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  • Words: 1,650
  • Pages: 2
Volume 1, Issue 1 June 24, 2009

The Journey

The Forceformation

Dear Family and Friends, For those of you who don‟t know , we‟re in Canada. In October of last year Dana found out Novaland, the afterschool program she had worked at for the past couple of years, was being closed down. Due to that being a fast approaching reality, we started to pray. “Lord, what do you want us to do.” Through many different confirmations (listed below in next section) the Lord showed us He wanted us to go back to Canada for 2-3 months. While here we were to visit family we hadn‟t seen in almost 3 years and also begin a ministry He had laid on our hearts 10 years ago. This ministry is to be a ministry of exhortation to

the body through different topics He has laid on our hearts as well as ministry through worship and the fine arts. We knew He had been telling us to get ready throughout the year and the next step He was calling us into was going to be a walk of faith. Now was the time He was having us step into that. We only knew what He had asked of us for these 2-3 months but would wait until He was ready to show the next step after that.

He has called us to exhortation, worship and outreach ministry. We believe it is important to His heart to be available to minister wherever and to whomever the Lord leads us to but we will be based out of Canada. God has been so faithful to us through this whole journey and we are excited to see how He will lead through this adventurous time. He truly is a FAITHFUL God!!

As we have prayed, while in Canada, we have felt the Lord say, through various confirmations again, that we are called to Canada for this chapter and will remain here until He shows us otherwise. Even now we feel that The Muskokas — cottage country — beautiful … and yet hungry for hope, desperate for Jesus.

Confirmations given by God for the Journey  

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When praying about an opportunity at a church on the Eastern side of the States, the Lord told us “Do you want to go back to Egypt?” There were two more times the Lord shared this same line with us: 1. our pastor gave a “Word from God” to “someone” in the congregation about the Lord saying “Do you want to go back to Egypt?”...looking right into our section. 2. Another pastor we follow gave a “Word from God” to someone watching from home about not going back to Egypt. Rory was out helping a friend at a local food bank when he all of a sudden heard a booming voice say “GOD WILL PROVIDE!” He looked over and saw, ironically the speaker was “homeless” , a man looking right at him. The man then continued on his way. Our reluctance was about finances at the time. Rory went to a church service one night to hear about a certain topic . Instead it was about “getting out of the boat” and walking in what God has called you to do and to stop avoiding it. We told God we would do this ministry but asked Him to first show the provision. The next Sunday our pastor shared on God‟s call into ministry and said “We sometimes say „God I will do it if you first provide the finances‟ but God sometimes says „First step out and obey and then I will provide the finances.‟” Dana then felt led to pray for a rent free or mortgage free situation to come since God was calling us into a faith walk. She prayed for the answer to come by the following Sunday. The very next Sunday, we were talking to Rory‟s sister, Dottie, who lives in Canada and she told us of being woken up in the night with us on her mind and felt led to ask if we would like to stay with them, rent free for a time.

God given themes of passion: Rory: Men’s Purity/Holiness and Otherness/The Nearness of God/Destiny/The Hard Truths of Scripture in the Christian Walk/ worship Dana: Godly submission/Women’s Purity/Worship

A frank moment with the Forces: To support us financially you may send your contributions to the mailing address below. You may also reach us to notify us of your commitment to pray for us or to ask for more detailed information on our work at either the email or mailing address below. Thank you. RORY AND DANA FORCE

As we have looked at how this ministry would work and have prayed for God’s leading, we decided to send out a prayer/support letter. We really feel the Lord has called us to “such a time as this.” We need the freedom to minister anywhere the Lord calls us to without financial needs getting in the way. Some places might not be able to support us when we minister to them but we must be able to minister regardless. We cannot say “no” based on finances — we simply do not see Jesus in that.. This is where you can help and be part of His call to reach others for

RR 1 Nipissing, Ontario Canada P0H-1W0

Christ or minister for the biblical health of Christ’s body. So much of the church,

E-mail: [email protected]

“day approaching and speed its coming.” Christ-likeness in His people is directly

“To look like Jesus, in order to honor the Father , but only by the Spirit’s power!”

related to the gospel’s good standing and the harvest (Titus 2). We need your help

in these times, is in such need of Christ-likeness. Also, people are dying without knowing Jesus daily so God’s timetable for relevant ministry is now as we see His

everyone. We need faithful, careful and obedient prayer partners for if God’s not the builder the labor is in vain.. We also need people faithfully working with

“In the works”

us financially so we can minister without monetary hindrance or distraction. We would greatly appreciate your help! Please, do ask the Lord to guide your in-

an accountability system for our ministry

An update website

A collective community outreach event

in Prov. 19:17 and 2 Cor. 8:3-4;9:5-13 and Matthew 10:41 and Gal. 6:9-10. As

A purity seminar for men

He leads, please, adore Him and lovingly, obey Him… regardless. Thank you. As

volvement with us. Scriptural precedence for co-laboring and its worth to you is

you stand before Him, looking into His eyes — you’ll never regret it.

What’s Been Happening in Canada? It has been an amazing 3 months in Canada. We had a great trip up. It took us 7 days this time. The longest trip yet. God was so faithful and gave us AMAZING weather the whole way. Places that had over a foot of snow the week before, had no snow when we drove through or stopped over for the night. We were able to wear summer like shoes in the beginning of March, in States that we should have still needed snow wear for common weather at that time of year. We have had many chances to “plug in” to needs here and share the love of Jesus with those who need it badly. Just as Father had asked of us. The Lord said there were people in despair up here who needed encouragement. That‟s one of the reasons He was sending us. God has been so good to give us the privilege of pouring into people‟s lives in such “hands on” ways. It is plain to see, in each case, a divine appointment .. the very thumbprint of God.

Dana was a part of a women‟s Bible Study with ladies from various local denominations. It was a powerful time and she got the chance to share some of the things that God has been showing her. She was also able to share songs of worship the Lord has given her not only at the Study but other places as well. Rory has been meeting with local pastors concerning their church‟s needs. The needs are assorted, ranging from relational and prayer support for pastors, plugging in - one on one - with adults, sharing at a men‟s group and even some young adult and youth needs are starting to arise. Rory has also been working on a purity package for men and pouring into people who “happen” across his way. One such person was an international bicyclist going across Canada. Every Friday, we as an entire family, volunteer at the local food bank called “The Table.” This is a ministry that ministers through a food bank as well as a

soup-kitchen that feeds many families in town two nights per week. Dana‟s been providing worship music throughout the day, on Fridays, as well as praying with people and helping with logistical things at different times. She also has served at the soup kitchen once per month. Rory helps logistically as well as praying with people and sharing the faith. The kids have even gotten involved by helping to re-stock and clean shelves. They‟ve even gotten in there and prayed for people as well. It has truly been a family ministry and there‟s been good fruit from the prayer times. The Lord has blessed us to have the opportunity to pour into people‟s lives in a very relevant way and we have really seen His hand in having us here at this time. It‟s been wonderful and we marvel at His perfect timing and His careful grace with which He walks us through all that He has placed before us . We TRULY serve an AWESOME GOD! El RO‟I — the God Who sees me ... you.

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