Glossary Of Terms Used In Process Management

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  • November 2019
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GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN PROCESS MANAGEMENT 1. Activity: Activity is the basic element in the entire process hierarchy. It consumes resources and hence is subjected to analysis whether it is value adding or not. 2. Analysis: Analysis means evaluation of facts and isolating those factors which are inhibiting improvements in the process. Analysis can be qualitative or quantitative. When qualitative, it is more due to learning and when it is quantitative, it is due to data and graphs. 3. Benchmarking: It is a learning exercise by which one organization learns from other organization about the improvements possible in a process by comparing the measurements and the process maps.. When used as a “benchmark” it is only a reference data and not the entire exercise. 4. Breakthrough improvement: Benchmarking or innovation leads to a quantum improvement which is drastic and unexpected. It is called a Breakthrough. 5. Continuous improvement/Continual improvement: When PDCA cycle is operated in the product or at organizational level, improvement occurs. When PDCA (Plan DO Check Act) is working at the organization or at a system level it is called continual improvement and when it occurs at process level, it is called continuous improvement. 6. Deployment: Implementation of a process in all places where it is possible. 7. Effectiveness: Did the process reach its objective or expected outcome? 8. Efficiency: Did the process utilize the resources as planned? 9. Information: Raw data collected and processed to facilitate understanding is called information. 10. Initiative: Programme of the company across all divisions to get certain urgent results like cost cutting. 11. Innovation: Certain changes in the process which are radical and producing results which are not linear. 12. Linkages in processes: The points at which the hand shakes take place between processes. 13. Process: The collection of factors responsible for certain outcomes which are important for stakeholders. 14. Process Design: The actions related to understanding the requirements and mapping the process with the involvement of all people. 15. Process Map: A graphical representation of the process through the study of which all factors of the process can be visualized. 16. .Process Owner: The person who is aware of the requirements and who has led the process mapping efforts and who can make improvements. 17. Process user: the people who implement the process at several locations may be with some local changes. 18. Procedure: One of the aspects of the process detailing the sequence of working. For task level processes, this can be equivalent to process definition itself: 19. Systematic Process: A process driven by the needs of the system (organization) and which can generate data to monitor its performance and improve it 20. Value: The benefit a process yields for its stakeholders. This is the purpose of the process management. Compiled by C P Chandrasekaran for Godrej Industries Limited for the Process Management Workshop conducted on 12th November 2008.

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