Ghozali - Jan 2007

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News of Goan relevance for Goans in Melbourne

bâÜ `|áá|ÉÇ “To provide Goans and their friends an enjoyable and a relaxing time without the need for formal membership. In doing this, we will showcase our cultural activities and also learn and integrate with the multicultural society of Melbourne”.

From the editor’s desk… Mogal Goencarano, After all the hot and sultry we had over the years for Christmas, this year we did have a huge change in the weather, which gave us the coldest Christmas so far, here in Melbourne. And yes, the rain too was welcome, after the summer dry that triggered the level ‘3’ water restrictions in the place. My contact in Goa told me that Goans in Goa too had their traditional Christmas again, with the midnight mass and the sweets like dodol, bebinca, dhoss, neuvrios and odehs doing the rounds in the festive season. I am sure some of us stuck here in Melbourne must have missed all those goodies too! The elections have come and gone, and we have a new government with most of the old faces still in play. Now we can look forward to a fresh start to keeping up to all the new promises we heard during the campaign. We also look up to the opposition to be strong so much so they can keep check and track of the goings and decisions made by our Government. Next month we all meet again for the Red and Black Goan Carnival Dance. There is a poster in this issue of Ghozali, with contact and other details. Like the last year’s function, this one too is going to be a grand one offering a great opportunity for all Goans and their friends to meet and have a good time together. So please mark the date on your diaries, and rush to contact one of the committee members to reserve your seats. Last year quite a few had to stay home disappointed as we ran out of seats well ahead of the final day. Even though the venue is a huge one, we cannot forget that we are a large population of Goans here in Melbourne. So it just has to be on a first come first served basis again. A BIG THANK YOU to all our sponsors. You have made it possible for us to reach out to our Goan friends all over. It is great to join hands with you as partners!! Till our next, mog assundi. Viva Goa, the Goa we cherish in our hearts!!!

Salus Correia

From the rambling ‘Reddo’…! Ever heard of a wet Christmas? Well, we had it this time around here in Melbourne. My parish had organised their usual open air service with tents and gazebos in place. And just at the final last minute they decided that the rain was about to beat them to it, which it did!!! What a rush as we all had to be crammed into the little church which was packed like I have never seen it before. I think the little baby Jesus played a little trick on us all that day after all! He just saw to it that everyone—black, white, brown or yellow had to accept each other, and love each other just as he does for us all. And it worked: It was a fine sight having everyone as one big family in a large embrace. This has set my rambling mind a thinking once again! Would it not be nice if all of us Goans could get back in unity and be one strong united force to reckon with? Surely, we can keep aside all our differences and make a fresh beginning here in Melbourne. How about, we all meet for the Goan Carnival dance next month? And shake hands, and embrace each other as new friends? Yes, that would be a good idea. I take the liberty of requesting all Goans here in Melbourne, to contact my friend Salus Correia for tickets and I am sure he will somehow make arrangements for all of you to get good seats for the night. Let us forget about our differences with some people we are not too happy with, and let us, the rest of us just be Goans here in Melbourne: Goans of one big happy family!!! I am not dreaming. We can make it happen, so lets just do it. My best wishes to each of you for a bright start to the new year 2007. Let us make it a year that will go down in history, as the year when Goans were re-united once again here in Melbourne. Recad sogleank. … Bostiao Xavier

Carnival flyer

From our Konkani corner As we start the New Year 2007 with hopes, dreams and resolutions that we expect to keep, my warm wishes to all readers for a happy, healthy and successful year ahead. JEDNAM AMI NOVEM VOROS 2007 SURU KORTAM GHEUN AMCHE ANVDE, SOPNNAM ANI NICHEV, HANV ZONN EKLEAK KERIT ‘KHUXAL, BOLAIKI-BORIT ANI FOLLADIK NOVEM VOROS’ ANVDETTAM. URBEN SURU KELLELE NICHEV SOGLIM AMI PALLUM-IA. This month I have taken a short anecdote from Juliet Abreu e Costa’s book ‘Avoichim Mannkam – Motiam’ and hope you will enjoy it. HEA MHOINNEA HANVEM JULIET ABREU COSTA-CHEA PUSTOKANT-LEM AKH’KHEIK GHETLAM. VACHUN KHOXI ZAIAT. The village feast in Chorao…CHODD’NNAM FEST JANERACHE POILER CHODD’NNAM FEST ASLEM. The village feast was celebrated in Chorao on January 1st. TEA VORSA SALU FESTACHO PIRJENT ASLO. That year Salu was the president of the feast. VORSAVOLLI PORMONNEM, FESTACHEA MISA UPRANT ADOROSANV ASLEM. As customary the mass was followed by the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. ‘O SALUTARIS HOSTIA’ HEM GAION GAVUNK SURU KELEM. The hymn ‘O Salutaris Hostia’ was sung. HEM SOGLEM PEDRO FATTLEA BANKAR BOSUN AIKOTALO. Pedro seated on the back bench noticed this. SALU-CHEM NANV ITLE FAVTTI UCHARLELEM AIKON TO OJEAP ZALO. He was awed that Salu’s name was mentioned so many times. HEA VORSA SALU FESTACHO PIRJENT ASLO MHONN PADR VIGAR POROT-POROT TACHEM NANV GHETA OXEM PEDRON CHINTLEM, MHONNTOCH FUDDLEA VORSA FEST KORUNK PEDRO APUNN FUDDEM SORLO. Being the sponsor this year the Parish priest cannot stop mentioning Salus’ name, so he volunteered to sponsor the feast the following year. APUNN FESTACHO PIRJENT ASLO DEKUN, FESTA DISA PADR VIGAR POROT-PORTO APLEM NANV UCHARTOLO MHONN PEDRO AXEUN ASLO. Pedro was hoping that being the sponsor this year, he would be acknowledged many times. ADORSANVANCHEA VELAR PADR VIGARAN ‘O SALUTARIS HOSTIA’ OXEM MHONNTLEM. At the Adoration, the Parish priest sang ‘O Salutaris Hostia’ again. POROTUI TINCH UTRAM AIKON PEDROCHE TOKLEK RAG CHODDLO. Hearing Salus’ name again Pedro was livid. APNNEM FESTAK ITLO DESPEZ KORUN APLEAK RESPET KITEAK NA TEM VICHARUNK TO RAGAN PADR VIGARAXIM GELO. He stormed off to see Padr Vigar to inquire why he wasn’t given a mention despite having incurred so much of expense to celebrate the feast. MHONNI/ Proverb: BIXANNEM POLLEUN PAEM SODDUNK ZAI – (Extend your legs according to the size of the mattress.) Live according to your means. / Cut your coat according to the cloth. Next month’s theme is ‘VIVA CARNAVAL’. I look forward to your suggestions and contributions. Stay happy and take care. FUDDLEA MHOINEANT CARNIVALACHI KHOBOR KORCHI.. BOROUPAM, KANNIO, DDHADDUN DIAT. BORE BAXEN RAVUM-IA ANI MOI-MOGAN CHOLUM-IA. Mheunchim fuddlea mhoineant, Time to be goan…MOG ASUNDI…. Annabel Henriques [email protected] My sincere gratitude to a good friend who wishes to remain anonymous. He has given up smoking after 57 years as his resolution and has never felt better. He encourages all smokers to follow his suit. MAKA ADAR DITELEA IXTTAK HANV CHODD UPKARI......

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This page has been sponsored. Our thanks to the advertisers.

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Indo Chinese:

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Velvet Butter Chicken Lamb Rogan Josh Dal Makhani (Lentils) Baingan Masala (Eggplant) Masala Aloo Rice Naan

Side Dish:

Dahi Bhala (Rice Donuts with yoghurt)

Raita Salad Pappadums


(Remove heads, fins and entrails and wash well. Slit fish on either side from head to tail keeping the centre bone or if desired removing it allowing a bit of the tail bone to remain. Apply a little salt and keep aside).

Grind in vinegar: 12

dry red chillies




flakes of garlic


teaspoon cummin seeds


teaspoons coriander seeds


inch piece of turmeric


teaspoon sugar a small ball (marble-size) of tamarind a pinch or two of salt

Stuff this masala into each mackerel very evenly on either side of the centre bone and fry it in hot oil.

Please note that the above masala ground in vinegar (in large quantity) can be stored in an airtight bottle for days together.

Mackerels can also be stuffed with:

3 or 4 onions 2 or 3 green chillies a small piece of ginger and garlic

All cut very fine and mixed in a little turmeric powder, salt and a tablespoon of vinegar.

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This page has been sponsored. Our thanks to the advertisers.

Printed and Published by Oscar Lobo for Melgoans Pty Ltd. This monthly read is distributed free of charge to any Goan and their friends on request. Contributions for publication are most welcome, and will be included in the next issue subject to clearance by the editorial board. Editor: Salus Correia Email: [email protected]

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