Full Gospel Lighthouse Church November 2009 Newsletter

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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc. 624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201 Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137 Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy

November 2009

Dear Friend, Greetings to you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, from everyone at the Full Gospel Lighthouse Church in Torrington, CT. There is nothing better than to know the Lord is still moving by His Spirit in the midst of His people! Here we are, the month of Thanksgiving, and we all have a lot to be thankful for! Even if we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death, we can be thankful for David said, “Thou art with me” (Psalms 23:4). What would you do if the Lord wasn’t with you, comforting you and guiding you? We have been having a wonderful move of God’s Spirit in the church. This past Sunday Pastor Kalinsky from the church in Manchester sent Rev. Lynnette Engman and her husband, “Wally,” to minister to us. The Lord moved in such a great way, especially among the children in Sunday School. Sometimes teenagers face awfully difficult circumstances. In my day it was rare for a child to come from a broken home. Today it is the norm. When I looked around the class of kids I was amazed that there was only one girl that lived with both parents! That’s a whole lot of hurts and brokenness and misunderstandings and loss in that one small room of kids! They may have asked at some point, “Does Jesus care? Does anyone care?” But yes, the Lord Jesus does care! He loves everyone and has a remedy for a broken heart! The teacher’s name was Wally and he brought a lesson from the Bible that changed the hearts of those kids. Luke 4:18 Jesus quoted the Scripture, “…He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted…” He talked about his teen years and the problems he had, the misunderstandings of his parents love, and he talked about his lost condition. I know the Lord was using him to speak to the kids because I knew some of their situations at home. He told them how Jesus can fix any problem. We may not be able to fix some of the things that are wrong in our lives, but Jesus can! Adults have these issues, too. We carry them from our youth into adulthood and either continually fall flat on our faces, get discouraged or despondent, or simply give up in frustration. But Jesus can fix your heart, too! And the Lord began to inspire the children to give their hearts to Him so He could fix their hearts. In talking to them after, one young lady told me again that she wants the Lord to fix her heart. So it was a message that not only hit home at the time but she carried it out the door with her. In order for the Lord to fix our hearts we must give it to Him first. He can’t fix what He doesn’t have. He takes our heart and renovates it completely. Wally told a story of when he was a teen and had joined the track team at school. His dad gave him a stop-watch so he could time himself. It was really special to him. A friend borrowed it one day but was careless with it. He left it in his pants pocket and it went through the

washer and dryer and broke into many pieces. Wally was devastated. But even though his dad was a master clocks man, he couldn’t fix it because Wally never gave it to him! He was afraid to show his dad what happened. He said if he had brought it to his dad, his dad would have fixed it like new. That’s like us sometimes. We don’t bring things to our Heavenly Father because we are afraid He will be disappointed in us, or afraid He may get mad at us or we don’t want to admit we even have a problem (now that’s a problem!). The Lord can fix your broken heart! Just bring your life to Him. That’s what he does: heal the brokenhearted. He’s an expert in fixing broken hearts. After the message, the children came down to the altar and received prayer. One of the young ladies received prayer and began crying. Her mother asked her why she was crying and she said, “Because Jesus just saved me!” He came into her heart and made a change that could come no other way. She said that every time she says His name she gets a wonderful feeling all over her. And that is one of the descriptions of the Lord in the Bible. He was called “Wonderful” by someone who knew His grace and mercy. How about you? If you have never brought your life to Christ Jesus, do so today. He will fix your heart and strengthen your life. He said, “…and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). He will forgive your sins and change your life, your outlook, and make your life a blessing like you never knew before! Don’t delay but come to him today and ask Him to fix your heart. He will do it for you! May God bless you this month. Our church is praying for you and your family, and we all wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving! If you don’t have a church I invite you to ours. We are the Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, meeting at 624 Torringford West Street in Torrington, CT. Our schedule of services is Sunday at 10 AM and 7PM and Wednesday at 7:30PM. If you have a prayer request please don’t hesitate to call our office at 860-489-4137, or e-mail me at [email protected]. We will bring your need to the Lord in prayer so He can fix it! Sincerely,

Rev. Daniel Bossidy P.S. Please don’t forget to tune into the Word of Light television broadcast hosted by my dear friend Rev. Eleanor Kalinsky, pastor of the Full Gospel Interdenominational Church of Manchester, CT. It airs on your local ION television station Wednesday morning at 10:30.

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