Gj-06 - Laborers Pataki Meeting Followup 0102

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  • Pages: 2
LABORERS' 'NTERNATlONAL UNION of North Amerita 2556 Seneca Avenue Niagara Fall s, New York 14305 PHONE : (716) 297 - 64 41 FAX : (716) 297 ·3 4 14

January J 1, 2002

Senator Joseph Bruno New York State Senator 909 Legislative office Building Albany,New York 12247

JAN 1 7 2002 ~

Dear Senator Bruno:


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It was a pleasure meeting with you this past Monday, January 7, 2002.

The members of our group were very impressed with the time and interest you took in meeting with us and your quick action in contacting the Governor aod having a Governor's representative speak with the group. Having said that, we are not so sure that the meeting with the governor's representative went as well. Specifically, we do not believe that our message was communicated as adequately as necessary to the Governor's representative and, particularly. the issue of tbe Seneca-Cayuga nations, which is represented by Mr. Wilmot, giving up their land-claim 'inter es t, within New York State, currently in litigation. We 8 re enclosing herewith, to explain, witb perhaps more clarification and detail, a letter from Tom Wilmot, describing the proposal, effnrts OD you r part to have the State and the Governor respond favorably to Mr. Wilmot 's proposal will be greatly appreciated and benefit the City of Niagara



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ML Patrick Ke ho e Assi stan t COW1S r.lIO Govern or P;Jt:lkl SLHe Cap ital Alban y, New York l2224 Dear Mr. Kehoe. Tha nk you for making yoursel (~v3il~blc 10 disc uss the Seneca-Cayuga prn r " , aJ to set tl e their land cl aim . As we c isc u ss ed, we believe we 11;",(; ;ld va n ce:d all idea th a t ac co mp lishe s both th e T ribes and th e Go vern o r's goals In western New York. I wanted to follow-u-p on a couple: of points yo u m ade ill the me eting . First, while I agree that it would be o p ti m a l. b oth legally :wd p o litica lly . (0 settle 'With bath tribes, 1 continue 10 believe that reach ing agreements wirb the SenecaC ayu ga can s igni fi c: a n tly enhance the Governor's ability to Te.;ICn a reasonable settleme nt WilD the New York C3ylJga,

The Governor's ~ gn r.ll1 c n l 10 a Seneca-Cayu ga gaming facili ty in N iagaca Falls would fac ili tat e sertlernenr in two signifi cant ways. First. if the New York Cayuga al e willing to settl e
We all 3 gn_-e th :.lt N iag ara r



Please let mc know


convenie nt date to do o .

Tb ank you for yo ur c ons jd c ra ti o o .

~~<~# Tborn as C. Wilmot

cc :


Gove rn or Pa tak: S c n a to r B run o

TOTHL P . f l?

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