The Power Of Framing

  • July 2020
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The power of frame • " frame" – mental structures people create to simply & organize the world decision. • Simplify the world • Keep complexity within the dimensions our mind can manage • Decision maker reduce information – processing demands by constructing limited representations of situation because they cannot cognitively deal with great deal of info • No one can make a rational decision without framing Beware • Pepresentation –" small world" • Problems – might not include the right thing o Too simplistics – partial view of the problem  Choose wrong alternatives o Just be wrong serious error • Hence : flexible and sensitive • Contoh "KEBUTAAN RANGKA" " FRAME BLINDNESS " o US Automaker VS Japanese car maker o 1940-1970 – " Assembly line " o Encounter " manufacturing problems"  How many of a single car model (i.e four-door sedan) Should we make in one production run before we can change to another model ( a station wagon, perhaps).  US – 1000 or more cars – 6-8 hours – frame  Toyota – reduce change overtime – speed (efficient) • 1980 – 44 seconds • Contoh " KEBUTAAN FRAME DLM MALAYSIA" sistem pendidikan di Malaysia VS sistem pendidikan di US Malaysia sistem terlalu berpusat, terlalu berorentasikan peperiksaan, x seimbang ( Prof. Khoo Kay Kim- sudah lapok)  Lahirnya pelajar yang pentingkan sekeping kertas untuk dapat kerja, pengakur dan x kreatif dan kritis – x komprehensif

US – pengagihan kuas, lahirnya pelajar yang seimbang dari pelbagai sudut, tiada exam awam, -pelajar diminta berdisiplin tapi x pengakur.  Lahir pekerja yang kompetetif ELEMEN2 PENTING FRAME. 1) Boundaries (sempadan) • Situation A: o You have decided to see a play and bought at ticket for RM 30. as you enter the theater, you discover that you have lost the ticket. The seat was not marke and the ticket cannot be recovered. Would you pay RM 30 for another ticket to see the play ( assuming you still have enough money) • Situation B: o You have decided to see a play where admission is RM 30 per ticket but you have not yet purchased the ticket. As you enter the theater you discover that you have lost the RM 30 from your wallet. Would you still pay RM 30 for see the play? • Kaji selidik Kahnemar & Trersky: • Soalan ditanya kepada 10 manager  When managers are told ticket is lost – 38% said they would be unwilling to play RM 30 for another ticket  When managers are told cash is lost – 17% said they would willing to pay RM 30 • Situasi B: mereka x merasa mereka spend RM 60 – ini yang dikatakan boundaries. Mereka x masukkan RM 30 yang terakhir dalam boundaries membeli tiket. 2) References points (titik rujukan) • Elements that DM uses to determine success or failure • i.e: seorang tuan punya syarikat dalam 1983  keuntungan syarikat naik 20%  gaji pekerja naik 5 % - dissatisfaction kerana pekerja jadikan kenaikan untung 20% sebagai RP  pengurus kilang: menggunakan RP syarikat pesaing yang Cuma offer 3% kenaikan gaji dan rumors of layoffs • di Malaysia – jumlah pelajar yang ramai dalam 1 kelas

• Kenaikan harga minyak dan tol • Drs (167 orang) choose different treatment in terms of the likelihood of living or the likelihood of dying. • Half were told : o of 100 people having surgery -10 will die during surgery,-32 will have died by one year and- 66 will have die by 5 years. o Of 100 people having radiation therapy - none will die during treatment – 23 will die by 1 year and – 78 will die by 5 years. Which treatment would you prefer. • The other half were told: o Of 100 people having surgery – 90 will survive the surgery – 68 will survive past 1 year – and 34 will survive the treatment – 77 will survive – and 22 will survive past 5 years. Which treatment would you prefer? • RESULT: o 1st group – half choose RT and half choose surgery o 2nd group – 84% choose surgery o When the RP is survival – the risk of surgery is viewed much favorable. 3) Yardstick (kayu ukur) • Situation A: o You are in a store about to buy a new watch which will cost $70. as you wait for the sales clerk, a friend comes buy and tells you than an identical watch is available in another store two blocks away from $40. you know that the service and reliability of the other store are just good as this one. Will you travel 2 blocks to save $30. o Decide yes or no • Situation B: o You are in store about to buy a new video camera that cost $800. as you wait for the sales clerk, a friend comes by and tells you that an identical camera is available in another store… • Kaji selidik : o Oleh Richard Thaler (Cornell University)- lebih 100 orang pengurus. • RESULT: o Situation A: 90% will travel the 2 blocks o Situation B: only 50% would travel.

• WHY: because there are accustorned to thinking about savings in percentage, not absolute dollars

4) Metaphors • Good decision maker choose metaphors carefully to highlight important facet of the situation at hand. • Door decision maker may automatically use 1 or 2 metaphors to frame almost everything • E.g: " The military frame" o " Guerilla worrior" – rolls – Royce (the super, luxury cars)- it grabs a number of small, nearly invisible out post in enemy territory o " Flanking strategy" – mercedez benz: seeking to offer something different from the competition. o In your professional – act like a general. A religious leader mountain climber, or competitive swimmer. •

KESIMPULAN o Know your own frames you must know how you simplified your problems. o Know the frames of others a key to communicating with other ww2 Japanese – Americans who do you want to win this war?- who do you want to win when you see your mother and father fight.

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