Forever Moonlight Chapter Three

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  • Words: 4,557
  • Pages: 13
3. Misery The week after Jacob Black was forbidden to come was miserable. Renesmee was being the absolute opposite of herself- stubborn, impolite, and uncontrollable. She would throw tantrums all the time- she even threw heavy objects at the walls. Every time she would mention his name I would just walk away in pain. She would cry in her room every night and I would try to go in there to comfort her, but right when I step foot in her room she would throw a pillow at me and she would scream and shout for Edward. After she would cry herself to sleep, Edward and I would hear her talk in her sleep. Edward decided to watch her one night and he told me that, the whole time he was there, she murmured Jacob’s name and tears were constantly spilling out her eyes. It was a month already and I could not take it anymore. The constant crying and yelling, it hurt me so much to see her in pain. I thought I could keep it all together and stay strong. I kept telling myself that I had done the right thing and that I was doing great. But I was so wrong. Tonight, I broke down crying without tears- the stinging was agonizing pain. Edward tried to comfort me, but I didn’t listen. He tried everything…I was just too stubborn to do anything. He was helpless, he had to call Alice and Jasper to come to our house. When they arrived, Edward and Jasper stayed outside, while Alice went inside to search for me. She found me in my room on the floor. I was sitting on my knees and had my face in my hands. “Oh god!” Alice gasped. She ran to me and hugged me really tight. “Shh…Bella it’s okay.” Alice stroked my head. “Don’t worry, she’s just going through a minor depression. It’ll wear off and she will forget about him.” “She hates me. She will never forgive me.” I blubbered. “Stop that. She does not hate you. Every child says that.” She lifted my chin so that I could see her. She dropped her hand. “What can I do to make her happy again?” I whimpered. Before she could say anything, I glared at her for a second. “Don’t say ‘let her see Jacob.’” She sighed. “Then you’re just going to have to wait for her to cool down.” She narrowed her eyes. “I’ll go talk to her.” “She might be asleep.” “It’s okay.” She walked into Renesmee’s room and closed the door. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

I wanted to apologize to Edward for all of the trouble I caused him earlier. He wasn’t the one who screwed up. He wasn’t the one who Renesmee despises. He wasn’t going through a break down. Why should he feel the pain too? I also felt guilty about ignoring him when he tried to help me out. I quietly walked towards the front door- it was barely open. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard Jasper and Edward talking, so I stopped and hid behind the wall. I peeked through the crack of the door. Edward was sitting on the ground with his knees up and his arms on top of his knees. “Is it that bad?” I heard Jasper ask, he sounded truly concerned. “Yes. She threw her wooden rocking chair at the wall because Bella said Jacob was too dangerous for her to stay with. It took three tubs of spackle to fix that hole in the wall.” Edward choked. Edward stood up and paced. Jasper didn’t reply. “She never speaks to Bella. It’s devastating. I really, really hurts to watch their mother and daughter relationship drift away. It drives me insane.” Edward punched the wall. It made me jump. “You know how I watched Renesmee sleep one night?” I didn’t hear Jasper respond, but I figured he just nodded. “I didn’t mention this to Bella but…one night, Renesmee said she hated Bella in her sleep. But I know she doesn’t really mean it.” There was a pause. “I had a reason to keep it from her- I didn’t want to hurt her even more. She’s in so much pain and she already thinks Renesmee hates her. She would always try to be calm and collected. Even though I knew how she really felt.” I gasped- too loudly. I heard Edward walk towards the front door. I stood there in shock. The door slowly opened, and Edward stepped in. Jasper followed. Edward’s golden eyes widened. “Bella? How long have you been standing there?” I just stared at Edward, blankly. I felt like yelling and releasing all of my anger at him, but Jasper was there in the corner next to us. There was some kind of pressure between my chest and torso. It gave me a weird, tingling sensation in my stomach. I glowered at Jasper. “Stop it.” I said through my teeth. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

Jasper ignored me and stayed in the corner. Edward stood in front of me so that I wouldn’t focus on Jasper. “Bella, how much did you hear of that?” Edward demanded, calmly. Edward pulled his eyebrows together. I was feeling both betrayed and relieved. There was a moment of silence until I finally had the guts to say something. “Edward. Stop.” I said, my voice cracking. I tried to block Jasper and it worked. Then I turned to Jasper and through my teeth I said, “Jasper, go away.” As Jasper left the room, Edward held my face in his iron hands. I struggled to pull away, but he had me in a firm grip. “Bella, I’m sorry you had to hear that, I didn’t know you were there. You have to understand that I didn’t-” He apologized. “Stop.” I said again, more coldly. Edward dropped his hands. He looked at me with apologetic eyes. I had that feeling – the one you have after you’ve been defeated. I blurted the first thing that came to my mind. “Thanks for the heads up on Renesmee.” He placed his hands on my shoulders. “Bella, I’m sorry-” He sighed, looking both confused and hurt. “Stop making a fool of yourself.” I placed both of my hands on his muscular chest and pushed him away gently. I turned around and walked away, not looking back. I felt his eyes on me. My eyes were stinging again- actually, this time it felt more like throbbing. I spun on my heel and slid into the hallway- so I could be out of Edward’s sight.

You idiot! What the hell were you thinking, Bella, a familiar voice told me inside my head. I stopped abruptly in the hallway.

I don’t know! I just said the first thing that came to mind. I was offended, but at the same time I was trying to figure out who the voice belonged to.

Well that’s stupid. Who does that? I ignored that. I wasn’t thinking, if I was, I would have never said that to Edward. Trust me. I’m not that stupid. Sure, seems like it. Ugh. Just leave me alone. Sure, sure. I gasped, quietly. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

Jacob? Yup…I’m your conscience. What? You wanted this voice in your head. Wait…since when did I get to choose my conscience’s voice? You don’t…technically…it just comes to you. “Ugh. Go away…” I groaned to myself. I rubbed my fingers against my temples. I walked into Renesmee’s room. I leaned against the door frame, folded my arms, and clutched my elbows. Alice was sitting next Renesmee’s bed on a little pink stool and Jasper was sitting on the floor next to Alice. Jasper was holding Alice’s hand, while she had her other petite hand on Renesmee’s forehead. Alice had her eyes closed and she was smiling. Jasper’s eyes flickered to me and then to Alice. He whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek. “Shall we?” Jasper asked, gesturing towards the door. I nodded. He followed me out the door and leaned against the wall near the kitchen. I’ve never spoke to Jasper alone before. Every time I’m near him, I feel intimidated…in a way. It was quiet for awhile, but the silence was making me uncomfortable. “Jasper, I’m sorry for being misbehaving earlier, I hope you don’t hate me.” That was a corny thing to say. It was the first thing that came to me- it’s a habit. He kept his face solid hard. “No, Bella. I do not hate you.” “Oh.” I sat on the couch across from Jasper. I bit my lip and took a deep breath. For a second, I thought about where I was right now. Let’s see: I just found out my daughter hates me and my husband is pissed at me. Nice. I shuddered at the thought of Renesmee hating me. Jasper saw me shudder and looked at me with eyes full of concern. I waved my hand at him to assure that I was fine. “What’s Alice doing in there?” I pointed at Renesmee’s room. “She’s experimenting on Renesmee.” He replied. “What?” I half shouted, half whispered. “Alice is using my daughter as her guinea pig project?”

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

He shook his head. “Oh, I didn’t mean it like that. What I meant was…she’s trying something new on Renesmee, just so she could get inside her head. She wants to talk to Renesmee- in her dreams.” I tried being understanding because I knew Alice would never hurt Renesmee…but there are accidents. “Is it safe?” I asked, trying to hide the panic in my voice. “Bella, to be honest…I have no idea. Worst case is that she could lose all her memory and forget her parents. But it’s a risk we’re willing to take.” Jasper said casually. “Jasper!” I whispered harshly, through my teeth. He smirked and I rolled my eyes. I stared at the bizarre swirls and lines on the wooden floor and sighed. “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.” Before I could reply, I glanced up and found myself alone in the room.

I tip toed towards Renesmee’s room and her door was barely closed. I peeked through the crack of the door.

Wow. Is this normal? Spying on people at night, Jacob’s voice said. Oh, shut up. No one asked for your comment. Jeez, someone’s a bit grumpy. Does somebody need a hug? I ended the conversation there. Jasper was sitting on Renesmee’s pink sofa. Alice was taking deep breath and was clutching the blanket on Renesmee’s bed. All at once, she gasped wildly and fell back on the stool. I gasped loudly and ran inside to save her. Of course, Jasper beat me to her and caught her. “Alice! Alice! Can you hear me?” Jasper cried. Alice nodded. She sat up, shook her head, and placed her hand on her chest. She took deep breaths again and cleared her throat. She smiled and said, “I’m fine. It’s okay. See?” She gestured to herself. Jasper sighed. “What happened?” “Nothing.” She said, still smiling. For a moment, Alice stared at Jasper- who had bunched his eyebrows together. Then she stood up and brushed herself off.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“Well, we’ll be on our way.” She announced. I narrowed my eyes at Alice and before she could reach the door, I beat her there and blocked it. “Alice, what happened?” I demanded, emphasizing each word. Alice bit her lip and cringed a little. She turned around and glanced at Jasper. “You’re going to have to find out yourself. Sorry, Bella. I promised I wouldn’t tell.” “Promised who? Jasper?” I blurted, glaring at Jasper. Right at that moment, Alice took Jasper’s hand and jumped out the window. “Arrgh!” I kicked the door frame and walked into the living room.

Coming out of my incredibly long- five hours to be exact- and peaceful reverie, which seemed a lot like a long nap, I noticed Edward sitting next to me on the couch. It was barely sunny outside, but I knew it was morning. I thought about last night and about how foolish I was behaving. I started feeling my stomach turn and my eyes began stinging. I sat up and cleared my throat. He glanced at me, his expression was unreadable. “Were you…sleeping?” He asked, with a slight mocking tone. “No…” I whispered. I bit my lip because my eyes stung wildly. Accidently, a whimper escaped out of my mouth and Edward immediately snaked his arms around my body and pulled me towards him. “Oh, Bella…Shh…” He comforted me. I turned my head and buried my face into his chest, as he stroked my hair. “E…Edward! I…I’m sorry. I…I’m such an idiot! Don’t be mad at me. Please d…don’t.” I muffled frantically into his shirt. Edward pulled me around to face him, cradling me in his arms like a small child. Ever so gently he kissed my lips- it felt like a feather swept across my lips. “Shh…calm down, Bella.” He started rocking me back and forth. He tried to kiss me again, but I turned away. My breathing was uneven and choppy. I tilted my head back so I could see Edward’s face. “Edward, I know you’re mad at me and-” “I’m not.” “Huh?” I was totally confused at the moment. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“I’m not mad at you. I knew it would be coming someday…you’re a newborn. It happens.” Edward said coolly. “Actually, I pictured our argument being more…violent, aggressive, brutal-” I flinched. “Okay, okay! I get it.” I said. Edward laughed. “But you were upset last night…right?” I was pushing him to admit so that I would know the truth and so that I wouldn’t have guilt building up inside my stomach.” Immediately, Edward kissed me, his lips were urgent and comforting. I let my eyelids fall automatically as my hands combed through his tousled hair. I heard footsteps coming towards the living room. As I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a small figure near the kitchen wall. “Daddy? Mommy?” Renesmee asked, rubbing her eyes with her fists. Edward and I immediately let go of each other. “Hello, dear.” Edward said. He flashed his shiny, white teeth at Renesmee. “Hi, Daddy.” Renesmee greeted, running up to him with wide open arms and a huge grin. After she gave Edward a hug, she glanced at me. Her cheerful expression turned sincere. “Mom?” I stood there, frozen. It’s been a whole month since the incident and she has never said a word to me…until now. My eyes were wide. “Yes?” She looked at the floor and played with her fingernails. “Mommy, I just want to say that I’m...” She began. “Uh…I’m…” I looked at the floor too. I didn’t know what to do, I really wanted to ask her if anything happened last night with Alice, but I kept my mouth shut. All of a sudden, Renesmee’s arms were wrapped around my torso and her face was hidden in my shirt. I held her as tight as I could. It was silent for awhile and my shirt was slowly getting soaked. I heard sniffles coming from Renesmee. She tilted her head back until our eyes met. Her eyes were red and puffy. “M…Mommy, I’m sorry.” She whispered. “No, I’m sorry. I hurt you really badly, didn’t I?” I asked. She nodded. “I forgive you, though. And I promise I won’t ever disrespect you ever again. I’m sorry.” “I forgive you too.” I hugged her again and then kissed her cheek. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

I smiled warmly at her and she smiled back. “Does this mean I can see Jacob?” She asked, sounding a bit hopeful. Her eyes flickered to me and Edward. Then Edward and I exchanged glances. Instantly, my smile turned into a thin line. “No…I’m afraid not.” She frowned and looked at the floor again. “I knew it.” She played with her hair and glanced up under her lashes. “Uh…I’m kind of hungry. Can you guys make me another…uh…omelet? I haven’t had that for awhile.” Edward smirked and said, “Sure, why not?” “Thank you! I’ll be right back.” Renesmee announced. Before she turned and disappeared out of the room, she gave me a kiss on the cheek and hugged me tightly. Edward raised his eyebrows. “Are you going to tell me what all that was about or do you want me to figure out myself?” I asked. “I have no idea. Aren’t you happy? She doesn’t-” “Hate me anymore? Yeah, I know. But something happened between Alice and Renesmee last night and I want to know. And of course I’m happy.” Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled to the kitchen. “Good. Now forget about Alice and Renesmee’s business and go get the ingredients for the omelet. Please?” “Fine.” I muttered, childishly.

We went through the same procedures we did last time and ended up with a perfect omelet. Although, this time, we were faster. We made the omelet in five minutes instead of ten. While we were waiting for Renesmee, my mind was focused on last night in Renesmee’s room. I promised I wouldn’t tell. Who could Alice be keeping secrets with? Jasper and Renesmee were the only ones who were also in the room with Alice. “Bella? Bella, are you there?” Edward whistled, interrupting my concentration. He waved his hand in front of my face. “Huh?” His eyebrows pulled together. “Are you okay?” Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

I nodded. “Yeah, sure. Why?” Edward looked frustrated. “You are so odd sometimes, you know that?” Edward asked, shaking his head. “Yes, yes I do.” I laughed. He laughed too. Edward leaned in for a kiss and I couldn’t resist, his breath was temptingly sweet. I locked my arms around his neck as he moved his lips down to my throat. I heard someone clear their throat. “Not before I eat please?” Renesmee grimaced. Edward and I chuckled and gave her the omelet. As Edward watched Renesmee eat, I went to get dressed into some clean clothes. I searched through my ridiculously huge closet- custom made by Alice- and I couldn’t find any loose sweats or a big t-shirt. Those we’re my usual weekend clothes and today was Sunday. The only sweats I found was a pair pink sweats that had glitter around the waist. And the biggest shirt I found was almost ripped in half. I sighed as I grabbed a pair of jeans and a regular sized, solid purple t-shirt. When I pulled off my tear soaked shirt, my arm accidently knocked over the jewelry box on my dresser. Luckily, it didn’t break, it just opened and everything fell out. I noticed a silver bracelet on the floor inches away from the box. I picked it up and held it in my palm. It was the bracelet Jacob made for Renesmee. I knew it was Renesmee’s because this time, Jacob engraved her initials on the side of the wolf. I curled my fingers and clutched the bracelet in my hand. I felt a slight breeze on my arm and that’s when I realized that I was sitting on the floor wearing jeans and a bra. Even though I was alone, I still felt pretty exposed. Ever since I hit puberty, I had always felt uncomfortable with my body. Right now was worse time because my window was wide open. I placed the bracelet on my bed and quickly pulled on my shirt. I glanced at the shiny, silver bracelet on the bed. I grabbed it and stood there, in the middle of the room. Then I had an idea.

Don’t do it, Bella. At least let her some kind of memory, Jacob’s voice warned. Why should I? I’m protecting her. What if every time she thinks of him, she thinks about that day? What if she hates me again for reminding her? No, I won’t do it, I argued. She isn’t going to hate you for reminding her. But she will hate you for probably taking away her last and only memory of him. I ignored the voice then.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

I climbed on my dresser, moved boxes of junk on the very top shelf, and placed the bracelet in the far back of the shelf. Suddenly, the dresser creaked and began tilting backwards. I shrieked and fell backwards. I was buried under piles and piles of clothes. Then I heard heavy footsteps running into the room. I heard Edward’s voice, but it was barely audible. “Bella? Bella? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Edward said, frantically. I couldn’t respond, I had a tank top stuffed in my mouth. Stacks of clothes were being removed off me. Finally, when I saw his face, I smiled pathetically. “Uh…” I began, nervously. “Isabella Cullen, what in the world were you doing?” He asked, shaking his head. “Uh…I was...uh…-sigh-” I stuttered. I had him sit on the bed while I explained what I found and what I did with it. “Bella, do you really want to erase every single memory Renesmee has of Jacob?” Edward sighed. “Yes.” I tried to keep my voice firm and serious. “Are you sure? I mean don’t you, at least, want to remember all the good times you had with him?” “No. We never had “good times”. And I don’t want any kind memory of that…jerk! Nothing. Nada. Zip.” I retorted, losing the firmness in my voice. He reached for my hand, but I recoiled from his hand. “You’re being truly unreasonable. Let Renesmee keep her bracelet.” I stared him and sighed. “I’m afraid I can’t.” “I’m pretty disappointed, Bella.” “Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, but you’ll thank me later on. Plus, it’s not like I’m throwing it away, I’m still keeping it in the house.” I said, sounding a bit cocky. “Yes, but you’re keeping it away from Renesmee.” I shrugged. “I’m just protecting her.” I placed my hand on his knee. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“How?” He replied, eyeing me suspiciously. I didn’t respond. I dropped my hand and stared at the floor. He sighed too. “Come on, let’s get this stuff cleaned up.” He said, nudging my elbow with his. It was silent the whole time we were cleaning. I began feeling thirsty and my thirst grew by the minute. My eyes flickered to Edward and I walked up to him. His eyes were on the floor and he was folding shirts. I tapped on his shoulder. “Edward?” I whispered. “Yes?” He replied, still keeping his head down. “I’m…thirsty.” I said, lamely. His head shot up. “Oh. Why don’t you go north? I’ll meet you there. I’ll just need to inform Renesmee that we’ll be gone for a couple of minutes.” “Okay…” Before he left the room, I added, “I’m sorry, Edward. I don’t mean to be like this.” I bit my lip, hoping he would reply. He looked over his shoulder and sighed. “I just feel bad for Renesmee.” I nodded- but I had no idea why. After he dashed out of the room, I took a step forward and stood at the edge of the window. I took another step forward and landed gracefully on the ground. I sprinted north, turning my senses on to maximum. Seconds later, I heard a piece of wood snap. I looked to my right and saw a faint silhouette of a deer. I dashed towards the deer and immediately sunk my fangs into its neck. The blood was sweet and refreshing. I felt thin streams of blood dripping from the sides of my mouth- typical vampire image. Then I heard someone coming and because I was still in hunting mode, I turned around, crouched, and growled. Someone was coming out of the crowd of trees. “Whoa, Bella. It’s just me.” He looked at me and grinned. “Hmm…I see you found breakfast already.” I quickly wiped my face with my shirt. “Where’s Renesmee?” “Alice and Rosalie took her shopping.”

Uh oh. Bad idea, Jacob’s voice told me. “Ugh…that’s bad. That’s really bad.” Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“It’s okay, Bella. They promised me they had a limit.” “Yeah? Like what? Maximum of a thousand dollars?” I retorted. He laughed. “Don’t worry, I bargained with them. They didn’t bring that much.” “Then how did they bring?” He paused and looked at the ground. “Six-hundred-fifty dollars.” He muttered. “What? Edward!” “It’s alright, Bella. Please finish your deer.” I rolled my eyes and smirked. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my neck. As I finished up my animal, Edward searched for a buck. Which was a piece of cake for him because he found a herd near the lake. I watched him as he took down the biggest buck in the herd. He was so swift, so graceful. He didn’t get one drop of blood on his shirt. When Edward was done, he looked at me and winked. He was so charming that I couldn’t help but to giggle. I sat on the ground and watched him mess the herd. I ran my hand along the earthy ground and felt a bump. It was piece of metal that was connected to a long metal chain. It was a crest- that was quite large. The back of it was smooth and flat, but the front was round and rough. There was something engraved on the front. It was a symbol, it had a circle that swirled inward multiple times and on top of the swirl there was an upside down L. I brushed off the dirt and flipped it over. It had a message on it. But the writing was hard to read. I sensed someone standing in front of me. Edward. He kneeled down next to me. “What is that?” I shrugged. “I don’t know. I just found it on the ground.” I handed it to him and watched him observe it. “Volturi.” He snarled, clenching his teeth. “I’m sorry…what?” I didn’t want to believe it. I despised that name. “This is the Volturi crest. It’s been years since I’ve seen one of these.” He explained, flipping the crest back and forth in his hand. I looked at the unusual looking symbol. “What does that symbol mean?” I asked, pointing at the crest. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“It means power, authority…control.” He gritted his teeth and his eyebrows furrowed. “They’ve been here.” “What do you mean?” “I mean, they’ve been here…in Forks.” “How? How can they? Are you sure? Maybe they accidently left it here when they came for Renesmee.” I shuddered at the hideous memory. “Or maybe they left it here when they visited…not so long ago.” My eyebrows puckered. “How can you tell?” “It isn’t rusted. The rain usually rusts metal in a couple a weeks.” He curled up his fingers and pressed his lips into a thin line. “We have to get this to Carlisle immediately. Come on, Bella.” He took my hand and dragged me into the forest, towards the Cullens’ house.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

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