST be received at the CCA office by the close of business on June 1, 2007. If you have any questions, please call the office at (212) 227-4090.


Stand to Serve


of Executive Board Officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegate of


Correction Captains' Association, Inc.

September 2006 GEMYSE BROWN



October 2006 JOHN BRUNSON

osee ROSE WIlliAMS



December 2006 HAROLD ERSKINE



NOMINATIONS Please take no tice tha t a mee ting o f the m embersh ip of C orrection Ca ptains ' Associnrion [o r the nomi nat ion of Exec utive Board O fficers, Delega tes and Alterna te Delega tes, w ill he held a l the Gene ra l Mem ber hip M cctine on \Vc:d nesd a )', April 18, 200 7
lnunediatcly (ollowillg No m inations. tbcre tuill b« a meeting (o r all candid it cs wit h a representa tiuc ( rum ' he Election . eruices Corpora tion. the Election Finn selected to ol/crsec this election, W/ rilfN/ rules p repa red by Election Services Corporation Illill be provided. Candid ates arc advised that cam pa ign mailings w ill {I (' lnuulled th rou gh Election Sen -ices Co rp oration com mencing on Tb ursda ., A/}ril / 9, 20a7. You nutst arrange ill ,l d H lII C£' fur the mailing dil l e, and discuss the pro cedure and fee , hy telepho ning tbe Correctio n Captains' Election Ad m inistrator at Election Serv ices Corporation at is i«. 248-7748.

ELECTION If an election is w a r rn n tcd . the e lecti o n w ill he co nd ucted h~' m a il ball ot and su per vise d l y Election Services Co rp oration. SI
apt. Fra nk)' Sow has been ,I member o f th e De pnrrrn cur 01 Co rrect ion since J uly 15 , 19 85 . He starred his ca ree r servi ng at O BC : where he learne d the jo b un der such lea ders as Wa rden Q uasi lnha rn a nd t hen ' ecuriry Ca pt. Chief Ro be rt N . Da vo rcn , " T hose wen: lead ers who led hI' exa mpl e, ,. Sow . a id . " I lea rne d a lor fro m the m. " During his eigh t yea rs in OHe: w here he re ma ined unril his pro motion ro C u] ra in in August J C 93, he urna s e I an extensive knowledge o f Receiving Ro om & Ge nera l O ffice pro .cd urcs. H is firs t assignment as a .apra in wu: T O Y a r GMD unt il he w as tr an sferred ro his pa ren t co mmand ar G RVC, w he re he served fo r anot her eight years. He wo rkcd vario us po sitions in (;RVC and w a: ulti mate ly awa rd ed the O pera t io ns Cap tain post w here he spcarh .adcd respo l1 ibiliries th a t incl uded Secur ity Risk G ro ups (pre and pos t Ga ng Intel), lnra kc, Recreat io n and In csriga rio ns. " T h .re wa s no such rhing as a sing le ,I I ra in having a had day. \X'hen on e of II had a bad day, we all had a bad da y, " So w sai l. " \\le wo rke d as a ream for everyt hing, iro m mess-h a ll duty to in idenrs. Together we d id it nil. Yo ur as. ign ·d P Oq d id no t limit you ro a n a rea. he en tire jail w a s ou r pos t . " After) 6 yea rs of i~l i l rime, that work ethic pa id o ff wh en he was recog nized hy then Chief Sheila Vaughn a nd went on ro work for her in C u tody M a nagement. as well as M nn agcrncnr and Pla nning. He served C hief Vaughn fo r appro ximately three years un ril her rerircrncnr, w hen Iw mo ved o nto hi.. next as. ign rncnr in SO D. While ser ving at O f) , a high light in his ca reer occur red on Febr uar y I, 200 I. Car r. So w helped ave tw o nurses fro m th e We t Facility w ho had dri ven th eir ca r inro t he icy waters off Rikcr s Island a nd wer e trap ped inside. Ca pt. So w insrincruu lly jumped into the fr 'cl-ing wa ter, sw am ro the q uickly submerging veh icle, and helped rescue t he tw o nu rses, For his co urngco u: an d decisive actio ns, he received rhe Dcpa rrrn cnr's Exceptio na l M erir Award an d was acknow lc lgcd hy this nion with the C C Distinguished Service M eda l. In 2OC14 , he was elected hy his pee rs in SO D ro . erve as th eir delegate , wh ich he welco med . Dur ing hi: ten ure a. the SO D Delegate, .a pt. So ro ca ptured th e Execut ive Boa r l's arrcnrion w ith his sincere ent husias m, co rn rnirmcnt a nd pa. sion fo r t he ran k o f Capta in. O nce aga in, his wo rk ethic pa id o ff whe n he W :I S recognized hy th e Exe urivc Boar d a n I un a nimou I)' vo ted on a s the new Sergca nr-ar-Arms, Capr . S O lO has been adu maur a bo ut remaining in SO D where he can easily accc: s [ht: membersh ip when needed . He pat ro ls Rikers Isla nd on the Jx 1 1 to ur (4x2's). Capt, So to is a happ ily married fat her o f [\1.'0. H i ~ w ife, 3-yca r-o lJ Son and J l-y ca r old daug hter ar c rhc back bo ne o f his eagerness to al w ays impro ve benefits an d o bta in the mo st for all O UR Iamilic. . "This is :l grC:H ho nor to serve the membership :l S Scrgc.m r-Ar-Arms. It's a pos it ion I rak e very serio usly a nd :1111 ho no red to ha vc," .oro sa id. "T he C ~ A ha s co me a lon g wa y in rh . past decad e or 0 rhnnks ro so me great leadersh ip an d car ing ind ivid ua ls who put their hea rt an d so ul inro each a nd ever y a spect o f their jo h. I' m ho pin g that I hav e lea rn ed well a lo ng th e way and that ' w ill be abl e to serv e the memb er. with that :111 1e enth usiasm ." Soto a id he is loo king for wa rd to the cha llenges that lie ah ea d, a nd to wo rking wit h t he new ad minist ration as th e C A moves fo rward int o a new year, " It's impo rtant for th e mem bers to realize rhcy a rc the eyes an d C;1I"5 o f th is Inio n. If an yth ing seems o ut o f the ordi na ry o r s usp iciou s, it pro babl y is, and mem bers sh ould immcd iarcI)' repo rt ir 1'0 ;1 Delegate or Unio n o fficer."

During his t enure as the SOD Delegate, Capt. Soto capture d the Executi ve Board's at t ent ion with his sincere enthusias m, commitment and passion for the rank of Captain.

Profile of CCA's Newest Board Member: Capt. Franky Soto, Sergeant at Arms

Happen to You By:

RON WHITFIELD President 8:

PATTY FERRAIUOLO 1st Vice President

<11 r. Anasta ia Henderson, upo n her grad ua tion fro m the Correction Academy, W ;1 assigned ro . upcrvisc a mc nrul obse rva tio n inma te dormitory at the Anna M. Kross Center. She had been a Ca pt. fo r five lays when she responded ro a .. 1013 o fficer down" alarm . In facr, an o fficer had b ee n slashed hy an inmate a nd required a su bs ra n ria l amo u nt of s ut u re s to close the wound ro his neck/facial area . cvcra l min o r uses o f force occurred as man y o f the inmate s were confronrarional and re fu sed ro co mply with di rec t orders uf respo nd ing statio On Janu a ry 9, 20 06 , a pr. Henderson was arres ted an d .hnrgcd with Falsifying Business Recor ds in the First Degree, a ,1:"l: S E Felony and () fficia I M iscondu cr, a -lass A M isdemea no r upon a llega tio ns that he had file I a lise o f force witness report a nd failed to mention rhar a respon ding o fficer had use I force. It merit: not ing tha t the o fficer acknowledged tha t he had used force in his o wn Use o f Force Report . Th e case was a d jo u rn c I ro M a rc h 3 , 200 6 . O n rh a t date, the Bro n x District Att o r ne y's O ffice red uced the felon y cha rge ro a misde mea nor charge of Falsifying Business Records in the ccond Degree. Th e official misco nduct cha rge remained a nd .apr. Hend erson conti nues to face tr ial for (2) misdem eanor allegat ions. O n Apr il 3 200 6, a moti on sch edu le was scr by rlu: ourr. O n May 10, 2006, mo tions were filed on ap r. Hend erso n's behal f. T hc motio ns sought , amo ng other relief, dismissa l of the charges in the interest of justice, d ismissal ba sed upon p ro... cd ural insufficie ncies in the . ha rgcs, d ismissa l based upon legal insufficiencies in the cha rges. impr oper use of M EO # 16 rcsrimony a nd othe r pr orccrcd rcsrimony In the investigation of the case an d numerous ot her legal and discove ry i. sues. Severa l adjo urn ment oc urrc d as a result o f dcla y in a nsweri ng Ca pt. Henderson's moti on and the case is scheduled for Februa ry I (). 200 7 for rhc C o u r t 's decision co ncern ing these monon '. On Ja nua ry 9. 2007, severa l Ca pta ins a long with the CC A Executive Boa rd went to the Bro nx Cou rt til sho w support for apr. Hcnd T SOJl . At the .omp lcrion o f her co urt a ppea ra ncc, Ca pt. Henderso n handed ou r a personal letter to eac h and every person who appeared to offer her su ppo rt . Wle mus t continue to . ho w suppo rt duri ng Capt. Henderson's or deal. Remember, eac h o f us can be in her positi o n.

Just dropping' by 10 say thanksfor III ofyour support. li's beell one y ear to Ille day , yel .\O many are still by my side. I haw never walked alone. This is a I)/essing: God has been good 10 me. He has truly blessed me vcith so many good people ill my life. old f riends as well as new ones. 011 the real. this has oeen a great ycarfor me. A t/Jl i1lg y car. but a g'reat year. It's ver)! rare that we stick together a.s a group more or less/or a whole yea r. rhi~' is alm ost u n heard of People participate in th ings to be seen. heard, orfor wha t Ihey carl gain. but each and every one of y ou ga ve f rom YOllr heart. H:71ether it \Vas y Oll r pray ers, cards, calls, lime (pricetess). nlllfll I, before work, af ter doubles. your day off, change of 101lr , even m ali C)' which we don't parI with coll om of my heart. Myfa mily thallhs )lOll. too. 1can 't .my enough. bllt 1 pray that GODBLESSES EACHANDEVERY ONE OFYOu. Captain Anastasia Henderson














C ra ndda ughrcr of Con grurnlarions to ou r eigh t fo r m er \V. W H iTfIELD . She was apra ins w ho we re prom o ted to A sistan r born Aug ust 28, Deputy W.Hcl cl1 effective j a nua ry 19, all I 2006. T he Fchrua ry I, 20 07 . p ro ud p a re nt s Fehru RD J\;{II.I.I: R B A RII A".'\ C RIFFrI HS \'(' 11 irficld,



T O NY.\ H :\YI.$

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Son o f CAH . I C H A EL C H



' J)RA STE\' E N ~ U '"


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(BK DC) and wife Lynn. He w as born .I.1I1 11a ry 9 , 2 007 , ,\..cighing 7 Ih5., , oz. a nd w as 20" lo ng .


TELL US I" all effort 10 make (his ne wslette r Illflre about the ruemh e rs hip . \\ ~. " alit tu include mo re a b ou t yo u a nd

you r families. If)'l'lI have "II event or good II"'" you'd like Iu share wilh other members . let us kno w,

Please send In Info n n:J1 io n ahtllu yo ur f.lIl1i1r en- nl,' lbi n hs. a nniversari es , birthda js . :.:r:lll ua li oo ~ . spe cial tr ips . re tir e men ts , etc. ) ... AIIlI he sur" 10 inclu de photo s.


Other Unions

CC A President Ro n Whitfield joined other I I'YC: la bo r un io ns in Alba ny to lo h bv Sta re Legislat or s on issues o f imp o rta nce to the Union . Pict ured ur ~ :\ Legislative Cha irman to p, W hitfield w ith Billy In l11 :111 an d Se nator M a rrin Go lden . A left, \\l hitficld an d LI)!\ Pre. id em To n)" C a rvey. J ext row, \'Vhitficld an I Inma n with As crnhl ywo mun


Au relia G reene: Cu rre n t CCA Lob b visr Pete r M cringo lo joins fo rmer eel\ Lohhyisr Floyd

_ _.JI

H o i o w a y an d Ba rba ra 0 ' 'cill fro m Assem blyman Peter Abbat e's o ffice an d lo bbyist Bing M a rkee. lso rro m ro w, N YS Asse mbly Spea ker Sheldon Silver; Senate Ma joriry Leader J oe Bruno.

O n M onda y, ja nu a ry 22 , 200 7, mem bers o f firm, 11l ~' partn ers, Vic Fusco, Esq., Rich a rd Hra ndcn: tcln, Esq. and Erin McCa bc. E. q. a nd I mer w ith Prcsi lent Ro n \XI. \Vhitfielcl and Vicc President Pa rry Fcrra iuo lo. The result o f th is meetin g is rha r we ha ve very proudly agreed ro serve a disr bility co unsel to rhc Co rrection C apta ins" Assoc ia tio n. I I1<1Vf.: hc cn asked to acqua int the membe rsh ip w ith m)' firm hy telling you so met hi ng a bo ut us. \Xle arc N ew York's Premier Accident . Disa bility an d \,\/o rkers' Co m pensation at torneys. Th e firm was founded in ) 97S by managing pn rrucr Vietor Fusco . O ne yea r later; Richa rd Bra ndcnsrcin joined the firm, In I l H2, I joi ned rhc firm, a frcr working fo r sever a l yea rs as ,1 sta ff a ttorney with the Federal Socia l 'ecuriry Adm inistra tio n's Office o f He , rings an d Appea ls. Vic Fusco is a freque nt lect urer a n d w riter in th e a reas of Social Security Di a bil ity and \\lnrkers' Compensation . He writes a rt icles fo r numero us unio n newsletters an I local n ' W papers . Vic is th e fo und ing President of rhe New Yo rk Socia] Secur it y Ba r Asso ciation an d ,1 found ing membe r o f the Soc ial Secur ity cct ion o f t he :\ .sociati o n o f Tr ia l Lawyers o f Ameri ca an d board memb er and a past Prcsidenr o j the Nation al O rganiza tion ()f Socia l Secur ity Cla imants' Represen tati ves. Since M ar ch 1999. he ha been the ho st o f " Lab o r Line s," a rad io progra m a bo ut wo rking men and wo me n a nd the or gani zat ions th at rep resent t hem. The sh ow is hea rd rwi c week ly o n WG BB, 124() AM rad io (T hursda y a r 7:00 P;vl a nd Sa t ur da y at 6:30 PM ) a nd si multaneously, wcbcast O il www.nm l ZqOwghb .co rn . It is also hea rd on \X/LlE , 5:40 AM (\X'ed nesdays at :00 PM ) wcbcast o n www.w lic.corn. Richa rd Brandcnsrein head s up the finn's Wo rk ers' Co mp ensatio n Divisio n a nd has ex tensive experience ill the fie] t ( I f \Vo rkers' Co mpen sat ion . He has hand led th o usa nds o f hea rings over the co urse o f 27 years. He, ro o , is a freq uent lecturer to othe r atto rney s in the area o f Wor kers' Cornpcnsarion L ;1w a nd hold s many round rahie . .m inu rs for do cto rs and rhc] r o ffi .c sta ff to inc reas e familia rity with t he n ua n ces o f \'(Io rkers' C o m pensa tion La w. Richa rd an d [ ar c lecturers to new classes of Na ssa u oun ry Police Sergea nts in the a rcus of Disability and Workers' Co mpensation. Erin Mc Ca l c is a no ther atto rn ey in o ur \'(/o rker -' .o m pcn : ar ion Depa rt ment a: w ell ,1S servin" as our o ffice manager. _rin's expertise is in th e area o f \Vo rkcr ' ornpcn sario n, Socia l 51:: uri r y Disa bility, real estate a nd wills.. he serves as the first Vice President of the In jured Wo rkers' Bar Assoc iatio n, a statewide orga nizat ion o f a tto rneys wh o specialize in \,\/o rkers' ' om pen arion matters. She ha: tr ied hu nd reds o f cases and handled rhou san L o f hea rings a lon g wit h sco re. of depo sition s over the year s. Erin is an active me mb er o f the legal COIllIll Uniry a nd a frc [uc nr lectu rer on disab ility ma tters for profes sional and co mmun ity or ganizatio ns . The firm has I I attorneys to wor k wi th yo u in matters invo l vi np; o n a nd off d uty in juries, mo to r veh icle acc id en ts. d isa bility clai ms (including th e Heart Hill and 9/1 1 Presumptions cases), Social Secu rity Disa l ilirv and Wo rkers' Co mpensat io n claims . For your co nven ience a nd to pro vide th e best p os s ib le service , we have o ffices in Na s a u Count y: \\lu od h ury Ill:! Uniondale ; Suffo lk C o unty: Med fo rd a nd Co mm ack; Ma nharrun; rhe Bro nx and Q ueens. O ur mai n o ffice is a t 180 Froe hlich Farm Blvd, Wood bury, j\,' .Y. 11 797. All o f our locatio ns a rc linked bv a wide ar c" netwo rk as we ll as th e Internet. All ou r offices can be co ntacted thro ugh on e rol l-free phone number 1-800-41 6-5454. or by e-ma il :H infoCfNhrla . In agreeing wi th C C A's President an d Vice President to serve ,15 Ji. a bility co unsel. we have: pledged to p ro vide C C.A memb ers wit h t he finest possible legal rcp rcsenruriou. T h is w ill include yo ur a bility to meet with one o f the part ner s co nce rni ng whatever cla im you m ight ha ve. Yom ~C A leadership req uires rh a r a co rnerstone o f o ur rc p rcxcnr ari o n he '0 Il1 Ill 111 icario n ,virh ou r ind ivid ua l .C/\ clients. \\Ie ho pe yo u will suppo rt )'o ur C '1\\ cho ice of Di 'a bility Co unsel h ~' ca lling us w hen yo u need legal assistance wit h a ny disabil irv or injury related m a t te r, Of o u rsc. it is alw ay s p refe ra bl e that yo u no t need o ur ser vices becau se w e lea with in jured. disab led ari d sick Co rrectio n Ca pta ins. H o wever, as yo u v ell kn o w, inj ur y an I d isability com e with the nat ure a nd d uties of you r jo h ririe. We wo uld like to ~ u ara nrc ' tha t we w ill w in every d isabi lit y ca. c rhar i, brou ght to us. Th a t is simply so methi ng tha t we .anno r do; nobody an, But we do gua ranrcc first clas s service, arrc nt ivcn 'S 5 to yo ur case, ac eS5 ro the o wn ers
Con tinued on

P Olj.\1:


Profile of New CCA Workers Camp Counsel By: MILAN RAOA, ESQ. Workers' Camp Counsel


including name and work locati on, along

with any pertinent photos, to: Captains' Duarterh] Correctio n Captain s Association

233 Broadway

Suite 1701 New York, NY 10279

My Final Farewell

to the Members By: PETER O. MERINGOLO Former CCA President

It's hard to believe that after 1110re tJU1J1 1(, veal's of running this Union, I'IIl addressing you now as your recently departed president. {t is with mixed ernotions that I sit dowlI to write this message. / have spent so loug thil'lking about tbe day that I would no longer be at the helm of tbis great Union, and uilnrt that day would feel like, that it's hard to believe that moment has actually arrived. So many [riends, colleagues, and of course lJJy family, have said that there is life tlfter Correction. I hope I will feel tlrat soon. Since / offh,-ially retired as President as of December 31, 2006, / have bad OITly a short while to reflecl OIl lily time as C CA Presid eu t , to look bach at where we were 16 yea rs ag o, and to see where we are 1I0W. So milch has changed in nearIy two decades. I was [ortunate enough to haul' had a great mentor umen / took Oller th e p resid en c..y. someone who w as able to lend a guiding hand and words of wisdom. Alfred (M and y )L\vltwdllllici, or Pop as I affectiollately called him, gt/LIC me th e knowledge and ad vi ce to do my job to the vest of my ability. Not that { always took his advice. I didn't. I had to forge my OW11 path (l/ld create a netiuorl: that would help nte take carl! of my Capta ins. And you were definitely all my Captains - those of you still here today and those who bauc I011g retired. Everyday I rejoi ce ill reflecting OIl a nd rem embering the lllallY important issu es that we fought (or and won ... and the l11any lives ami families I was able to protect and save. Looking bacl: 011 all of this, 1 realize that the se are my greatest accomplishments. Alollg the way, it wasn't just Peter Meringolo your president, It LlMS Peter Meringolo your friend. I took what happened to many of you ue,y personally, to the point where it might as toell been happening to me or Ill)' OWIl family. l lcaue (be CCA with positive m emories of the last 16 yem·s. I baoe 1I0 regrets. Yes, / stepped 0'1 mallY toes along the way, and made lIIaTTy enemies, but my underlying motive was aluurys to look out for your best interest . When the fight came to all end with a ioinning result, it made those battles fill tbe m ore worthwhile. I believe in my heart that a union leader's job is to protect the men/bel'S and their [amilies at ,my cost. As Correction Cap ta ins. we have some of the most thankless, nonretuarding jobs in thi s City, although necessary ones. My mottoOne that remained with me [rom the beginning - was that each and evelY member must be protected at all times. Could I have taken a differellt path in running the UlTiOJT? The answer is no. / will always believe that my job as your elected President iuas to be available to talk to, to be forceful when force was absolutely ne cessary, to sue when su ing was the only way, to fight when fighting was what uiould get the job done right. In doing so, and uiinning so mall)' battles 011 your behalf. I can oul» hope that / have made you proud that when yOIl put your trust and confidence in me -16 years ago. you had JlO regre ts along the way. Looking hack, / know this Union is 1I0U/ {1 milch different organizatio» than it was when [ took over. We've gone through differ(~/Tt com III iss iouers, dil/crenl administrations, differenl problems. But the underlying ba sis for Illy job as your President has always been the same - to toke care of y ou and your [anuli es i1J1d get you euerything you d eseru e. SOllie of you hnoe been here with me since the gel go, while others a re neiuer Captains and are not au/arc of how diffel'ent the current times truly are. While it is bard to say good-bye. know tbat retirement is //01 011 lJ1y agel/cia. / will still be actively involved in the CCA, u/orhiug to make sure legislation th at we need to con tillite successfully gets its due ju stice in Albany and at City flail . While I have retired as President of the Correction Captains' As sociation, I baue definitely not retired from life. / I1TIl looking [otoard to the many challenges ahead. l ioil! always be a pari of tbe CCA, as the Union and its members were a major part of my life for so malTY years. I want to thank all of you iobo called and sen t notes unsbing me well. The trust and confidence you hove all put in me made a tremendous difference in all that I did as you" President. I hOIJe yOll all agree that after nearly 17 years , it was time for ntr to do what I've told so many of yo II to do - give SOJ1le time to your [amil». /'11I loobing forward to the time / can }lOW sp end with my fillltily and grandson. / leave with my head held high. knowing in Iny henri that I've led tbis Union the right toay.

Outgoing President Peter Meringolo Addresses Those Att ending the December 2006 CCA Holiday Party After receiving a n emotio nal standi ng ova tio n fro m those urrcnd ing the eel-. Ho lida y Pa rty, ma ny' of w ho m carne to wish Reti ring. Presid ent Peter M c r ingo lo their best , the ma n who has led the Unio n for the pas t I (, yea rs roo k a iew l1l e un cu ts to '"l y " thanks." " 0 1 vio usl)' yo u have ,111 received a lett er I sent om announcing Illy retirement. It W;1S a ha rd deci sio n to leave my lii,;'s wo rk . M an y have asked me if I have an y rcgrc s , and I d o n 't, If I had to do it all over again. I wo uld haw do ne every thing the same way." he said, Mcringo lo told the cro wd how he b J rwi 'e I asscd the exam for ADW, hut turned down the p ro motion III o rde r 10 stay ;1S lead er o f the c eA. "T ha nk you for giving me the op po rtu nity to represent you. I've had a tremend ous run. I a n to uched by s o man y v i the co mments l 've received fro m Ca ptains, reminding me o f somet hing I' ve do ne to help them persona lly 01'1.:1" the years. Run ning this Union has been my life's wo rk. " he said. :\s pa n of his a ldrcss, Mcringo lo prom ised Ca pt. Anastasia He nderson tha t no matter where he is and no matter what he is doing, Ill" will be by' her side an d will rejoice in her victory w hL:11 it happens. Mcringolo said he W ::l!' mo ved by the who le evening. a nd that even fo r a ma n of ma ny' wo rds, it w a : difficult for him 1.0 speak 10 friends a nd colleague s abou t his re tire me nt. ..My lasr act ion as 'ou r Pre, idcn r W :l S to insrruc r the Unio n lawyers 10 file :1 lawsuit on behalf of our Cap ta ins regarding indc mnif .ation so you an' :1 11 prorc ted ," M cringo lo sa id referring to ;l la w suit he iilcd at rhe en d o i the yea r; " Defen din g o ur mcm hers for w hat lhey dp dai ly ;1S part of their jobs," ..As I retire, I a III closin ~ o ne chap ter a nd opening a not her," he said .

Immediate Past CCA Pres ident Peter O. Meringolo w as honored recent ly by the NYC Co l u m b i a Association for hi s ded ication to t he labor movement and

Col umbia Association Recognizes Meringolo

the CCA membe rship. Pictu red at top left prese nt ing the award to Meringolo is Joseph Carbone, President of the Co l u m b ia Assoc iat ion.


The New York Chapte r of the Arthritis Foundation presented its prestigious award to Peter Meringolo at its 21st Annual Labor

Meringolo Honored by Arthritis Foundation for Commitment to Labor

Leaders' Award Buffet Reception in November 2006 for his role as an ext raordina ry labor leader at both the Correc tion Captains' Association and in the labor movement . Merin· golo, along wit h Reception Co-chairs, Arthur Cheliotes, Pres ide nt . CWA Loca l 1180; Ted Khee l,

Esq.• Paul, Hastings. Janofsky & Walke r LLP; and Dan iel T. McGowan, President

& COO, HIP Health Plan of New York .

In Loving Memory of

Calixto Herrera By:

GUY8ROWN Secretary

In 198 ', a ma n lo ok ing to be about in h i mid-30s, w a lke d in to Block I f\ of HDivl, and sa id " I'm Calixto, w hat p os t d o I ha ve ?" Everyo ne loo ked a t h im a nd sil id , " heck out this o ld man. " A fe w called h im Pop, a nd il f · w ca lled him H , bu t no o ne ev e r cal led h im old man . T he tru e measure of a m an is in h is actions. h is m o ra ls, h is va lu es, and hi s a bili ty IIJ stand up as ,) man a n d d o w hat 's righ t! In the original Bing, th e re w a s a lw ays a fight, a cu llin g, a slabbing, o r a n assa u lt - a ll o n you r tour. The necessa ry th ing to d o \.. .-as to s lay in shape. We all loo k to th e w ei gh t room like mad men; Herrera w a s right th e re w i th u s. We u sed 225 lb• . to warm up a nd H e rrera d id , 10 0 . He p ush ed it 10 ti mes a nd th e n w en t for more w e ig ht. In m ates w ho th o u g h t they could pus h h im a ro u n d w e n.' v ' ry w ro n g . As an fficer, he neve r ca ll -d a Ca p ta in for hel p w ith an inmate. I h:, just w or ked hi s post and the in ma tes res pect ed him . H e w a not just s trong; he w a s s mart. W he n H OM (jATC) clos ed , he w e nt to AM KC to work its rece iv ing roo m . In ja nuary 2001, h e w as p romo te d to Captai n. I w as lu ky no u g h to be in th e sa m e A a d e m )' class. Whe n Herre ra w a lked into the room, m e m be rs sta rted sayi ng, " Wo w, ho w old is he?" T he fac t tha t H e re rra h ad a Bache lo r 's Degree Wi1S in si g ni fica n t in co m p a rison to his ab ility to "Ja il" . \' hen He re rra w a s a n O ffice r, he to o k res p ons ibi lity for his o wn a c tio n s and rarely called a C a p ta in for he lp. Now tha t H er 'ITi1 w a th e Cap tai n , he rarely ca lle d an ADW. ADW Lim ba u gh. who w orke d w ith H e re r ra in th e ja ils, w a s at the w ake an d aid , " H e m ad e it ha p pen ." H c rc r ra w a s the ty p e o f m an w ho vo lu n tee red to g o w he re no one else w o u ld. W he n he W i1. a Cap tain a t Rj\;ISC , a n undesireab le jo b i1S th e 3x ll rece iving roo m in AM K ne ed e d to be filled , a nd H e re rra too k o n th a t res p ons ib ilit '. H e al wa ys too k th e challen ges no one else w a n te d . Wi th H e rc r ra a nd on y Gree n , on e of h is best frie nd s, s traigh te n ing out th e co u nt and ru n n in g th e fro nt o f the [a il, the re w e re no p rob lems, he two o f the m w o rke d the receiving ro o m un d e r the legen la ry Cap t. jani H a yes . a pt . Gre e n sa id th a t no t on ly w as H e rc rra hi s fr ie nd, bu t he te ugh t him th e re eiving room jo b CIS w e ll. H erc r ra w as the ty p e o f C a pta in all Correction Depa r tm e n t e mp loyees w a n te d to work wi th . H e w as co o l u nder pressure, k new th e job in side and out, a nd W i1S th ere to back u p nll his co w o rke rs u nder even the W O L t of situa tio ns. He rerra too k th e job to hea r t an d w as the firs t to vol u n teer fo r p ositions no o ne el e w o u ld touch . W het he r it W i1S the death of a n inm a te or a n off coun t, H e rerra k ne w ho w to ta ck le the si tua tion . H e w a s not a complai ner, b ut CI d o e r. Cap ta ins, if yo u lea rn an y th ing fr om th is specia l m : n, it s ho u ld be th is : Take resp o nsibi lit . for yo ul" o wn actio n a n d m a ke th is jo b yo ur own. Ca lix to H crcrra w a s a Ca p ta in e veryo ne cou ld learn fro m . I a lways called h im He rre ra , neve r " O LD M A N ," because he w a s w h a t w e a ll s ho u ld be - A LEAD ER. Re m mbe r tha i w e ha ve 10 ta ke ca re of each oth e r o n the jo b. (' II d o m y pa rt , like Ca pt a in Herrera d id hi s .

O n Frida y morning, Oc tober 20 . 2006, Retired Cap r. Ronald Mi lton Barnes, Sr. crossed into rhe loving arm oi ,hri..T at Phoebe Putney Memorial Ho. pita ) in Albany, Geor gia. Anyone who knew Ronald, who W~)S :11 '0 a Deacon, is qui re awa re tha t Heaven will he even sweeter when he enters it g are ~ and joins the choir. Burn the eighth child. Rona ld was affectiona tely kno wn a " Ron" and " R B" . He was born on J uly 30 , 194 c • in Leary, Geo rgia to the proud pare nts (If rhc late M r, Bennie and Ethel Ha rne. . Ron atte nded Andcr son Elemenra ry Sch oo l al oi n ~ .•.. Leary, Georgia. He received his High , chool diploma from 1-1.T. inglcron High Schoo in Morgan, Georgia. Being a "bright" student an d want ing til improve hi srarus in life, he atten ded Alban y State .ollcgc in Albany, Geo rgia. \ .ro wing into a responsible young man. Ron needed someone. along with his religious beliefs. to help fulfill his life. In 1':l70, he married his childhood swccrhcarr and neighbor. Delois .a rrer. T heir unio n was soon blessed with two hcau riful children , Erica and Ro nald . Jr. Ron an I Deloi. relocated to New York .iry, where he worked ar Metropolitan Life of New York until 1 9 7 ~ . at wh ich rime he joined the New Yo rk .iry Depart ment of Co rrection . He was :IS igncd to the Q ueens Ho use of Detentio n, where he was also known :IS "Beef Steak." He was well liked and loved by a ll who knew him . In 1986. he W;) 5 pr om oted to the rank of 'apra in and assigned to the Brooklyn Correction Facility. He retai ned the rank un til his retiremcnr. In 1998, he and his beloved Delo i move d hack to Leary, ieorg ia. O ne other achieve men t that .ap t. Barnes ' vas so pro ud of was his membership in the Utopia Lodge Nu m ber 27 of Brooklyn. New York. Along with man y o ther wor thy positions, he advanced to 32 m l Degree and Pasr \'\/or ship Master. Having lived ;1 full an d who lesome life, Capt. Rona ld ;,,1. Barnes Sr. lea ves to cherish, honor an d celebrates memories of a loyal and devoted wife. Dclois Carter garne. , a daughter, Erica Barnes \\leathcrs; a son Ro nald M , [t u nes j r.; a hro rhcr \X1illic Ba rnes; a sister Mary Eunice Barnes; two aunt Mary E. T homas a nd Shir ley Barnes; an uncle. Willie Ellis; a special mothcr-in-Iaw Pcarlic Laster Cart er: four sister-in -laws. Dor othy .artcr Ha rris, .a ro lyu Carter, Marie Carter, Margaret Ca ner Holmes: five brothers-in-la w, Glen C. .a rtcr, Samuel Carter, Randy Cuter, Willie Frank Carrel'. Charlie C. .artcr: six grandchildren, Bryan, Brandon an d Brashard Weathers, M ichael Villa fane, K arnc rcn Barnes an d jarnila Axso n; :I special aunt, Sallie Perry of Lear y, Gcor ria ; a host of .pccinl nieccs, nep hews and other special aunts, uncles and cou 'ins, relati ves, fricn Is and those in Co rrc .rion w ho knew yo u. work ed with you and harmoni ze I with you.

CCA's New Workers Camp Counsel Co ntinued fro m

I'~\ ~C <)

bri ng to you , the member: hip of the CC I\, the same level of omrn irrncnt an d ser vice we ha ve pro vided to Na S:l U County ops for the past 18 lfl Yl.:iH S. I will he handli ng all the d isa bility claims. whether inmate relat ed, Heart Bill. 9- 11 Presumptive, H AT, accidenta l d isability, ordi nary disa bility or Art icle 15 disa biliry, j'd ~; very. very able paralegal is Carol Venezia. Yo u can schedule an nppoinrmc nr by calling Carol direc t1>' :It ( - I(,) 49(,-04 00. ext. 4413 . Please be sur ' to identify yourself as a m mbcr of the . A. We look forward to a very long and mut ually satisf ying relationship w ith the: .CA. In future edit ions. we will di cuss the pa rticulars of the variou s benefit programs as they affect you. Ii you ha ve ropi S you would like disc us .ed, please let me kno w. You ca n e-mail me directl y at mracla@tl)rb w.corn. For furt her informati on about the firm, please visit our website ar w ww.fb m,

In Loving Memory of

Ronald Milton Barnes /IRON, RB or

BEEF STEAK" Oct. 28, 2006 8y: RON WHITFIELD President

..A good ma il

obtaineth [auo r o] the Lord " Prover b 12:2

2006 RETIREES R O IWlfl A,\ I I~ H. U ~A ~1 : 1~ i'- ;\ DE'ITE

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Captains' Ouart erly Correction Captain s' Association

233 Broadway Suite 1701 New York, NY 10279 You can also e-mail your lett er t o: ccany [email protected]

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Congrats to: Capt. Billy Dill (BKDC). A retirement party was held in his honor on Congratu lations to CAPT. GWENDOLYN DOZIER (BK DC),

A ret irement party was held in her honor on Dec.

Nov.4,2006.atthe Glen Terrace in Brooklyn .

i, 2006, at the Harbor Manor in Staten Island. Pictured with her are ist

Capt. Allona Hendricks

VP Patrick Ferraluolo on

(MDC). A retirement

left and Financial Secretary Rodney Albury at

party was held in her


honor on Nov. 17, 2006, at M1-5 in Manhattan.

Retired Captai n Receives Special Gift R ETIRED C AP'T. M ACEO LAN G TON CLARK

receive d a heart tr a nsp lant . O n O ct o b er .1 0 , 20 0 6, he was admitted [0 Un iversity of Maryland Medical Center. He was su ffer ing with co nges tive hea rt failure that had become increa singly w orse during the prcvious few months. Medi cal test s reveal ed that his heart was rapidly failing and he wa s placed o n the heart tr ansplanr list as a top priority sta tus . On N ovem b er 4 , 2006 , a donor heart was locat ed. T he h e art c a m e from North Ca rolina and was a perfect m atch for Capt. Clark. The C h ief o f th e C a rd io logy Department (D r. Bart ley , r iffil h ) pe rf or med a v ery successfu l t ransplant, as fa m ily m embers and friends waited and pra yed in the w a iting area . Thank sgiving Day ca m e e a r ly for C a p e. Clark and his famil y, He i now reco ver ing ar his hom e in Maryland with his family. Capt. Maceo Cl ark and his family request your prayers for a complete reco ver y.

Lifetime Members Since Last Ouarterly

Capt. Godfrey Ford


Fred Bacchi

retirement party was

Bernice Bolden-Rasul

held in his honor at

James W. Brown

The Firehouse in

James Chamble

Freeport, Long Island.

Christopher Fabrizio George Gunther Terrance Johnson Edwin Keeler Bobby Mayes Judith McRae Leonard Mill saps Clifford Moses Gene Sullivan Dzell Thomas Raben E. Thomas Avelardo Valentin George Wytak

Annual Three Kings Celebration

The Hispanic Society of the Department of Correction celebrated its Annual Three Kings Celebration on January 27, 2007, at The Studio B itt Brooklyn . The event marks the time when the Three Kings brought gifts to Jesus Christ upon his birth . Pictured at the event are (from left): Retired Capt. and Board Member Al Seda and wife Debra; New Board Member and Sergeant-at-Arms Franky Soto and wife Marisol , Captain and President of the Hispanic Society Eugenio Ramos and wife Jea1Z.

Capt. Eugenio Ramos (SOD) was just activated to military service effective February 1, 2007. We wish him and his family an the best.




AN'n ueqlV OlVd a'ilels od 's'n I!e\' ssejj IS I!.:J IJos ,lJd

AN ')jJOA MaN 10~1 al.!ns 'neMpeOJ8 £E2 )jJOA MaN nlJ] uO!l.JaJJoJ iusunredejj




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