Giao An Mau Anh Van 8

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,522
  • Pages: 13
Date: September 6th 2005 Period : 1

Guiding learning English I. II.

Obiectives: Teacher helps students know how to learn foreign language . Students will be able to understand and use some notes which they will learn in each period . Procedures:

Teacher and students ‘ activities Greetings

Content 1.Warm up 2.Presentation Teacher introduces the things - Textbook which need for learning -Exercisebook -Exercise notebook - Advanced English exercise book -Two notebooks Besides some imperative 3.Pratice sentences which students learnt in -(Lan), come to the chalkboard. grade 6,7 .Teacher will teach -Come to the front , please students other ones. -Open your books at page…….. Teacher wtites them on the board -Turn to page 5 Teacher reads and students -Look at exercise 5 repeat -Pick up your book Translate into Vietnamese -When you have finished, rise your hands Note: correct pronunciation when -Listen. I’m going to read the they read dialogue/text to you -If you don’t understand , ask me / your partner * At school: In the textbook: Each unit includes: Teacher should give Ss the -Getting started: Students review methods of learning at school or at vocabulary, structures to concern home with the new lesson Ss listen carefully -Liten and read is a dialogue to introduce the content of the lesson -Speak:Ss practice and use the voc and structures -Listen: Ss consolidate the structures, voc, listening comprehension -Read is reading comprehension lesson to open the content of the lesson -Write: help Ss consolidate the presentation and express the content communication - Language focus is the grammar exercises.It helps Ss pratice , consolidate and system the Learn by heart vocabulary, structures Structures, practice with close *b/ At home friends or classmates -Ss must prepare the voc ,structures -Ss must frequently practice English with their classmates and do exercises in order to develop



I.Division of the lessons : 1.Getting started + Listen & read +Focus 1 2.Speak + Listen 3. Read 4. Write + Focus 3 5.Language focus 2,4 Date: September 6th 2005 Period: 2 UNIT 1:

&read +

Lesson1 Getting started + Listen Focus 1

I. Obiectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about Hoa, Nien,Lan and to review simple present and simple past tense

II.Language contents a.Grammar : She wasn’t old enough to be in my class b. Vocabulary: seem(v) A next door neighbor look like (v) III. Techniques: Rub out and Remember ,Comprehention questions, gapfilling IV. Teaching aids : stereo , pictures, textbook V. Procedures: Teacher and Ss’ activities Content T asks Ss to look at 4 pictures on page 1.Warm 10 up Marks and talk about the activities they want to do after school or in their free time T gives some questions What are these Ss doing? What time of the day do you think it is? Do you like soccer ? Whom do you like playing with ? T presents the new words to Ss 1. Presentation Ss repeat and say the meaning New words Ss copy Seem(v) A next door neighbor: A person who lives next to your house Look like(v) T presents the model • Rub out and Remember

Model sentence She wasn’t old enough to be in my class T gives Ss some questions to lead Ss into the dialogue @Guidi ng questions Ss work in pairs a. Is Nien Lan’s friend or Hoa’s friend ? b. How old is she ? Ss listen to the stereo c. Where does she live? Ss work in pairs to answer the questions d. Is she a beautiful girl ? T corrects mistakes in pronunciation 2. Pratice Answer keys a. Nien lives in Hue b. No, she doesn’t T asks Ss to use the simple tense c. The sentence is “ She wasn’t old or past to enough to be in my class “ Complete paragraph a,b on page d.At Christmas 16 *Gap- filling ( focus 1) T reviews the forms of simple present and simple past Answer keys (1) lived (2) lives (3) sent T asks Ss to write a paragraph (4) was (5) is (6) comes about Hoa and Lan 4. Consolidation T gives Ss some cues and Ss write Cues: a.Lan/ Hoa’s best friend Ss practice b.They/ same/ Quang Trung school c. Last year/ Hoa/to school / first time d. Lan/ show/ around/ introduce/ to new friends Ss write the questions **Make questions for the T corrects and gives marks underlined words a/ My house is in the center of the city b/ We always do our homework in the evening c/ My best friends are Tan and Lien d/ I have to get up early because I goto the airport 5.Homework -Learn words, do exercises 1a,b in notebook -Do exercise 1 page 5 in workbook -Prepare: lesson2 Speak+ Listen

*** REMARKS:……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………….

Date: September 7th 2005 Period: 3 UNIT 1:

Lesson 2 Speak + Listen


Objectives:By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe someone and complete the dialouge by listening II. Language contents a.Grammar: S+ have/has+ adj+ hair S+ be+ adj b.Vocarulary: blond(a) Straight(a) bald(a) slim(a) curly(a) III. Techniques: Brainstorming,Word cue drill, Prediction,What & Where IV. Teaching aids: pictures, textbook, tape, cards V. Procedures: Teacher& Ss ‘s activities T can asks Ss to think of the adj used to describe body build and hair (T can give a picture of s.o and asks them to describe her/ his hair, her/his build)

Contents 1.Warm up(5’) .Brainstorming ? short tall

long thin

Body build

T presents somes adjectives

2. fat ? * Speak a/ Pre- speaking

hair ?


T can explain some words in English or use the pictures Ss say the meaning Ss copy

slim(a) straight(a) curly(a) bald(a) blond(a) .What & where T shows Ss a pictures of Mary Model sentence and asks them to describe her She has long blond hair hair/her body build . T introduces She is short and thin the models *Form: Ss give the form S+have/has+ adj+ hair S+ be+ adj T prepares 6 cards so that Ss can drill easily ( groupwork) Note: The order of adiectives :number+ quality+ size+ age+ colour+origin/country+material +Noun T shows the pictures of six people and asks Ss to describe One student describe and the others have to guess who he/ she is

b/While-speaking .Word cue drill a.he/tall/thin b.she/short/slim c.he/short/fat d.long/black e.curly/blond f.straight/ brown

Example: S1: This person is short and thin.She has long blond hair S2: Is this Mary? S1: Yes

Ss practice in pairs If there’s time ,T asks Ss to describe a famous person.T can give marks

*LISTEN a/ Pre- listening

T asks Ss”How do people greet one another?” Ss answer –How are you? -How do you do? -Hello -Nice to meet you -It’s a pleasure to meet you T reviews the expressions T gets Ss guess and complete 4 dialogues Ss listen to the tape

b/While- listening

Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues and compare with their prediction

Ss practice speaking Ss play roles of Nam-HoaThu,Khai-Mrs Lien-Mr Vi,Ba-BaoGrandmother,Mr Lam- Mrs Linh_ Mr Thanh Ss practice in pairs

Expressio I guess I listen ns -How do you do? -Nice to meet you ………… Answer keys a.I’d like you tp meet Nice to meet you b.I’d like you to meet It’s a pleasure to meet you c.Come and meet d. How do you do? 3.Post

**Put these words in the correct order 1.short/ sister /hair/my/curly/has 2.gray/a/Mr Thanh/ beard/long/has 3.many/are/flowers/garden/in/red/her/th ere/small 4.draw/a/thin/firstly/line/long 4.Homework -Learn new model -Do exercises 3,4 in workbook -Prepare : Read ***REMARKS:……………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………….

Date: September 13th 2005 Period:4

Lesson 3 Read


I Objectives: By the end of the lesson ,Ss will be able to know more about Ba’s friends II.Language contents a/ Grammar: Simple tense b/Vocabulary: character(n) tell jokes orphanage(n) sense of humor reserved (a) sociable(a) III.Techniques : What and Where,T/F statements prediction , comprehention questions IV. Teaching aids: pictures , textbook, cards V. Produres Teacher & Ss’s activities I prepares twelve cards with numbers on one side and the verbs on the other Make sure the verbs are mixed up. Stick the card on the board so students can only see the numbers. Turn the cards over and see if they match. Eg:teach_taught( give them one mark. If not, turn the card over again and ask the next team) I presents voca bulary by simple English I can explain some words in Vietnamese Ss say the meaning

Ss repeat and copy T sets the scene: These statements are about Ba and his

Contents 1. Warm up (5’). Marks *Pelmanism meet receiv e

c ome met



live d

receiv ed

s end c ame

thuog ht sent

go w ent

2.Pre_reading(10’) New words: Character(n) collective qualities or characteristics( that) distinguish a person orphanage(n) a place where children without parents live Reserved(a) Sociable(a) Tell jokes(v) tell a story which makes people laugh Sense of humor(n) What and where 3.While – reading T/F statements prediction a.Ba only has three friends : Bao, Khai,Song

friends, read them and guess which statements are True, which are False Ss work in pairs T asks Ss to open their books and read the text on page 13 Let Ss check their prediction T asks Ss to correct False statements

Ss do exercise 1 on page 14 Ss work in pairs to choose the best answer Let Ss read the text again answer the questions

b.Ba and his friends have the same characters c. Bao, Khai , Song are quite reserved in public d.They all enjoy school and study hard Guess

Correction F F F T

a b c d *Correction a. Ba has a lot of friends but he spends most of his time with Bao, Song and Khai b.They have different characters c.Only Song and Khai are quite reserved >Multiple choice a/ A b/ C c/ B d/ D Comprehention questions

T asks all Ss to work in closed pairs and then asks Ss to work in pairs/ groups and talk to one another about their friends, using the adjectives they have learnt to describe

Answer keys: a/ Ba feels lucky having a lot of friends b/ Bao is the most sociable c/ Khai likes reading d/ A bad thing about Ba’s jokes is sometimes his jokes annoy his friends e/ Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage f/ I and my friends , of course, have different characters 3. Post –reading(5’)

4. Homework (5) -Learn words, do exercises in workbook - Write a paragraph about one closed friend - Prepare : Lesson 3 Speak + Listen

Date: September 13th 2005 Period : 5 Unit 1: Lesson1 Write + Language focus 3 I.

Objectives : By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends. II. Language contents: a) Grammar : Simple tense b) Vocabulary : none III.Techniques : Kim’s game , T/F statements IV.Teaching aids : picture , textbook V. Procedures: Teacher and students ‘activities Teacher asks Ss to look at the picture on page 17 quickly ( for 20 seconds) Then let them keep their books closed. T divides the class into four groups T gives Ss two questions ,the group which answers correctly, the fastest wins the game.

Teacher asks Ss to read the information about Tam Ss read silently T asks Ss to compare the information in the paragraph with the information in the box and choose T/F statement Ss work in groups T checks again

Content 1. Warm up • Kim’ game a.How many people are there in the picture ? (4) b.What is each person wearing ? The woman is wearing a red shirt and a green skirt The man who is standing beside the car is wearing brown trousers and a yellow shirt The man who is standing on the pavement is wearing a pink shirt and blue trousers The boy is wearing blue shorts and a white shirt 2. Pre- writing .READ *Choose T/F statement a.Tam is very fat and short b.His hair is short and black c.There are four people in his family d.His friends are Bao and An Questions 1. What is his

Then T asks Ss to answer the questions Ss work in pairs

Date:September 14th 2005 Period :6 UNIT 1: Lesson 5 Language focus 2,4 I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences using the structures”(not) + Adj+ enough + to- infinitive” II.Language contents a. Grammar: Simple tense S + V+(not) +Adj /Adv +enough +to-infinitive b.Vocabulary: planet (n) Mercury Mars silly (a) III.Techniques:Categories, Slap the board ,Word cue drill IV.Teaching aids: Textbook,cards, pictures V.Procedures: Teacher and Ss’s activities

Contents 1.Warm up T asks Ss to find out the .Categories /Marks adjectives beginning with T writes: a b c the letters that the T gives d T divides the class into two S writes:awful big clever groups. T gives 4 letters at dirty the same time. Ss have to T writes: g h i find out four adjectives j beginning with the four S writes: great heavy letters given intelligent jealous T writes: k l T uses cards of letters m n S writes: kind lovely mean The team which finishes first new gets one mark T writes: o p q r T presents new words to Ss S writes: old poor quiet rich

T reviews simple present tense : formation and usage ( Focus on one of the usage of simple present tense.It is used to express an action which is always true) Ss complete the dialogue Ss work in pairs

2.Pre-teach a planet (Ex: the sun ,the moon, the earth….) Mars (n) Mercury(n) Silly(a) *Slap the board +Revision of Simple Present tense S +V + -be ( am, is ,are) -ordinary verb (Inf/V(s,es))

T sets the scene to introduce the structure”enough’ T asks Ss to hang the picture “How do I say and how do you answer?” Ss answer

3/While ( language focus 2) Answer keys (1) sets (2)goes (3)moves (4) (5) (6) is Language focus 4 *Pre

Ss give the form

Ss work in pairs

T:Can you …1…this …2… over there? S:No, I..3… not …..4… …5… to..6… the ..7…. over there. Form:

Ss do exercise 4 Ss work in pairs.

S+V+ Adj/ adv +enough +to -inf *While Work cue drill a. read English books/ good a car /old x c.carry this bag/ strong Ss rewrite the sentences, be d. solve this problem sure to keep the meaning /clever x unchanged. 4/ Post Answer keys: a. not big enough b. not old enough c. strong enough

d. good enough ** Sentence transformation 5. I am interested in telling jokes ->I enjoy…………………… …. 2.The weather was beautiful .We can go camping ( enough) -> The weather was……… … 3.He can touch the light because he is very tall. -> He is…………………… ….. 4.The question is difficult .We can answer it. ->The question is not…… ………. 5. Homework -Do exercises 5,6 in workbook. -Prepare Unit 2: Listen and read

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