Formato 2: Framing the idea Members Eileen Camila Zambrano Rojas Id: 000547936 Luz Miriam Peñaloza Zambrano Id: 000537960 Luisa Fernanda Rubio Barrios Id: 000583864 Kelly Johana Trujillo Moreno Id: 000611222
Title of the project
The inhabitants of Lebanon need wáter, do not gold
The old mine the oasis geologically is located in a fault that runs from north to south the municipalities of Palocabildo, Falan, Villahermosa, Lebanon and Santa Isabel, The project is located in the river account Lagunilla its climatology obeys a cold area with temperature between 18 and 24 °, its economic activities are agriculture, livestock and tourism. Its population is 47,650 inhabitants. Its ancient cultures are The panches, pantagoras, marquetones and bledos tribes seem to have been the first settlers of this region. They were some of the tribes most feared by the Muisca. They formed a hierarchical society governed by a boss.
Description of the problem
Failures in environmental studies, cyanide contamination, forced displacement to the
inhabitants of the villages and irreversible damage to water sources. Keywords
Contaminated water, pollution to the environment,
exploitation, miners, the future, gold, forced displacement,
impacts, cortolima. The problem that occurs in the municipality Introduction
of Lebanon is the following the water supplies are disappearing and the streams are reducing their channel, to such an extent that there are families that have water supply only two hours a day, in addition to the presumed contamination of affluents and the affectations of flora and fauna. The importance is that an environmental company seeks an early solution to the problems that are presented regarding the mine in this path and thus achieve and obtain a better quality of life for the inhabitants of the municipality of Lebanon.