Gigaom's Mobilize 08 Conference - Program Guide

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  • Words: 8,187
  • Pages: 46
The Next Generation Mobile Conference

September 18, 2008

Mission Bay Conference Center

San Francisco, CA





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For a long time, we have seen each year hailed as The Year in which the untethered web will come of age, with the release of new products from vendors who say they’ve unleashed the potential of the mobile web. Sadly, these annual nibbles have left a bitter taste in the mouths of early adopters. That is, until the iPhone. Here was a product that was enjoyable to use and delighted users with the experience. As they say, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating” — and quite clearly iPhone owners have been feasting with their data consumption. But let us be clear — the iPhone is only a glimpse into future of the mobile web. Faster network speeds are powering devices with bigger screens, newer interfaces and an emphasis on delivering a new kind of wireless Internet experience. The standard operating systems — RIM’s Blackberry, Apple, Google Android, LiMo, Windows Mobile and Symbian — are opening up opportunities for new applications and new ideas. It’s hard not to get excited about the possibilities. Now, consider the success of the traditional web. Now, let’s compare that to what may come next: • There are 980 million PCs in the world. • There are 3.3 billion mobile handsets in the world. Which platform and market do you want to address? We thought so. That’s why you’re joining us here today at Mobilize. We welcome you to our event! Engage in the rich program and take advantage of the unparalleled opportunities for networking. Call out your ideas to the world. Start with the person next to you.

Om Malik Founder and Editor-in-Chief, GigaOM





Agenda: Thursday, September 18th 7:00 AM 8:00 AM


8:10 AM

PANEL Platform Face-Off: The Economics of Development A panel of mobile industry experts explore the opportunities and challenges for mobile developers in the next wave of broadband mobility. A proliferation of platforms are all competing for developer mind share. How are the smartphone platforms such as Symbian, Windows Mobile and Google Android reshaping how developers create, develop, and launch mobile applications? What are the advantages and disadvantages of choosing open platforms versus proprietary platforms? Which platforms are best for your intended outcomes? Raven Zachary will lead the panel to outline the possible futures. MODERATOR

Raven Zachary, Contributing Analyst, The 451 Group PANELISTS

Eric Chu, Group Marketing Manager, Mobile Platforms, Google Morgan Gillis, Executive Director, LiMo Foundation Jason Kenagy, VP, Product Management and Business Development, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Gary Kovacs, VP and General Manager, Adobe John O’Rourke, GM, ISV, Developer and Competitive Strategy, Microsoft Corp.

8:50 AM

KEYNOTE Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco

9:15 AM

PANEL Location, Search and Context: The Noise and the Opportunities In any high-growth area there is a lot of noise and the rapidly growing location-based services space is incredibly busy. Location, search and context are hailed as the next trinity for mobile profits, but could they be the next Bermuda Triangle for eager startups? To see the opportunities we need to ask about the underlying technologies, monetization practices and the potential trade-off between privacy and convenience. Led by mobile search expert and authority Greg Sterling, this panel of industry insiders will aim to clear away myths and preconceptions and get to the core of how this triple play will empower entrepreneurs and their ideas.




Greg Sterling, Analyst, Sterling Market Intelligence/Local Mobile Search PANELISTS

Paran Johar, CMO, JumpTap Steve Lee, Project Manager, Google Ted Morgan, Co-founder and CEO, SKYHOOK Wireless Lee Ott, Global Director, Yahoo! oneSearch, Yahoo! Rick Robinson, VP, Products and Services, XOHM

9:55 AM

BREAK Workshop: Founders Financing Workshop The emergence of the internet as a powerful platform for media, social and business applications and the explosion of mobile devices have created great opportunities for entrepreneurs to start and grow new ventures. Venture capital and angel investments have been and will be key drivers in the creation and growth of innovative companies and the mobile space is no exception. Fenwick & West is presenting a workshop for entrepreneurs on the fundamentals of financing and venture capital/angel term sheets. The workshop will feature perspectives on financing terms and process from a veteran angel investor, a seasoned venture capitalist, and a serial entrepreneur. MODERATOR

Sam Angus, Partner, Fenwick and West LLP

10:25 AM

FIRESIDE CHAT Hyperconnectivity, Wideband and Innovation John Roese, chief technology officer of telecom giant Nortel Networks, is one of Om Malik’s favorite technologists. He fuses the promise of technology with hard-nosed business pragmatism. In this chat Om and John will will talk about the future of the wireless ecosystem — from 3G to WiMAX to LTE — and how it opens up the innovation treasure chest for those who seek opportunity. MODERATOR

Om Malik, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, GigaOM SPEAKER

John Roese, CTO, Nortel

10:40 AM

PANEL Without Voice: The Future of Mobile Web Data Products The success of products like the Amazon Kindle and the Dash navigation system point to a future of mobile broadband devices that are not phones. Innovations like Qualcomm’s diabetes monitoring phone show insight into future markets. Also we consider signals that suggest an astonishing amount of traffic for websites is unexpectedly coming from Mobile Internet Devices, like the Play Station Portable and iPod Touch. This panel will bring some of the pioneers to share some of their insights and learning.




Ken Fisher, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Ars Technica PANELISTS

Victor Brilon, Senior Manager for Technology Collaboration, NSeries, Nokia Ian Freed, VP of Amazon Kindle, Ken Kershner, SVP of Engineering, Dash Navigation, Inc. John Koller, Director, Hardware Marketing, Sony Computer Entertainment America Clint McClellan, Sr. Director of Market Development, Wireless Health, Qualcomm

11:20 AM

PANEL Thinking Experientially: What creates good mobile user experience? Good User experience sells. It sells handsets, it sells applications and it generates data usage. But what are the elements behind good User Experience (UX)? Countless products indicate that it is not just nice graphics or industrial design. Good UX is a combination of visual design, design for context and the hidden components like the network and chips. This panel looks at what we have learned from recent products and look to what advances mobile product creators should look forward to. MODERATOR

Dylan Tweney, Senior Editor, Gadget Lab, PANELISTS

Jason Devitt, CEO, Skydeck Jyri Engestrom, Entrepreneur, Google Rachel Hinman, Mobile Design Strategist, Adaptive Path Jeff Taylor, Director of Global Marketing and Product Strategy, Hutchison Whampoa 3G Handsets and Applications Group, Hutchison Whampoa/3

12:00 PM


12:15 PM

Workshop: Preventing Road Warrior Rage: Moving Beyond Mobile Email According to an IDC study, the mobile enterprise application market will surge to $3.5 billion by 2010. The rapid adoption of smart phones has significantly expanded the workspace beyond the confines of the traditional office. As the number of road warriors spikes, mobilizing enterprise applications beyond email is the logical next step. During this session, the panel will discuss best practices in mobilizing enterprise applications. They will address the following Questions: Are there specific industries that are adopting mobile applications faster than others? What are the challenges of mobilizing enterprise applications? What future applications will be mobilized -- enterprise IM, IT help desk? What are companies doing to help drive the next wave of mobilization? MODERATOR

Brian Havener, Motorola Good Technology Group PANELISTS

Gregg Davis, Sr. VP and CIO, Webcor Builders Ross Mayfield, Chairman, President and Co-founder, Socialtext



KEYNOTE Rich Miner, Group Manager, Mobile Platforms, Google

1:30 PM

PANEL Signals from the Near Future: The Mobile Guru Panel Everybody wants a glimpse into the near future, especially the entrepreneurs in our audience. To elicit useful insights we are bringing together some of the worlds foremost mobile guru’s to “chew the fat.” In a session led by Chetan Sharma, we will ask them what trends they find interesting and what they foresee coming in the near future, by looking at patterns in the present. MODERATOR

Chetan Sharma, President, Chetan Sharma Consulting PANELISTS

Marc Davis, Chief Scientist of Yahoo! Connected Life and Director of ESP, Yahoo! Dr. Fred Kitson, Corporate VP, Applied Research and Technology Center, Motorola, Inc. Russ McGuire, VP, Corporate Strategy, Sprint John SanGiovanni, Co-founder and VP, Product Design, Zumobi

2:10 PM

PANEL Money and Friends: The Promise of Social Networks on Mobiles Social networks work on the PC web. The 100 Million users that Facebook are about to reach is testament to that. Many in Silicon Valley are rubbing their hands at the prospects of riches being mined from mobility meeting the social graph. But the real question is will it work? Will people want it? Many transitions from the web to mobile have landed with a wet thud. We ask the people at the frontline of making social networking work on mobile what obstacles and oases they see on the road ahead. MODERATOR

Sebastian Rupley, Editorial Director, PCMagCast PANELISTS

Noelia Amoedo, VP Mobile, hi5 John Faith, General Manager and VP, MySpace Mobile, MySpace Chamath Palihapitiya, VP of Growth, Mobile and International, Facebook Evan Tana, Director of Product Management and Marketing, Loopt

2:50 PM


3:20 PM

DEBATE The Broadband Wireless Debate: The Network Technology Face Off LTE, Wimax or WiFi. Who does the future belong to?




Om Malik, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, GigaOM PANELISTS

Jeff Belk, Managing Director, ICT168 Capital, LLC Scott Richardson, Chief Strategy Officer, Clearwire

3:40 PM

PANEL The Carrier Panel: Strategies To Keep Mobile Data Growing Stagnant subscriber figures. Low churn rates. There is only so much talking that a person can do in the day. So profits from voice are at a stasis. The new frontier for profits and opportunity is through growing mobile data. But it needs to be nurtured and there has to be a plan to enable the entrepreneurs to exploit it. The panel will try to gain insights into what the carriers will do to make the mobile data explosion happen. MODERATOR

Chetan Sharma, President, Chetan Sharma Consulting PANELISTS

Venetia Espinoza, Director, Mobile Applications and Partner Programs, T-Mobile Frank Meehan, General Manager of 3G Handsets and Products, Hutchinson Whampoa/3 Russ McGuire, VP, Corporate Strategy, Sprint Michael Woodward, VP, Mobility Business Marketing, AT&T

4:20 PM

PANEL The VC Panel: Current Mobile Investment Trends A panel of tier 1, taste-maker investors explain the trends driving which ideas are getting the money in the new mobile web. Understand better their insights on market trends and what they think are the areas that will return the rewards. An extended Q&A will give you plenty of time to interact with the VC panel. MODERATOR


Matt Murphy, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers Scott Raney, Partner, Redpoint Ventures Jake Seid, Managing Director, Lightspeed Venture Partners Rick Segal, Partner, JLA Ventures Richard Wong, Partner, Accel Partners



6:25 PM


Pinch Media






Fusion Garage Project



















CLOSING REMARKS Om Malik, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, GigaOM

6:30 PM



Cumulux Cumulux was founded in March 2008 by two Microsoft veterans with the strong belief that the mobile phone is the business computing device of the future and will evolve beyond email and web browsing. The company is based out of Seattle, WA with development teams in Delhi and Hyderabad, India. Cumulux provides products that enable information workers access to critical business processes and knowledge on the go, with almost no additional management costs to IT. Cumulux alleviates the need for IT to manage multiple applications on the mobile device. Cumulux Portal Server is available both as an on-premise solution and also as a hosted offering. Cumulux Mobile Suite is currently under development and will be launched in December 2008.



Fonemesh Fonemesh builds software for devices to interact dynamically with the environment they are in. We bridge the gap which until now separated users in the physical environment with their online identities. We believe that the future of the mobile web lies in the ability to selectively utilize intelligence from online identities to give users a better understanding of their surroundings and make more informed decisions on the go. Fonemesh is that missing fabric which forms an automated, secure and cross-platform base for future web applications to be built upon. Doing so allows us to realize tomorrow’s technology today, such as preference-aware interactive signboards, social networking, automated file syncing and even on-the-go gaming.

Fonolo Fonolo helps consumers deal with large companies over the phone. Fonolo’s Deep Dialing feature allows users to skip the dreaded phone menus (also known as “IVR systems”) and get right to the point. With Fonolo’s Deep Dialing, users can navigate the call path options visually, on a computer or mobile device, then click to be connected directly, rather than plodding through the menus step-by-step. Fonolo’s Intelligent Call History feature tracks all the calls a user makes to a particular company, regardless of which phone is used, and automatically organizes them along with notes and recordings. Fonolo is privately held and based in Toronto. The service is currently in closed beta testing.

Fusion Garage Fusion Garage founded in Feb 2008, has been working on Project Fuse - “The browser as an operating system.” So far, the promise of the Web OS has been just that. - A promise. “What if the browser could boot without an OS? How different would the world be?” Project Fuse is an operating system with the browser at its core. It’s a UI experience that ties the browser OS with various web services & deals with fragmentation and unification of web services. It’s built with a social wrap that makes it socially active and communication will be unified (blogs, emails, IMs amongst others). Additionally, developers can write once for web and have it working across a variety of devices.



Heysan Heysan is a new mobile social messaging service based in San Francisco, California. Every day thousands of our users from all over the world sign in to Heysan from their mobile phones to chat with friends on their favorite IM networks or with new friends they’ve met on Heysan. Sign in to heysan from your phone at Founded in early 2007 as part of Y Combinator’s winter program the company and has since raised a seed round from Khosla Ventures and the founders of Skype (Atomico Investments).

LuckyCal, Inc. LuckyCal predicts where you’ll be to help you decide what to do. LuckyCal uses Predictive Presence Technology to figure out where you’ll be, using information from your address, schedule, travel plans and other sources. Then it finds events of interest: bands, shows, and teams you want to see, times that you can meet up with friends and contacts, and flights and hotels for your trips. LuckyCal fully supports popular calendar clients like Outlook and Google Calendar. As a business user, you can import your schedule as well as thousands of prospective or current clients. You’ll automatically be reminded who to call when you’re next on the west coast, improving your top line, your bottom line, and morale.

MotionDSP MotionDSP is a San Mateo, California-based startup that sells powerful “auto-fix” software for video. Its technology is available in two products: Ikena Reveal, a professional video forensics application currently in use at the Secret Service, CNN, and law enforcement, and, a consumer web service that fixes videos from mobile phones. In July of 2007, the company announced a strategic agreement with In-Q-Tel, the independent strategic investment firm that identifies innovative technology solutions to support the mission of the Central Intelligence Agency and the broader U.S. Intelligence Community. MotionDSP is now bringing its powerful tools to the consumer market and raising a new round of financing.

Pinch Media Pinch Media helps mobile developers understand, optimize and grow their businesses. Our Pinch Analytics library is used in several dozen popular iPhone applications, installed on over two million iPhones. With the intelligence provided by our analytics and the strategy we’ve gleaned from our systemwide data, iPhone developers have been able to improve their applications, develop effective sales strategies, and maximize their revenue. Founded by Greg Yardley and Jesse Rohland, the company is based out of New York City and is funded by Union Square Ventures and First Round Capital.

placethings placethings is a mobile media platform and iPhone application that allows you to create and interact with place based media from your mobile device. placethings lets you create, place, and view photos, audio and text right where you are. Possibilities include histories, memories, “secret” messages, reviews, games, location information, tours, advertising & promotions. Each “thing” becomes a hub for further place based conversation. You can respond to an



image with another image, a voice recording, or with text. Any combination is possible. placethings is about media in place: a persistent, meaningful layer of content accessible via your iPhone or other mobile device. Imagine places that to the naked eye appear empty but through placethings become vast, alive, dynamic new “places” - virtual hotspots of rich content.

Skyfire Labs, Inc. Founded in April 2006, Skyfire is an exciting venture-backed innovator in mobile web browsing with a mission to dramatically improve your browsing experience on mobile phones. We created the only mobile browser that delivers both the speed and media-rich experience similar to the PC browser. For the first time, you can watch any video, listen to any music, socialize on any network and browse whatever you want. Anything you can do from your PC, you can now do from your mobile phone using Skyfire. We believe it’s going to change the way you use your mobile phone.

Tapulous, Inc. Tapulous is building a family of fun and social apps for the iPhone and, in the future, other next generation mobile devices. Our first two apps, Tap Tap Revenge and Twinkle, have been runaway hits on the iPhone App Store, with more than 1.5 million users in one month. All of the apps connect to a common social backend, so that Tapulous is also building a mobile social network of sorts. The company is funded by a group of angel investors including Katrina Garnett, Andy Bechtolsheim, Rajeev Motwani, Marc Benioff, Khosla Ventures, Jeff Clavier, Rob Theis and Ben Smith. The company’s business model includes advertising and premium editions of its apps.

TuneWiki, Inc. TuneWiki is the most advanced social media player in the world. It delivers song lyrics synchronized to the music playing on an Apple iPhone/iTouch, Android, and a variety of other music-enabled mobile phones (J2ME, WM). A collaborative community of users enters or corrects lyrics and synchronization information that can be shared by all, a process similar to sites such as Wikipedia. The site launched in late December 2007 and is wildly successful, supporting more than a million users in its first few months of operation.TuneWiki plays video too, while displaying lyrics. It creates music based Social Network: users share music information with friends and can sync and translate directly from their mobile phone, shows music maps and top songs. TuneWiki have won the Google Android Development Challenge first prize.

Zecter Zecter was founded in October 2007. The first product of the company: Zecter Share, launched into private beta in May of 2008. ZumoDrive is the second product of the company. ZumoDrive frees your media so it is accessible from all your devices. This is done by storing all of your files securely in the cloud so it’s not tied to a single computer. ZumoCast, the mobile component of ZumoDrive, enables you to consume your media directly from the mobile phone. With ZumoCast, you can access your entire media library without being constrained by the capacity of the storage on the phone.





KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Rich Miner, Group Manager, Mobile Platforms, Google Padmasree Warrior, CTO, Cisco

GigaOM SPEAKERS Chris Albrecht, Staff Writer, NewTeeVee Om Malik, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, GigaOM

CONFERENCE SPEAKERS Gustaf Alstromer, CEO and Co-founder, Heysan Noelia Amoedo, VP Mobile, hi5 Jeff Belk, Managing Director, ICT168 Capital, LLC Shai Berger, President and Co-founder, Fonolo Nitin Bhandari, CEO and Co-founder, Skyfire Ryan Block, Editor, Victor Brilon, Senior Manager for Technology Collaboration, NSeries, Nokia Tim Chang, Principal, Norwest Venture Partners Eric Chu, Group Marketing Manager, Mobile Platforms, Google Rani Cohen, Co-founder, Chairman and CEO, TuneWiki, Inc. Marc Davis, Chief Scientist of Yahoo! Connected Life and Director of ESP, Yahoo! Bart Decrem, Founder and CEO, Tapulous Jason Devitt, CEO, Skydeck Jyri Engestrom, Entrepreneur, Google Venetia Espinoza, Director, Mobile Applications and Partner Programs, T-Mobile John Faith, General Manager and Vice President, MySpace Mobile, MySpace Ken Fisher, Founder and Editor-in-Chief, Ars Technica Ian Freed, Vice President of Amazon Kindle, Morgan Gillis, Executive Director, LiMo Foundation Rachel Hinman, Mobile Design Strategist, Adaptive Path Paran Johar, CMO, JumpTap Nagraj Kashyap, Sr. Director, Qualcomm Ventures Jason Kenagy, VP, Product Management and Business Development, Qualcomm CDMA Technologies Ken Kershner, Senior Vice President of Engineering, Dash Navigation, Inc. Fred Kitson, Corporate Vice President, Applied Research and Technology Center, Motorola, Inc.


SPEAKERS John Koller, Director, Hardware Marketing, Sony Computer Entertainment America Gary Kovacs, VP and General Manager, Adobe Mobile and Devices, Adobe Systems Incorporated Caleb Kow, CEO, Fonemesh, Inc. Steve Lee, Project Manager, Google Dan Mason, Sr. Product Manager, ESPN Mobile Web, ESPN Digital Media Clint McClellan, Sr. Director of Market Development, Wireless Health, Qualcomm, Inc. Russ McGuire, VP, Corporate Strategy, Sprint Frank Meehan, General Manager of 3G Handsets and Products, Hutchinson Whampoa/3 Ted Morgan, Co-founder and CEO, Skyhook Wirelesss Matt Murphy, Partner, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers John O’Rourke, GM, ISV, Developer and Competitive Strategy, Microsoft Corp. Lee Ott, Global Director, Yahoo! oneSearch, Yahoo! Chamath Palihapitiya, VP of Growth, Mobile and International, Facebook Scott Raney, Partner, Redpoint Ventures R. Ramakrishnan, Co-founder, Cumulux Chandrasekar Rathakrishnan, Founder and CEO, Fusion Garage Pte Ltd Scott Richardson, Chief Strategy Officer, Clearwire Rick Robinson, VP, Products and Services, XOHM John Roese, CTO, Nortel Sebastian Rupley, Editorial Director, PCMagCast John SanGiovanni, Co-founder, VP, Product Design, Zumobi Rick Segal, Partner, JLA Ventures Jake Seid, Managing Director, Lightspeed Venture Partners Chetan Sharma, President, Chetan Sharma Consulting Greg Sterling, Analyst, Sterling Market Intelligence/Local Mobile Search Evan Tana, Director of Product Management and Marketing, Loopt Jeff Taylor, Director of Global Marketing and Product Strategy, Hutchison Whampoa 3G Handsets and Applications Group, Hutchison Whampoa/3 Dean Terry, Co-founder, placethings Dylan Tweney, Senior Editor, Gadget Lab, Sanjay Vakil, Founder, LuckyCal, Inc. Sean Varah, CEO, MotionDSP Rich Wong, Partner, Accel Partners Michael Woodward, VP, Mobility Business Marketing, AT&T Greg Yardley, Co-founder and CEO, Pinch Media Raven Zachary, Contributing Analyst, The 451 Group David Zhao, Co-founder and CEO, Zecter




HEADLINE SPONSOR Qualcomm Qualcomm Incorporated is a leading developer and innovator of advanced wireless technologies and data solutions. The company enables the key participants of the wireless value chain—network operators, device and infrastructure manufacturers, application and content developers—with solutions that allow consumers, businesses and government entities to leverage the vast capabilities and benefits of wireless technologies and communications. Headquartered in San Diego, California, Qualcomm is included in the S&P 500 Index and is a 2007 FORTUNE 500® company traded on The NASDAQ Stock Market® under the ticker symbol QCOM. Learn more about Qualcomm at

PRIMETIME SPONSORS Fenwick & West LLP Fenwick & West LLP is one of the preeminent venture capital practices in the country, continually ranked by Dow Jones as one of the top 5 most active VC groups in the United States. Fenwick’s Venture Capital Services (VCS) group helps manage relationships with investors and the entrepreneurial community. The firm has long-standing relationships with the recognized leaders in the industry, currently representing more than 50 VC firms in their investments. Likewise, Fenwick represents more than 275 VC-backed companies, from formation and initial funding through IPOs and acquisitions, giving investors access to a high-quality pipeline of emerging companies. For more information, please visit

Motorola Good Technology Group Motorola Good Technology Group is a leader in enterprise wireless handheld computing software and services, delivering critical corporate information to the handhelds users choose, over the networks they prefer. Our Good Mobile Messaging and Good Mobile Intranet products extend enterprise applications — including Microsoft Outlook and Lotus Notes, intranets and certain other corporate applications — to mobile employees when and where they need them. Good’s combined enterprise software and service runs on a variety of popular devices and networks and delivers a total cost of ownership advantage through “Zero IT Touch” over-the-air (OTA) software management and real-time handheld fleet visibility. Good Technology is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. For more information call 1-866-7-BEGOOD and select the option for sales, e-mail [email protected] or visit

Sun Microsystems, Inc. Sun Microsystems develops the technologies that power the global marketplace. Guided by a singular vision — “The Network is The Computer”™ — Sun drives network participation through shared innovation, community development and open source leadership. Sun’s Java Mobile technology (from Java ME platform, to tools, and plug ins for NetBeans IDE) is installed on more than 2 Billion handsets and mobile devices worldwide. 180 carriers worldwide deploy Java ME on their networks making Java the most ubiquitous mobile computing platform worldwide. Sun also offers programs for new developers to take advantage of the Java platform opportunity. With Venture Capital Matching, low cost servers and hosting programs, Sun’s Start Up Essentials is a program that powers the new developer and next generation innovation. Sun can be found in more than 100 countries and on the Web at



SHOWTIME SPONSORS Aliph Aliph makes personal technology comfortable, usable and beautiful. The company’s flagship product, the award winning Jawbone® Bluetooth® headset with NoiseAssassin™ technology, set a new standard for mobile voice quality. Unmatched in the industry, Aliph’s NoiseAssassin technology was originally perfected with DARPA for battlefield applications, eliminating background noise and delivering unparalleled call clarity in all environments. Since its launch in December 2006, the Jawbone headset has been widely recognized as the best Bluetooth headset in the marketplace. The company was founded by Alexander Asseily and Hosain Rahman, who met as Stanford undergrads, sharing a belief that better user experiences around voice and device usability are critical to improving mobile communications. Aliph is a privately-held company headquartered in San Francisco. For more information, please visit

Dial2Do Dial2Do, a provider of voice activated phone services, lets you phone the internet, handsfree, to get things done. You can send emails, texts, reminders, twitter posts and more, hands-free, by just dialing a number and speaking. This allows phone users to access their favorite internet services while driving in their car or anywhere where they are hands-free. Built on an open hosted voice platform, Dial2Do enables 3rd parties to voice activate a growing range of internet productivity services and make them available to Dial2Do users. For more information, please visit

eBuddy eBuddy created the world’s first, independent, web browser-based IM service in 2003 and extended the service to mobile in June 2007. Supporting 600+ different mobile devices, eBuddy’s mobile IM solution – - offers a J2ME client and a browserbased IM service allowing access to all major IM networks including AIM, GoogleTalk, MSN Live Messenger, MySpace and Yahoo. The mobile IM client has been downloaded more than 6M times in its first year and more than 2M unique users currently access the mobile service each month, making it one of world’s most popular MIM services. eBuddy is based in Amsterdam with satellite offices in London and San Francisco, and is a privately-held company backed by Prime Technology Ventures and Lowland Capital Partners. For more information, please visit

Flurry Flurry provides iPhone, Java ME and Android application developers the power to unleash their mobile business. With five patents pending, Flurry is commercializing its groundbreaking technology platform so that all mobile application developers can benefit. Developers will learn how consumers use their applications to make better product decisions, more efficiently cover complex handset build permutations, and unlock new ways to monetize their applications. Flurry’s platform has been a key secret weapon, driving the success of its award-winning applications, which have been downloaded over three million times across 1,200 handsets and in over two hundred countries. Learn how Flurry can unleash your mobile business today. For more information, please visit



Keynote Systems, Inc. Keynote is the leading provider of on-demand test and measurement solutions for continuously improving the online experience. Connected companies will know precisely how their Web sites, content, and applications will perform on actual browsers, networks, and mobile devices long before their customers and business are impacted. Known as The Mobile and Internet Performance Authority™, Keynote has a market-leading infrastructure of 2,400 measurement computers and mobile devices in over 240 locations worldwide. Keynote provides independent testing and monitoring of mobile content, applications, and services on real devices across multiple operator networks around the world. For more information, please visit

Lexy Lexy is a ground-breaking audio content distribution platform offering consumers the freshest news and entertainment programming on their mobile phones anytime, anywhere. Completely device- and carrier-independent, Lexy requires no special applications or downloads. This approach affords media programmers 100% access to mobile consumers, and mobile consumers unfettered access to the programming and people most important in the lives. With Lexy, the Audio Web is now open for business. Learn more when at Mobilize 08, Lexy announces a significant strategic alliance that reshapes the mobile audio landscape. Call 415-692-4918 to subscribe to the GigaOM’s Mobilize 08 Quikcast. For more information, please visit

Loopt Loopt, based in Silicon-Valley and backed by leading venture capital firms Sequoia Capital and New Enterprise Associates, has created a truly interoperable and accessible social-mapping service that is available across multiple carrier networks and supported on over 80 mobile devices. Leveraging the latest location technology, Loopt changes the way people connect, share and explore in the real world. Loopt was designed with privacy considerations at its core and offers a variety of effective and easy-to-use privacy controls for subscribers. Loopt works with leading mobile, social networking, and online privacy and security organizations such as the Family Online Safety Institute, Cyber Safe California,, Congressional Internet Caucus Advisory Committee, Progress & Freedom Foundation’s Center for Digital Media Freedom, and the Internet Safety Task Force. For more information, please visit

mywaves, Inc. mywaves is a free, direct-to-consumer mobile video service that attracts up to 300,000 daily unique visitors to mywaves enables viewers to browse through a broad choice of short-form videos from such content partners as MTV, Sports Illustrated, CBS, Fox, SpikeTV, VH1, and more. The mywaves services works globally across all 3G, EDGE, EV-DO, WiFi, and WiMAX networks. Its free, ad-supported model versus a subscription service has enabled the company to rapidly amass the largest mobile video audience in the world, providing advertisers the opportunity to interact with mobile consumers through the engaging medium of video entertainment. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., mywaves is led by a team from Yahoo!, Napster, Danger, Palm and TiVo. The company is funded by venture capital firm, Menlo Ventures. For more information, please visit



Myxer Myxer is the largest and fastest growing site for free ad-supported mobile content — with over 13 million users,more than 22 million mobile downloads a month, and a catalog of over 1 million ringtones, wallpapers, videos and games. At there are no hidden costs, no subscription fees and no surprises. For content providers, advertisers and consumers, Myxer’s mobile platform enables radically simple and quick delivery of content, or customized Web to mobile ad campaigns, regardless of the service provider or mobile device being used. Myxer has been named 2008 “Key Market Enabler in U.S. Mobile Advertising” from Frost & Sullivan as well as Best Music Service at the 2008 Mobile Entertainment Forum and Best Consumer Messaging Application at the Global Messaging Awards 2008. For more information, please visit

Plusmo, Inc. Plusmo is the leading mobile widget service provider, delivering the best mobile experience for sports and more on all major mobile devices. With a rich, push-based user experience, always-on access and unmatched personalization, Plusmo gives users one-click access to the exact information they need, when they need it. Plusmo also provides simple tools that enable publishers to create their own rich interactive widgets in minutes. Using these tools, more than 20,000 publishers have “widgetized” their content for mobile phones, generating over 18 million mobile page views per month. Plusmo mobile widgets are currently being delivered globally across more than 120 operator networks. Plusmo has distribution relationships with various handset manufacturer and operators. For more information, please visit

reQall reQall is a patent pending memory aid that integrates voice, text and web to create a powerful memory extension. Ever had a brilliant idea while driving, but couldn't write it down? Needed to remember something, but didn’t have a pen? With reQall you simply speak your reminders into your mobile phone. Your messages are converted to text and organized as To-Dos, Notes and Shopping List items. reQall then prompts you at the appropriate time via text message, instant message or email. Based on pioneering memory prosthesis research at MIT’s Media Lab, reQall is a venture-funded company based near San Francisco. For more information, please visit

Skyfire Labs, Inc. Founded in April 2006, Skyfire is an exciting venture-backed innovator in mobile web browsing with a mission to dramatically improve your browsing experience on mobile phones. We created the only mobile browser that delivers both the speed and media-rich experience similar to the PC browser. For the first time, you can watch any video, listen to any music, socialize on any network and browse whatever you want. Anything you can do from your PC, you can now do from your mobile phone using Skyfire. We believe it’s going to change the way you use your mobile phone. For more information, please visit



Squace Squace is a free mobile phone application for people who want fast, easy access to real-time Internet content anytime, anywhere. Without typing URL:s Squace gives users a uniquely phone-friendly, intuitive interface that makes surfing, searching and sharing Internet content possible on ordinary mobile phones without typing. Users can continually update and personalize their links so they can always get to what they want and care about most. For content providers and advertisers who want to use mobile phones to connect and interact with their Internet customers Squace provides a network-independent, open mobile platform for creating mobile sites in minutes and full-blown mobile services in just a few hours. Founded 2006, Open beta May -08, 250.000 users accounts, support 600 Handsets (1500), Patent pending, investment 4 MUSD. For more information, please visit

Tellme Tellme fundamentally improves how people use the phone to get the information they need every day. By combining Internet data and a voice interface, Tellme’s services let people simply say what they want and get it. Today Tellme powers billions of calls every year and is used by more than 40 million people every month. Headquartered in Mountain View, Calif., Tellme is a Microsoft subsidiary. You can try Tellme by calling 1-800-555-TELL or, for BlackBerry users, download the visual experience at



COCKTAIL RECEPTION SPONSOR Boingo Wireless, Inc. Boingo Wireless, Inc. the global market leader in Wi-Fi, makes it easy for consumers to enjoy Wi-Fi access on their laptop or mobile device at more than 100,000 hotspots worldwide – including airports, hotels, cafes and metropolitan hot zones – with a single account. The Boingo Mobile service provides unlimited Internet access to users of Wi-Fi enabled devices that run the Boingo Mobile software. Users of those devices can access the Internet in tens of thousands of hotspots in 93 countries around the world; these include devices from the Nokia S60 NSeries and ESeries, Nokia N800/N810 tablets, Sony Ericsson UIQ, and Windows Mobile 5.0 and 6.0. More information on Boingo can be found at, and more information on Boingo Mobile can be found at

LANYARD SPONSOR JAJAH, Inc. JAJAH, the world’s most innovative communications company, offers flexible, next-generation telephony solutions for consumers and businesses. JAJAH’s award-winning services make it easier for people to stay in touch using any device, on any network, anywhere. Leveraging a universal open telecommunications platform, JAJAH’s managed services allow mobile operators, landline carriers, cable companies, technology companies and other businesses to adopt its voice solutions with minimal investment and time to market. The leading global IP telephony company is headquartered in Mountain View, California. For more information, please visit

LIVE BROADCAST PARTNER BitGravity BitGravity has built the first CDN for Interactive Broadcasting, which is optimized to deliver affordable, HD-quality video on demand, live broadcasts, and interactive applications for massive audiences on the Internet. BitGravity’s patent-pending CDN is Tier 1, highly scalable, and delivers the performance that consumers want and expect, including streaming videos that play instantly, and live video with no buffering. BitGravity is an award-winning technology provider in the CDN space. The company has won numerous awards including DemoGod, RedHerring 100 and AlwaysOn Hollywood 100. Built on top of BitGravity’s patent-pending routing architecture, BitCast, BitGravity’s services include BitGravity’s HD Content Delivery Service, BG Secure and BG LiveBroadcast. The company is based in Burlingame, Calif., and is privately funded by Allen and Company and other investors. For more information, please visit



MEDIA PARTNERS DEMO Join us at DEMOfall 08 as we unveil the next big technology innovations coming to market this fall. From the launch of Palm, Java, TiVo, E*TRADE in mid/late 90s to, VMware, Six Apart, OddPost, IronPort, GrandCentral and Glam Media more recently, DEMO delivers real products ready for market. GigaOm Readers save $600. For more information, please visit

FierceMobileIT FierceMobileIT keeps senior IT managers in the loop on the latest mobile enterprise and wireless technology news. Learn tools, tips, and best practices for leveraging wireless in the enterprise.

FierceMobileContent FierceMobileContent brings you daily news updates from the mobile content and mobile marketing sector. Coverage includes important mobile content topics like mobile web, digital rights management, mobile marketing, mobile messaging, mobile music, mobile search, mobile video & more.

Last100 Reporting from the trenches of convergence, provides news, reviews and analysis of products and trends relating to the digital lifestyle, including Internet TV, the Mobile Web and Digital Music. Edited by London-based journalist and consultant, Steve O’Hear, last100 is also a member of the ReadWriteWeb blog network. For more information, please visit

MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB) MIT/Stanford Venture Lab (VLAB) is the San Francisco Bay Area chapter of the MIT Enterprise Forum, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the growth and success of high-tech ventures by providing forums which bring together entrepreneurs, industry experts, investors, and technologists to discuss the latest ideas and trends. For more information, please visit



Room Full of People, Inc. Room Full of People builds the analog side of the digital world. By designing and producing mixers, conferences, and events, the company helps people build friendships and relationships that lead to future success. For more information, please visit

SDForum SDForum has been instrumental in setting the high tech industry agenda for more than 24 years. As the oldest and largest non-profit in Silicon Valley dedicated to educating and creating relationships within the technology community, SDForum reaches 12,000 professionals in technology annually, through more than 300 events. For more information, please visit

TiE TiE, a not-for-profit global network of entrepreneurs and professionals, was founded in 1992 in Silicon Valley, California, USA. It is the largest pool of industry professionals who share the common interests of promoting and fostering entrepreneurial efforts. It is an open and inclusive organization that has rapidly grown to forty nine chapters in eleven countries with over 12,000 Members. For more information, please visit

WIRED Media Everyday, explores how ideas fueled by innovation change the world.’s editorial attracts an unduplicated readership of the most important people shaping our future – educated, affluent leaders with a passion for business, technology, design and the latest trends. It’s a must read for users who keep themselves ahead of the curve. For more information, please visit




“Smart News, Smart Analysis” Long gone are the days when we caught up with world events by reading a newspaper at breakfast or turned on the TV to watch our favorite news anchor. We are now immersed in the information economy’s ocean of data. This new world requires us to both consume and participate in the news, and we need relevant information, analysis and insight to keep ahead of the curve and succeed. Giga Omni Media is leading the way with a portfolio of titles that are reshaping the way audiences create, consume and reuse news. We are committed to impartial journalism and dedicated to innovation that benefit our readers. We pride ourselves on providing context, immediacy and relevancy, and we have earned the trust of one of the most influential and loyal readerships around. Editorially Driven Giga Omni Media is committed to bringing solid journalism to the web. Launched in 2006, Giga Omni Media provides a portfolio of leading daily titles for key influencers in the entrepreneurial and Knowledge Worker markets. Built by a cadre of award winning journalists, our editorial mission is to break down the hype around technology, frame the issues into proper historical perspective and explain implications for the future. Giga Omni Media titles not only report the news, they empower the audience through informed analysis and integrity. Every title fosters a community with its readers — engaging them in a dialogue about where technology is heading. Giga Omni Media’s portfolio of publications has received multiple accolades and awards:

• CNET: 100 Most Influential Blogs • Business Week: Best of the Web for Tech News in 2006 and 2007 • PC Magazine: 100 Favorite Blogs • Technorati: Top 50 Blogs • Forbes: The Web Celeb 25 in 2007 and 2008 • Brodeur & Marketwire: Named GigaOM as the most credible technology blog Influencer Audience Each site’s loyal community is anchored by industry influencers who begin conversations that lead to action and change. They include: C-level executives, next-generation entrepreneurs, cutting-edge venture capitalists and private equity managers, along with influential journalists and analysts. Our readers represent the most critical part of the influence chain – early adopters and Knowledge Worker professionals who can make or break a new product.



The premier destination site for technology industry insiders and its movers and shakers. Written by Om Malik, a well known, highly respected tech industry journalist, is widely considered the authoritative tech blog site for discovering what’s new, relevant and interesting in the dynamic world of technology. This popular website covers broad-band, VoIP, IPTV, Wireless and mobile, venture capital and other new technologies — with signature intelligence, candor and irreverence.

AUDIENCE • 76% age 18-39 • 68% HHI above $75k

• 38% Executive (director and above) • 53% are IT professionals, engineers, developers/ISVs

Television Reinvented The opportunity to watch, make, mash up and share online video is changing the nature of entertainment. And as evidenced by the growing number of online video-related startups going from little more than ideas to the targets of multimillion-dollar acquisition offers in just a few short years, the transmission of video is changing the landscape of the Internet. NewTeeVee reports on the business of online video, monitoring the spread of broadband as it tears down traditional hierarchies that obstruct content creators from reaching their audiences. We cover everything from content delivery networks to nextgeneration media players, stupid cat videos to independent filmmakers, venture-backed content startups to media companies testing the online waters. Initially an industry insider publication, our audience is rapidly expanding as online video goes mainstream.

AUDIENCE • • • •


Traditional media companies Content distribution networks Digital media entrepreneurs Advertising agencies

• • • •

Investors Content creators On-screen talent Fans of online video


Find More Success with the Web The fastest-growing category of today’s workforce is the knowledge worker, a trend that’s predicted to continue unabated for the next 30 years as more economies become information-driven. To fuel that, a generation of professional web-based workers has emerged; WebWorkerDaily helps them to become more efficient, productive, successful and satisfied. The site provides a saber to hack through the ever-growing mountain of information and schedule distractions that conspire to clog up web workers’ time; it also provides hands-on reviews and practical analysis of the tools found on the new and emerging web. WebWorkerDaily’s team of writers have built successful careers in non-traditional settings, each day they share their practical, resourceful and inspiring secrets with readers.

AUDIENCE • Mobile workers • Independent consultants • Small business owners

• Distributed project teams • Developers • IT managers

Calling All Ecopreneurs The threat of global warming has inspired a new wave of entrepreneurs and innovators to develop technology that could ultimately save our planet. is a news-based web site that chronicles these cutting-edge clean technology startups and their innovations, be they based on solar, biofuels, wind, energy efficiency, green IT, water or other materials. Earth2Tech keeps all members of the eco-ecosystem—from entrepreneurs and investors to students, researchers and policymakers—informed.

AUDIENCE • Investors • Entrepreneurs • Cleantech startup executives • Tech companies with eco-initiatives

• Policymakers • Scientists and researchers • Green-leaning consumers • Cleantech lawyers, media representatives, analysts and journalists



Open Source: Find. Evaluate. Collaborate. There are hundreds of thousands of great open-source, proprietary and web-based applications to choose from today; finding the right one is hard. So in March 2008, Giga Omni Media launched OStatic, a site that delivers a comprehensive repository of open-source applications and a set of tools that allow users to find them, evaluate them and collaborate on them more effectively. OStatic combines Giga Omni Media’s insightful and in-depth reporting with cutting-edge community tools to bring better information, case studies and context to users interested in open-source software solutions.

AUDIENCE • • • • •

Tech-savvy individuals Hackers Developers System administrators Business managers

• • • •

IT executives C-level executives Startups Aspiring founders

Using mobile devices since they weighed 30 lbs. Mobile technology moves at a dizzying pace, and keeping up with innovations is a daunting task. Consumers look to reliable sources for coverage and jkOnTheRun is recognized as one of the top sources in a crowded field. A wide range of mobile tech is covered from the end user's perspective, a unique approach not taken by other tech sites. The jkOnTheRun audience finds a well-rounded look at all facets of mobile technology, from phones to netbooks and the platforms that power them.

AUDIENCE • • • •

Consumers Road warriors Professional workers IT workers

• • • •

Enterprise planners Industry analysts OEM representatives Gadget lovers

CONTACT GIGA OMNI MEDIA: Sponsor Inquiries [email protected]


Events and PR Inquiries [email protected]

Editorial Inquiries [email protected]



ADDRESS Mission Bay Conference Center at UCSF 1675 Owens Street San Francisco, CA 94158 Phone: 866.431.UCSF

INTERNET Wireless access is available at the Mission Bay Conference Center.

BUSINESS CENTER Business Center is located on Level 4 and is open 9:00am - 5:00pm.

RESTROOMS Restrooms are located on Level 1 and Level 2

COAT CHECK Coat check is located on Level 2

PARKING There will be ample FREE parking at Mission Bay Conference Center Parking Garage. You can validate your ticket at the conference information desk.

TAXIS A short list of cab companies is below for your reference. Delta Cab Company 415-920-9097 DeSoto Cab Company 415-970-1300 Executive Cab Company 415-401-8900 Fog City Cab Company 415-282-8749 Regents Cab Company 415-487-1004

BART Take the Red UCSF Shuttle from Mission Bay Community Center (Main Entrance) to the 16th Street Bart stop (in front of Burger King on NorthEast corner). The shuttle is not colored red, the signage on the shuttle says “Red”) Shuttle arrives every 15 minutes, starting at 6:15am and last departure from Mission Bay is at 7:52pm.

MUNI T-Line - Third Street light rail stops at the Mission Bay UCSF Campus. For train schedules, visit

AIRPORTS San Francisco International Airport (SFO) - 25 minutes Oakland International Airport (OAK) - 45 minutes







Outdoor Area



Robertson Foyer


Robertson Auditorium


Room 3

Room 2

Room 1





Level 2 Patio






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