Full Gospel Lighthouse Church April 2009 Newsletter

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Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, Inc. 624 Torringford West St., PO Box 1201, Torrington, CT 06790-1201 Phone: 1-(860)-489-4137 Pastor: Rev. Daniel Bossidy

April 2009 Dear Friend, Rev. Daniel Bossidy Pastor&President

Barbara Prahm Vice-President

Carol Bossidy Treasurer

Card Ministry Convalescent Home Ministry Evangelistic Tracting Ministry Fasting Ministry Foreign Missions Foundation Studies Hands of Hospitality Home Missions Newsletter Prayer Services Sunday School Vacation Bible School Visiting Ministry Youth Activities

In continued recognition of Dr. Philip P. Saunders World-Wide

Greetings once again from everyone at the Full Gospel Lighthouse Church of Torrington, CT on this beautiful spring day! My heart is filled with thanksgiving for all the Lord has done and is doing in my life and the church. There is nothing that can compare with His touch, for He brings such hope to all who seek Him. And the Bible says He is not very far from every one of us! There is a beautiful verse of Scripture that says, “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost” (Romans 15:13). The Lord Jesus came to bring hope to fallen mankind. Has sin crept into your life and held you from what God has purposed for you? Are there secret sins and attitudes that have started to fill your mind and clouded your vision? We serve a God of hope! There is no sin or transgression He doesn’t know about and that He isn’t prepared to cleanse you from! He isn’t called the Savior of men for nothing! You can bring all your sins and iniquities to Christ Jesus our Lord and He will forgive you and cleanse you from them. Sin leaves the human spirit hopeless because the Bible tells us the wages of sin is still death. When we sin our inner man dies spiritually. You can get by in this world. You can function seemingly in the best of health and you might even “sleep like a baby,” but there is something missing if you don’t address the question of sin in your life. This is where hope comes forth. Jesus Christ gives us hope for He alone can deal with the consequence of our sins. When He died on the cross, He paid for our sins. He took the penalty for sin in our place in order to make us free to serve God without condemnation. Isn’t it wonderful to know that the Lord Jesus thought of us and made His salvation possible? We can know we are saved and one day going to heaven simply by asking the Lord to forgive us our sins and save us. He will come in and make you what your own efforts could not: righteous in His eyes!

This hope springs up in so many different ways. A marvelous answer to prayer took place recently in my family. My wife’s Aunt Gloria was admitted to the hospital a few weeks ago. It didn’t look good for her. I know many people prayed for her, along with all her family. And the Lord, in His great mercy, not only raised her up but restored hope. Even while she was in the hospital, something took place in her heart amidst the battle for life. I know that Jesus intervened on her behalf! In one days time she went from a dark, gloomy outlook to being able to go home! The turn around was so quick we didn’t know what hit us! We called to find her and she was on her way out the door of the hospital. She may have some more obstacles to face, but the Lord has become her strength and her salvation! One thing about this that is very important to remember. The most crucial part of the answer for her was not just our prayers: it is the fact that God answered those prayers! We often put faith in prayer and forget the One who answers! But it is the Savior who reaches down to us in our needs. When our faith is in Him, He provides the answers and supplies the things needed. Hope takes hold and our outlook changes from despair to life; from gloom and doom to joy and peace in believing. What is your need today? Does it look hopeless? The Bible tells us to, “…hope in God: for I shall yet praise Him, who is the health of my countenance, and my God” (Psalms 43: 5). If you or someone you know needs prayer, please contact our church. We want to agree with you in prayer, trusting and believing the One who answers! If you don’t have a church you regularly attend, I invite you to ours. We are the Full Gospel Lighthouse Church, located at 624 Torringford West St. in Torrington, CT. Our schedule of services is Sunday at 10 am and 7 pm and Wednesday at 7:30 pm. May God richly bless you and your family this month. Please remember, our church is praying for you! Sincerely,

Rev. Daniel Bossidy

P.S. Please remember to tune in to the “Word Of Light” television broadcast, hosted by my dear friend, Rev. Eleanor Kalinsky, pastor of the Full Gospel Interdenominational Church of Manchester, CT. It airs on your local i-TV station Sundays from 9 to 9:30 am and Wednesdays from 10:30 to 11:00 am.

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