Forceformation Aug29

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  • Words: 1,636
  • Pages: 2
Year 1, Issue 3

The continuing journey...praise reports.

August 29, 2009

Dear Family and Friends, so here we are for the third time and loving it! All I can say is relationship, relationship, relationship!!!

The Forceformation


Remember the family with the camp? We’ve had such great times of sharing while living there and were so blessed by their kindness. We asked God to bless them and He did! In fact the camp booked up - so we needed God to find a place for us once again. God provided. Another dear family, we’ve recently met, gave us the freedom to stay with them till the Lord provided us with a place. While here they have incredibly blessed us by exampling God’s generous love. We’ve had such wondrous times of fellowship through laughter and tears. What a treas-

ure this time has been. Only God could bring such relationships together ...and so He did!


The Lord smiled on us within another relationship with a dear sister in the Lord. She blessed us with not only a free night’s getaway.. a wonderful treat.. but has also made it possible for Dana to have a much needed break and time of feeding at an upcoming women’s conference. Her generosity is an example echoing the heart and prescriptive example of the early church.


During our time here so far we have had people, through relationship, place money into our hand… sometimes a lot and sometimes it has been “smaller” in amount, however, every penny from a loving heart is such a blessing. We serve a God who honored the widow who gave the mite with actually including her and her sacrifice in scripture. You never know what God will do with our obedience.


Also, through new relationships, that we asked God for, we’ve had furniture offered to us for free that we will use as we seek the Lord’s counsel for our belongings that are still in storage in the U.S. God’s intimate provision for us just reminds us of His care for the birds and the truth in Matt. 6:26/Luke 12:24. Wow! God has done it!!!

Family Fun Day!!! We had a great time during our collective community outreach event. We were a part of a group of people putting on an outreach/fundraiser event. It was called the “family fun day”. We supplied relevant fun and ministry to the people from the surrounding town and area that attended. There was time of song and worship, fun activities for the children as well as lots of good food to eat. We were blessed with the opportunity to go first in the musical line-up for the day. We ministered one song of Dana’s, one song of Rory’s and one related worship song. During all of the festivities there were of course more opportunities, as the Lord would have it, to make more connections and to even do one-on-one ministry like prayer and God honoring counsel. What a privilege it was, and so moving, to worship Christ in the open air arena with other believers and the unsaved. Dana was excited about how the children’s program went as she had invested herself in it during the “think tank” part of the process. Some of the games were fishing for toys, water balloon toss, dodge-ball tournament, cake walks as well as face painting and much more. Another special aspect was that the whole endeavor was multidenominational. Beautiful. It was a manifested example of Christ’s heart for His people as He prayed for all of us to be “one as You and I are one.” How inspiring it is when that which has separated comes down and Christ is honored above our man made structures. The event was also a fundraiser for the organization that runs both the soup kitchen and the food bank in the local town. The Lord blessed the event with a big turn out and funds were indeed raised. Hallelujah!!!

To support us financially you may send your contributions to the mailing address below or through PayPal (with your PayPal acct send it to [email protected]) for convenience. Please do also reach us to notify us of your commitment of faithful prayer, support and for more information on our work, at either the email or mailing address below. Thank you. Rory and Dana Force RR #1 Nipissing Ontario Canada POH 1WO Email: [email protected]

A frank moment with the Forces: Please help us keep our feet beautiful!!! Romans 10:14-15 reminds us of this holy and crucial process of bringing the “good news” to those who need it. The gospel is even relevant for those who are not well but who think they are...and those who are so used to dying that they don’t know what true life is like. People, sometimes, have “walked with a limp” for so long they forgot they had one...till they meet Jesus. Our life’s healer. We endeavor to share with people who are without Christ and the vibrant relationship with Him that in turn brings life. We seek to go to those who live like this life is all there is… and the closest to heaven that they’ll get they live for themselves. Don’t let those people go to hell being right! Help us as we labor to ensure that this place is as close to hell as they will ever get. From Eden till now the tragedy is the same - selfishness. People need the truth about themselves and about Christ and His help..His glory. They need saving. We’re seeking those in and out of the church who need Jesus. We’re working to exhort the churched to Christ-likeness and to call the lost - in hopes of accurately representing Christ and to introduce them to Christ. In saying this ...we need your help everyone. Every prayer and resource is needed and appreci-

“To look like Jesus, in order to honor the Father , but only through God’s life changing Word and by His Spirit’s power!”

ated regardless of its size. Do not forget the widow’s mite and its eternal significance. We need faithful, careful and obedient prayer partners, for apart from Him we can do nothing. We also need people faithfully supporting us financially, regardless of amount so we can minister with-

Please pray for and consider the following needs.: 

We need prayer supporters - we are working on the front lines here.


We need an appropriate and affordable place to live A.S.A.P. including first and last month’s rent as well as storage in California brought up.

out monetary hindrance . We would greatly appreciate your help! Please, do ask the Lord to guide your involvement with us. Scriptural precedence for co-laboring and its worth to you is in Prov. 19:17 and 2 Cor. 8:3-4;9:5-13 and Matt. 10:41 and Gal. 6:9-10. As He leads, please, adore Him and lovingly, obey Him… regardless. Thank you. As you stand before Him, looking into His eyes — you’ll never regret it.


We need wisdom and resources as our American car needs to be made Canadian (ex. $1000+)

We love you all and are grateful for your love and support!


We need more monthly support for living costs.

Love, Rory, Dana, Jacob, Chaeli and Samuel

What’s Been Happening in Canada? The more we settle in - the clearer our niche in the body becomes evident.



Recently we were part of a “V.B.S.” for the community kids in the town surrounding the church we call home. It went bigger than previously with attendance growing from a little over 50 to a little over 80 kids. There was fun, high participation and solid teaching.

As relationships progress, becoming more defined, the one-on-one dynamics start to yield fruit. In following God’s lead by offering accountability, encouragement and a safe place for vulnerability - God then affords growth. This, in turn, allows equipping and God honoring fellowship to take place. This has all been such a joy and privilege and we see God bringing increase along the way.

Some exciting new things are on the horizon with our involvement in the church. As things grow and develop, then so do our dreams.


Through conversations Rory has come to a concerning discovery. It’s apparent that not all Christians are prepared “in season and out of season” to “give an account” for the hope that is in them nor to correctly “handle the Word Of Truth.” There is an alarming amount of presupposition, good intentioned yet inappropriate “personal takes” and even self serving lie that people are holding as the truth of the Lord. Upon talking with the head pastor Rory was given the opportunity to facilitate a discipleship equipping short course on the fundamental truths of the faith. Rory is tremendously excited about it and also desperate for the Lord to be honored and for the people to grow more Christ-like and be actually the better equipped for it.

The loving of people, hands on, at the foodbank proves more and more crucial.


There was a woman who came in to the food-bank who was discouraged by the treatment of others because she was drug free for over a year. A journey like that is hard enough without others eating away at your confidence and success. Just a little love - a little support and encouragement and the woman was in tears with overwhelming gratitude. She shared that she was there because she knew she was loved!! The effective love of Christ was given… and received!


Another exciting development in the food-bank has been the prayer/ counseling room. We’ve already seen it put to good use. Two women shared, after receiving one on one attention, that they’d never been to a place with such nice people. Wait till they meet Jesus!!!

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