Marketing Plan - Reformatted(2)

  • December 2019
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Greetings my fellow Revolutionary Matrix members. It is my pleasure to freely give you this marketing plan. I have gone through great trial and error to develop it, while constantly testing various ideas to see what what works, what doesn't, and what works as quickly and easily as possible without spending any money. Everything below is an explanation of that which I have found to be bar the most effective. If you are serious about ensuring your financial success for life, I highly suggest you do not take this information lightly. I have broken up the marketing plan into two phases. The first phase is the foundation. More than anything else, it is to get those of you who don't have much, or any, experience with Internet marketing prepared for the rest of my ideas. Once you have mastered the basics, please move on to the second phase of my plan, as that is where the true power of my marketing ideas are contained. I only used about one fourth of the ideas contained below to be ranked as high as second in the world with GDI in less than three months, so please pay close attention to the marketing strategies and ideas listed below. If you use them all, failure is practically impossible, especially when we are all working together through the forced matrix structure utilized by Revolutionary Matrix. Thank you all for joining our family. It is our pleasure to serve you.

I. THE FOUNDATION OF OUR REVOLUTIONARY MATRIX MARKETING PLAN. Telling your friends and family is the fastest way to get started, and you should definitely do so if you know anyone who is looking to either supplement their income, work from home, or start their own business, but obviously, talking to friends and family will only take you so far. To really build your business, you're going to have to turn to the Internet. Let me explain to you the foundation of what I do. If you do exactly what I say, you will have success, but I strongly encourage you to put your own creativity and ideas into it as well and use your inventive resourcefulness to build your business and put your personal touch on everything you do. It is my experience that putting a human, personalized touch on everything makes a huge difference. People are far more prone to join a human being they believe in and trust, rather than companies they know nothing about. Please don't easily discard this advice, and realize that I took the time to give you this information because I truly believe in it's effectiveness. So, here it is. First and foremost.....DON'T QUIT!!! The whole power of this system is based on the power of multiplication. What this means is that it may be slow going in the beginning, but as times goes on, all of your efforts, combined with the efforts of your upline and the free marketing we supply through our rotator, begin to rapidly multiply. Let me give you an example of the power of multiplication. If I offered you a job and said that I would pay you one one-millionth of a penny on your first day, and I would then double it every day you worked, so that on your second day you would make two onemillionths of a penny, on your third day four one-millionths of a penny, on your fourth day eight onemillionths of a penny, and so on for an entire year, would you take the job? Chances are that you're laughing at me right now and calling me crazy, but do you realize that if you kept that job for a year, by the end of that year you would be a multimillionaire? That is the power of multiplication. It's starts out slowly, but then multiplication starts kicking in, and the next thing you know your income is rapidly and dramatically increasing. Now, I'm not saying you're going to be a multimillionaire after a year with Revolutionary Matrix. I was just using that example as an analogy, but I'm sure you can see the power of the multiplication that Revolutionary Matrix employs. So, stick with it and DON'T QUIT. Even if for some reason you only seem to be able to sign up a few people here and there (which is HIGHLY unlikely, especially once you've mastered the basics and moved into the full power of my plan), you never know what those people might do with their business. Remember that you get paid for everything the people under you do, so even if you're only able to sign up a few people here and there, be patient and allow your downline, your upline, and our free rotator to help build your business for you. So stick with, and keep marketing it. If you follow my advice, I don't think you're going to have too much trouble signing people up, but even if for some reason it's starts a little slow, always remember to give the power of multiplication, the forced matrix, and the rotator time to kick in. Follow my advice, throw your own creativity into it, stick with it and be patient, and you'll be wholeheartedly thanking me down the road.

I now have to address an issue that I commonly see with people who enter other systems that use a forced matrix. It's laziness. Many people join these programs thinking that they can just sit on their butts and allow their upline to do all the work for them. While you will get spillover from a very productive upline, your business will grow MUCH faster if you give it your all as well and contribute to the team effort. Also, while your link will absolutely be freely rotated through the advertising we do for you, advertising that we pay for, again, your business will grow MUCH faster if you contribute to our efforts to help you. Just remember that the whole philosophy Revolutionary Matrix was founded on is one of team work and selfless servitude to others. We are doing all we can to help you, so if your upline is also doing all they can to help you, you are doing all you can to help your downline, and your downline is doing all the can to help their downline, each person's downline will be filled as quickly as possible through a wonderful team effort. However, if everyone has a self-serving attitude of laziness, thinking that other people should do all the work for them, not only are they abandoning the beautiful philosophy on which our program is founded, but the system will fail. If everyone is doing their best to market the business, we will all equally prosper and no one will be left behind. Now, here is the foundation of the Revolutionary Matrix marketing plan. It is the very same program I started with that allowed me to start signing up about 4 people a week when I began working with GDI. Once you have mastered it, I will then move you on to what I do now that has allowed me to DRAMATICALLY increase my success. I've tried many things and had minor success with some of them, but this is the foundation of what has been by far the most successful. Don't be fooled by it's simplicity, as it is extremely effective. Video marketing is the basis of what I do. It is free, fast, and VERY effective. Plus, it works for you 24 hours a day. To start marketing your business, you will need to create videos and begin placing them on YouTube, as YouTube is by far the most effective video hosting service. Now, to start getting exposure for your videos, you must leave comments on other people's videos that deal with the same subject matter, such as videos about making money online, working from home, home based businesses, starting your own business, building wealth, how to get rich, etc. However, DO NOT leave comments on other Revolutionary Matrix videos, as there is no need for us to be competing with each other. Also, if anyone asks you to stop leaving comments on their videos, YOU MUST STOP. If you don't, you are then spamming them and you will get a warning from YouTube. Also, this is only a VERY TEMPORARY tactic you'll be using to gain some experience. This is a building process, and using this tactic for a few weeks will get you ready for when your videos are receiving many views per day. So don't worry, if you're willing to learn the basics of this system, you're not going to have to keep placing comments on other people's videos. I will show you how to get an excellent ranking for your videos so that the viewers will come to you without you having to work for them everyday. Just use this method of placing comments on other people's videos for a few weeks to gain some experience with marketing and get some exposure, and then we'll take it from there. So, here is the step by step breakdown of the foundation of my marketing program and what you need to do if you wish to follow my method: 1. Create your own YouTube page. Write a page description that provides all the necessary info, as well as your Revolutionary Matrix link. 2. Make your own videos to promote your business. Many people who first sign up with me start to make videos that are exact duplicates of mine. I understand this, as in the beginning I know most

people are a bit confused about what to say, but trust me, the more of your own creativity and unique insight and perspective you put into your videos, the much better success you'll have. Also, just remember that you can always refer people to my video on the Revolutionary Matrix home page by encouraging them to click on your link. This something you should definitely do if you don't know what to say in your videos. I know many of you don't know much about me, but I put a great deal of psychology in my videos and they are highly effective. While I definitely speak from the heart, I specialize in knowing how to guide people's thoughts and emotions to get them to understand the truths I'm sharing, so please don't hesitate to direct people to watch my video by clicking on your link, as my videos have a very high conversion rate. If you're at a total loss about what to say in your own videos, here are some points I think should be focused on: A. Explain the tremendous financial opportunity, the 5x6 forced matrix that provides an income of over $35,000 once the your downline is full, what a forced matrix is and how it creates a wonderful team effort effect with "spillover" from your upline, the fact that we pay out $2 per person on the sixth level of your downline, the fact that we advertise each person's link through our rotator at no extra charge, and the fact that you can make multiple accounts for a limitless monthly income. B. Reassure people that you have a system which will allow them to have technology working for them 24 hours a day to create an entire sales force working for them 24/7 throughout the whole world without spending any money. Let them know that it is the exact same plan used by myself, which allowed me to be ranked 2nd in the world with GDI in less than three months. Also, let them know they will receive this marketing plan at no extra charge at all. C. Explain that Revolutionary Matrix was built with the attitude of selfless servitude to others, and that it is the opposite of every other affiliate and MLM marketing program out there, as it's founders are totally focused on giving as much to their members as possible by drastically cutting into their own profits. D. Let people know that you will always be there to support them and answer all of their questions (only say this if you actually mean it). People can contact you through YouTube, but you may want to give your email address as well. E. Direct people to click on your link and watch my video. Again, you will have far better success if you place as much of your own creativity into your videos, but if you are struggling with where to begin, I suggest you follow the above guidelines. 3. Place your link on your video description as well as on your YouTube page. In the video description, the link should be placed first before anything else so that it stands out immediately and your viewers don't have to search for it. On your YouTube page, your link should be placed at the very top of the page description. You link should also be placed in the section that allows you to place your own website. This can be done by placing your cursor over your page name in the upper right hand corner of your YouTube page, clicking on "more" once the options appear, the editing your personal info once the new page opens. This way your link will be easily accessible to your viewers by having it at the top and bottom of your page description.

4. TEMPORARY STEP JUST TO GET YOU STARTED AND USED TO THE SYSTEM. Start marketing your YouTube page by leaving comments on other people's videos that are in the same category as yours (other than Revolutionary Matrix videos), such as GDI, 3900income, 10KMatrix, Unselfish Wealth, cash gifting, the Spider Web Marketing System, "how to make money," "working from home," "making money online," etc. If anyone asks you to stop leaving comments on their videos, YOU MUST STOP or it's considered spam. Also, do not say anything negative about anyone else or make your comments pure advertisements. By that, I mean don't just say something like, "Hey, check out my page if you want to get rich." That only annoys people and gives the impression of low intelligence and a lack of professionalism, and your comments will be marked as spam by other viewers. Instead, try to offer some helpful information that will entice people to view your page. For example, write something like this: "Hi everyone. If you're watching this video you're obviously interested in generated great wealth. If you'd like to know about an amazing, revolutionary new business founded on truly helping others, please feel free to review the videos on my page. Thanks for your time." Now, don't all of you start using that. If you do, YouTube will be flooded with them and nobody will click on them. I used that merely as an example to show you how much more effective an intelligent and informative comment is over something like, "Screw this video. Check out my page to make tons of money real fast." I'm sure you can see the difference. After all, which one would persuade you more? To save time, when you write a comment you're happy with, simply copy and paste it into a draft email titled "My YouTube Comments" and save it to be used for another time. When you go to post your comments on any given day, just choose one that you want to use for that day, copy it, and then paste it over and over to different videos. When posting your comments, you'll notice that many users have wisely chosen to either block all comments entirely, or to only allow comments to be posted that they have approved first. This is very smart, and you must do the same with your videos and your page. Do not allow others to use your videos and your page to market their businesses. Also, do not allow anyone to post negative comments on your page. There will always be some jackass out there who has nothing better to do than try to ruin your business with a totally unprovoked negative comment, so only allow comments that you've approved first, or just block comments from being posted on your videos and page altogether. If you try to post a comment on someone's page that won't allow it, just move on to the next one. Here's a tip that will save you time. All videos you come across that say "" at the bottom of the screen have blocked all comments, so don't waste your time. They have about 200 videos on YouTube (if not more), so this will definitely save you time, as you will very frequently come across them. Also, after posting a few comments, YouTube will require that you enter a code to keep postings comments. Just enter the code and keep going. This might all sound like a lot of work, but that's only because you're hearing it all for the first time. It's just like learning to drive a car. It may seem intimidating at first, but once you do it, you'll see that the whole process couldn't be easier. Also, as I've repeatedly stated, this is only a temporary tactic to get you used to the system.

5. If someone signs up under you, send them a "welcome" email. Make sure you give them your contact info so they can reach you if they have questions. You will more than likely not need to give them my marketing plan, as I will be sending out a mass email everyday to the Revolutionary Matrix downline to see who needs my plan. I actually prefer that you leave it to me to pass out the marketing plan, as I will require that everyone provides me with their link to prove they are a paid member before I give them the plan. This is a necessary precaution I must take to help keep our marketing plan within our Revolutionary Matrix family, so you may just want to leave the responsibility to me. It will be one less thing for you to have to do anyway. 6. Answer all your emails from people looking for help, especially those in your downline. Remember, your success is completely dependent upon their success, so take the time to personally help them, just as I have taken the time to help you. Always do your best to answer all questions they may have. Remember, we are all a team. We may be individuals, but we are one unit working together to accomplish the same goal, so please do your best to answer the questions of your downline. However, if someone who has not signed up yet continually keeps asking you questions, perhaps through YouTube, and they are showing no sign at all that they are going to sign up, don't waste your time on them. Cut them loose and spend your time focused on those who are showing a real interest. There is no point wasting your time on someone who isn't serious about improving their life when you could be focusing on someone who is. Trust me, there are some people out there who simply have nothing better to do than engage in a pointless conversation with a stranger over the Internet. I've seen this repeatedly. Don't allow them to waste your valuable time if you can clearly tell that they are jerking you around. So, there you have it. That is the foundation of my marketing plan. Once you have mastered it, please move on to the next step to give your business world wide exposure, but you absolutely must master these basic guidelines first in order to ensure your success. I know you're excited and may wish to rush, but just remember that while rushing can sometimes be the fastest way to success, it usually is the fastest way to failure. One more tip I have for dealing with people face to face, such as family and friends. Let the income potential and philosophy on which Revolutionary Matrix was founded do all the talking. If you start telling people some big, long story about making money online, affiliate marketing, forced matrices, and the Internet right away, most people will get turned off pretty quickly, but if you say something like, "Hey, how would you like to retire in three years with a six figure a year income for the rest of your life by working with a company that is totally and selflessly devoted to it employees," people will be much more prone to listen to what you have to say. But here's the thing. Once you have their attention, GET THEIR EMAIL ADDRESS AND SEND THEM YOUR LINK WITH A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF HOW MUCH THEY CAN MAKE AND THE PHILOSOPHY REVOLUTIONARY MATRIX IS FOUNDED. Don't keep talking. Just let them know that you're going to send them more information. Many times people will talk themselves right out of a sale. Unless you are a natural salesperson, which most people aren't, let my video and the script I've created do the talking. However, if you feel fully confident in your videos, or whatever other form of marketing you might produce, feel free to send them an email with a link to that as well, but when in doubt, allow my video and script to help you as much as possible. When you have mastered these basic steps, move on to phase two. ***********************************************************************************

II. SECOND AND FINAL PHASE OF MY MARKETING PLAN. Here is the rest of what I do to achieve all of my success. 1. Niche Marketing. You must start branching out into what are called "niche" markets. By this, I mean you should target specific groups of people instead of just trying to reach everyone that is looking for a money making plan. By doing this, I have GREATLY increased my success, as there is simply WAY too much competition in the "money making" category. If you're simply throwing your videos into the overall "money making" category in general by having a title and tags that say something like "How to make money online," you will get lost in the mix. Let me explain a little about how I branch out into niche markets. I have one set of videos that is geared toward people looking for money making ideas, I have another set of videos which targets people who are interested in similar topics as me, and I have multiple sets of videos, which specifically target people who are interested in GDI, 3900income, and 10KMatrix, Cash Gifting, Unselfish Wealth, and so on and so forth. When targeting crowds belonging to other programs, I always stress why my program is vastly superior. You must not do this in a derogatory manner, but rather in a help and informative manner. Let me make this very clear to you. No one will join you if you are criticizing them and what they do. It is human nature to instantly become defensive when being criticized, so instead of going on the attack, simply create an informative and educational video about the differences between their system and ours. Be polite, as they are people who are merely looking to do the exact same thing you're doing. It's not their fault that they got suckered into a system that isn't properly serving them. Getting back to branching out into niche markets, I am also going to create pages targeting single parents (as I am one) looking to supplement their income, college kids looking to make some extra money for school, people concerned with the economy and stock market, and people worried about their retirement funds, 401k, and social security. Trust me, this is definitely one of the best ways to increase your productivity, BY FAR, so start branching out into niche markets by targeting several different specific groups of people who you think may be interested in making money, and use all of your creativity when doing so. For instance, at one point I was targeting people who are interested in the movie "The Secret," as many people who follow the way of thinking taught in that movie are looking for ways to make more money. You can check that out for yourself by going on YouTube and searching for "making money with the secret." Like I said, use your creativity to find multiple niche markets. This is one of the best ways to increase your productivity and gain exposure for your business. One final note on going after niche markets. It is wise to create different YouTube pages for each niche market, as some of your videos may push away certain people. For instance, if I were to take my videos that target people with similar interests as myself and mix them with my business videos, some people watching my business videos may not like my personal interests and might be pushed away because of that. People can be very weird and touchy. I once got into a conflict with somebody interested in GDI because he didn't like my taste in music and for some reason felt the need to let me know. Like I said, some people are very weird and overly touchy, so you always want to be aware of and sensitive to the thoughts of everyone you're trying to target, as people can be very easily convinced, or pushed away.

2. Branding yourself. You must "brand" yourself. This is something I started doing without even realizing it. I did not plan on doing it. It just came naturally to me, but after analyzing my success in comparison to the success of those whom I signed up, I began to realize that this accidental tactic I was using was greatly contributing to my success while others were doing nowhere near as well as me. So, what do I mean by "branding" yourself? I'll explain it as well as I can. You must find whatever it is about yourself that separates you from your competition and use that to accomplish two goals. First, you must use it to distance yourself from the overwhelming mass of videos from competing businesses. Second, you must use it to attract people who can relate to you and are going to want to get involved in business with you because they can identify with what you're saying. Let me use myself as an example. I basically branded myself as three things. A. A leader who has answers that nobody else has and who will offer support unlike any other sponsor. This is by far the most important thing you can do. Let me give you a HUGE tip about marketing. If you can convince people that you are the only guiding light among an ocean of darkness, a voice of truth among a sea of lies, they will flock to you in droves. I'm not saying that you should ever say anything deceptive to try to sign people up (I never do), but you want to let people know that you are a leader and not someone who is just following the crowd, that you have answers and a system that can offer tremendous results, and that you are dramatically different than the overwhelming majority of people in affiliate and MLM marketing programs, or business people in general, and will always be there to support them. I can't begin to tell you how important this is. I attribute the overwhelming vast majority of my success to the fact that I was able to make people understand that I am a leader who can guide them better than anyone else in the world. Pay very close attention to this advice, as it will help you dramatically. B. A person who is bringing truth into affiliate marketing businesses and exposing deception and corruption. This kind of goes along with what I stated above. It allowed people to see that I am different, that I'm a leader that takes on the big guys in order to look out for the little guy. By doing this, I was gaining the trust of others and getting them to believe that I alone was the only person who would guide them honestly, which isn't far from the truth at all, as businesses like GDI, and the business world in general, are full of deceptive snakes. C. A single father who knows what it is like to struggle financially. By telling people my own story and struggles, I made it easy for them to identify with me and put their concerns at ease. I'm sure there were many people who signed up with me because they felt I wouldn't mislead them due to the fact that I have been through very difficult struggles and would therefore do all I can to help them, which I do. As I said in the first phase of my marketing plan, people want to join you, not a corporation. They are going to sign up with you personally, not just Revolutionary Matrix. While my video on our home page will definitely dramatically help to make a personal connection with your new prospect, they are going to want to connect with you as well to see that this is truly a team oriented organization. You must find whatever it is about yourself that makes you unique, or to put it another way, what makes you different than just some businessman looking to make money. You want

to show people that you are a real human being just like them. You must get them to identify with you on a personal level. For instance, if you're a single mom of four kids, tell your story. If you signed up with an affiliate marketing program in the past and were lead astray by your sponsor but are now greatly enjoying Revolutionary Matrix, tell your story. If you had to file bankruptcy at some point and completely rebuild your life, if you had a business that failed or lost your job and had to struggle to find a way to support your family, if you grew up poor and had to fight like hell for everything you have, if you have a debilitating injury or condition that allows you to only work from home, if there is anything at all about you that you can tell to get people to see that you are a real human being just like them, or even better, that you are a leader who has overcome adversity and struggles to ultimately succeed, and now you want to teach others how to do the same because you understand what they are going through, TELL YOUR STORY. And trust me, the more open and honest you are, the more of yourself you poor into the hearts and minds of others, the more they will flock to you, as it is in the nature of human beings to strongly desire close, personal connections with other human beings. We are genetically designed to need human interaction, which is exactly why a human baby will die if you don't give it continual physical contact. We all like to think that were separate from one another, that were independent individuals and completely self-sufficient, but we're genetically programed to need each other. You must connect with others on a personal level to maximize your success. You see, marketing is all about psychologically guiding people. Unfortunately, most people in the business world do so by psychologically manipulating people through lies and deception for the sole purpose of making money, but that is DEFINITELY NOT what I'm talking about. In fact, I wouldn't be teaching you this at all if you were going to be using it to promote any program other than one centered on selfless servitude. It is perfectly fine to psychologically guide people as long as you're telling them the truth. You have to understand that they want to be psychologically guided. That is EXACTLY why they are watching your video. They are hoping very much that you are going to be the one to reach them, to break through the barrier that is holding them back, to connect with them personally and put their concerns at ease. They are not watching your video to kill time. They want to join you, but they just need to feel that spark, that personal connection that puts their fears at ease. I've always had a very strong understanding of how the human mind works and what the human heart craves, and I'm telling you flat out that this is the ultimate key to success in marketing. Actually, it's how to achieve success with everything in life. When you openly and freely give yourself to others, it is natural human instinct to respond with love and compassion. We're genetically programmed to be that way. The system I use is highly effective, but everyone who has signed up with me has done so because they have been able to identify with me on a personal level and see that I am an honest man, a great leader with effective ideas, and totally committed to them. So, whatever you can brand yourself as, figure it out and use it to it's fullest potential. Like I said, this was something I was doing naturally, as I've always been the type to lead rather than follow. I was simply being myself, but because I have always been a leader, someone who exposes deception and corruption, an honest man, and a creative and inventive person who loves to teach others what I've learned while freely giving of myself, and sharing who I am, I have gained great success with various businesses throughout my life. Find your personal branding, find yourself, and openly and freely share it with the world with confidence, but also with a humble heart. 3. Increasing rank in search results As you know, getting as high of a placement as possible for your videos on YouTube is crucial to gaining as much exposure for your business as possible. To ensure you get excellent placement on YouTube for all of your videos, you must artificially increase the video's views. Thinking that the video is popular, YouTube will place it higher in the search results, thereby exposing it to more people. By

doing this, you will start to gain hundreds of real views from real people who are looking for exactly what you're trying to offer them. This is the best way to be successful with any business. You don't want to have to chase people down that aren't even looking for what you're offering and then try to convince them to join you. Instead, you want to have people who are already looking for exactly what you're offering contacting you and asking how they can join you. I used to use a program called "Tube Increaser" to do this, but YouTube is beginning to identify videos that are being promoted through Tube Increaser and deleting them. If you want to give it shot, you can find it at It costs $100 but it's very effective. Just be prepared to have your video deleted if you use it, especially if you abuse it. There is another program called Tube Thumper that is only $25 a month. You can find it at I have never used it, but I have heard good things. You can use it for one month to boost all your video views and decide later whether or not you'd like to use it again. There is also free software you can use to help boost your video views which can be found at this link: This is not only free, but it is very effective. In fact, it may be just as effective as Tube Thumper. I also think it is safer to use than Tube Increaser or Tube Thumper, meaning that YouTube more than likely will not delete your video for using it. To use the free software, which is called "auto-clicker," simply choose a video that you would like to increase the views on, set the auto-clicker to click about every 5 to 10 seconds, then place the cursor over the "refresh page" button and start the auto-clicker. If you do this before you go to bed at night and let it run all night, you can easily have a couple thousand extra views on your video by the time you wake up. When you combine branching out into niche markets, branding yourself, and using the software to increase views, you will have a very powerful system. Also, I recommend that you create about 25 or so fake YouTube pages to use for the sole purpose of rating all your videos 5 stars, favoriting all your videos, and subscribing to your channel, as all of these things also increase the placement of your videos in YouTube's search results. If you have friends with YouTube pages, have them rate and favorite your videos and subscribe to your channel as well. 4. This step is optional. In fact, with YouTube's new and much more strict policies, you may wish to avoid it. It's up to you. You can create "clone" YouTube pages that you use to continue to leave comments on other people's videos while your "real" pages are accumulating views for your "real" videos in order to get them higher placements in YouTube's search results. When I say "clone" YouTube pages, I merely mean you should create pages that are identical to your "real" pages that you don't care about YouTube deleting for spamming other people's videos. After you leave enough comments on other people's videos, YouTube will eventually delete your account. They give you warnings first, but they will delete the account if you keep it up, so you obviously don't want to use the account that you've been spending your time increasing the views on, as all of that effort would then be wasted if YouTube deleted that account. So, while either Tube Increaser, Tube Thumper, or auto-clicker is increasing the views on your "real" videos from your "real" page, you should continue placing comments on other people's videos to direct them to your "clone" page that you don't care about YouTube deleting. Eventually, the views will get high enough on your "real" YouTube videos to start getting higher placement in YouTube's search results, thereby bringing in more traffic. From that point on, you can choose to either solely rely on the traffic you are getting from your "real" YouTube pages, or you can continue to combine it with the traffic you get by placing comments on other people's videos with your "clone" pages.

If you combine the two methods together, you will get incredible results, especially when you are also branching out into niche markets and targeting several specific audiences. I must warn you though, YouTube has become very strict lately, and it is possible that if they suspend one of your "clone" accounts, they may also suspend your "real" accounts, so you may just want to steer clear of creating "clone" accounts for the purpose of leaving comments on other videos. My advice is to play it safe by simply using "real" accounts and utilizing auto-clicker to increase the views. Just by using my "real" pages alone, I signed up as many as 55 people in one week with GDI, which is drastically harder to market than Revolutionary Matrix, so I think you will be just fine by using only "real" accounts and artificially increasing the views with auto-clicker. It's your call, but I suggest you play it safe, as you definitely don't want to get permanently banned from YouTube. 5. Utilize other video hosting services. After you have mastered YouTube, start branching out into other video hosting services as well. YouTube is by far the most effective service, but there are many other great video hosting services as well which are all free. A fast way to do this is by using Tube Mogul, which can be found at It is totally free and will post your videos on 23 different video hosting services. If you would like to do it individually (I recommend this, as it is always best to know what is going on with your videos instead of just trusting some company to handle everything for you), I recommend the following video hosting services. 6. Social Bookmarking. Social bookmarking is a very powerful way to increase your video's or website's ranking in Internet search results. I highly suggest you socially bookmark EVERYTHING. If you have a link to something, socially bookmark it, period. Not only should you socially bookmark the links to every single account you have with every single video hosting service you're using, but you should also socially bookmark every single link for each and ever individual video you have. Also, if you've designed a website a website to promote the business, socially bookmark it as well. Again, SOCIALLY BOOKMARK EVERYTHING. A very fast and easy way to do this is to use the service called "Socialmarker" which can be found at It is basically the social bookmarking equivalent of Tube Mogul. What Tube Mogul does for your videos, Socialmarker does for all the links you wish to socially bookmark. I highly suggest you use this service. If you need additional sources for social bookmarking, please refer to the Revolutionary Matrix forum for a full list of sites you can use to socially bookmark your links. 7. Safelists. Safe lists are services you can use to send mass emails to thousands of people who have requested information about money making ideas, home businesses, online businesses, affiliate and MLM marketing business, and other similar topics. Using safelists accomplishes two goals. First, it obviously is exposing your new business to potentially thousands of people. Second, if you promote your videos with safelists, not only will you be gaining a great deal of exposure, but all the extra views on your videos will dramatically help to increase their ranking in search results. I highly suggest you use this tactic. While many safelists are very cheap to use, they do still charge you. However, I have placed two sites below which are free safelist sites. If you would like a much longer list of safelist sites, please visit the Revolutionary Matrix forum, but for now, I encourage you to utilize these free sites while initially building your business. elitesafelist (1250 emails per day - Free) List Auction (1500 every five days - Free) There you have it folks. This is what I do. To briefly recap: 1. Branch out into as many niche markets as you can think of. 2. Brand yourself to the best of your ability and use it to psychologically guide people into trusting you by contecting with them on a personal level. 3. Use either Tube Increaser, Tube Thumper, or auto-clicker (recommended, as it's a safer choice due to

YouTube's new strict policies), to boost your video views. 4. Create "clone" YouTube pages (optional, but not recommended due to YouTube's new strict policies) to keep placing comments while the views are increasing on your "real" videos. 5. Decide if you simply want to use your "real" YouTube pages and videos or if you want to combine it with the method of placing comments with your "clone" pages and videos as well. 6. Create multiple fake YouTube pages to rate and favorite your videos and subscribe to your channels. 7. Start placing your videos on other video hosting services such as the ones I recommend above. 8. Social bookmark everything to increase rankings in search results. 9. Use safelists to gain exposure for your business and increase your video views. If you follow my system, which includes everything I stated above, you will have an entire sales force working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year throughout the entire world. ********************************************************************************** Alternative Marketing Methods. The following are ideas that you may also wish to use. I don't currently use them, but they are ideas I have used at one point, or are ideas I consider using. I do not believe that any of them are anywhere near as effective as what I stated above (BY A LONG SHOT), but they are worth a try, especially considering that they are all free. 1. Free lead services. This is a site where you can find free leads from people looking for business opportunities. It can be found at . You can contact the people either by email or phone. The best thing about the site is that the leads are all new. As soon as someone uses a lead, it is deleted from the system and replaced with a new, fresh lead. I highly suggest you try this site. Also, I encourage you to try to find other sites that provide free leads as well. A simple Google search could easily help you do so. 2. Post content articles on ezines. There are many ezines (electronic magazines, or magazines on the Internet) which will allow you to place free articles within them to advertise your business. Simply write an article of about 500 words, sign up for an ezine, and then post the article. I consider this method to be very mildly effective, but it is free and the article lasts forever, so you may wish to post some. However, if you're going to post articles to several different ezines, you are going to have to change them up a bit. If you submit the exact same article to many ezines, they won't accept it, as it will hurt their ranking in Google searches for posting duplicate information. Google hates duplicates and replication, so if you plan to write any content articles and post them to different ezines, change them up some. Also, do not make your articles flat out advertisements, and never place your link within them. If you do so, they will not be accepted. Offer helpful, useful information with your link listed only in your personal information. If a viewer wants more info, they will go to your personal info to find your link. Here is a list of ezines I recommend. 3. Online Forums. Similar to placing comments on YouTube, you can also find online forums that pertain to money making ideas, online businesses, home based businesses, etc., and place comments on various posted topics to gain attention for your business. Just as with writing content articles, do not make the comments flat out advertisements. Some forums will allow you to place your links in comments, but only if you are offering helpful and useful info. If you just write something like, "Hey, to make a lot of money go to www....," it will be deleted. You can also start your own thread by discussing revolutionary concepts behind Revolutionary Matrix that makes it so much different than any company in the world. This is very similar to writing content articles. However, when starting a new thread in an online forum, write it in a way that will engage others to want to comment on it. An example of this would be to write an article asking if people know of any legitimate online businesses or if they've been scammed by online businesses. Then go into explaining your experience with Revolutionary Matrix. You're bound to get some people who will be more than happy to tell you about how they got scammed, and they will more than likely ask you about Revolutionary Matrix. You can then reply to them by telling them about your experience with us and then kindly direct them to your link for more info. 4. Placing Free Classified Ads. Placing free classified ads is another very mild way to gain some exposure. It certainly isn't going to bring in any huge numbers, or even moderate numbers, but you may get a straggler here and there. I do not use this method, as I believe it is very ineffective, but if you have the time, it can't hurt. Here's a list of sites I recommend. Just avoid posting ads of this nature in Craigs List as it's against their Terms of Service. MySpace That's if for now folks. If I ever find another useful way to market Revolutionary Matrix, you will be the first to know. I hope you now see that I am totally committed to your success. It took me a long time and a lot of trial and error to develop all this for you, especially considering my son was bringing me every toy in the house to play with about every 60 seconds. In fact, at one point I had to stop to have a debate with him about why he can't put ketchup on his Cheerios....LOL. However, if you use this information wisely and diligently to make yourself and your downline successful, I am more than glad to have put in the effort for you. Thanks, James :-)

PS. If you have a MySpace page, please send me a friend request and a quick "hello." I would love to see who I'm working with. You can find my page at To our mutual success, James *********************************************************************************** The following information is not protected by the copyright laws pertaining to "The Revolutionary Matrix Market Plan." I have placed a list of online marketing ebooks below that have been shared with me by various people. I personally haven't read any of them, as I am already far too busy with the system I created above, but feel free to read them for more ideas if you'd like to. Based on the people who gave them to me, I would assume that the first one listed is the best, as it was given to me by my most trusted affiliate. In any case, they are yours to use if you wish to, but you must never try to sell them to anyone, as the authors of each have protected them with copyright laws. This ebook was originally shared with me by Glenn Lee, by business partner in Revolutionary Matrix, while we were still both with GDI. Free Internet (Complete How To Guide) Marketing Course: US Free Ads-to buy, sell or advertise anything! Comment Kahuna-To Get YOU Backlinks to your sites: Build a FREE Squidoo Lens(Google LOVES Squidoo)! Bum Marketing Free Internet Course

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