Follow Up Jantung.docx

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 289
  • Pages: 2
Follow Up Hari/ Tanggal HP-1 13/03/2019

S Nyeri dada menjalar hingga tangan kiri Keringat dingin Mual

O TD : 92/71 mmHg N : 80 x/menit RR : 22 x/menit T : 36


HP-2 14/03/2019

Masih nyeri dada Keringat dingin Mual (-)

TD : 90/70 mmHg N : 76 x/menit RR : 22 x/menit T : 36

CHF RBBB MS MR Susp. Pneumonia

HP-3 15/03/2019

Nyeri dada menjalar hingga tangan kiri berkurang Keringat dingin (-) Mual (-) Batuk jarang

TD : 90/68 mmHg N : 86 x/menit RR : 22 x/menit T : 36

CHF RBBB MS MR Susp. Pneumonia

CHF RBBB MS MR Susp. Pneumonia

P IVFD RL 12 tpm Inj Furosemid 3x1 A Inj Ranitidin 2x1 A Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr PO ISDN 3x5 mg PO Aspilet 1x1 tab PO NAC 3x1 caps PO PCT 4x1 tab PO Spironolacton 1x12,5 mg IVFD RL 12 tpm Inj Furosemid 3x1 A Inj Ranitidin 2x1 A Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr PO ISDN 3x5 mg PO Aspilet 1x1 tab PO NAC 3x1 caps PO PCT 4x1 tab PO Spironolacton 1x12,5 mg IVFD RL 12 tpm Inj Furosemid 3x1 A Inj Ranitidin 2x1 A Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr

HP-4 16/03/2019

Nyeri dada menjalar hingga tangan kiri berkurang Keringat dingin (-) Mual (-) Batuk jarang

TD : 100/60 mmHg N : 55 x/menit RR : 20 x/menit T : 36,7

CHF RBBB MS MR Susp. Pneumonia

PO ISDN 3x5 mg PO Aspilet 1x1 tab PO NAC 3x1 caps PO PCT 4x1 tab PO Spironolacton 1x12,5 mg IVFD RL 12 tpm Inj Furosemid 3x1 A Inj Ranitidin 2x1 A Inj Ceftriaxone 2x1 gr PO ISDN 3x5 mg PO Aspilet 1x1 tab PO NAC 3x1 caps PO PCT 4x1 tab PO Spironolacton 1x12,5 mg BLPL

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