Gd Culture And Change

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  • Words: 1,727
  • Pages: 5
Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?ÆOL centers in your college / institution / organization. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]


What is culture – it is sum total of belief system, values, and ideas. It is much broader then just a dress / food / show piece. Many people confuse culture to dress style or some similar practices. Culture is not limited to narrow issues – it is a very broad

understanding. You may change your ideas, and change the culture. You may change the dress, but retain the ideas, and retain the culture. Broadly speaking there are following differences between traditional Indian v/s modern (American) culture.

AFTERSCHO?» OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?ÆOL centers in your college / institution / organization. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]




Respect / source of power Relationship




Long, based on long associations

Pragmatic, practical and short term oriented Religious and Economic cultural activities practices given top given top priority priority

Modern Indian Mixed




Economic and pseudosocial given top priority

Group and family practices given top priority.


Culture is undergoing change. The change is due to impact of western culture. It is not that western culture is bad or that Indian culture is sacrosanct - but the crucial issues are whether Indian culture is changing in positive direction or not. To what extent we are able to understand that the change in culture will affect our future. Are we able to understand the silent revolutions going on which will uproot us from our culture? Culture also includes beliefs, rituals, practices, stories, norms. Many of these are changing faster than what we can expect. The impact will be visible after a few years only, when we find that many of these have become extinct. Are we aware of these? P: culture is a pattern followed by a group of people living in a particular area. The culture must change according to time. This is a time of globalization; we are accepting many things from other culture. Culture is made by us and therefore we have to update and develop our culture P2: it is a time specific activities being followed by people. It is dependent on situation, time and other aspects. If there is any change in time, we must also change our culture. Traditional culture is also very rich, but it also has AFTERSCHO?» OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?ÆOL centers in your college / institution / organization. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

some limitations, which restrict people to open up and give their best in their respective fields. P: Culture is made by the masses – it is prepared on the basis of what should be done and what should not be done. The rules and norms of the society are framed depending on suitability. In the traditional culture, we had dowry system – it was a good system for some people – people used to save something and give it to their daughter – however, this system has become a problem for very rich people – they are forced to give dowry. P2: Indian culture is very attractive to others due to many reasons. Marriage system and all types of chores are very attractive to others and they are specific to our culture. These are practices which are very good – and should be followed. These practices create interaction among people and unite them. P: culture is also related to social taboos. There are some taboos, we have taboo like – don’t cut trees – etc. these taboos help us in our development – however, there are also evil practices like Mrityubhoj – which are not good for society. R: Culture connects us to our moral values – let us discuss the world scenario – the most important issue today is global recession – India has not bee affected much by world recession due to our systems of joint family and our culture of frugalism. We have the culture of saving and promoting savings and investments. Thus Indian culture is very useful in the world in the modern context. Culture also instills moral values P2: Indian culture talks about celestial powers – it connects us to spirituality. It connects us to the super-beings – we celebrate each stage of life – from birth to death. This builds our moral strength. However, there are also practices which become burden for poor people. These cultures should not be as a binding – if you can afford- follow, otherwise leave it. P Indian people are more social in comparison to others. We don’t need psychiatrists – due to our cultural practices. In India there are a large number of festivals – we lead a life of hopes and we are moral and principally stronger due to our culture. Our culture also gives us entertainment.

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?ÆOL centers in your college / institution / organization. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

However, there are also practices like caste based system, caste based marriage etc. P3: there are many festivals that we follow = these festivals enable people to gather and discus the events. These aspects of our culture are for development. We are also able to globalize due to these practices there are some people, who get burden from culture – as they are not able to pay attention to their work. We must make a balance between tradition and modern practice P: According to scientific notions, marriage should not take place in the same caste. Our culture prevents this – thus there is a positive impact of culture. There are many such practices, which help us. P: it is the time of globalization. We should encourage exchange of ideas, people and culture. We should encourage marriage between Indians with others – so that we are able to develop global approach. R: Today there is a lack of moral values. There is one example – of Satyam. It is a question mark on our culture and values. If we continue to promote itwhat will happen. P: culture is important = it gives us a pattern – which gives us flexibility and opportunity for our development. It should not be done as compulsion. P2: customs and practices are based on time – but poor people follow them blindly – whether they are relevant or not. P: If we are going to Himachal – we find that many people throw away currency in the river – it is just a ritual – I believe that there are many such practices. P2: there are systems where people do many things as just rituals (following them blindly) there are cases of stampede – when we are doing something just as a blind followership. P: there should be small patterns of culture – we should not search for a big culture and we should have flexibility to us so that we can adjust as per our situation. Ultimately culture has to help us in our development. AFTERSCHO?» OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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Contact Dr. T.K. Jain (91-9414430763) regarding starting AFTERSCHO?ÆOL centers in your college / institution / organization. Promote social entrepreneurship, join PGPSE and become a social entrepreneur. Email us: [email protected]

P2: Indians are considered as very emotional people – they are emotionally attached to culture – but there are many things which we can avoid – but we are not able to avoid these – as we are not able to leave them due our bad practices – we will lose. P: we should make alternate arrangements for solving world problem. P2: there are practices like Parda system – which don’t permit women to contribute. R: there will be some plus points and some demerits – we have adopt the positive aspects Today every person is trying to do something – we should ensure that there is adequate flexibility. R: if we start from ourselves – we can change culture. P: our some years – we will be facing another transition. R: there are so many persons - who are doing inter-caste marriages and other practices, which were not permitted by our culture till now. P2: we have a great culture – but culture is made for us. We have to improve it. Culture is for our development. P: we should take a commitment that we shall remove the deficiencies of the culture. Future of our country is in our hand – If we do something – we will be able to bring improvement. When we try to do something – there will be opposition. When Einstein started research, people opposed – and called him a mad person – today he is well recognized as a great scientist R: if any part of culture adds value to the society, we must accept it and otherwise, we can stop it / abandon it.

AFTERSCHO?» OL CENTRE FOR SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP – Let us Change the World – Join PGPSE along with CS after class 12

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