Forever Moonlight Chapters One & Two

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  • Words: 9,446
  • Pages: 26
Forever Moonlight By: Alyssa Nguyen + Lorena Jasso

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

book one ********** bella

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

1. Starting Line

About five years ago, I was just an ordinary human girl, who moved to a new town called Forks and made some new friends. Except I fell in love with a charming, masochistic vampire, and became best friends with a loyal, stubborn werewolf. Not only that but, I nearly had myself killed, went to Italy in attempt to save the love of my life, married the perfect man, and gave birth to an unbelievable baby girl. I always had fantasies on how my life would turn out….although my fairytales didn’t include vampires and werewolves- but change is good. Some people may regret falling deeply in love for someone and go through all the dangerous obstacles that I’ve been through. Seeing Edward and Renesmee everyday makes me feel like following my heart was the greatest thing I ever accomplished. Renesmee was almost four years old. But she had the mind and appearance of a nine years old. Carlisle said she was supposed to age for seven years, afterwards she would be mature and her appearance would seem as if she was already seventeen. Edward and I would have to appreciate the next three years attentively. “Momma, I beat Jacob in race…again. I think he’s letting me win though,” declared Renesmee. “I wish he’d stop treating me like I’m weaker than him.” Edward flashed his bright smile. Seth and Emmett were laughing, but Emmett’s laugh was so loud that his voice was booming. Alice and Rosalie were giggling continuously. Jacob was running toward us with a huge grin. “You cheated, Nessie. You almost made me fall into that ditch.” Jacob complained. He glared at Edward, as if Edward had showed Renesmee a few ropes on how to outrun Jacob. “That’s my girl.” Edward said, jokingly in response to Jacob’s thought. Jacob narrowed his eyes and growled at Edward. “Alright, boys. Knock it off, it was just a game,” I turned to Renesmee- who seemed to look like she was trying to look innocent- kneeled down so I can meet her at eye level. “Renesmee, did you cheat during the race?” She hid her eyes by looking at the ground. It was silent for a while before she answered. Then her eyes flickered to Jacob. He gave a quick smirk then his face went hard and he narrowed his eyes. Then her eyes went to me and Edward, then back to the ground. “Um…well...about an hour ago, I cleared the trail by taking Daddy’s T-shirt and rubbing it around the area that was the original trail. Then I dug a big hole- but just big enough so he can see Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

it and use precaution- in the middle of the route, and I created a detour,” Renesmee confessed. “I’m sorry, Jake. I won’t do it again.” Emmett was hollering with laughter. It sounded like he was impressed. Seth covered his mouth and was trying not to laugh. I gave Emmett a disapproving look. Edward elbowed Emmett in the ribs, and made him shut up. “It’s fine, Nessie. You’re pretty clever though,” Jacob complimented her, while rubbing her head. “I’m thinking twice about having suspicions about your dad teaching you some of the tricks, he’s not that smart anyways.” Jacob was looking smug. I shook my head in disbelief and continued our day out.

We all hunted down a herd of deer, and had Rosalie and Renesmee judge to see who had the best hunting technique. Rosalie, no doubt, chose Emmett as the best she also mentioned that he had the messiest technique. Everyone was staring at Renesmee when it was her turn to judge, so she chose Seth- who was not even in the competition in the first place- so she wouldn’t have to choose between the ones she loved the most. Without thinking, Rosalie just agreed with whoever Renesmee chose. “It’s okay, you guys. You could win next time,” Seth patted Jacob’s back and gave a sincere look to everybody behind him. Jacob exhaled deeply, and then he reluctantly allowed Seth to have his glory. We were all outside for about another hour or so until we noticed Esme, rushing towards us. “Everyone come in, quickly! It’s an emergency!” Esme yelled, with a worried expression on her beautiful heart-shaped face. When I saw Esme face, I knew immediately that she meant serious trouble.

Before Esme could reach the house, Edward, Renesmee, and I were already on the driveway. After us were Emmett and Rosalie sprinting down the street. Alice was behind because she waiting for Jacob and Seth to catch up. Finally, Esme just walked into the room, with the same worrisome expression. Both Edward and Esme were staring at each other momentarily. Edward bunched his dark brown eyebrows together and pressed his lips into a hard, thin line. It had seemed as if he was listening to Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

Esme’s thoughts. When their brief mental conversation was finished, he gave her a cold nod. I only knew Edward so well, when he had that look on his face, it meant something bad. “What happened?” I asked quickly. “The Denali Coven is dealing with a serious dilemma. Carlisle will explain later in the dining room.” Ever since I became part of this family, I had never really been in the dining room for a meeting. Neither had Jacob or Seth. So I walked into the dining room and quickly counted the seats to make sure that there were enough seats for everybody, because they were not used to having four more people in their house. When Carlisle invited everyone into the dining room, Jacob and Seth were nice enough to offer to stand the whole time. Carlisle’s eyes looked wary and stressful. “Eleazar had called me and he sounded depressed. He said Kate went into chronic depression because of the unfortunate scene she had to witness about three years ago. At first, she was furious with the Volturi and was always cursing at them in her room. Then they kept finding her constantly breaking down, in front of the custom grave Carmen made for Irina.” I was so horrified, that my mouth opened. I looked behind me where Jacob was leaning against the pearl-colored wall. He had his arms folded across his chest and had his shaggy brown eyebrows together. “So Eleazar told Tanya to comfort Kate in her room and she did. Then their house phone rung but Tanya said she picked it up already. He noticed that it had been eight hours already. When Eleazar knocked on Kate’s door, he said he couldn’t hear anything- this was where I heard Carmen crying in the background. So he had to go through Kate’s window. But no one was in her room. Carmen and Eleazar were searching everywhere all night for clues to where Tanya and Kate were going. While they were rummaging through the room, Carmen came across a post-it note.” Carlisle was shuffling through his large jacket pockets and then continued. “He asked us for help and was hoping if I had heard of the place, Tanya had written on the note.” He pulled out a small piece of paper that was crumpled up. It was a copy of their note. 1:35 a.m., London, Stargate “Carlisle, what is it? Do you recognize the name?” asked Edward. I could tell he was not patient. His muscles tightened up. Jasper glanced at me and I shook my head. Instead, I slid the tip of my fingers down the lower part of his arm until I reached his hand, and I took his hand and twined our fingers together. Renesmee joined me as I tried to calm Edward down. She got off my lap and sat in Edward’s. He immediately relaxed and his arms gently folded around Renesmee. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Have you heard of it when you traveling, during your medical research?” Edward asked calmly. “I...I’m not sure. It was probably during my human life because it’s a vague memory. I just have this strange, yet strong feeling that I’ve heard of this name.” Carlisle assumed, sighing again. “Alice, can you seek out Tanya and Kate?” questioned Rosalie. “Maybe…But,” Alice glanced at Renesmee, Jacob, and Seth. “Please you guys? Just for a while.” Jacob jerked his head sideways toward the front door- indicating that both he and Seth should go. Then Jacob extended his arm out with his palm facing upwards to Renesmee. “C’mon, Nessie. Let’s go.” “Bye bye, everybody. I’m going to play with Jake and Seth!” That had put a smile on everyone in the room. Carlisle couldn’t help it, but to chuckle. Edward chuckled too. Right after they left, Alice stared expressionlessly and sat as still and silent as a statue. Once in awhile, she would gasp or tremble. She would even murmur things like, “wait” or “where are you going”. It had been half an hour and Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme had already left. I wondered why Alice was struggling with her visions- she seemed fine since the confrontation with the Volturi. My head was spinning and was filled with questions. Why was she taking so long? Was she having a psychics’ block? Was she not trying hard enough? I really wanted to help…I owed the Denali Coven my assistance and protection; when we really needed them to convince the other covens and the Volturi that Renesmee was not an immortal child, or dangerous. I sensed it was getting dark and Renesmee was still outside with Jacob and Seth. “Edward...could we take a break? It’s getting dark and they can’t come back in yet.” I whispered. “Oh, I apologize, Bella. I wasn’t paying attention to the time.” He looked at Jasper. “Jazz, we need Renesmee to inside.” Jasper’s golden eyes flickered to Alice then back at Edward and nodded. He laid his hands gently on her shoulders, and then whispered “that’s enough, honey” into Alice’s ear. She shuddered and blinked twice, then mumbled something to Jasper too low even for me to hear. “I’m sorry, Bella.” Alice apologized. “It’s fine. I was just worried about Renesmee.” “I’ll go find her…and I’ll fetch the pups as well.” Edward snickered. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Be safe.” I quoted him, as I stood up. He chuckled and flew out the door. Alice shook her head in distress. “I…I just don’t understand…what would block my visions-” Alice hesitated to continue. “Besides werewolves and half-breeds? I tried to concentrate but something…or someone was trying to push me away. I had never experienced anything like this. I didn’t think there was something else that would prevent me from seeing glimpses of the future? I’m sorry, I took so long.” She stared at the floor with eyes filled with embarrassment and shame. Edward returned and had his arms around my waist. Alice looked up at me with apologetic eyes, took Jasper’s hand, and vanished. Renesmee rushed through the front door. “Momma! Jake made me this!” She stretched her arm out and pulled her sleeve up. I was amazed to see that Renesmee had the same exact bracelet Jacob gave me as a graduation present- it was a silver charm bracelet with a tiny wooden carving of a reddish-brown wolf hanging from it. I was so touched that, if I were able to, tears would have been pouring from my eyes. “Do you like it? Isn’t it pretty? I watched Jacob carve it.” “Yes, honey. I love it. I have one too.” “Ooh! Did Daddy make it for you?” I looked over her to see Edward leaning on the side of the wall, and he was smiling. “No. Jacob made it for me.” “Oh, I love Jake! And he loves me too! That’s why he made it for me.” I chuckled. “Of course, he loves you very much. Now let’s get you ready for bed.” She yawned and giggled, “Haha. Okay, but can I say goodnight to Jacob?” I kissed her head and gave her permission to leave. As she ran out the door, I was swept off my feet and my lips were crushed against Edward’s. His lips were enthusiastic- it seemed as if he had been glad that I had gotten rid of Renesmee. “You know we’re still in this house?” I stopped abruptly, although I really didn’t care where we were anyways.

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Yes,” Edward was pulling me closer against his hard chest. “You’re not uncomfortable are you?” He smirked. “I thought someone like you wouldn’t mind.” Then, his lips found mine and continued to kiss me with passion. He was right, I didn’t mind. Although, someone walked in and they did. Emmett. “For our sake, get a room.” He groaned. Edward growled at him, but with a quick wink at me he said, “Sure- if you and Rose can keep it down later.” Emmett glowered at Edward. He left as soon as Renesmee returned so he wouldn’t have to display his aggression. I couldn’t help it, but to giggle. Edward seemed to have amused himself, as well and chuckled.

Because Renesmee had already fallen asleep at the other house, we had to go home early. Edward carried her back to our house, while I was running beside him. When we arrived at the house I changed her into her new clothes, - another excuse for Alice to go on another fantastic, allday shopping spree- a cashmere sweater, over her pale pink t-shirt with her beige-colored sweatpants. After I put Renesmee in bed, I went into my room and found Edward on our bed staring up at the ceiling with his arms crossed- he wasn’t aware of me coming in. So I walked over and sat next to him. When he finally noticed me, he gazed into my eyes and wrapped his muscular arm around me. I ran my hand down his arm and nestled into his smooth, sculptured chest. “What was causing Alice to struggle?” I whispered. “She seemed really…disturbed.” He sighed and let his head fall against the headboard. “I’m not exactly sure. While she was searching for Tanya and Kate, I tried to join Alice by reading her mind. She was functioning okayshe went through each of the vampires of the Denali Coven. Everyone’s future was standard and clear. She started with Eleazar and Carmen. Luckily, she got a hold of Kate quickly- it was just another regular vision.” His lips turned into a hard line, and he shook his head. I glanced under my lashes, and saw he had his eyes shut. “When Alice tried to find Tanya…she went blank. That’s when she was having those minor reactions. She could not seek Tanya out…it was troubling her extremely.” He grimaced and smashed his eyebrows together. “Does Renesmee and Jacob need to be farther away from the perimeter? We can keep them in La Push. Or we can always send them out early in the morning and bring them in when Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

the sun sets.” I wanted to help so badly that ideas were constantly being tossed at me at that moment. “And maybe, I can leave the room every few hours to check on her, or I can send out Em-” Edward interrupted me and held my face in his stone hand and stared at me with sympathetic, golden-brown eyes. “You don’t need to do any of that, Bella. Its fine, we can still keep Renesmee in Forks. It isn’t because of Jacob, or Renesmee. If that was the dilemma, Bella, then Alice wouldn’t have been able to find the Denali Coven” He smiled his perfect crooked smile, as he made it clear that I was being ridiculous. “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to make this night…stressful. It’s just…I truly want to help and I’m not useful in this type of situa-” Edward’s lips were suddenly fierce against mine. I knew why he stunned me with his kiss. A part of it was because he wanted to silence me. The other half was because…it was satisfying. It was an exhilarating kiss. Once he moved down to my throat, I finally had a chance to catch my breath. Edward gave the impression that he didn’t care for breathing…at all.

Slowly, we brought it to an end. Edward left the room for a while to collect himself. Renesmee woke up so I ran into her nursery room and leaned over her bed. I picked up Renesmee carefully and kissed her little nose. “Shh…go to sleep, sweetie…don’t worry, my little angel. Go back to sleep, honey.” I rocked her side to side until her lavender eyelids closed. Edward appeared behind me and had his hands on my waist. He whispered into my ear, “She turned out to be so much like you- beautiful.” He kissed my neck and slid Renesmee out of my arms. He walked into the nursery room and set Renesmee in her bed. He bent down to kiss her on the cheek and murmured, “Good night, Renesmee. I love you.” Instead of coming back into our room, Edward went into the family room and sat on the tan, leather sofa. He slouched over, had his face in his pale hands, and sighed deeply. I stared at him for moment or two, - although it seemed like an hour…or two. At last, when he held his head up, he was smiling- but it was a very weak smile. “Bella, you look so miserable,” He said, narrowing his eyes and shaking his head. I dropped my head, letting my hair conceal my face. Edward lifted my chin and kissed me. For some reason, I just wasn’t mesmerized as usual- I was too disturbed by Edward’s mood swings. I opened my eyes and found Edward’s eyes open also. He dropped his hand and sighed heavily. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“You really need to stop worrying about me. I can handle this myself, just be concerned about yourself and Renesmee.” Edward snapped. I knew he was just trying to look after me but, it stung so much when he said that. Edward is being stubborn and not letting me help; did he think I wouldn’t handle it correctly or did he think I was simply useless? Whichever the reason it was, it bothered me terribly. I stared at the ground, hoping Edward would change his mind and let me help him. “Honestly, Edward, what makes you think I can’t handle this?” I accidently blurted out. I caught Edward off guard because I had to use a violent tone. He breathed in deeply and gritted his teeth. “Bella, you’re being very difficult. It’s not that I don’t think you can’t handle it…it’s just I don’t want you to be anxious or stress too much.” I was getting more irritated. “But…what about you? I don’t think it’s sensible that you get to be a part of it and I have to sit and watch. I mean, what if something happens to you and I won’t be able to do anything becau-” Edward grabbed my wrist and put his hand on mouth to cover it. His eyes turned frozen solid. “And…I need you to stop worrying about me.” He hissed, as he moved his hand from my mouth to the back of my neck. He sighed and shook his head. He stood up, walked into our room, and threw himself on the bed. If I was able to, I would’ve been crying. It felt like my heart sank all the way down to my feet. I stood up and walked towards the kitchen and leaned against the porcelain counter. I paced and paced, wondering why Edward was so concerned with finding Tanya. I had this weird feeling, it felt awkward- it was something I have never felt around Edward. I wasn’t sure what it was, but it made me feel very uncomfortable.

Hours later, I trudged into our room and sat on the white, satin bed with Edward. I laid down next to him and turned onto my side to look at his beautiful face. “Do you think Tanya and Kate went to seek the Volturi?” I seemed to have stunned Edward by asking him this so suddenly. With a confused expression he answered, “There are many possibilities,” He pursed his lips and cocked his head, “They could have gone for revenge or they could have gone somewhere foreign to gain self control from the help of our new friends. Or even ancient elders who have much experience. But I doubt Tanya would allow Kate to be so violent and unleash her to kill the Volturi now.”

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“But Kate's gift…she could have gotten pass Tanya if she wanted. She is very powerful.” I said, stating the obvious. “Well, Tanya is also very wise and can handle herself,” Edward said, more relaxed. “We will just have to be patient and wait until later to be updated.” We laid there for a couple of hours, discussing about registering Renesmee into kindergarten. Although, we realized she would be growing rapidly and the other children would possibly be frightened. We had this conversation almost every night, ever since she started speaking clearly. Then I had an idea. “Um...Edward?” I asked. “Yes, love?” Edward answered, smoothly. “For Renesmee,” I hesitated. “Yes, what is it, Bella?” Edward exhaled- he was either anxious or annoyed by my hesitation. “Well...We haven't tried giving her human food only, right?” I wasn't sure. Edward looked puzzled. “No, we haven’t. You attempted to eat human food while you conceived her, but nothing happened remember?” Edward said. “Hardly,” I said, only having a faint memory of small details. “Yes. When you ate human food Renesmee only injured you more. She was thirsty. So it was Jacob who actually came up with the concept of giving you blood. Jacob looked absolutely horrified when he saw you slurp the whole cup so quickly.” Edward grinned. “Oh, was it that bad?” “Of course not, but the more you drank blood, the better it was for Renesmee. So she approved.” “Now she’s more mature and she can speak now. So what if we made breakfast for her? She could always tell us if she disliked it and we could just hunt.” I beamed. “Sure, we can try but, I do feel sorry for her” Edward grimaced. “She is a half-breed. You know, half human? You are familiar with humans eating food, aren’t you? And I’m sure we can find that part of a human in her. I said, sarcastically. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

Edward raised an eyebrow. “Why did this idea come to you so suddenly?” “Oh come on, Edward. Please? It's merely an experiment, and I promise if she disapproves, we won’t do this again. Once we get our answer, we’ll head on over to greet the family.” I explained, grasping Edward’s hands in mine.

For the first time in this stressful night, I finally felt exhilaration when Edward flashed his crooked smile at me. Even now when he smiles, I imagine my heart beating rapidly. I’m always close to melting when he smiles. I hopped off the bed before he could see me blush- although I forgot that I was no longer capable of blushing ever since my transformation. As soon as I was on my feet he was by my side with his arm around my shoulders. Once we were in the kitchen - which I really had no absolute desire to explore before - was abundantly furnished for vampires who don't eat. In the huge walk-in pantry there was numerous shelves filled topped with any kind of spice you could imagine. There was also ancient Italian pottery in the form of jars, each with the name of cooking powders engraved on each one; flour, sugar, nutmeg, and my favorite one that I had once craved…cinnamon. On the third shelf I noticed many varieties of pastas also in the same ancient Italian pottery without engravings. In the cupboards I observed my old favorite cereals, breakfast pastries, cookies and all things unhealthy and sweet. Also there was canned food such as soups, canned fruit and veggies. And for the first time, I opened our refrigerator. Surprisingly, it felt ice cold and I left my hand in there to observe the temperature for awhile. Edward- who had made himself comfortable on the tan-colored sofa to watch me explore- chuckled. Inside was a beautiful rainbow of fresh fruit, vegetables, drinks, and a note. As soon as I peeled the post-it off of the milk carton, Edward was next to me. We read in synchronization- my voice out loud and Edward's a whisper. Dear Bella and Edward, As you conclude your tour of this kitchen you might have realized how much food there is to choose from. Esme and I were deliberating whether or not to do this for because it is unnecessary...of course for "us". But we stocked this kitchen with Renesmee in mind. We thought since she is part human she may be able to enjoy what we cannot. Good luck. With much love, Alice & Esme Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

Edward turned to me and grinned because it was so adorable and thoughtful. “You can always count on Esme to make sure that we are pleased. That’s Esme for you.” Edward chuckled. “And I guess we can count on Alice for…our wardrobe?” I laughed. Edward joined me and then he kissed me on my head. “Yes, of course. If we ever happen to have a wardrobe malfunction, she’ll come to our rescue.” “Okay, let’s go. Renesmee will be up any minute.” I announced.

We worked well together in the kitchen. As I chopped green onions and cilantro, Edward- who grimaced the whole entire time- fried up the eggs making it into an omelet. Once we were almost done, Renesmee woke up. “Momma? What’s that smell? It smells interesting.” Renesmee wondered. “Your mother is making you breakfast. It’s something humans call their meals in the morning. It supposedly, it’s the most important meal of the day.” Edward encouraged, rolling his eyes. “Yes, sweetheart, and we’re making you an omelet. It’s one of the famous dishes for breakfast in America.” I said, matter-of-factly. “Oh, okay! Is it appetizing? Because it’s starting to smell unpleasant.” Edward muttered, “I told you so.” I glared at Edward for split-second. “Maybe you should demonstrate on how to eat the food correctly? I’m sure it’ll be tasty.” I snickered. He raised an eyebrow and pursed his lips. I always knew he was physically and mentally powerful. At that very moment, I actually wanted to see if he was tough enough to handle a whole meal. I just wanted to see if he would take the challenge. I chuckled to myself, just from the thought of his face if he took a bite out of the omelet. He eyed me suspiciously, and also chuckled. While I was setting up the table for her, Edward was teaching Renesmee how to use eating utensils. Once Edward was finished with his lesson, he carried her to the maple-colored dining table and put her in one of the chairs. I sat down next to her and Edward was leaning against the Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

wall with a slight disgusted look on his face. She picked up her fork and stabbed it into the omelet. Then she sniffed it and slowly took a small bite. I watched her as I bit my lip, hoping she would approve. When she finally swallowed, she turned to me and smiled. “It’s delicious! Thank you, Momma. Thank you, Daddy.” Renesmee said, stuffing more of the omelet in her mouth. I folded my hands and winked at Edward. “You’re welcome, sweetheart. Would you like some more? Or would you rather try a sweet breakfast beverage, orange juice or apple juice?” I offered. “Alright, you win, okay? Now let’s get Renesmee some juice and then head on over to the house.” Edward rolled his eyes. I ran into Renesmee’s walk-in closet and came out with a new outfit that Rosalie bought for Renesmee- dark purple tank top with white flowers and black jeans. By the time I came back, she was already on her second plate. So we had wait a while, Edward was playing on his piano and I sat next to him and watched him play swiftly. When he finished his song, Renesmee was done with her breakfast and was waiting for me to change her clothes. I carried her to my room and set her on the bed. As I pulled off her shirt she looked at me with a distressed expression on her face. She slightly cocked her head and bit her lip- Edward was right, she did kind of looked like me. “Momma, Daddy is troubled. Why?” She asked carefully. I was shocked that she had noticed, she hasn’t been around any of our conversations- so she couldn’t have been eavesdropping. I didn’t want her to worry though- it’s bad enough that I’m getting Edward ticked off with my anxiousness. I had to lie to her. “What makes you think that he’s upset, sweetie? I stammered- I was never good at lying anyways. “He looked unhappy when he said ‘Good night’ to me. I wanted to ask him why he was so sad, but I figured he wouldn’t let me know anyways.” she scoffed. “I know you love him very much…just don’t worry about your father too much, Renesmee.” I assured her. At that very moment, I was surprised to hear myself say that to Renesmee. It made me think twice about Edward’s suggestion- but how could I not worry about the one I love? It was like when he once told me ‘It will be as if I never existed’, and I went insane. Did he actually think I would allow him to be constantly stressed and disturbed? It would be too much for him to handle. I still wasn’t convinced on letting him off the hook, but I guess I could loosen up, for Edward’s sake. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

2. Remorse

“Finally,” Emmett sighed, as we arrived through the back door. “Come into the dining room. It’s urgent. Carlisle remembered something about Stargate.” Edward darted into the dining room as soon as Emmett mentioned it was urgent. He smiled sheepishly at Renesmee and me- apologizing for his brother’s impolite reaction. Emmett rushed into the room also. I trailed along behind Emmett, holding Renesmee’s hand. As I walked into the crowded room, I noticed Edward saved me a seat next to him. He was having a conversation with Esme when I came in. He glanced at me and half-smiled. Everyone was here, including Jacob and Seth. When Renesmee saw Jacob she ran towards him immediately- so hard that he actually lost his balance, but he gained it back. Then I noticed two of the Cullens were missing, Carlisle and Alice. I took my seat near Edward and placed my hand on top of his. “Where’s Alice and Carlisle? Did they find more evidence? Is there a chance that we’re going to find Kate and Tanya sooner?” Edward took one his marble hands and held my face, while his free hand covered my mouth. “Are you always going to be this absurd?” He chuckled. “I swear, Bella, you never quit.” I tried to pull my face away, embarrassed that Edward always did this to me- and he always did it in front of the others…he thought it was cute. Eventually, Emmett figured out what I was trying to avoid- his laughter. So, of course, he laughed anyways…except it wasn’t it his booming laugh, it was more like loud snickering. Jacob joined Emmett but he was much quieter.

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Alice danced into the room with her white, gleaming teeth. “Good morning, everybody.” She sang, her eyes flickering to every person in the room. “Morning, Nessie. How’s my big girl?” Alice cooed. I scowled at Alice for addressing Renesmee by that stupid nickname. She ignored me anyways. Renesmee threw her hands up in the air with excitement. “I’m good! I attempted to eat human food…I think it’s called…an omelet! It was delightful.” Renesmee declared. “Wow. I have to admit Bella, you’re pretty cruel. Making your own vampire daughter devour some of the most revolting meals in the world.” Emmett grimaced, shaking his head in playful disappointment. “Shut it, Emmett. Since you’re so tough, won’t you try some of the leftover omelet Edward and I made?” I narrowed my eyes and silently snickered. Emmett just rolled his eyes and started talking to Seth. “You should try some too, Aunty Alice.” Renesmee suggested, unaware that the rest of us didn’t enjoy the taste of food. Alice laughed nervously. “Um…sweetie, I’d love to but, I don’t really foresee that happening so I can’t. I’m afraid it might be unpleasant.” Renesmee pursed her lips, cocked her head to the side, and then she shrugged. Carlisle walked into the room with the same piece of crumpled paper in his right hand. “Good morning, everyone. I think I have good news,” Carlisle half-smiled, and in an instant he frowned, “and bad news…” I hated seeing Carlisle upset. I was not aware of what I was doing- apparently I was rapidly tapping my fingers on the dining table, and it made tiny indentations on the table- but it ticked off Rosalie. She eyed me suspiciously and said “Carlisle, please, tell us now before Bella breaks the table.” Quickly, I folded my hands and set them on my lap. Carlisle nodded gradually. “Sure. Last night, we received a very worried call from the Denali Coven and we were told that Tanya and Kate were missing. The note that Carmen sent us gave me this, sense of déjà vu. As I said before, it was a very vague memory…but last night, something shattered me. When I was a young man, I used to fool around with my friends near this building. Therefore, I went on to the internet and searched for a location in London, with a name that contained “Stargate.” Oddly enough, there weren’t any buildings, parks, or historical landmarks with that name.”

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

Renesmee walked over to Carlisle and climbed onto his lap. She raised her hand and gently placed it on his cheek. When she dropped her hand, she shrugged and smiled at him. “Thank you, dear. I’m sure there is possibility.” Carlisle stroked Renesmee’s head, and smiled too. “And don’t be unhappy, Grandpa…I don’t like it when people are sad.” Renesmee’s eyes flickered towards Edward. Edward pursed his lips and looked at me. Carlisle looked up at the rest of us and stood up. “Renesmee figured the building closed down or was demolished and no one cared for it anymore, therefore they wouldn’t remember the name.” Before Carlisle left the room he walked towards Edward and me. As Carlisle laid a hand on Edward’s shoulder, he looked at me with liquid golden eyes. “Bella, Edward, you’re raising a wonderful child. Take great care of her.” I nodded and so did Edward. As Carlisle left the room, everyone else left the room except Esme and me. She sat in the chair next to me and held my hand. “Bella, I know I tell you this all the time but, I’m so glad to have you as my daughter and I love you. And most importantly, I’m so happy that you were the one for Edward. Like I’ve said before, it upset me to see him alone. Every night Carlisle and I always talk about how you two make us proud, all the time. You two are everything a parent would ever want.” Esme whispered, her eyes twinkling. I had that weird, stinging feeling in my eye again- the same kind of feeling when you’re about to cry, but nothing came down cheeks like before. “Thank you, Esme. I love you too. Ouch,” the stinging increased a little, so I chuckled to enlighten the mood. “Is this always going to happen when I want to cry?” Esme chuckled too. “I’m afraid so.” She shrugged and smiled gently. “I’m sorry, Bella, I didn’t mean to make you feel foolish. I just wanted you to know.” I hugged her tightly and kissed her lightly on the cheek. “I know, Esme. I know.” I whispered back, as I lifted my head up. She gently patted my knee and dashed out of the room.

Renesmee playing with Jacob is so adorable. Renesmee would get bored and start pulling on Jacob’s long, shaggy hair. Then Jacob would hold her down and tickle her nonstop. Renesmee always knows Seth has her back, so she’d say, “Seth, now!”- that would be her signal for Seth to distract Jacob. Finally, when Jacob lets her free, she jumps on him and bites him all over his arm. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

As everyone was watching Renesmee’s play date, I noticed Alice from the corner of my eye, she was gesturing me to come over to the kitchen. Alice had this weird, uneasy expression on her face. I slightly cocked my head to the side, wondering what was bothering her. I casually walked out of the room, and as soon as I was out of there, I dashed into the kitchen. “Alice, what’s wrong?” I asked politely. “Follow me, Bella.” She ran upstairs into her room and I followed her. She was sitting on her bed, curled up, and wrapped her arms around her knees. “I just caught glimpses of Renesmee’s future, and they bother me.” “Is it…bad? Abnormal?” “No, it’s more like…awkward and disturbing.” I didn’t respond, I was wondering how Renesmee would have that kind of future. She took a deep breath and smiled. “Bella, I saw Renesmee as a young adult. I think you enrolled her into Forks High.” “Alice,” I gasped. “You saw Renesmee? Older? What does she look like?” “All I can say is, she looks absolutely beautiful. Personally, I wasn’t surprised, she has two gorgeous parents.” I smiled back at her. “Thank you, Alice. Please…go on.” She nodded. “Well, it was prom night and Renesmee looked extremely elegant. Although, she did not look as excited as a typical girl would.” I laughed. “Hey! I was a typical girl…” I gave it a second thought, “Well…I was somewhat a typical girl. And I wasn’t ecstatic about prom, I was forced to go.” I narrowed my eyes at her, accusingly. She shook her head, her eyes on the ground. “That is not what I wanted to tell you. Bella, who do you think Renesmee would go to prom with?” “Jacob Black.” I answered. She shook her head again, her eyes never leaving my face. “Then who is it?” I lowered my head down. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Seth Clearwater.” “Oh?” I was both confused and relieved. It’s not bad that she chose Seth. But why didn’t she choose Jacob? “It’s not that I’m disappointed that she chose him, I just think it’s odd that she didn’t choose Jacob.” “Yeah, I was thinking the same thing…” I said, my voice fading away. We were silent for a moment and we were both staring at the ground. Carelessly, I got up and walked towards the door. “Oh, I forgot to mention the other vision.” Alice pointed out. I didn’t answer. “It’s Renesmee…again.” She hesitated. “She’s still older in this vision.” “Okay, is this a better vision?” I asked, reluctantly. She frowned. “No. It is worse.” I frowned also. “Oh.” “She was crying a lot, it was like someone had passed or something. She looked miserable.” “What? Why?” She ignored my questions. “I don’t know how to put it in any other way, but she was just sobbing so much- I was afraid she would lose all the water in her body.” I bunched my eyebrows together. “Can you get Jacob for me? Please, Alice?” “Of course.” She smiled weakly. When Jacob came into the room, he looked so happy and joyful. It made me feel guilty that I was going to ruin his day. “Hey, Bells. What’s up?” “Um…Hi. I asked for you because, recently Alice has been getting visions about Renesmee. “Uh huh…” Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Well, one of them, she was really upset.” His face went serious. “She was crying like crazy, and I wanted to know if-” “I caused it?” He finished my sentence. “Yes…” I stared at the floor, ashamed. “Jake, I didn’t mean to accuse you.” He cupped my face in his big hand and gazed into my eyes. “Don’t worry, Bella. I could understand why you would think it was my fault.” He smiled softly. “What you need to know is…I would never ever hurt Renesmee emotionally or physically. No matter what happens. You understand that right?” “How do you know-” He chuckled. “I just do. I would hate my own guts for hurting her in any way. I promise. Please trust me? Okay?” I nodded and threw my arms around him. “I’m sorry, Jake. I didn’t mean to ruin your day.” He felt the shudder of his body when he laughed. Then he got up. “I’m going to go see Renesmee. Are you going to come down?” “Yeah, I will. Later. Just give me a minute.” He laughed again and kissed me lightly on the cheek. Once he left the room, I fell back on Alice’s couch and sighed.

It was a month later and it was a Saturday- the day the Cullens leave the house to do whatever they want. I skipped towards the front porch where Rosalie was waiting for me, and gathered my jacket, my wallet, car keys, and my cell phones. Rosalie had planned a shopping spree for Renesmee because she was quickly growing, and I had promised her I would join her- just to make sure she wouldn’t go all out and buy ridiculous stuff like designer socks. As I collected my belongings, something caught my eye. It was wedding pictures of Esme and Carlisle and Rosalie was the maid of honor and Edward was the best man. I took the picture frame off the shelf and dusted it with the dish rag sitting next to it so I could see the picture clearer. Esme and Carlisle looked so happy compared to what they looked like in the dining room twenty minutes ago. Rosalie appeared to be more beautiful than ever. Her long, wavy, golden blonde hair flowing down like a waterfall. And then Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

there him. Edward was wearing his black tuxedo and was smiling his crooked smile- he always looked so gorgeous in a tuxedo. Edward dashed by, unexpectedly, picked me up and almost made me drop the picture. “Hello, Bella.” “Edward,” I giggled. “You almost made me drop the picture.” I accused him. I shook my head and put the picture frame back on the shelf. He pursed his lips and cocked his head a little. “Why are you even looking at that old thing anyways?” “You’re so handsome there- like always,” I smiled, wrapping my arms around his body. “It’s like you were never ordinary looking. You’re just…forever beautiful.” “That’s a bit of an exaggeration, don’t you think? You’ve never seen me human.” He snickered. He kissed me ever so gently and then pulled away quickly with a raised eyebrow. “You are so naive, you act like you don’t know you’re’s kind of funny sometimes.” He chuckled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my right ear. I rolled my eyes. “I’m glad I amuse you,” I mumbled quietly. Edward smiled my favorite crooked smile and shook his head. Rosalie jumped in unexpectedly, pushed Edward aside, and turned to him. “Hey, sorry for interrupting but,” She said sarcastically- she was probably upset that I was making her wait longer. “Bella promised me another shopping trip, so if I could steal her for a while, that would be great.” Edward narrowed her eyes at Rosalie. Then he walked past her and kissed my forehead. “Be careful, she’ll eat you alive if you don’t choose the right outfit.” He whispered teasingly. I laughed to myself quietly, as Edward left the room. Rosalie rolled her eyes and tugged me towards the front door.

After we went shopped in Port Angeles, Rosalie talked about how lucky I was to have Renesmee the whole way home. I felt bad for her, but at the same time I was kind of irritated. She kept telling me to appreciate Renesmee- which really annoyed me because I was getting a feeling that she thought I didn’t realize my daughter was special. Finishing off her lecture, for the hundredth time, she mentioned, “You just need to appreciate Nessie.” Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“Yeah, I know. And thank you for that…incredibly long and inspiring lecture.” I smiled, trying to cover the anxiousness of wanting to be home sooner. It started to rain a lot which caused a couple of accidents on the freeway- and because she’s a Cullen, Rosalie dodged all of them swiftly and safely. Finally, we were down the street from the Cullens’ house. Out of nowhere, someone shrieked loudly. Rosalie slammed her foot down on the breaks so hard that you could hear the tires screeching. I tried to peer through the windshield, but I could not see anything, because it was raining so heavily outside. We glanced at each other and continued driving- but with a little more speed. Once we arrived on their driveway, I got out of the car instantly and accidently slammed the car’s door- and for a split-second I could have sworn I heard Rosalie growl at me. I examined the perimeter carefully, not paying any attention to Rosalie or anyone else. I crouched down a bit, my eyes scanning the forest. I heard a faint scream from deep inside the forest. I growled silently to myself and narrowed my eyes. Staying absolutely focused and still, I jumped when I felt Edward grabbed my wrist. “Bella, it’s okay, it’s just me,” Edward assured me. “You heard that noise, didn’t you?” When I turned around, I saw Edward and the rest of the Cullens- except Renesmee. “Yes,” quickly I changed the subject, “Where’s Renesmee? Where is she?” I was trying to stay calm, but I ended up panicking. “Bella, Bella. Calm down, everything is okay. I’m not sure where she is at this very moment, but I think-” Edward was interrupted by another scream, but this time it stopped abruptly. Emmett, Carlisle, and Jasper disappeared into the forest, leaving Alice, Esme, and Rosalie. I glared at Edward for moment and gritted my teeth- doing this towards Edward was new to me. “Where is my daughter?” I growled, balling my hands up, turning them into fists. Edward held my face in his hands firmly and stared at me with amazement and responded with sigh. Once Edward dropped his hands, Alice was behind me in a flash and tapped my shoulder. “Renesmee is with Jacob, they’re at La Push. And we all understand Jacob is perfectly responsible around her and how he would never put her in danger…right?” Alice questioned me, as if I was a little kid. I glanced at Alice and nodded slowly. Then I saw Edward’s bewildered expression and threw myself at him locking my arm around his neck. “I’m sorry, Edward! Don’t be upset with me, please…” I trailed off- noticing Edward had a hint of a smile on his face. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

Suddenly, I heard faint growling and screaming around the reservation. There was an intense chill that went down my spine. Instantly I rushed through the forest without Edward. Eventually, he caught up with me and had a smirk on his face. Confused and annoyed, I looked back and yelled, “Why are you so happy? I growled at you. Wasn’t that unnecessary for me to do? Aren’t you mad at me?” I narrowed my eyes, wondering if this idiotic and tolerant behavior was just to make me angry. He chuckled and sped up. “Of course not, you are a newborn. It’s normal…I was just simply astonished that you showed you’re uncontrollable anger towards me. It was intense for me. I’m actually proud…in a way.” I didn’t respond, I stopped running and started thinking about how he was acting like it was okay, when I could’ve ripped his head off. “Honestly, Bella, I’m fine.” I continued running with him for miles and then I stopped again. “You need to go back and get the others, they could help us. I can try to find it myself.” “Are you serious? I don’t think I can let you go by yourself.” He looked unconfident. “Edward, I can handle it okay? I’m sure the others are just as worried as us.” “Fine, but if anything happens, call me.” He tossed me his cell phone. And unlike my old, clumsy self, I caught it in my hand perfectly. “I’m not a child, Edward.” I snapped, putting my hands on my hips. Then I tossed the phone back to him. He sighed and looked at the phone. “I’m sorry. But please keep the phone with you? Just in case.” “Okay.”

At last, I found the place from where the screams were heard. Astonished, I found something I never ever wanted to see- it was so horrible that it made my knees wobble. I felt paralyzed. The first thing my eyes were locked on was Renesmee curled up on the muddy ground, shivering and crying. I ran to her, dropping to my knees instantly. I turned her over gently and found a gruesome, bloody gash on her forehead, which made thick, bloody streaks down her face. I gasped and my eyes widened, then I started trembling.

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“R....Renesmee,” I couldn't stop shaking. “What...happened to you?” I wiped the streaks of blood off her face. My throat was burning like crazy. “J....J...Jacob. Stop.” She whispered, terrified. She continued crying her heart out. “Honey, you have to show me what happened. Please…” I begged, my voice was cracking. She nodded. I sat her on my lap and let her head lay on my shoulder. She placed her hand on my temple and closed her eyes. I did the same. Slowly, I started to see the scene where the incident took place.

She was in the forest. She saw a shadowy figure behind the trees. Then she takes a few steps towards the shadow. Suddenly, Jacob comes from behind and jumps in front of her- as if he was protecting her from the mysterious figure. I have no idea why, but I can’t seem to hear the words that are coming out of Jake’s mouth. I can only see that he’s furious. She’s running up to him! He pushed her back and made her fall. She hit the back of her head hard on the ground. No! Renesmee! Leave him alone! He turned around and he dragged his claws across his forehead! -growls- He hurt her! The vision stopped halfway. I looked down and saw Renesmee covering her face. She was shivering and crying. I did not want to force her to say anymore. I buried my face in her hair and hugged her as tight as I could. “I'm won't let him or anyone hurt you ever again. I'm not even going to let him near you. Don't worry, I'm here.” I tried to pull her hand away from her face. But she wouldn’t let me. Something nudged my back and whimpered. Jacob. Anger was beginning to seep through me, trickling like acid through my veins. This had to be the worst time for Jacob to interrupt. I took off my jacket, wrapped Renesmee in it and set her down. I slowly got up and took deep breaths. I started to feel uncontrollable again. Jacob kept pushing the back of my leg with his head, trying to get my attention. I balled my hands up into fist. He started barking loudly and it made Renesmee cover her ears. I swung at Jacob with all my strength and hit his jaw. Jacob fell to the ground and got up again. He yelped and tucked his tail between his legs. I glared at him with vicious eyes. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

“I trusted you! Edward trusted you!” I shouted at him. I took one step towards him. He grumbled something, but I couldn’t understand him. “How could you do this to us? How could you do this,” I showed him the blood that left on my hand from wiping Renesmee’s face, “to her?” He ran into the forest for awhile and came back in man form. The corner of his jaw was bruised and dripping blood. I tried not to pay attention to it. “Bells, I can explain-” “What the hell was all that stuff about, never ever hurting Renesmee?” I accused him. “Remember? No matter what happens? You-” My eyes were beginning to sting. “You lied to me…” I dropped to my knees and started bawling- there were no tears, just searing pain in my eyes. My eyes stung so much- it felt like needles were stabbing them slowly and carefully. Jacob bent down onto his knees next to me. “Bella, I…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt her, you have to understand. I just…I had to do what I had to do.” I glared at him and smacked him in the face. “Injure her? That’s what you had to do? You left her out in the cold! She was losing so much blood!” His eyes started to water, although he shut his eyes and turned away. Looking at him was painful, he looked so fragile. Eventually, Edward arrived, he was so astonished to find everyone looking miserable. His eyes were wide and shocked. “Bella? Renesmee? Jacob? What happened?” I heard him gulp. He didn’t know who to go to first. So I helped him out by getting up myself. “Can you get Renesmee for me?” I whispered. He nodded. I exhaled deeply and walked towards Jacob. “Jacob Black.” He looked up at me with red, puffy eyes. “You are never to see Renesmee again. You cannot talk to her, look at her, or even breathe in her direction.” “Momma! No!” Renesmee interrupted. I wasn’t listening to her. He stood up right away. “WHAT? No! You can’t do that! I imprinted on her! I’m not even sure if it’s possible to leave her.” Jacob snapped. Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

I narrowed my eyes at him. I took another step closer to him. “Deal with it. I won’t risk my daughter’s life by letting her come in contact with you. You’ll learn to live without her.” “No, I won’t allow it.” “Listen here, dog. It’s for her own good and I’m her mother, you will not be telling me what I can or cannot do with her.” I growled, my voice was like ice. “Want to bet?” He narrowed his eyes too. As soon as I raised my hand to smack Jacob again, Edward grabbed wrist. “Bella. Don’t do this. It’s Jacob Black. He is your best friend.” “More like was.” I pointed out. While Edward was carrying Renesmee and restraining me from hitting Jacob, she stuck her head out the jacket I wrapped her in. “Momma, let me say ‘goodbye’ to Jacob.” Her eyes began to water. I nodded coldly. “I love you, Jacob.” She kissed his nose and hugged his neck really tight. I walked away trying to avoid the love that they shared. Edward was in my way when I walked away, he gave me a look that made me feel guilty about what I just did. I glanced over my shoulder and saw her crying. “Bye Nessie, I love you.” Jacob kissed her cheek and handed her back to Edward. “Thank you for understanding, Jacob.” “I never said I wasn’t going to come back.” Jacob snapped. Then he disappeared.

Twilight Saga Inspired Written by: Alyssa Nguyen

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