Full Gospel Lighthouse Church July 2009 Newsletter

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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc. 624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201 Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137 Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy

July 2009 Dear Friend, Greetings to you on this beautiful summer day! The Bible says, “O give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good: for His mercy endureth for ever” (Psalms 107:1). He truly is good to us. The Lord is Rev. Daniel Bossidy Pastor&President blessing our church members and pouring out His Spirit upon all who seek Him and call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Sometimes people get discouraged and stop seeking Him, but those who continue to seek Him and who draw near to Him, the Bible tells us He draws near to them and answers their prayers! Recently, a Christian woman at church had some troubling news. The doctors found what they believed to be cancer. Along with problems at work, family, and other physical problems she became overwhelmed Card Ministry with anxiety and fear. But she called the church to ask us all to pray for Convalescent Home her. The Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, who tells us to cast Ministry all our cares upon Him because He cares for us, lifted her fears and Evangelistic replaced them with an assurance and peace that passes all understanding. Tracting The results: the mass of tissue the doctors saw turned out to be benine! Ministry But far greater than that, she saw the hand of God in her life and she Fasting Ministry became renewed in her desire to serve the Lord and the church. Faith is Foreign Missions once again reinstated in her and she has an expectancy of God moving in Foundation Studies a great way again! Hands of Hospitality In thinking about these things, it goes to show we should never say Home Missions what God can or cannot do. We all have our ideas about what God does Newsletter and how He does it. This is called our theology. But this many times puts Prayer Services limitations on Him, for He will not go over our will. Please don’t ever try Sunday School to fit God into a certain framework of “can’s” and “cant’s.” He is far Vacation Bible greater than everything we can imagine. His ways are higher than our School ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! The Bible says, Visiting Ministry “Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all Youth Activities that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen” (Ephesians 3:20 & 21). The power of faith (or lack of it) will determine how abundant God’s working in you will be. This is why we need to hear the Word of God, for faith comes by hearing God’s inspired Word. Without faith we cannot expect to receive any good In continued recognition of thing. But all things are possible to them that believe! We can have life Dr. Philip P. Saunders and peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. We can know He will World-Wide Lighthouse Missions, never leave us nor forsake us. He has the power to move those obstacles

that keep us from excelling in life. We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us! Don’t ever stop praying and trusting God! Don’t give up and “throw in the towel.” But when you’ve done all you can do, the Bible tells us to stand: just stand in His promises and in the faith He gives you. Jesus will bring you to the other side of your dilemma! There is a Scripture that tells us to be “…followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” There is a family member of another woman in church who called her to ask for prayer for a friend. This friend was hospitalized because he couldn’t wake up. The doctors didn’t know what to make of this (he was only in his 20’s). But she called and asked for prayer, and our church called on the name of the Lord Jesus for this man. The answer came back a few days later that the man is much better and he is going back to work this week! The Lord answered prayer! This family member followed her loved one, who knew the power of prayer. It is very important that we never give up praying just because things don’t go our way. We should never cease serving God just because we don’t understand why situations are the way they are. There is a God in heaven that cares and loves us all and sees the whole picture of everyone’s life and knows what is best. Let me encourage you today to put your whole trust and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He is Lord of all! If you have a need, just remember that the Lord Jesus Christ is just a prayer away! If you don’t have a church you regularly attend I invite you to ours. We are the Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, located at 624 Torringford West St. in Torrington, CT. Our schedule of services is Sunday at 10 AM and 7 PM and Wednesday evening at 7:30PM. Come and believe God for the needs of your life! Sincerely, Rev. Daniel Bossidy P.S. Please remember to tune in to the “Word Of Light” television broadcast, hosted by my dear friend, Rev. Eleanor Kalinsky, pastor of the Full Gospel Interdenominational Church of Manchester, CT. It airs on you local Ion-TV station Wednesday from 10:30AM to 11AM. You can also visit Pastor Kalinsky on the church’s web site at www. fgichurch.org.

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