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GETTING TO KNOW THE SHIP - THE BRIDGE (CD1-16) OVERVIEW  Vocabulary Bridge Equipment  Grammar Focus Future Simple  Practice - Listening skill: Making assumptions - Speaking skill: Pair work PRE-LISTENING 1. Look at the below photo. Where is the man? What is he doing?

Figure 5.1 The Bridge (Internet)

2. List some kinds of bridge equipment you know.

I. SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION A. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Complete the conversation with the following words receiver eye altitude loaded signals

naked eye

Listen and check Dong 2/Off Dong


Dong 2/Off

Dong 2/Off

Dong 2/Off

: The ………….on the VLCC seems very high. How high is it? : It is 26 meters when fully ………….and 37 meters at ballast level. The ship is now half loaded so it is about 32 meters. : The steering stand looks like a car’s steering wheel. It doesn’t look like a ship’s wheel at all. This is the engine control panel. This must be the engine telegraph. And this is the telephone that connects you to the Engine Room, isn’t it? : Yes, it is. All you have to do is to pick up the ………….and speak. The rest are all meters related to the engine. This is the Doppler Sonar. It’s more accurate than the electric-magnetic log. It is especially helpful when coming into berth. : Oh, this is the radar, and it has ARPA! : ARPA is very useful. Make sure to remember that using your own eyes is essential. You should never rely solely on the radar. Don’t depend on the radar picture for information. Always confirm with the …………., even if visibility is bad. : Yes, I understand. : The ship is equipped with an electrical charting system. It shows the position of the ship by receiving ………….from the GPS. But observing the position with your own eyes, especially for cross bearing, is one of the basics for a deck officer. : I will learn cross bearing properly, is this the GMDSS? : Yes, I’ll tell you about it later. Adapted from “Welcome on board”

B. VOCABULARY IN NEW CONTEXTS Here is more practice with the new words. Choose the correct word(s) for each sentence. (Change the form of the word(s) if necessary) receiver eye altitude loaded signals naked eye 1. Seamen are very busy when the ship ………. its cargo. 2. There are various ………. used in the art of the navigation. 3. ………. are widely used in communication on board ships. 4. Can you explain to me what……….means? Is it something about height? 5. There is something far from our ship. It is too far. I can’t see it with the ………..


Poop deck equipment – Ship structure review  Grammar Focus Prepositions of place and time  Practice - Listening skill: Making assumptions - Reading skill: Gap filling

PRE-LISTENING 1. Label the parts of the ship

Figure 8.1 Ship’s Structure[4]

2. Where is the poop deck? What do you do there? I. SITUATIONAL CONVERSATION

A. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Complete the conversation with the following words accommodation trial poop ladder run deck



Listen and check 2/Off


: I stand on the …………. except when berthing SBM or anchoring. You have to let me know whenever we do a ………….of the engine. We do it every time we leave port. I then check if aft is normal, and then I check for fishing boats or small boats or if the crew has left any fishing tackle outboard. As for the …………., we heave it up little when the ship moves. After that, we do an engine test by contacting the Engine Room. : I see. How about checking the steering gears?


: We do it before or after the engine test. You should do it after I enter the Steering Engine Room. I check the movement of the ………….and see if the hydraulic system works well.


: Communication between us is done only by transceiver?

2/Off Dong

: Basically, yes, but we can also use the one in the Steering Engine Room. : What’s this wire?


: It is a fire wire. A tugboat uses this wire to pull the ship from the berth when she can’t move on her own or in case of a fire during cargo loading and unloading. ………….about setting this wire in port are very strict, so you have to follow the rules. This should be set whenever the ship enters the Maritime Traffic Safety Law areas in Japan. : Is the Emergency Fire Pump Room under this deck?

Dong 2/Off

: Yes, it is. It’s just as described on the side of this door. It’s under the Steering Room. Ask one of the engineers how to operate it later. Adapted from “Welcome on board”

B. VOCABULARY IN NEW CONTEXTS Here is more practice with the new words. Choose the correct word(s) for each sentence. (Change the form of the word(s) if necessary) accommodation ladder trial run poop deck regulations rudder 1. The ……….. is a very important device used to direct a ship’s course. 2. If you are a crewmember, you have to get to know the common……….. on board ships. 3. A ………..must be performed before our ship leaves the port. 4. An ……… used to help people board a ship. .5. A seaman must go to the…….to check if there are any fishing tackles left.

GETTING TO KNOW THE SHIP - A CABIN (CD1-18) OVERVIEW  Vocabulary Ship structure  Further Reading The main parts of the ship  Grammar Focus Modal verbs  Practice - Listening skill: Making assumptions - Speaking skill: Group work / Pair work - Writing skill: Sentence building


Look at the following photo of a cabin. Describe it. Do you like to live in it? Why? Why not?

Figure 4.1 A cabin (Internet)


A. FOCUS ON VOCABULARY Complete the conversation with the following words quartermaster accommodations conditions



Listen and check Dong : This is quite a big room, with a big window, a shower and a toilet. 2/Off : The ship’s ………….were built by the Japanese ship owners. They used to be much less attractive than the accommodations on European ships. ………….have improved lately, though. Dong : Is this telephone used only on board? 2/Off : Yes, it is. It’s mostly used by the …………. to call you 15 minutes before your watch. There is a coastal telephone system at the Bridge and in the General Office. It covers the Japanese coastal area and also the Bashi Channel area. We use it to communicate with the head office. : Can I drink the water from the tap? Dong 2/Off : No, you shouldn’t. It’s only for washing and rinsing. We call it “fresh water”. It is ………….seawater that comes from an evaporator in the Engine Room. It may contain unwanted bacteria. You should drink the water only from the water fountains. Dong : Do I have to clean my cabin myself? 2/Off : Basically, yes. But the Mess Boy………….the ship once a week. He also changes the bed sheets every two weeks. Dong : The word “ANTENA” is written on this box by the wall. What is this antenna for? 2/Off : This is a radio antenna. When you connect your radio to it, you can hear short-wave broadcast in your cabin. Take a single electrical wire and wind it 10 to 20 times into a coil with a diameter of about 10 cm. Then connect one end of the coil to this antenna terminal and the other to the ground terminal. Put the coil close to the radio. You can hear short-wave clearly that way. Adapted from “Welcome on board” B. VOCABULARY IN NEW CONTEXTS Here is more practice with the new words. Choose the correct word(s) for each sentence. (Change the form of the word(s) if necessary) quartermaster accommodations conditions distilled sweeps 1. You should ………your cabin regularly to keep it clean. 2. In some cases, the seawater is ……… before being used on board ship. 3. The ……… often reminds the seamen to relieve the watch. 4. Before signing this labor contract, can you tell me about the working ………? 5. The seamen’s ……… is called “cabin”.

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