Ghozali - Dec 2007

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News of Goan relevance for Goans in Melbourne

Our Mission “To provide Goans and their friends an enjoyable and a relaxing time without the need for formal membership. In doing this, we will showcase our cultural activities and also learn and integrate with the multicultural society of Melbourne”.

From the editor’s desk…

Mogal Goencarano, Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat! How soon has the year gone by. And what do we have to show for the three hundred and odd days that are now in the past? Well some of us can hold our heads high with pride and tell of our achievements, while some of us have just had a mere existence! As we prepare to welcome the baby Jesus into our homes and into our hearts, let us also remember to welcome all of our fellow brethren too. Let us try and forget the past, and let bygones be bygones, and remain there. Let us make this Christmas special, a Christmas our children will remember as the one when Goans have got together in unity. That will be the best Christmas present we can give ourselves and our families. After all, Jesus did come into this world to promote his message of love. And love our fellow brethren is what we must do or start to do from now on. Our congratulations go to Oscar Lobo on being the proud Goan recipient of the ‘Leadership award’ from among Victoria's Awards for Excellence in Multicultural Affairs 2007. The state of Victoria has recognised Oscar’s work in the field of furthering Multiculturism amongst the people of Victoria. Well done Oscar— your efforts in organising the many functions you have till date, have not gone un-noticed after all!!! The year 2007 was a hectic and productive year for all of us at Melgoans. Things did go very well and it was an exciting year too. Both the main functions [Carnival and World Goa Day] were a runaway hit, instrumental in not just providing entertainment to Goans and their friends, but were also in projecting our Goan culture with a lot of pride amongst the Australian population. It is our hope that this feeling of goodness will continue with the impending merger of the Goan Overseas Association and the Australian Goan Association, in the coming days. Wishing all our readers the very best for a blessed time at Christmas. May the child Jesus shine upon all of us as we welcome him and all of you into our hearts. Have a happy Christmas, and a bright start to the new year 2008. Till our next, mog asundi...

Salus Correia

From the rambling ‘Reddo’…! Another twelve months have gone by, and it is almost time for Christmas! Talking of Christmas, brings back to mind memories of the good old days when I was a young boy, back in good old Goa. Grandma would begin her Christmas preparations in the first week of December. She would tell us kids to look out for the ‘paddekar’ or coconut plucker, and no sooner one came by, his orders were to pluck some of the best coconuts in sight. These would be reserved in the ‘kudd’ for the Christmas sweets. What lovely sweets those were! Besides the usual ‘neorios’ and ‘vhodes’, grandma would go all the way and make us some mouth watering ‘bolinhas’, ‘dhos’, ‘cockade’, ‘cormolas’, ‘ghos’, ‘batica’, ‘bolh’, not forgetting the favourite ‘dodol’ and ‘bebinca’. Gosh, I actually drooled as I thought of those Christmas goodies while writing this piece! Come Christmas, we kids then had to go to the neighbours houses with a plate full of grandma’s sweets. Sometimes we hit gold when the neighbours gave us a small gift!!! There was so much of love and understanding in those old days. Would it not be so nice to have something like that here in Melbourne? [anybody listening? I sure am waiting for the sweets this year!!]. A couple of weeks ago, I heard the good news about my friend Oscar Lobo. Congrats Oscar, on your great achievement. First you were appointed a Justice of the Peace for Victoria, and now the proud recipient of the State’s Leadership Award, for furthering the cause of Multiculturism in Victoria. That is indeed a great honour, and recognition for all the hard work Oscar has put in, organising functions, not just for Goans, but with open doors for Goans and their Australian friends. Thanks to Oscar, so many more Aussies know about Goa and Goans. For the last time this year, let me wish each of you dear readers and your families, a Happy Christmas, and a bright prosperous new year 2008 Recad sogleank!

Bostião Xavier

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From our Konkani corner A TRUE GOAN


RIA: What did you cook today, Ana? ANA: I made pullau and sorpotel. RIA: Why, is it anybody's birthday? ANA: Oh, no. Just Tom wanted it. RIA: Yes, why have we to wait only for a feast. ANA: Our life itself must be a long feast. RIA: You are quite right I think. ANA: You should also try that festive style. RIA: But James is not fond of sorpotel. ANA: I forgot your husband is English. RIA: No, not because of that only. ANA: What else is the reason? RIA: I am lazy at cooking. ANA: Than you too have become English now. RIA: Oh no, I am a true Goan: ANA: Then, do you speak Konkani? RIA: Without any doubt; we speak at home. ANA: Then you are more a Goan than I am. RIA: Why don't you speak Konkani? ANA: I was born and grew up in Kenya. RIA: There's nothing wrong in that. ANA: Why do you say so smilingly? ANA: Come to think of that you're right. RIA: We are what our roots are. ANA: No matter where we are born? RIA: Have you not heard Magno's song? ANA: What does it say in the song? RIA: Proud to be Goan, no matter where I was born..... ANA: That song Proud to be Goan! RIA: That has now become the Goan credo. ANA: In that case I must do some rethinking. RIA: Stamp the word "Goan" on your forehead.

= Ana, aiz tuvem kitem randlêim? = Anvem pullau ani sorpotel randlam. = Kiteak, aiz konnacho zôlm-dis asa? = Ô na. Fokot Tom-ak tem zai aslem. = Ôi, kiteak ravunk zai fokot fest êuncheak? = Amchem jivituch zaunk zai ek lamb fest. = Tujem khorem, mhaka dista. = Tuvemnui 'trai' kôrunk zai osle festaponn. = Punn James-ak sorpotel avod-dnam. = Anv visôrlim tuzo gôu Inglêz mhunn. = Nam, fokot tachê pasun nhôi. = Koslem anink karann tôr? = Anv auxi randdpak. = Tôr tum-ui atam Inglêz zaleim. = Nam nam, anv niz Goemkarn. = Tor, tum Konkani uloitai? = Dubau nastanam, ami ghoran ulôitam. = Tôr tum mhoje von vhôddik Goemkarn. = Kiteak tum Konkani ulôinaim? = Anv zôlmôlim ani vaddlim Kenya-k. = Tantun kaim vaitt nam. = Kiteak tum oxem mhunntai anstea tonddan? = Chintum pollelear tujem khorem = Amchim pallam asa tosse ami. = Porvau nam ami khuim-i zolmolear? = Aikonk naim tuvem bab Magnô-chem git? = Kitem mhunnta tea git-an? = Anv patraddên bhoron Goenkar mhunntam, porvau nam khuim zolomolam.... = Tem git Proud to be Goan! = Tem atam zalam Goemchem "credo" = Toxem zalear anmvem novean chintunk zai. = Utor "Goemkar" tuje koplar xapp.

Continued on the next page…

Our sincere thanks to the ‘evergreen’ Basilio Magno who has been our faithful and diligent sub-editor looking after “KONKANI KONSO” Please send your feedback to: [email protected]

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News from Goa…

This is exciting news!!! Looks like it is going to be really big, so if in Goa, do make it a point to register for this great evening. A great opportunity to meet other non resident Goans on the night…

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GOAN RECIPES as served at Longuinhos, Margao

Mackerel Recheado (Stuffed Mackerel)

Mackerel Recheado is one of Goa's most famous dishes. Recheado means stuffed in Portuguese and in this recipe, the masala is stuffed into the mackerel. Mackerel is the best fish for this recipe although you can use pomfret as well. The fiery-red Recheado masala is very versatile and can be used to prepare many other Goan seafood dishes. It can be made and stored in an airtight container for months. Ingredients Mackerels


Kashmiri chillies





15 flakes

Cumin seeds

¼ tsp


I tsp


½ tsp




to taste


as required


for frying

Method Clean the fish leaving the heads. Remove the fins and entrails. From head to tail, make a slit, cutting right down to the bottom of the fish on one side of the centre bone. Be careful not to cut off the side completely. Repeat the same procedure on the other side of the fish, and wash the fish well. Add salt to the insides of the fish and keep aside. Prepare the other mackerels the same way. Grind all the spices in vinegar. Use enough vinegar to get a thick smooth paste. Stuff the masala into each mackerel very evenly on either side and fry in hot oil. If you want, you may cut off the head after frying. Leaving it on initially ensures that the masala does not spill out while frying.


Calangute—the queen of Goa’s beaches. This rare photograph was clicked early in the day, before the rush of the tourists who normally crowd the beach.

Thanks to Rajan Parrikar for this photograph clicked at Keri, Goa

A rare sight nowadays, this picture will surely stir a bit of nostalgia for many as they remember the ‘gaddo’ at the corner. These mini stores served a great purpose in their time, and for the kids, it was the natural haunt to pick up their daily supplies of lollies,

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Best wishes for a blessed time at Christmas, and may all of you have a Happy New Year, 2008!

Printed and Published by Oscar Lobo for Melgoans Pty Ltd., who are not responsible for the opinion or views of the contributors. This monthly read is distributed free of charge. Contributions for publication are most welcome, and will be included in the next issue subject to clearance by the editorial board. Editor: Salus Correia Email: [email protected]

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