Forever Moonlight Chapter Eight

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  • Words: 4,112
  • Pages: 11
8. Promise

“Our picnic basket is at my house, so we’re going to have to stop by my house real quick.” I mentioned, as we were getting close to La Push. “Okay.” She replied. Then she said something that caught me off guard. “Will I get to meet your father?” Let’s hope not. I made a face. “Probably.” I muttered. She chuckled quietly. “What’s the matter?” “I just know he’s going to try to embarrass me.” She gave me a sincere smile. “Well, if he does, I promise not to laugh.” She assured me. “Okay. Remember…you promised.” I added, waving my finger at her. “Alright.” She nodded. She watched me for awhile as I was driving and I started getting anxious, wanting to know what she was thinking about. “May I help you?” I joked. She looked down and her face was flushed with red. She hesitated for a second before she looked me in the eye again. “I like your haircut. It looks good.” She said embarrassingly, lowering her head a little. “Thanks.” I grinned at her, blushing a bit. We passed a sign that said The Quileute tribe welcomes you to La Push. Vanessa glanced at me and cocked her head to the side. “Do you live here because you’re part of the Quileute tribe?” “Yup.” She seemed really interested and she was leaning over the console a little. “Wow. Do you still have meetings and speak to the spirits and stuff?” I shrugged. “Yeah. I guess you can say that. I mean, I don’t really participate in any of their meetings anymore, but they do have meetings and talk about our ancestors…and stuff.” She smiled sheepishly.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“Hmm…why don’t you go to their meetings?” I didn’t look her in the eye this time. I hesitated. “I just didn’t want to be a part of it anymore.” “Hmm...” Her back was against the seat now. She looked down and played with her bracelet. Clearly, she wanted more of an answer. But what was I supposed to say? If I told her why I really left, I’d have to tell her the whole truth. Luckily, my house was near the highway. I made a sharp right and drove onto my driveway. I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. I went over to the passenger door and opened for Vanessa. She stepped out and flashed me a smile. I answered her smile with another smile. I placed my hand gently on her upper back and began guiding her to the front door. Taking out my keys, Vanessa touched my arm and asked me, “What if your father doesn’t like me?” “Are you kidding me? You have to be the most outgoing and friendly person I know. Who wouldn’t like you?” I responded, without looking at her. For a second, I froze, shocked that I let my thoughts slip out of my mouth. My eyes flickered to Vanessa real quick to see what her reaction would be. “Thanks.” She replied, with a giggle, as her cheeks turned light pink. “Um…no problem.” I chuckled, nervously. I focused on the doorknob again. I stuck the key in the hole and turned it. I walked in and Vanessa followed me. In search for Billy, Seth appeared from the kitchen. “Hey, Jake.” He nodded at Vanessa. “Hello, Vanessa.” She gave him a charming smile- the one I have always adored. “Hi, Seth. How are you?” “I’m good. And you?” “Same here.” She chirped, with shrug. Vanessa and I exchanged quick glances. Seth glanced at me and mentioned, “My mom’s in the backyard with Billy.” “Okay. Let’s get this over with.” I exhaled.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

Vanessa giggled and Seth grinned mischievously. The three of us went to the backyard and found Sue sitting on the lounge chair next to Billy. They were having a conversation until they heard the screen door slide open. Sue and Billy expression’s lightened up in a second. For once, Sue left Billy behind and came up to Vanessa. “Oh my goodness, you must be Vanessa.” Sue looked her over. “You are gorgeous.” Sue chirped. Seth was laughing out loud behind me. If Vanessa wasn’t here, I would have socked him in the arm to make him shut up. “Thank you…um…” She glanced at me for help. Before I could tell her Sue’s name, Sue had already told her. “Oh, I’m so impolite. Hi, I’m Mrs. Clearwater. Or Sue. Doesn’t really matter. Would you like something to drink? Water? Lemonade?” From the corner of my eye, Seth was clutching his stomach and was laughing soundlessly. I grounded my teeth together. “Water would be fine.” Vanessa answered, kindly. Sue nodded and walked passed us, into the kitchen. Billy rolled himself to us with a huge grin on his face. This is not going to go well. I braced myself. “Hi, I’m Jacob’s father, Billy.” “Hi.” She nodded at him before they shook hands. Billy noticed my nervous expression and suddenly had the same smile Seth had on his face minutes ago. “Let’s go inside and chat for awhile, shall we?” “Mmm-hmm.” Vanessa said, as she went around Billy and began pushing him towards the house. “Here, let me.” I suggested, taking the handles on Billy’s wheelchair. I pushed him away from Vanessa and leaned down so that only he could hear me. “If you say anything, old man, I swear, I’m going to drop you off in the middle of Idaho.” I warned. He chuckled and rolled his eyes. Once we were all inside, he obviously didn’t listen to me. We were all sitting at the kitchen table, when he said, “You know, Vanessa, I can never get Jacob to stop talking about how beautiful you are. I guess I can understand why.” “I know, it’s non-stop talking.” Seth joined in, making his hand into a puppet and opening and closing its mouth multiple times. I shot Seth a nasty look. He shrugged and began laughing.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

Billy went on and on with his stories. I narrowed my eyes at Billy and tossed my car keys around in my hand. I could tell Vanessa was trying so hard not to laugh. She would press her lips together or cover her hand over her mouth. When Sue asked us what we were going to do later, Vanessa mentioned surfing. Then Billy picked on that too. “You should have seen Jacob surfing on Seth’s birthday. He went face first into the water, before riding the waves. It was hysterical.” “Not really.” I muttered. “Oh, yes it was. Especially when your swimming trunks flew off-” I had enough of this, so I interrupted Billy. “We should really be going now.” I chuckled, dryly. I stood up, making the chair screech along the _____. “Mrs. Clearwater, thanks for the food.” I grabbed the picnic basket and blanket and stepped away from the table. Vanessa got up as well and moved away from the table. “Bye, everyone. It was nice meeting you.” “Bye, Vanessa.” Seth, Sue, and Billy said, simultaneously. She waved to them as I pulled her out the front door. Raising an eyebrow, I pursed my lips and eyed her. She looked at me and giggled. “Does the word promise mean anything to you?” I said, throwing my hands up in exaggeration. “Oh, Jacob. Lighten up.” Vanessa patted my arm and chuckled. Both of us knew I couldn’t stay mad at her. “Fine, but you better not bring any of those stories up.” “Okay, okay.” She walked towards the Rabbit and I followed her, until she abruptly stopped in front of me. She twirled around and tilted her head to the side. “The beach is pretty close, right?” “Uh…yeah. Why?” “We should walk there. It’s a nice day.” She suggested, her eyes flickering to the sky and then back at me. “Sure, if you want. I don’t mind.” I shrugged and began walking beside Vanessa.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

She stayed close by my side. It started as a quiet, peaceful walk until a thought came to mind. “What are your parents like?” Vanessa was taken aback by the question. I waited for her answer. “Well, my mom looks a lot like me, except a little shorter. She’s not as outgoing as me- well, that’s what my grandfather tells me.” I chuckled silently. “Hmm…and my dad? He’s like my friend.” I wondered if she was going to invite me to see her parents. Her next response answered my thoughts. “But they’re away on a business trip. All they do is work. It gets annoying sometimes.” “Oh.” We walked the rest of the way silently. So maybe taking a walk wasn’t the best idea… Once we reached the beach, we found a spot between the surf shop and the ocean. I laid down the soft, light blue blanket and sat down on it. I gestured Vanessa to sit down as well. She placed the basket on the middle of the blanket. “Don’t you just love the beach? The best part for me is the fresh air and the soft sand.” She closed her eyes and inhaled the air. I watched her with curiosity. She’s such a down-to-earth girl. It’s not every day you find a girl as unique as her. She caught my gaze and half-smiled. “Yes?” She laughed quietly. I blinked, coming out of my reverie, and focused my eyes on something else. “Um…nothing.” Can I get any more stupid? She gave me a playful, suspicious look. “What’s on your mind, Jake?” She asked, touching my arm. I gave her a lopsided smile. “I’m just thinking how easy it’s going to be to kick your butt in surfing.” She laughed sarcastically. “Pretty cocky for someone who face planted into the water before they even started riding the waves.” “Oh, so you’re a tough girl now, huh?” I laughed. She laughed too. “Let’s go rent you a board.” I told her. She nodded excitedly. I grabbed the basket and we headed towards the surf shop. As I opened the door, a little bell jingled and Kim looked up at us from the desk. Kim was a girl from school that Jared had imprinted on. After they became a serious couple and Jared told her everything about us, Kim decided to get a job at the surf shop with Jared. Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“Jacob, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you here.” Kim greeted me. She peered around me and spotted Vanessa coming in. “Well, hello.” “Hi.” Vanessa said, shyly. “I…I’m a friend of Jacob.” “Oh.” She glanced at me, looking impressed. Jared came out from the back room and his eyebrows shot up when he saw me. I nodded at him, casually. “Jacob, old buddy, how are you?” Jared came over and patted me on the back. Kim came up to us and stood beside Jared. She slid an arm around his waist and Jared draped an arm around her shoulders. “I’m great.” My eyes flickered to Vanessa, then back at Jared. “Jared, this is Vanessa.” “Hi.” She said, in the same tone. I looked at her for a second and smiled at her innocence. “Hey. So what are you guys up to today?” “We’re planning to go surfing and Vanessa needs a board. So maybe if you could-” “Got it.” Jared nodded. “Vanessa, if you could just follow me, I’ll be happy to get you your board.” Vanessa smiled and trailed along behind him. Before I turned around and headed for the door, she glanced back at me and half-smiled. Even just half of a smile made my heart go crazy. I followed Kim to the counter. “Hey, Kim. Could you hold this for us, please?” “Sure thing.” She took the basket and placed it somewhere under the counter. “So…is Vanessa your-” “No, Kim. She isn’t.” I said, meekly. “Is she single?” I did not like where this was going. “Yes…” I sighed. “Hmm…that’s a shame. She’s a cutie.” She went over to her computer and began typing rapidly on the keyboard. Without looking up from the computer, she added, “Maybe you should ask her out today.” “Wha-” Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“It’s worth a shot. You guys are on a date, aren’t you?” She asked, staring at me. “No, not really.” I muttered. I folded my arms on top of the glass counter. “I don’t like making you into doing something you don’t want to do, but-” Very quietly, I said, “I never said I didn’t want to.” “I think you should. I saw the way she looked at you when you introduced her to Jared. It was like an admiring look.” I shook my head at the thought. There was no way, a girl like Vanessa, would ‘admire’ me. She was too good for me, anyways. “Umm…I’m going to go wait outside.” I stepped outside and sat on the bench outside of the shop as thoughts were exploding in my head. Ask her out? It sounded good for a moment, but then there was complications. How should I ask her out? Should I ask her right now? Or should I ask her when I drop her off at her house? Should I even ask her at all? After I asked myself those questions over and over again, Jared came out of the surf shop and sat down next to me. “Your girlfriend’s nice.” He said. It kind of hurt to say it but, I replied, “She’s not my girlfriend.” “Yet.” He arched an eyebrow at me. My forehead puckered as I eyed him carefully. “What?” He put on a sly smile and said, “Well, I was eavesdropping on Kim and Vanessa’s conversation earlier and it seems like she has a thing for you.” I felt a little better, as though the pain lifted the moment he said that. “I don’t think so.” I muttered, doubtfully. “What do you mean, ‘I don’t think so’? I thought since you liked her-” “Huh?” Was it that obvious? But of course, I played the dumb card. “What are you talking about?” “Jacob.” He said, seriously. “I see the way you look at her and it shows.” I continued to act dumb and just shook my head. “Are you going to ask her out?” He asked, point blank.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

I looked at him, annoyed and scoffed. “I…I don’t know. Maybe.” I gave it a second thought. “Hopefully.” He laid a hand on my shoulder and sighed. “Look, man, if you really like her, you’d ask her out. You need some kind of companion.” He told me. “I have Seth-” “A female companion.” He snapped. I sighed too. “Well, I got to go help Kim with Vanessa’s board. She’ll bring out both of your boards later. See you later.” He said, patting me on the back. He walked back up the steps and before he went inside the shop, he mentioned, “Think about what I said.” As Jared stepped into his shop, Vanessa came out of the surf shop with her wetsuit on. Her tall and slender body fitted perfectly in the black, vinyl-looking suit. Her gorgeous, brown hair cascaded over one shoulder and her face was turning slightly pink. It wasn’t until she giggled that I realized I was pretty much staring at her body. “You…um…look good.” I stammered, as I mentally kicked myself. “Thanks.” She walked down the steps with a bright smile on her face. She took a few steps forward before she stopped in her track and asked, “Aren’t you going to get your wetsuit?” “Nah…I don’t need it.” I said nonchalantly, shaking my head once and started walking. Because of my extreme body temperature, I haven’t worn a wetsuit in years. I didn’t hear any footsteps behind me so I glanced over my shoulder. Her eyes were bugged out and it was hard not to laugh- but I didn’t. “Are you nuts? You’ll freeze to death.” Now I really couldn’t stop myself from laughing- but I kept it soft. I turned around to face her. “Not really.” I smirked, as she gave me a questioning look. She crossed her arms over her chest. “I’ve lived here ever since I was a kid and I was always in the water. Now I’m so used to the cold that I don’t even feel it anymore. I’m sort of immune to the temperature now.” She replied with raised eyebrows. I smiled at her and stole a quick look at the blue ocean behind me. I slipped off my sandals and took her hand- awkwardly trying to avoid entwining our fingers. “Come here.” I pulled her towards the water. Once I felt my feet step into the cool, moist sand, I let go of her hand and said, “I want you to try out the water.” She eyed me suspiciously and then she nodded and stepped forward.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

Slowly, Vanessa walked towards the water and the moment the small wave touched her toes, she let out a quick gasp, recoiling from the water. “It’s freezing. Aren’t my toes going to suffer from frostbite or something? I didn’t bring my water shoes.” I chuckled lightly and shook my head. “Don’t worry. Kim will probably lend you hers.” She dipped her toe in the water and shivered. “I have no idea how you’re immune to this insanely cold water.” She muttered. I laughed again, as Kim came out with both of our boards and Vanessa’s surfboarding gear. “Try out the water yet?” Kim grinned. I nodded with a smirk on my face and directed my eyes to Vanessa, who still had the chills. Kim followed my eyes and chuckled. “It’s alright, hun. You’ll get over the temperature, soon enough.” Vanessa nodded, but had an uneasy look on her face. Luckily, Kim had already brought her water shoes with her, which was- fortunately- Vanessa’s size. She handed Vanessa the board and Vanessa hesitated to take the board. Kim’s concerned eyes met mine, and then traveled over to Vanessa. “Well, I have to get back to the shop. Have fun.” Kim walked off, without looking back, and I didn’t speak until Kim was out of sight. I looked over Vanessa and her hand that hung at her side was slightly shaky. “Is there something wrong?” I felt the urge to hold her shaky hand and calm her down. “No, I’m fine. I just haven’t been surfing in a long time, that’s all.” I placed a hand on her upper back and tried to meet her eyes, but she kept staring at the water. “If you don’t want to go, that’s fine with me. I don’t want to force you into doing something you don’t want to do.” I explained to her. She finally looked me in the eyes and smiled warmly. “Thanks. I really do appreciate that.” She glanced at the ocean again for a moment and then she nodded at me. “I’m ready.” A grin spread across my face as I handed her the surfboard and grabbed mine. “I might have to brush up on my surfboarding in the beginning…but I’ll eventually beat you before we’re done.” I loved it when she challenged me. It made the experience more fun. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” I replied, running into the water with my surfboard under my arm. I heard Vanessa’s faint giggling over the loud sound of large waves crashing over each other. There was a slight fog cloud passing by and I paused for moment, waiting for the cloud to go by. Once it cleared up a little bit, I rested my body on my board and started paddling quickly. Glancing back for a second, I searched for Vanessa, making sure she wasn’t too far behind. Instead, I couldn’t find her at all. “Vanessa!” I called out. Complete silence. Fear struck me Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

and goosebumps rose on my arms. I looked all around me and she was nowhere to be found. “Vanessa!” I heard nothing but the waves rolling along the ocean. I turned my surfboard around and paddled rapidly towards shore. At that very moment, I was so angry with myself that I would commit suicide if I wasn’t able to find her. I narrowed my eyes, trying to see through the light fog. “Vanessa!” I shouted, as I felt warm sweat roll down the back of my neck. “Jake!” Vanessa shouted back. I sucked in my breath as relief washed over me. But I realized her voice came from behind me. I spun around and my eyes went wide. A gigantic wave came out of the fog and was headed right at me. Before I could turn around and swim to shore again, I heard Vanessa’s voice again. “Jake! I’m up here!” I swam quickly to the side, out of the wave’s reach and looked for Vanessa. Staring at the large wave, I noticed a silhouette of a body on a surfboard hovering in front of it. As the wave got closer, I could make out Vanessa’s luscious, brown hair and her black and turquoise wetsuit. Her face brightened as she laughed, making me grin with her. “Got cold feet?” She teased. “No way! I was just trying to give you some time to practice on your surfboarding!” I called back. I sat up, straddling the board and waited for her wave to die down. I watched the wave get smaller and smaller as it got closer to shore. She swerved to the side before she could hit land. She caught up with me and sat up on her board too. Her hair was wet and shiny under the yellow sun. She smiled brightly. “No backing out?” I challenged. “No backing out.” She repeated, proudly. We paddled our way towards a large wave. We exchanged glances before we stood on our board. Balancing myself, I noticed Vanessa already standing on her board. I couldn’t help but to laugh as I began riding the waves. “You’re a natural at this!” I shouted, over the loud noise of crashing water. I felt the water splash against my legs as I rode the waves. All of a sudden, I felt a jerk under my feet. I lost balance and fell off my board, flying backwards into the wave. The moment my back smacked against the rushing water, I held my breath and swam upwards. To me, the water felt as warm as bath water. I inhaled as much air as I could once my head reached the surface. A thin coat of water blurred my vision. I shook the water out of my hair like a wet dog. I glanced to the side and saw Vanessa on land, waving at me. I grabbed my board and rested on top of it. “What happened?” She called out, laughing. I began paddling towards her.

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

“Don’t you know? I always give my friends a good head start!” I shouted back. She crossed her arms in front her chest and shook her head at me. “I fell on purpose!” “Really? ‘Cause from what I saw, I would’ve guessed that someone else needed to brush up on their surfing.” She shot back. I narrowed my eyes at her and grinned devilishly. She grabbed her board and threw into the water. Stepping into the water, she laid on top of it and began kicking. She met up with me and flipped her wet hair at me. I flinched, making her giggle as her cheeks went pink. We were side by side and we faced an upcoming wave. “You ready?” I challenged her. “I’ve been ready. Just try not to fall on ‘purpose’ again.” She snickered, paddling forward. I followed next to her, keeping my eyes on her. Vanessa was so fun and adventurous. I felt lucky enough to even be friends with her. She looked back at me and caught me staring at her. Before I could think of a lame excuse for my impolite staring, she asked, “Do you think you can handle this wave?” When I glanced up, it was obvious that this wave was much larger than the last one. “Don’t worry about me. You should be concerned with yourself. We don’t want anything happen to our little Vanessa, now do we?” I teased her. “Little?” She scoffed. “That’s it. It is so on.”

Twilight Inspired Written By: Alyssa Nguyen+Lorena Jasso

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