Ghozali - Feb 2007

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News of Goan relevance for Goans in Melbourne

bâÜ `|áá|ÉÇ “To provide Goans and their friends an enjoyable and a relaxing time without the need for formal membership. In doing this, we will showcase our cultural activities and also learn and integrate with the multicultural society of Melbourne”.

From the editor’s desk… Mogal Goencarano, Back again dear friends. This time you may be surprised to note that this February issue of Ghozali is out early, and well, there is a reason. Christmas has just come and gone, and we are already well into the new year. And as time creeps up on us, soon it will be time for our first get together for the year 2007!!!.

I am sure many of you must have already guessed what I am talking about. Yes, the annual Goan Carnival Dance on the 17th of this month. With every passing function, Melgoans seem to be getting their act better and better, and this one will be the best so far. King Momo has already come over from Goa, and is relaxing while the big day comes near. Once again we will welcome and serenade the King as he makes his royal entrance at the venue. In case anyone wants to join the King’s entourage for the grand entrance, do let me know and we should be able to work something out.

Committee members are already booking seats for the dance, and in case any of you have missed out, do give me a buzz and I will do my best to arrange a seat here or there for you guys.

I am looking forward to meeting all of you on the 17th. This time I promise to try and meet each and every one of you. But in case I do miss someone out, please catch me wherever I may be, and lets say Hello! A BIG THANK YOU to all our sponsors. You have made it possible for us to reach out to our Goan friends all over. It is great to join hands with you as partners!! Till our next, mog assundi. Viva Goa, the Goa we cherish in our hearts!!!

Salus Correia

From the rambling ‘Reddo’…! What a great Australia Day weekend this year!!! We all went for a short holiday to Apollo Bay with Salus and a few others. After the long drive [237 kms], the kids could just not wait any longer. They made a beeline to the beach and before we could warn them, they were in the freezing waters in the bay. The beach was crowded and there were hundreds in the water, all enjoying themselves and having a jolly good time. This brought back old memories to mind. Memories of our annual sea bath in Goa, in the months of March or April. While everyone was by the beach, it was a sight to see the older ones content with just being in the water, forget about swimming! So I thought of going in for a dip myself. When I changed and ventured to the water line, I was in for a shock when my feet touched the icy cold waters!!! I am not ashamed to say that I got chicken feet and just withdrew, content being on dry ground, monitoring the kids! Oh how I missed our Goan beaches with the lovely warm water that embraced us. I am sure all of you dear Goans must share the same sentiment as me. Well, we must admit we are so far away and for whatever reason, have to be here in Melbourne. So maybe we can do the next best thing: Let us all get together and meet on the 17th of this month at the annual Goan Carnival Dance at Moorabbin. Oscar told me that the committee is working hard to make this function sensational. In the true spirit of multiculturism, let us also invite some of our Aussie friends to join us and experience first hand our hospitality and warmth. At the last function, I met some of the Aussies who came and they were all rapt, thoroughly enjoying the music, dancing and of course the food! Till the 17th, when we meet again, recad sogleank. … Bostiao Xavier

Carnival flyer

From our Konkani corner Come February and Goa is the only state in India which is gearing up for three fun-filled days of frolic and fun – CARNIVAL. FEVRERACHEA MHOINNEANT, AKK’HEA BHARATAK FOKOT GOYAM, GONN-GONNIT TOIARI CHOLTA CARNAVALACHE TIN MOUZECHE DIS SARUNK.The word 'Carnival' has its origin in the Latin word 'Carnaval', which means 'goodbye to flesh'. LATIN BAXEN: CARNIS VALE, = KUDDIK ADEUS. After three days of fun, we say goodbye to the flesh and begin the 40 day period of Lent, involving fasting, sacrifice and prayer in preparation for Easter. TIN DIS MOJ’JEA UPRANT, ATAM KUDDIK AMI ADEUS KORTAUM, ANI DONNVONNECHO/ PIRJATICHO KALL SURU KORTAM (QUARESMA). CHALIS DIS UPASAN, PIRAJITAN ANI MAGNNEAN SARLEA UPRANT, PASKACHE AMCHEA OTMIK JIVONTPONNACHE PORBEK AMI TOIARI KORTAM. Originating in the need to use up all animal products in the larder, Carnival starts on Sabado Gordo (Fat Saturday) and ends on ‘Mardi Gras’ (French for “Fat Tuesday”, or Shrove Tuesday), the day before Ash Wednesday when the severity of Lent begins. CARNAVALACHEA SOGGLLE ASLEM TITLEM MAS KHAVUN, SONNVAR TE MUNGLLAR PASUN (GORDO SABADDO – MARDI GRAS) AMI SARTAUM. Goan streets vibrate with song and colour and large street processions in the main towns have ‘floats’ including dancers, singers and musicians. GOYEMCHEA ROSTE CARNAVALACHEA BOBALLAN, RONGAN, MUZGAN ANI GAIONANT GOZGOSTAT ANI SOGLLEA MUKELI GAVANI JINSAVAR DAKOUNNEO (FLOATS) GAUPI, VAZPI ANI NACHPI GHEUN BONVTAT ANI SOBOITAT. Grand balls and street dances are organized in the evenings. HOLLANI ANI ROSTEACHER DANS CHOLTAT. Carnival in Goa is now characterized by the famous Red-and-Black Dance held by Clube Nacionale in Panjim. PONNJE NACIONAL CLUBANT ATAM EK KERIT VHODDLO ‘TAMBDO – KALLO’ NACH KORTAT. Quite a different story a few decades ago. ADIM CARNAVAL DUSRECH BAXEN ASLO. Carnival was a simple colorful event were people went around singing and throwing colour at each other, wearing masks and fancy-dress. LOK RONGIT ANGOSTRAM VAPRUN, MO-IM TONDAK GHALUN ANI FANCY DRESS NESUN BHONVTALET. EKA MEKA CHER PITTACHEO PUDDIO MARIT ANI RONGACHO XINVOR ZATALO.. Troupes of disguised young and old paraded from house to house entertaining with simple skits, trying to keep their disguise with lots of face-powder and were mostly rewarded by a few coins. BHURGEANCHE ZOME TOXECH ZANTTE-NENTTE LOKACHI GHARAM BHONVON DAKTULEO DHEKNNEO ANI HANSPANCHEO KANNIO/GHODDNEO SANGUN LOKAK KHUXAL KORTALET ANI HE BHAXEN DON POIXE ZOMOITALET. This simple fun escalated to larger skits and plays and eventually now it is well on its way to become a major tourist attraction, but sadly with increasing commercialism it is losing its charm. ANI HEA PORIM SURU ZALOLO CARNAVAL ATAM CHODD VADDOT VETA ANI FUDARAK ANI ODIK VADTOLO. DUDDU CARNAVALAN BHITOR SORTOCH, DUDVANCHO KARBAR CHOLTA ANI AMCHEA PURVOZANCHEA CARNAVALACHI SOBHITAI BIGODDTTA. Goans all over the world undoubtedly cherish this time and try to celebrate it in some form. And as we look forward to a our Red and Black dance here in Melbourne on the 17th Feb, let us not forget to realize the true meaning of this special time – of introspection. JEDNAM AMI HANGA MELBOURNE 17 FEVRERACHE TAMBDO-KALLO NACH NACHTELEAUM, KHORO ORTH HE GHODNNECHO AMCHEA MONNANT SAMBALLUMIA ANI AMCHEA JIVITAN NODOR MARUN CHOTRAI DHORUMIA. I end with lyrics from an old song by Seby F. & Chorus which says it all about the good old days. Aiz dis vortovta khoxecho Urben uddon nachpacho Kiss gheunk zata konnim konnancho Kiteak dis vortovta Carnavalacho

Chedde konnaimchea, cheddvank ghott dhortai Konn re konnancher, paudder martai Nachon rosteamcher, kantaram kortai Tin dis Carnaval moujen sartai

Vorsak ek pavtti, Carnaval ieta Soglle Goenkar, khuxi zata Ganva-ganvanim, muzgam vazoita Sogllo lok Carnaval gazoita

Bhurgim-ballam re, kaiborim distai Dusrech baxechim, nespam nestai Zanttim ghoranim, ocupad astai Kombeo, dukram randun san’nam baztai

Mheunchim fuddlea mhoineant, Time to be goan…MOG ASUNDI… Annabel Henriques [email protected] My sincere gratitude to a good friend who wishes to remain anonymous.. MAKA ADAR DITELEA IXTTAK HANV CHODD UPKARI......

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This page has been sponsored. Our thanks to the advertisers.

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Side Dish:

Dahi Bhala (Rice Donuts with yoghurt)

Raita Salad Pappadums


For the filling: ¼

Kg. prawns


onion (chopped fine)


tomato (chopped fine)


tablespoons milk a few drops of lemon juice

Wash and shell the prawns. Boil and chop fine or mince. Using a little oil, fry the onion and tomato till brown. Then add prawns and fry for a while. Add the milk and lime juice. Cook till a nice, thick paste is formed. Remove from fire and keep aside. For the dough: 2

cups maida ( ¼ Kg.)


cup water


tablespoon ghee salt to taste

1 or 2

eggs and bread crumbs

Allow the water to boil, add salt and ghee. Stir in the flour continuously. Remove from fire and knead when warm, roll out and cut into rounds with a wineglass. Place a little prawn filling in each round. Press down the edges, dip in beaten egg, coat with bread crumbs and deep fry till golden brown.

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Familiar faces ????? Put on your thinking caps !!! Shopping at the Friday market at Mapuca

Palms at sunset

This page has been sponsored. Our thanks to the advertisers.

This page has been sponsored. Our thanks to the advertisers.

Printed and Published by Oscar Lobo for Melgoans Pty Ltd. This monthly read is distributed free of charge to any Goan and their friends on request. Contributions for publication are most welcome, and will be included in the next issue subject to clearance by the editorial board. Editor: Salus Correia Email: [email protected]

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