Bolcaumvelea Ghozali - Mar 2007

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News of Goan relevance for Goans in Melbourne

bâÜ `|áá|ÉÇ “To provide Goans and their friends an enjoyable and a relaxing time without the need for formal membership. In doing this, we will showcase our cultural activities and also learn and integrate with the multicultural society of Melbourne”.

From the editor’s desk… Mogal Goencarano, Just woke up from a real long sleep! Looks like I am getting into the habit of long sleeps again, after I had to take one real long one on the day or rather morning after the Goan Carnival Dance on the 17th of last month! What a night that was. With a crowd of over 500 Goans and their friends of other nationalities, the Kingston City Hall was reverberating with the sound of thumping steps to the tunes of the band, “After Dark” And many a tear rolled down a cheek when some of our young ones went on stage and were given a chance at singing with the band. That was so good: so much of Goan talent on display here in Melbourne! We cannot just rest on our laurels. Time to roll up our sleeves, and get working to get ready for World Goa Day which will soon be upon us on the 25th of August this year. The hall has been booked, and this time we are really going to rock you guys beyond your wildest dreams. I do not want to spill the beans just yet, but in the coming issues we will definitely be filling you in with more details. This month we farewell Annabel Henriques who has been our faithful sub editor handling our Konkani Konso for some time since its inception. Thanks Annabel for being with us on our team. We wish you luck in your endeavours! And as we struggled in the last few days seeking a suitable replacement, we were blessed with the coming on board by none other than one of the greatest Konkani lovers I know of, from all the way in far off Spain!! I am sure some of you have guessed who it is!! Yes, we welcome on board Basilio Magno who has kindly consented to be our sub-editor for Konkani Konso. With his long experience in journalism, he is going to be a great asset to our team, and we look forward to enjoying the works of his art. Till our next, mog assundi. Viva Goa, the Goa we cherish in our hearts!!!

Salus Correia

From the rambling ‘Reddo’…! Saiba Bhogos! Kitem udoilem re baba! I danced away my blues that night of the 17th last month. Marlem kopachem and then fulloi fulloi!! Who would have thought of seeing our good King Momo all the way from sunny Goa, right here in our midst, in blistering Melbourne!!! That was excitement indeed, seeing the lovely lasses and lads leading the way as the King made his grand entrance. My heart skipped a beat that night and tears of nostalgia flowed down my cheeks. I was transported back to my beloved Goa, right at Clube Nacionale where the King made his entrance in the good old days when I lived in Goa. Talking of Goa, kitem re baba, orxik! Politics have now crept into Goanet, and one fat kid who thinks he has made it all, has begun using it as a forum for his bum pal the ex chief minister. Forget about the corruption, forget about the Fontainhas name changing episode, forget about the dadagiri when he was in charge. Suddenly, a new word has been coined. “IITians” Some bull crap that is. We all know what our Goan pollies are like. Pimps in the assembly brothel, lining their pockets, screw the rest! Time to wake up dear Goans. Time to take Goa in your own hands. Don’t let these thieves rob you of your identities and your land once again. The last time I wept while in Goa, seeing that it was difficult to meet a single of my villagers at our village square, which was filled with outsiders, who could not even speak Konkani. Ghanti bhorlem mure. Take charge before it is too late. Your destiny is in your hands. Choose wisely dear Goans. Remember the old 40 pieces of silver. They never brought victory or honour to Judas. Take care. You never know what or who is around the corner!!!

… Bostiao Xavier

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From our Konkani corner Firstly, to all the readers of Bolcaumvelea Ghozali , I send my hearty greetings from sunny Spain, where I live with my Spanish wife Rosa Maria (Rosi). POILEM, SOGLLEAM 'BOLCAUMVELEA GHOZALI VACH-PEANK ANV ESPANHANK THAN MHOZO MOGALL REKAD PATTOITAM, ZHUIMSOR ANV MHOJE ESPANI POTINNI SANGATAK JIVETAM. I was born in Goa and brought up in Bombay, where I free-lanced as a journalist, but I was better known as a songwriter in English because in Bombay in the 50s I had composed and published songs in English and sent to the English press for review. ANV GOEAM ZOLMLOM ANI MUMBOI VADDLOM ZHOIM ANV EK POTR-BOROINAR KOSO VAVURTALOM, PUNN CHODD LOK MHAKA INGLEZ GITAM GHODDPI MHUNN VOLKOTALO, KARAN MUMBOI TEA KALLAR (50s) ANV INGLEZ GITAM GHODDTALOM ANI PORGOTTALOM ANI TIM INGLEZ POTRANK PATTOITALOM TANCHE VHOIR CHOUKOXEN BOROUNCHEAK. My first English song was titled "GOA", a classic ballad I had copyrighted in London in 1950. Then I composed a song for the late Princess Margaret,entitled "The Rose of England". MHOJEM POILEM INGLEZ GIT-ACHEM NANV ZAUN ASLEM "GOA" - EK KLASIK BALLAD, JEM LONDON-AK 1950 VORSA COPYRIGHT KELELEM. UPRAN ANVEM GHODDLELEM EK GIT SORGEST KUNVOR MARGARET-AK NAMVAN "ROSA INGLAND-ACHEM". The Princess made me known that I could not dedicate it to her as it was against the Palace rules. KUNVORIN MHAKA GOMONK DILEM KI MHOJEAN TEM TIKA BETTOUNK ZAINAM, KITEAK TEM KOROP POLAXICHEAM KAIDEAMCHER ADD ASA.. My song was popularised on AIR Bombay by crooner Lourdes Lobo of Byculla. With the popularity of the song one music critic dubbed me in the Evening News of India as the "Irving Berlin of India. PUNN TEM GIT GAUPINN BAI LOURDES LOBO-N, BYCULLA-CHEM, MUMBOICHEA ALL INDIA RADIO-CHER FANKAILEM. TEA GITACHEM FAM VADDTOCH EKA MUZG ZANNAR-AN BOROUN EVENING NEWS OF INDIA POTRAN MHAKA "IRVING BERLIN OF INDIA" MHUNN NEMLO. On 21 March 1961 I was sent to Lisbon as a composer for one year on the patronage of the governor-general Gen. Vassalo e Silva. PUNN CHODD TEMPAK NHOI. 21ver MARSACHE 1961 VORSA, MHAKA EKA VORSAK, GITAM GHODDPI MHUNN, LISBOA-K DADDLO GOYMCHEA GOVERNADOR-GERAL - GEN. VASSALO E SILVA-CHEA ASREA KHALL. From Portugal I migrated to Germany, where I did different jobs till I was proficient in German. Then I got my dream job of editing a monthly The Hessen Observer for the NATO troops (USA) in Germany , working for their Public Relations Office. I was also invited by RTL television to sing my song "Princess Diana Waltz when the Royal couple visited Germany in November 1987. PORTUGAL-AK THAN ANV JERMAN-AK GHELOM ZHOIM JINSAVAR KAMAM KELIM ANV BORI JERMAN XIKO PASUN. UPRAN MHAKA MELL'LEM MHOJEA SOPNACHEM KAM EDIT KORUNK EK MHOINNEAI "THE HESSEN OBSERVER" NATO-CHEA SOLDADANK JERMAN-AK, VAVRUN TANCHEA PUPLIC RELATIONS OFISANT. MHAKA APOILO RTL TELEVISION-AN GAIEONK MHOJEM GIT "PRINCESS DIANA WALTZ", CHARLES ANI DIANA JERMAN-AK 1987 VORSA BHETT DILI TEDNAM. Retiring in Germany I have settled down with my wife Rosa Maria in southern Spain since 1989. But I hardly live a pensioner's life. Right now I am working on a Konkani version for my folk-rhapsody "Ring Wedding Bells". At 84 years in June, I must thank God for doing well, walking with my wife for three kilometers every day. JERMAN-AK 'RETIRE' ZAUN ANV ANI MHOJI POTINN ROSA MARIA (ROSI) 1990 VORSA THAN AMCHEM THIKAN ESPANHAK KELAM. PUNN ANV PENSIONER KOSO JIVONAM. ATAM ANV MHOJE LOK-RAPSODI "RING WEDDING BELLS" HAKA KONKANI UTRAM BOROUNK VAVURTAM. MHOJE 84 VORSAMCHE PIRAIER JUN-ANT, ANV DEVACHE KURPEN BORO ASAM. SODAMKALL ANV ANI MHOJO POTINN TIN KILOMETR CHOLLTAM. - Basilio Magno

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King Momo’s edict is being read by Andrea. Also in the picture is the able MC for the night: Newton Marques

Some of our Aussie friends had a fabulous time on the night.

Marcha de Fontainhas: A thrill to watch the participants clad in their colourful costumes, enjoy themselves to their hearts content, as they entertained the ever eager crowd.

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GOAN RECIPES by Joyce BÕLO RUSSO Ingredients:


tablespoons flour


teaspoon baking powder




tablespoon sugar (powdered fine)


almonds or cashew nuts (chopped)


walnuts (chopped)

Stir the flour and baking powder thrice and keep aside. Beat egg yolks and sugar until creamy. Beat egg whites until stiff and fold into egg yolk mixture. Fold in the almonds and Walnuts and finally the flour and baking powder. Grease a cake tin and line with butter or brown paper and pour the mixture into it. Bake until light brown. Cool and cut into squares. Apply cream (cream filling as given below) to half of the squares. The remaining squares should be placed over the creamed ones to form a sandwich. Cream Filling:

2 1 1

tablespoons icing sugar tablespoon butter egg white a few drops of vanilla essence

Cream butter and sugar till light and creamy. Beat the egg white until stiff and fold into butter and sugar mixture. Add essence. After all the squares have been sandwiched with cream arrange them in a flat dish and cover with icing sugar. Instead of cutting the cake into squares, if preferable, two cakes can be baked out of the same ingredients, using half the mixture for one cake and the other half for the second cake. Then cool the cakes and top one cake with cream filling and place the other cake over the creamed one.

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Beautiful beaches. That is what draws the tourists to our beloved Goa. Clean sand, and luxurious warm waters make up for an enjoyable, affordable holiday destination.

Vainguinim Beach, Dona Paula. Pristine and just beautiful!!!

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Printed and Published by Oscar Lobo for Melgoans Pty Ltd. This monthly read is distributed free of charge to any Goan and their friends on request. Contributions for publication are most welcome, and will be included in the next issue subject to clearance by the editorial board. Editor: Salus Correia Email: [email protected]

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