Follow Up Dr

  • October 2019
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FEB. 26 Homeopathy Dr. Tutt Follow up – with most the physical sx’s have relieved, but the mental emotional get worse. Lac humanum case – MS. The physical’s got better, but the mental emotion got worse. Flashbacks started of concentration camps, really terrible things, etc. This would be a case of suppression. This is especially seen in sexual abuse, where you have blank outs of consciousness. The subconscious will come up. If you suppress it here b/c it’s too hard to emotionally deal with, you’d go back to square one. After a good remedy, the person will start remembering dreams. Mean’s the px is allowing themselves to dip into their subconscious and remember their dreams. It’s a good healthy sign for a remedy. The pathology can get better, but the skin will flare up. This is an aggravation, likely a detox reaction. Teenagers – with acne. In some cases it will clear great, but some it will be the last sx to go. Ex. Calcarea arsenicum case. A nasty daughter. Is it their state or is their other things that are contributing to the nasty behaviour (need to determine this). She was always disappointed with presents, never satisfied. Was rude to family, etc. she has severe sore throats and tendency to gag in the morning. After the remedy, telling the mother she loves her, giving hugs. Complete changes in behaviour. In this case the behaviour was the chief pathology along with the skin. So if the behaviour is improving, it’s a good sign for the remedy. Her skin took 6 months to clear up. Which is tough, cuz the only thing the teenager wants is to clear the skin. With skin, always dose below 30C due to the likeliness of a flare up. One dose and wait for 6 wks. Redose as needed. If you’re redosing at 30 or 200C each week or day, the symptoms will be intensified and you will be proving the remedy. 30C – 6wks, unless they’re on medications, then check once a month. 200C – once every 2-3 months 1M – once every 4 months With someone who uses a lot of alcohol don’t change the redosing pattern With heavy pot smoking, might redoes differently – best person to look to for this information is Lou Klien Patient Arrives One remedy was given – called after 2 wks and redosed 30C Concluded at that point that it was not the right remedy.

Opium dosed 1st and he had a great response during the first 3 days. Red flag concern if a good response is seen to early in a chronic case. (Dr. Tutt prescribed this based on private information she received after class case). Follow up from one week of taking the new remedy. (He took it on the past Monday). Will see again in a month as well. China sulfuricum was dosed this second time. **need to have a one page summary to refer to during the follow up to be able to look back on. PX: the first remedy. Given 6-7 pellets. The idea is to not eat for half an hour. Dissolved under the tongue and did 2 wk intervals. I think the first week approach, I didn’t feel much the first day, but the second day I really started feeling good. That’s remarkable for me, cuz I can count those days on one hand for the past 20 yrs. I think that lasted about 3 days and then I really started feeling poorly, maybe even worse than usual. The little malaise that I was feeling was exacerbated. After I talked to you the idea was that I’d cease that right away. (pt forgets that he took the second dose of the remedy, but dr. reminds),. Nevertheless I’ve had some of the worst days I’ve had in the winter ever. And the winter is worse for me usually. I was feeling worse and that’s when you told me to knock it off until you gave it some thought and gave another approach. Second remedy I didn’t feel much for a few days, didn’t feel a great difference. I saw the doctor that I see in the established medical world and she was all for this and very supporting. (took pill on Monday). 3-4 days in it I started a ramp up to feel significantly better. These pellets, I feel amazed that they work so well. Ache in the joints still and I’ve noticed a lessening. I’m really encouraged right now. Even when I miss sleep I don’t feel as bad. My daughter in law – she’s had a h/a and a bad time for about a month. She went to the hospital, they found a spot on her brain so she’s been spending some time in Sunnybrook. She will be operated on right away. We were feeling devastated from this news, so I haven’t gotten any sleep last night. It’s been a very stressful 2 days. Normally I would be wiped out flat and in bed for 2 days after this, but I don’t feel that bad. It has been really rough. This kind of stress would cause me a lack of sleep, so I’m doing well. I’m telling you, I don’t get many good days and everything has been a little bit better over the last while. I don’t know what the heck was in those things, but bring them on and keep them coming. The aches in the back of my knees aren’t so bad. My appetite, I notice I’m enjoying… my taste buds seem to have rejuvenated. I don’t know what that’s got to do with, but I’m enjoying my taste buds. What I’m waiting for, I haven’t been able to smell anything for years, so I’m keeping an eye on that.

One of the significant changes I’ve noticed. I take 20mg of oxy’s 8-10/day. When I wake up there’s a knawing that has been telling my body to get some codeine. You really feel when it’s wearing off with the cold sweats and the rubbery feeling, the jitters. But that hasn’t been happening lately. The effects of the codeine withdraw after waking have been minor. I can see that that’s going to be very helpful. (dr. - a good remedy is the best thing to come off of any medication). There is a real desire to have a pill or two whenever, especially when you wake up, b/c you’ve gone for a long time without them. Elbow, back and neck are always in problem. The knees for the last year have been the worst. A general feeling they’ve been better. The appetite and enjoying food again is great. Feeling less aches and pains and I’m not craving the codeine as much. That’s pretty big news to me. (itching?) Sometimes when you haven’t had the codeine in a while or when you’ve overshot the dosage, you feel itchy, which hasn’t happened lately. I’ve been taking less. I probably am ball parking around 6 for the past week or so. I’m a little bit less irritable. I’m not as down physically, not as depressed. I’m feeling void somewhat. 3 or 4 things I’ve noticed I’ve improved on. So I’m really encouraged. After the news of my daughter in law, being the spiritual person I am, I wanted to get as many ravid Christians on the case so they can pray and get together. I got really angry really quick with my mother, cuz it went global on me. I flipped out for a second, but I was able to reign it in. it showed me that maybe I had a bit more ability to take control of the situation. Generally that would have set me off in one of the funks that I get myself into. For many years now I’ve been in a trough where situations would make a flare up and react. It’s a big step for me to go through this and stay calm. Imagine having a flu for 1520 years and that’s what its like energy wise for me. When you get a couple of encouraging nuggets it’s a big deal for me. There’s a lot of ups and downs. It’s hard to know what a neutral day is for me. I’m going to say I feel 30-40% better overall. The smell hasn’t been coming back. I have no idea why. (there’s a question there whether this is physical damage or whether it’s a part of the remedy picture – dr. tutt). (changes in perspiration) I just don’t sweat ever. I haven’t noticed any change thus far. If theres anything to do with my feeling this way due to a toxicity that I’m not getting rid of cuz I’m not sweating. (changes in food cravings?) no changes, but I’ve came across a few meals that I’ve really enjoyed in the last week like fish and chips, apple pie. I noticed how good those tasted.

(dreams?) – nothing remarkable there. No change that I can comment on. I’ve never noticed a cycle, its hit or miss if I dream. (relationships changed or has any family members noticed?) (dr. – a wife can sometimes see the remedy’s working before the px can) I tend to lead a lifestyle where I’ve kind of dropped out a bit. The last few years I really haven’t been seeing anyone at all, just a quick hello I haven’t been very social. My wife and I have a very unique situation right now. The empty nest. We can have some very stressful times her and I. its hard for me to comment on that question, there hasn’t been any real remarkable changes there. (sleep patterns?) – no. that’s something I really have to see. That’s a real key to my getting better. I hate going to sleep. (dr. – he loves to stay up all night. Its not something that most patients will say with these remedies). (h/a’s after the accidents) – intense neck problem h/a’s after the first accident for a couple of years and then h/a’s after the second accident. They have all since subsided and I don’t suffer from h/a’s now. I had ever so slightly the threshold of a h/a for a first couple of days. I just assumed that it was a little bit of what was going around in the neighbourhood. I had a mild h/a for the first couple of days when I started to feel better. (china is in the coffee family) (mental fogginess) – used to play rock and roll for a living. Nickname/stage name = fogman, cuz us I’m always somewhere else. I can say that I haven’t felt anywhere near the mentally foggy in the last few days. This is really something, cuz I’ve had maybe 3 or 4 days in the last decade or two where I haven’t felt bad. For me to have the first couple of days with the first remedy was great. This second run of pellets for me to feel significant better for several days is really something, cuz it has never happened before since the onset of the fibromyalgia. I’ve been consistently feeling lousy. Never for 3 or 4 days in a row have I felt better. I think its really notable. (memory) – I haven’t got sleep. But the memory hasn’t been wose. It’s probably held the same. But who knows in the next few months.

Follow-Up (Patient gone)

Dr. Tutt repertorized this case this afternoon will go over the rubrics and the process in which she did the analysis and how she made the decision to chose the remedy. Asked John to come to the next session in a month from now. And prepared a lecture for different ways to repertorize the cases and how to think outside of the box. A month after that, there is an open panel discussion with all of the doctors. Sometimes the mentals get better and physicals get worse. Otherwise too. If the true pathology is mental, you can be tolerable to an exacerbation of physical sx’s. Case hemorrhoids. She was so sick that she couldn’t work, function, etc. part of her hx was severe hemorrhoids that are suppressed. The classic situation is you suppress childhood eczema and within a year they develop asthma. Suppression like this. After the remedy, 1 month later, the hemorrhoids came back. She couldn’t touch them, keep area clean but don’t aggravate the hemorrhoids. After they cleared up there was a total healing of the case. Pellacanus case – these ppl are incredibly fastidious (pelican’s). they fly in a precise formation, lined up behind each other. Suspected: each sx comes up and then goes away. Each one week after week. The other thing you’ll find like with a severe sore throat. They get them so often that they know the pattern. A really good sign in a follow up is if they now they’re going to get something, but it never comes. The returning of symptoms flaring up and then going away is important. *birds – colitis and ibs and chrons connection is important. With a skin condition, be more tolerable to the recurring symptoms and the length of time they are present. Most important is that they don’t do anything to the excema or the symptom to suppress it. Need to just let it resolve itself. The remedy allows the body to go into the body and allow it to do what it needs to do, the symptom is expressed and the body resolves it one last time for good. The body was trying to do its thing, but it was stuck somewhere, so you need the remedy to come in and help it out. Remembering dreams – can frighten some pxs. It’s a really good sign if someone never dreams and then they start remembering them. Important sign with suppressed types like carcinonum. Pain – px’s forget their pain. Use a scale of 1-10 and get them to quantify it.

Dr. tutt’s first follow up is in 4-6wks. In that time a sx should have come up and be resolved but that is not always going to be the case. Look at the whole picture. If everything is better and there is just one symptom that is present still you need to assess the overall progress that has been made. One scenario – eczema/asthma. Give a good remedy and NEVER dose above a 30C when there is anything that is life threatening (like childhood asthma). If you give the wrong remedy there is some potential for aggravation. Same goes with serious mental symptoms. Its too overwhelming for them. Here, leave the skin alone, maybe allow calendula. If the skin condition doesn’t change but everything else changes. In a lot of skin conditions it should start to get better. If it itches, the first sign should be that the itching is going away. That’s the good sign of a remedy. Antidote and aggravation – have needed to 2-3 times. Sniff vicks vapour rub b/c it has camphor in it. It’s the easiest, quickest antidote.

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