Flat Earth Koran 12 Of 13 - Koran Science & Cosmology (part 3)

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The Flat Earth Koran 12 of 13 – Koran Science & Cosmology (Part 3)

3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


An interpretation of the Cosmology of the Koran & a critique of Islamic Fundamentalism

3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Classification of the types of Scientific Miracles said to be found in the Koran There are perhaps about 100 – 120 different alleged Scientific Miracles in the Koran, according to Islamic Fundamentalists. They appear to fall into the categories in this chart. These Presentations will focus on the alleged relating to Astronomy, Cosmology & the Physical Sciences. 3rd September 2009

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Section 3 – Islam & the Earth

3rd September 2009

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Claims about the Earth and Moon 32) Earth a rotating sphere 33) Egg shaped Earth

42) Mountains & stability 43) Lowest point on Earth

34) Spherical Earth

44) Earths Crust

35) Earths rotation

45) 7 layers of Crust

36) 7 Atmospheric layers

46) Continental Drift

37) Thin air at altitude

47) The 2 Sea’s (HY)

38) Protective Atmosphere

48) The 2 Sea’s (MB)

39) More on Atmosphere

49) Mid Ocean ridges

40) Atmospheric depletion

50) Darkness underwater

41) Ozone layer

All these things and more are supposedly referred to in the Koran, but these claims are all false, as this presentation will show. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 32 – The Koran implies that the Earth is Spherical & rotating

3rd September 2009

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Claim 32 Earth is Spherical & rotating "Hast thou not seen how God merges the night into the day & merges the day into the night." Surah 31:29 Bucaille ". . . He coils the night upon the day and he coils the day upon the night." Surah 39:5 Bucaille & Harun Yahya

3rd September 2009

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Claim 32 Earth is Spherical & rotating 1. 2.

3. 4.

According to this claim, the Koran alluded to the Earth being a sphere and rotating 1400 years ago. Such information it is aid, was not known until the C16th AD when Magellan circumnavigated the Earth and Copernicus proposed his Heliocentric theory. The Koran is thus said to have been 900 years ahead of its time. Many Muslims claims that the existence of such information in the Koran in the C7th AD can only be explained by accepting a Divine origin of the Koran and the truth of Islam.

3rd September 2009

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Magellan and Copernicus LHS: Magellan (top) & Copernicus (bottom) Some Muslims like to claims that the Koran foretold the Earth is a sphere in the C7th, thus proving its Divine origin. According to these claims, nobody knew that the World was a sphere until 1522 when the survivors of Ferdinand Magellan's expedition arrived back in Spain after sailing around the World. It is also claimed by some that nobody knew of the Earths rotation every 24 hours until Copernicus published his Heliocentric theory in 1543. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 31:29 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Hast thou not seen how Allah causeth the night to pass into the day and causeth the day to pass into the night, and hath subdued the Sun and the Moon. (to do their work)” Yusuf Ali “Seest thou not that God merges night into day and he merges day into night; that he has subjected the Sun, and the Moon. (to his law)” Hilali-Khan “See you not (O Muhammad SAW) that Allah merges the night into the day (i.e. the decrease in the hours of the night are added in the hours of the day), and merges the day into the night (i.e. the decrease in the hours of day are added in the hours of night), and has subjected the Sun and the Moon.” Shakir “Do you not see that Allah makes the night to enter into the day, and he makes the day to enter into the night, and He has made the Sun and the Moon subservient. (to you)”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 31:29 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “Seest thou not that Allah makes the night pass into the day and makes the day pass into the night, and he has pressed the Sun and the Moon into service.” Khalifa “Do you not realize that God merges the night into the day and merges the day into the night, and that he has committed the Sun and the Moon in your service.” Arberry “Hast thou not seen how that God makes the night to enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night. and he has Palmer “Dost thou not see that God joins on the night to the day, and joins on the day to the night, and has subjected the Sun and the Moon.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 31:29 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “Seest thou not that God causeth the night to come in upon the day, and the day to come in upon the night? and that he hath subjected the Sun and the Moon Sale “Dost thou not see that God causeth the night to succeed the day, and causeth the day to succeed the night, and compelleth the Sun and the Moon to serve [you]? Irving “Have you not seen how God wraps night up in daylight and wraps daylight up in night? He regulates the Sun and Moon.” Dawood “Do you not see how God causes the night to pass into the day and the day to pass into the night?He has pressed the Sun and the Moon into his service.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 39:5 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “He hath created the Heavens and the Earth with truth. He maketh night to succeed day, and He maketh day to succeed night, and He constraineth the Sun and the Moon to give service.” Yusuf Ali “He created the Heavens and the Earth in true (proportions): He makes the Night overlap the Day, and the Day overlap the Night: He has subjected the Sun and the Moon. (to His law)” Hilali-Khan “He has created the Heavens and the Earth with truth. He makes the night to go in the day and makes the day to go in the night. Shakir “He has created the Heavens and the Earth with the truth; He makes the night cover the day and makes the day overtake the night, and He has made the Sun and the Moon subservient.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 39:5 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “He created the Heavens and the Earth in accordance with the requirements of wisdom. He makes the night to cover the day, and He makes the day to cover the night; and he has pressed the Sun and the Moon into service.” Khalifa “He created the Heavens and the Earth truthfully. He rolls the night over the day, and rolls the day over the night. He committed the Sun and the Moon.” Rodwell “For truth hath he created the Heavens and the Earth: It is of him that the night returneth upon the day and that the day returneth upon the night: and he controlleth the Sun and the Moon.” Sale “He hath created the Heavens and the Earth with truth: He causeth the night to succeed the day, and he causeth the day to succeed the night, and he obligeth the Sun and the Moon to perform their services.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 39:5 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “For truth hath he created the Heavens and the Earth: It is of him that the night returneth upon the day and that the day returneth upon the night: and He controlleth the Sun and the Moon.” Sale “He hath created the Heavens and the Earth with truth: He causeth the night to succeed the day, and he causeth the day to succeed the night, and he obligeth the Sun and the Moon to perform their services.” Irving “He has created Heaven and Earth for truth. He wraps night up in daytime, and wraps daytime up in night. He regulates the Sun and Moon.” Dawood “It was to reveal the truth that he created the Heavens and the Earth. He caused the night to succeed the day and the day to overtake the night. He made the Sun and the Moon obedient to him.” 3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 32 (Surah 31:29/39:5 ) 1. 2.

3. 4.


Its is not true to claim that the spherical shape of the Earth was unknown in the C7th AD. The ancient Greeks proposed that the Earth was a sphere in the C6th BC.All educated Greeks and Romans after around 300 BC were aware of the true shape of the Earth.Educated people in Europe and the Middle East never lost this knowledge. However, Surahs 31:29 & 39:5 do not imply that the Earth must be a sphere. All that these verses are saying that the hours of light gradually decrease during the evening and gradually increase in the morning.The Koran is saying that daylight does not suddenly switch on & off like a light bulb. Even on a Flat Earth with a moving Sun this would still occur. 3rd September 2009

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Discovery of the Spherical Earth

The Ancient Greek Philosopher, Pythagoras (570BC - 490 BC) proposed that the Earth was a sphere 2500 years ago 3rd September 2009

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Aristotle and the Spherical Earth

The Ancient Greek Philosopher, Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) popularised the idea that that the Earth was a sphere 3rd September 2009

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Eratosthenes and the Spherical Earth

The Philosopher, Eratosthenes (276 BC-194 BC) worked out a method to accurately measure the size of the Earth.

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Crates and the Spherical Earth Left: Modern interpretation of an Ancient Greek Globe. The Philosopher, Crates of Mallus (Second Century BC) is said to have constructed a Globe to show the whole World.

3rd September 2009

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Ptolemy and the Spherical Earth

Around AD150, the Greek Philosopher Ptolemy summarised the work of many earlier Greek Scientists.Ptolemy imagined a spherical Earth fixed in the centre of the Universe with the Sun and Planets moving around it. 3rd September 2009

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Try this Experiment

Candle representing the Sun

Table representing the Flat Earth of the Koran.

If you try this experiment in a dark room and move the candle around the table, the light levels on the tables surface will gradually increase and decrease just like night & day. The Earth does not have to be a sphere for this to occur.

3rd September 2009

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The Sun & Earth according to the Koran The Sun is just a little light moving in the Sky

Flat Earth – Like the surface of a table

Setting Place 3rd September 2009

Rising Place 12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Claim 32 (Surah 31:29 / 39:5 ) - Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


There is nothing remarkable about somebody in the C7th AD knowing that the Earth was a sphere. However, the Koran does not imply that the Earth is a sphere. All these verses say is that daylight increases in the morning and decreases during the night. This gradual change does not necessarily imply that the Earth is a sphere. Even though educated people in Mohammed's time knew that the Earth was a Sphere, there is no evidence that the author of the Koran knew this. This implies that the Koran is a human work written by a poorly educated person such as Mohammed or his followers.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 33 – The Koran says that the Earth is Egg Shaped

3rd September 2009

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Claim 33 Egg Shaped Earth

After that He smoothed out the Earth. (in a circle) Surah 79:30 Harun Yahya The Earth is not a perfect sphere and according to some Muslims, this is alluded to in the Koran.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 33 Earth is Egg Shaped 1.

According to this claim, the Koran alluded to the Earth not only being a sphere 1400 years ago, but it also alluded to the Earth being slightly Egg Shaped due to differing Polar and Equatorial diameters.


This information was not known until centuries later it is claimed.


How, we are asked could Mohammed have known this if God had not told him?


Supporters of this claim say that this information in the Koran proves its divine origin and the truth of Islam.

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Surah 79:30 Checking the translation Pickthall “And after that He spread the Earth.” Yusuf Ali “And the Earth, moreover, hath He extended. (to a wide expanse)” Hilali-Khan “And after that He spread the Earth.” Shakir “And the Earth, He expanded it after that.” Sher Ali “And the Earth, along with it, He has spread forth.” Khalifa “He made the Earth egg-shaped.” Arberry “And the Earth-after that He spread it out.” Palmer “And the Earth after that He did stretch out.” Rodwell “And afterwards stretched forth the Earth.” Sale After his he stretched out the Earth.” Irving “And the Earth has He spread out besides.” Dawood ”After that he spread the Earth.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 79:30 Egg shaped Earth? Non Spherical Ostrich Egg

“He made the Earth egg shaped” - Khalifa Some say that this verse describes the Earth as a sphere. There is said to be an allusion to an ostrich egg which is supposedly spherical. But this is not an accurate translation since eleven other translations contradict it. Besides this,the Earth is not egg shaped.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 79:26-31 In context “Lo! herein is indeed a lesson for him who feareth Are ye the harder to create, or is the Heaven that He built? He raised the height thereof and ordered it; and He made dark the night thereof, and He brought forth the morn thereof. And after that He spread the Earth, And produced therefrom the water thereof and the pasture thereof” Surah 79:26-31- Pickthall Viewed in context, verse 30 is part of a description of God creating the Universe.Firstly, God created Heaven or the Sky and then lifted it up like a roof of a building. Next, he spread out Earth like a flat floor.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 33 Egg Shaped Earth In reality, the Earth, while not being a perfect sphere is so close to being one that the deviation cannot be seen. Even if you were in Outer Space & looking back at the Earth, it would look like a perfect sphere. The Earth is nothing like the shape of an Egg.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 33 (Surah 79:30 ) - Conclusion 1.

The Koran does not say that the Earth is Egg shaped.Such claims are based on an inaccurate translation.


Even if the Koran did say that the Earth was Egg shaped, it would be wrong.The Earths shape is nothing like an Egg.


This is an example of some Muslims rewriting verse of the Koran in order to fabricate evidence to support their Religion.


This claim is a fraud whatever way you look at it.

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Claim 34 – The Koran implies that the Earth is a Sphere

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Claim 34 Two East's and two West's indicate a spherical Earth

“He is Lord of the two East's & Lord of the two West's.” Surah 55:17

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Claim 34 Two East's and two West's 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

According to this claim, the Koran alluded to the Earth being a sphere 1400 years ago. When we observe the Sun setting in the West, a person on the other side of the Earth will observe it rising in the East. When we observe the Sun rising in the East, a person on the other side of the Earth would observe it setting in the West. Thus, there are said to be two East's and two West's alluding to observers on opposite sides of a spherical Earth. This information was not known until centuries later it is claimed. How, we are asked could Mohammed have known this if God had not told him? Supporters of this claim say that this information in the Koran proves its Divine origin and the truth of Islam.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 55:17 Checking the translation Pickthall “Lord of the two East's, and Lord of the two West's!” Yusuf Ali (He is) Lord of the two East's and Lord of the two West's.” Hilali-Khan “(He is) the Lord of the two East's (places of sunrise during early summer and early winter) and the Lord of the two West's (places of sunset during early summer and early winter).” Shakir “Lord of the East and Lord of the West.” Sher Ali “The Lord of the two East's and the Lord of the two West's.” Khalifa “Lord of the two East's and the two West's.” Arberry “Lord of the two East's, Lord of the two West's.” Palmer “The Lord of the two East's and the Lord of the two West's!” Rodwell “He is the Lord of the East, he is the Lord of the West.” Sale “[He is] the Lord of the East, and the Lord of the West.” Irving “Lord of both East's and Lord of both West's!” Dawood “The lord of the two East’s is he and the Lord of the two West's.” 3rd September 2009

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The 2 East’s

The 2 West’s

3rd September 2009

What the two East's & two West's really mean 12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Heraclius and Chosroes Left: A Medieval representation of the Byzantine Emperor, Heraclius (RHS) defeating the Persian Emperor Chroses (LHS) in a battle during the lifetime of Mohammed. Both men would almost certainly known that the Earth was a sphere.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 55:17 The 2 East's & 2 West's This is probably how Mohammed envisaged the two East’s and the two West’s The 2 West’s

3rd September 2009

The 2 East’s

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Claim 34 (Surah 55:17 ) - Conclusion 1.

The references to “two East’s” and “two West's “ does not imply that the Earth is spherical.


Even if it did, there is nothing remarkable about such knowledge, since it was known in the time of Mohammed.


The author of the Koran does not seem to know that the Earth is a sphere despite this.


This is just another example of desperate Islamic Fundamentalists grasping at straws to find evidence to support heir Religious beliefs. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 35: The Koran refers to the rotation of the Earth

3rd September 2009

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Claim 35 Rotation of the Earth

“You will see the mountains and reckon them to be solid; but they go past like clouds-the handiwork of Allah who gives to everything its solidity. He is aware of what you do.” Surah 27:88 Harun Yahya

3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:88 Rotation of the Earth 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

According to this claim, the Koran alludes to the Earth’s rotation over 900 years before Copernicus proposed it in 1543. The reference to mountains passing is said to refer to mountains on the Earths surface moving around with the Earth as it rotates. How, we are asked, could Mohammed have known such information unless he received it from God? Thus, we are told, the Koran has been proven to be of Divine origin and Islam is true. However, this is all nonsense.

3rd September 2009

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Aristarchus of Samos

Copernicus was not the first person to propose That the Earth rotated. Aristarchus of Samos (310 BC – ca. 230 BC) proposed this 2300 years ago but his ideas were not accepted. However, this is not what the Koran is referring to. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:88 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And thou seest the hills thou deemest solid flying with the flight of clouds: Yusuf Ali “Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: Hilali-Khan “And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. Shakir “And you see the mountains, you think them to be solid, and they shall pass away as the passing away of the cloud Sher Ali “And thou seest the mountains, which thou thinkest to be firmly fixed, pass away as the clouds pass away Khalifa “When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:88 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “And thou shalt see the mountains, that thou supposest fixed, passing by like clouds Palmer “And thou shalt see the mountains, which thou dost deem solid, pass away like the passing of the clouds Rodwell “And thou shalt see the mountains, which thou thinkest so firm, pass away with the passing of a cloud! Sale “And thou shalt see the mountains, and shalt think them firmly fixed; but they shall pass away, even as the clouds pass away. Irving “You will see the mountains, which you reckoned were solid, slip away just as clouds slip away.” Dawood “The mountains, firm though you might think them, will pass away like clouds.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:88 God causes the Mountains to pass away on Judgment Day This is what the “passing” of mountains means.

With Mountains

The Koran says that the mountains will be removed by God at the End of the World. This has nothing to do with mountains actually moving in the present day.

Without Mountains

Level Plain = Flat Earth

3rd September 2009

See also: Surah 18:47 & Surah 84:1-4

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Surah 18:47 God will cause the Mountains to pass away on Judgment Day Pickthall “And (bethink you of) the Day when we remove the hills and ye see the Earth emerging, and We gather them together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Yusuf Ali “One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the Earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.” Hilali-Khan “And (remember) the Day We shall cause the mountains to pass away (like clouds of dust), and you will see the Earth as a levelled plain, and we shall gather them all together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Shakir “And the day on which We will cause the mountains to pass away and you will see the Earth a levelled plain and We will gather them and leave not any one of them behind.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:47 Continued Sher Ali “And bethink of the day when we shall remove the mountains and thou wilt see the nations of the Earth march forth against one another and we shall gather them all together and shall not leave any one of them behind.” Khalifa “The day will come when we wipe out the mountains, and you will see the Earth barren. We will summon them all, not leaving out a single one of them.” Arberry “And on the day We shall set the mountains in motion, and thou seest the Earth coming forth, and We muster them so that We leave not so much as one of them behind.” Palmer “And the day when we will move the mountains, and thou shalt see the (whole) Earth stalking forth; and we will gather them, and will not leave one of them behind.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:47 Continued Rodwell And call to mind the day when we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth a levelled plain, and we will gather mankind together, and not leave of them any one. Sale On a [certain] day we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth appearing plain [and even]; and we will gather [mankind] together, and we will not leave any one of them behind Irving “Some day We shall set the mountains travelling along and you will see the Earth lying exposed” Dawood “Tell of the day when we shall blot out the mountains and make Earth a barren waste.”

3rd September 2009

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Claim 35 (Surah 27:38 ) - Conclusion • • • • •

The Ancient Greek Philosopher Aristarchus proposed that the Earth rotates in the C3rd BC, 900 years before Mohammed and 1700 years before Copernicus. However, the Koran does not refer to the Earths rotation.The references to the mountains “passing” refers to them passing away (being removed) and not passing by. This verse refers to God removing the Earths Mountains at the End of the World sometime in the future and not in the present day. Interpreting this verse as a supposed reference to the Earths rotation is based on taking it out of context and distorting the meaning. This is another example of distorting the Koran to support extreme Religious beliefs. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 36 – The Koran correctly says that there are seven layers in the Earths atmosphere

3rd September 2009

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Claim 36 Seven Layers of the Atmosphere According to this claim, the Koran referred to the existence of seven layers in the Earths atmosphere 1400 years ago when it speaks of “Seven Heavens” These layers were only discovered in the C20th. How, we are asked, could Mohammed have known this 1400 years before modern science, unless God had told him? According to this claim, such scientific fore-knowledge proves the Divine authorship of the Koran. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 36 Seven Layers of the Atmosphere “It is He Who created everything on the Earth for you and then directed His attention up to Heaven and arranged it into seven regular Heavens. He has knowledge of all things.” Surah 2:29 Harun Yahya “Then He turned to Heaven when it was smoke. In two days He determined them as seven heavens and revealed, in every heaven, its own mandate.” Surah 41:11-12 Harun Yahya “He Who created the seven Heavens in layers… “ Surah 67:3 Harun Yahya “Do you not see how He created seven Heavens in layers? Surah 71:15 Harun Yahya

3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 36 (Multiple Surahs ) 1.

The “Seven Heavens” of the Koran cannot possibly be a reference to the layers of the atmosphere since this would contradict Surah 37:6 which says that the Stars are in the lowest of the Seven Heavens & only a few miles away. This is nonsense.


According to the Koran and Hadith, the Seven Heavens are where God and his Angels live.Good Muslims go there when they die.


The Sky above our heads is the floor of the lowest level of the Seven Heavens.


Each Heaven is associated with a particular Prophet and God is above the Seventh or highest Heaven. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 37:6 Stars in Lowest Heaven According to the Koran, the Stars are just little lights attached to lowest Heaven. If the Seven Heavens refer to the Atmosphere, then the Stars are only a few miles away. This is absurd.

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Surah 37:6 Stars in Lowest Heaven Pickthall “Lo! We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an ornament, the planets.” Yusuf Ali “We have indeed decked the lower Heaven with beauty (in) the stars.” Hilali-Khan “Verily! We have adorned the near Heaven with the stars (for beauty).” Shakir “Surely We have adorned the nearest Heaven with an adornment, the stars.” Sher Ali “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an adornment - the Khalifa “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with adorning planets.”

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Surah 37:6 Continued Arberry “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Palmer “Verily, we have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Rodwell “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Sale “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the ornament of the Stars.” Irving “We have beautified the worldly Sky with the splendour of Stars .” Dawood “We have decked the lower Heaven with Constellations.”

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7 6 5 4 3 2 1

3rd September 2009

Surah 17:1 Mohammed in the Seven Heavens This traditional Islamic painting shows Mohammed visiting the seven Heavens which are up in the Sky These are portrayed as seven solid layers in the Sky where good Muslims go when they die.The Hadith and Koran support this view of seven Heavens

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Mohammed ascends to the 7 Heavens Al-Bukhari Volume 4 Book 54 Number 429 Al-Buraq, a white animal, smaller than a mule and bigger than a donkey was brought to me and I set out with Gabriel. When I reached the nearest heaven. Gabriel said to the heaven gate-keeper, 'Open the gate.' The gatekeeper asked, 'Who is it?' He said, 'Gabriel.' The gate-keeper,' Who is accompanying you?' Gabriel said, 'Muhammad.' The gate-keeper said, 'Has he been called?' Gabriel said, 'Yes.' Then it was said, 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!' Then I met Adam and greeted him and he said, 'You are welcomed O son and a Prophet.' Then we ascended to the second heaven. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel said, 'Gabriel.' It was said, 'Who is with you?' He said, 'Muhammad' It was asked, 'Has he been sent for?' He said, 'Yes.' It was said, 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!" Then I met Jesus and Yahya (John) who said, 'You are welcomed, O brother and a Prophet.' Then we ascended to the third heaven. It was asked, 'Who is it?' Gabriel said, 'Gabriel.' It was asked, 'Who is with you? Gabriel said, 'Muhammad.' It was asked, 'Has he been sent for?' 'Yes,' said Gabriel. 'He is welcomed. What a wonderful visit his is!' (The Prophet added:). There I met Joseph and greeted him, and he replied, 'You are welcomed, O brother and a Prophet!' (Continued on next slide) 3rd September 2009

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Mohammed ascends to the 7 Heavens Al-Bukhari Volume 4 Book 54 Number 429 (Continued from previous slide) Then we ascended to the 4th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There I met Idris and greeted him. He said, 'You are welcomed O brother and Prophet.' Then we ascended to the 5th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in previous heavens. there I met and greeted Aaron who said, 'You are welcomed O brother and a Prophet". Then we ascended to the 6th heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There I met and greeted Moses who said, 'You are welcomed O brother and. a Prophet.' When I proceeded on, he started weeping and on being asked why he was weeping, he said, 'O Lord! Followers of this youth who was sent after me will enter Paradise in greater number than my followers.' Then we ascended to the seventh heaven and again the same questions and answers were exchanged as in the previous heavens. There I met and greeted Abraham who said, 'You are welcomed o son and a Prophet.' Then I was shown Al-Bait-al-Ma'mur (i.e. Allah's House). 3rd September 2009

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Seven Heavens above the Earth Al-Tirmidhi 5735 He then asked, "Do you know what is above you?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) knew best, he said, "It is the firmament, a ceiling which is guarded and waves which are kept back." He then asked, "Do you know what is between you and it?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) knew best, he said, "Between you and it are five hundred years." He then asked, "Do you knew what is above that?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) best he said, "Two heavens with a distance of five hundred years between them." He went on speaking like that till he counted seven heavens, the distance between each pair being like between Heaven and Earth. He then asked, "Do you know what is above that?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) knew best, he said, "Above that is the Throne, and the distance between it and the (seventh) heaven is the same as that between each pair of heavens." 3rd September 2009

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Names of the Seven Heavens

7 6 5 4 3 Number

2 1

The Seven Heavens of Islam Name Description Rafi' (‫ع( یرف‬ Qaydum (‫دوم( یق‬ Marum (‫)ماروم‬ Arfalun (‫)أرفللللللون‬ Hay'oun (‫)هيللعلون‬ Arous (‫)عروس‬ Ajma' (‫)عجماء‬

1st Heaven 2nd Heaven 3rd Heaven 4th Heaven 5th Heaven 6th Heaven 7th Heaven

Heaven of Adam Heaven of John Heaven of Joseph Heaven of Idris Heaven of Aaron Heaven of Moses Heaven of Abraham


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Claim 36 (Multiple Surahs ) - Conclusion 1.

The Seven Heavens cannot be layers of the atmosphere since this contradicts, the Koran,Hadith and modern Science.


The Seven Heavens are mythical places in the Sky where dead people are supposed to be, along with God and his Angels.


Instead of being in accord with modern Science, the concept of Seven Heavens shows the Koran to be in error and a book of Human origin.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 37 – The Koran correctly mentions how the air gets thinner with altitude

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Claim 37 Thin air higher up “...And whomever he wills to send astray, he makes his bosom narrow & strained as if he was ascending into the sky.” Surah 6:125 According to this claim, the Koran miraculously predicted that the air gets thinner with height 1000 years ahead of modern Science.

3rd September 2009

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Evangelista Torricelli The fact that the air gets thinner with increasing altitude was not discovered until AD1643 when Evangelista Torricelli invented the Barometer. Some Muslims claim that the Koran referred to this phenomena over 1000 years before Torricelli. This is claimed to be evidence of the Divine origin of the Koran and the truth of Islam.

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Response to Claim 37 (Surah 6:125) 1.

If the Koran is aware of the air getting thinner with altitude, why didn't Mohammed wear a Space Suit when he went up into the atmosphere and travelled through Outer Space?


Mohammed literally ascended to Heaven.It was not a dream according to the Hadith. (Al-Bukhari Volume 5, Book 58, Number 228)


How are Angels able to use their wings to fly around between Earth and Heaven if the air is so thin?


How come that Muslim Scientists, rather than Torricelli invent the Barometer? 3rd September 2009

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Surah 17:1 Mohammed ascends to Heaven The Koran says that Mohammed ascended into Heaven on the back of a magical animal called Buraq. However, Surah 37:6 says that the lowest level of Heaven contains the Stars & so Mohammed supposedly travelled interstellar Space without any mention of a spacesuit. 3rd September 2009

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Surah17:1Mohammed ascends to Heaven Pickthall “Glorified be He Who carried His servant by night from the Inviolable Place of Worship to the Far distant place of worship … that We might show him of Our tokens!” Yusuf Ali “Glory to (God) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque… in order that We might show him some of Our Signs.” Hilali-Khan “Glorified (and Exalted) be He (Allah) [above all that (evil) they associate with Him] [Tafsir Qurtubi, Vol. 10, Page 204] Shakir “Glory be to Him Who made His servant to go on a night from the Sacred Mosque to the remote mosque … so that We may show to him some of Our signs.” Sher Ali “Glory be to Him who carried his servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Distant Mosque… that we might show him some of our signs.” Khalifa “Most glorified is the One who summoned His servant (Muhammad) during the night, from the Sacred Masjid (of Mecca) to the farthest place of prostration… in order to show him some of our signs.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 17:1Continued Arberry “Glory be to Him, who carried His servant by night from the Holy Mosque to the Further Mosque … that We might show him some of Our signs.” Arberry “Celebrated be the praises of Him who took His servant a journey by night from the Sacred Mosque, to the Remote Mosque… to show him of our signs!” Rodwell “Glory be to Him who carried his servant by night from the sacred temple of Mecca to the temple that is more remote… that we might shew him of our signs!” Sale “Praise be unto him, who transported his servant by night, from the sacred temple [of Mecca] to the farther temple … that we might shew him [some] of our signs.” Irving “Glory be to Him Who had His servant travel by night from the hallowed Mosque to the Further Mosque … so we might show him some of our signs!” Dawood “Glory be to him who made his servant go by night from the sacred temple to the further temple … that we might show him some of our signs.” 3 September 2009 12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3) 71 rd

Mohammed literally ascends to Heaven from Jerusalem (Al-Bukhari ) Volume 5, Book 58, Number 228: Narrated Ibn 'Abbas: Regarding the Statement of Allah" "And We granted the vision (Ascension to the heavens) which We made you see (as an actual eye witness) was only made as a trial for the people." (17.60) Ibn Abbas added: The sights which Allah's Apostle was shown on the Night Journey when he was taken to Bait-ulMaqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) were actual sights, (not dreams). And the Cursed Tree (mentioned) in the Quran is the tree of Zaqqum (itself) .

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Surah 37:6 Stars in Lowest Heaven Pickthall “Lo! We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an ornament, the planets.” Yusuf Ali “We have indeed decked the lower Heaven with beauty (in) the stars.” Hilali-Khan “Verily! We have adorned the near Heaven with the stars (for beauty).” Shakir “Surely We have adorned the nearest Heaven with an adornment, the stars.” Sher Ali “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an adornment - the Khalifa “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with adorning planets.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 37:6 Continued Arberry “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Palmer “Verily, we have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Rodwell “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Sale “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the ornament of the Stars.” Irving “We have beautified the worldly Sky with the splendour of Stars .” Dawood “We have decked the lower Heaven with Constellations.”

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Mohammed did not wear a Space Suit Surah 37:6 says that the Stars are in the lowest Heaven – Outer Space. This means that Mohammed supposedly travelled through Outer Space to get to Heaven without any Space Suit. This is hardly consistent with knowing that the atmosphere gets thinner with altitude. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 6:125 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And whomsoever it is Allah's will to guide, he expandeth his bosom unto the surrender, and whomsoever it is his will to send astray, he maketh his bosom close and narrow as if he were engaged in sheer ascent.” Yusuf Ali “Those whom God (in his plan) willeth to guide, - he openeth their breast to Islam; those whom he willeth to leave straying, - he maketh their breast close and constricted, as if they had to climb up to the skies.” Hilali-Khan “And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, he opens his breast to Islam, and whomsoever he wills to send astray, he makes his breast closed and constricted, as if he is climbing up to the sky.” Shakir “Therefore (for) whomsoever Allah intends that he would guide him aright, he expands his breast for Islam, and (for) whomsoever he intends that he should cause him to err, he makes his breast strait and narrow as though he were ascending upwards.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 6:125 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “So, whomsoever Allah intends to guide, he expands his bosom for the acceptance of Islam; and whomsoever he intends that he should go astray, he makes his bosom narrow and close, as though he was mounting up into the skies”. Khalifa “Whomever God wills to guide, he renders his chest wide open to Submission. And whomever he wills to send astray, he renders his chest intolerant and straitened, like one who climbs towards the sky.” Arberry “Whomsoever God desires to guide, he expands his breast to Islam; whomsoever he desires to lead astray, he makes his breast narrow, tight, as if he were climbing to Heaven.” Palmer “Whomsoever God wishes to guide, he expands his breast to Islam; but whomsoever he wishes to lead astray, he makes his breast tight and straight, as though he would mount up into Heaven.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 6:125 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “And whom God shall please to guide, that man's breast will he open to Islam; but whom he shall please to mislead, strait and narrow will he make his breast, as though he were mounting up into the very Heavens!” Sale “And whomsoever God shall please to direct, he will open his breast to [receive the faith of] Islam: But whomsoever he shall please to lead into error, he will render his breast strait [and] narrow, as though he were climbing up to Heaven.” Irving “God lays anyone's breast open to Islam whom He wants to guide, while He makes the breast of anyone He wants to be led astray seem cramped, tight, just as if he were climbing up to Heaven Dawood “If God intends to guide a man, he opens his bosom to Islam. But if he pleases to confound him, he makes his bosom small and narrow as though he were climbing up to the Sky.” 3rd September 2009

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Claim 37 (Surah 6:125) - Conclusion 1.

The story of Mohammed ascending to Heaven implies that the Koran does not know that the air gets thinner with altitude.


The reference to somebody's chest getting tighter as he climbs upwards is more likely a reference to being out of breath due to the physical effort of climbing upwards irrespective of what the thickness of the air is.There is no reference to high altitude here.


The reference may also be speaking of the despair in a persons heart when they contemplate trying to get to Heaven without God by climbing up into the Sky.


Either way, there is no indication in the Koran that the air gets thinner with altitude.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 38 – The Koran refers to the Atmosphere protecting us from Meteors & the Solar Wind

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Claim 38 Atmosphere protects against Meteors & Solar wind

According to Harun Yahya & others the Koran alludes to how the Earths Atmosphere protects us against meteors & the Solar Wind. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 38 Atmosphere protects Earth from Meteors & Solar wind “We made the sky a preserved & protected roof yet still they turn away from Our signs. “ Surah 21:32 Harun Yahya It is He Who made the Earth a couch for you, and the sky a dome. He sends down water from the sky and by it brings forth fruits for your provision. Do not, then, knowingly make others equal to Allah. Surah 2:22 Harun Yahya … He holds back the Heaven, preventing it from falling to the Earthexcept by His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to humanity, Most Merciful. (Qur'an, 22:65) 3rd September 2009

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Claim 38 Atmosphere protects Earth from Meteors & Solar wind 1.


3. 4. 5.

This claim says that the Koran miraculously referred to the way the Earths Atmosphere protects us from Meteors and the Solar Wind. The possibility of Meteors falling to Earth & the existence of the Solar Wind were not proposed by Scientists until the middle of the C19th. How, we are asked, could Mohammed have known about these things in the C7th AD? The only answer, we are told, is that the Koran knows of such things because it comes from God. This, we are told (again), proves the truth of Islam.

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Surah 21:32 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And we have made the Sky a roof withheld (from them). Yet they turn away from its portents.” Yusuf Ali “And we have made the Heavens as a canopy well guarded: yet do they turn away from the Signs which these things (point to)!” Hilali-Khan “And we have made the Heaven a roof, safe and well guarded. Yet they turn away from its signs. (i.e. sun, moon, winds, clouds, etc.)” Shakir “And we have made the Heaven a guarded canopy and (yet) they turn aside from its signs.” Sher Ali “And we have made the Heaven a roof, well-protected, yet they turn away from its Signs.” Khalifa “And we rendered the Sky a guarded ceiling. Yet, they are totally oblivious to all the portents therein”. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:32 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “And we set up the Heaven as a roof well-protected; yet still from Our signs they are turning away.” Palmer “And we made the Heaven a guarded roof; yet from our signs they turn aside!” Rodwell “And we made the Heaven a roof strongly upholden; yet turn they away from its signs.” Sale “And we made the Heaven a roof well supported. Yet they turn aside from the signs thereof, [not considering that they are the workmanship of [God].” Irving “We have placed the Sky as a roof which is held up even though they shun its signs!” Dawood “We spread the Heaven like a Canopy and provided it with strong supports : yet of its signs they are heedless!”

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Surah 2:22 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Who hath appointed the Earth a resting-place for you, and the Sky a canopy; and causeth water to pour down from the Sky.” Yusuf Ali “Who has made the Earth your couch, and the Heavens your canopy; and sent down rain from the Heavens.” Hilali-Khan “Who has made the Earth a resting place for you, and the Sky as a canopy, and sent down water (rain) from the Sky.” Shakir “Who made the Earth a resting place for you and the Heaven a canopy and (who) sends down rain from the cloud.” Sher Ali “Who made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds.” Khalifa “The one who made the Earth habitable for you, and the Sky a structure. He sends down from the Sky water.”

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Surah 2:22 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “Who assigned to you the Earth for a couch, and Heaven for an edifice, and sent down out of Heaven water.” Palmer “Who made the Earth for you a bed and the Heaven a dome; and sent down from Heaven water.” Rodwell “Who hath made the Earth a bed for you, and the Heaven a covering, and hath caused water to come down from Heaven.” Sale “Who hath spread the Earth as a bed for you, and the Heaven as a covering, and hath caused water to descend from Heaven.” Irving “[He is] the one who has made the Earth a carpet for you and had the Sky built above you, and sent water to pour down from the Sky.” Dawood “Who has made the Earth a bed for you and the Sky a dome and has sent down water from the Sky.”

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Surah 22:65 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And he holdeth back the Heaven from falling on the Earth unless by his leave. Lo! Allah is, for mankind, full of pity, merciful.” Yusuf Ali “He withholds the sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by his leave: for God is most kind and most merciful to man.” Hilali-Khan “He withholds the Heaven from falling on the Earth except by his Leave. Verily, Allah is, for mankind, full of kindness, most merciful.” Shakir “And he withholds the Heaven from falling on the Earth except with his permission; most surely Allah is compassionate, merciful to men.” Sher Ali “And he holds back the Heaven lest it should fall on the Earth save by his leave. Surely, Allah is compassionate and merciful to people.” Khalifa “He prevents the Heavenly bodies from crashing onto the Earth, except in accordance with his command. God is most kind towards the people, most merciful.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 22:65 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “And he holds back Heaven lest it should fall upon the Earth, save by his leave? Surely God is all-gentle to men, all-compassionate.” Palmer “And he holds back the Sky from falling on the Earth save at His bidding? verily, God to men is gracious, merciful.” Rodwell “And He holdeth back the Heaven that it fall not on the Earth, unless he permit it! for God is right gracious to mankind, merciful.” Sale “And he with-holdeth the Heaven that it fall not on the Earth, unless by his permission: For God [is] gracious unto mankind, [and] merciful.“ Irving “He holds back the Sky from falling down on the Earth except with his permission. God is so gentle, merciful towards mankind.” Dawood “He holds the Sky from falling down upon the Earth: this it shall not do save by his own leave.Compassionate is God and merciful to mankind.”

3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 38 (Multiple Surahs) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Koran makes no reference to Meteors or the Solar Wind. Yusuf Ali insertion of the word “rain” in brackets in Surah 22:65 is not in the original Arabic.It is just an attempt to conceal an absurdity. (The possibility of the Sky falling) Khalifa’s reference to “Heavenly bodies” is contradicted by the other 11 translations.It is not accurate. Surah 21:32 compares the Sky to a Dome or Roof, suggesting that it is solid. Surah 21:32 refers to a guarded roof, but this refers to the guarding of Heaven by Angels who keep out the Djinn who try and climb up there. (Surah 67:5 &72:8) Surah 67:5 & 72:8 also say that Meteors are missiles that Angels throw at the Djinn when they try and climb up to Heaven in the Sky.Obviously, the Koran has no understanding of what Meteors really are. 3rd September 2009

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Imam Ali battles the Evil Djinn Ali was the Son in law & Cousin of Mohammed. He is highly revered by Shia Muslims. According to the Koran, one of the main purposes of the Stars is for use as ammunition by Angels. when Djinn try and climb up to Heaven, the Angels throw Stars at them. 3rd September 2009

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Stars are little lights on the floor of Heaven according to the Koran

The Koran implies that Heaven is a place up in the Sky above the Stars 3rd September 2009

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Surah 67:5 Stars used as missiles for driving off Devils from Heaven Pickthall “& verily We have beautified the world's Heaven with lamps, & We have made them missiles for the devils.” Yusuf Ali “& we have, (from of old), adorned the lowest Heaven with Lamps, & We have made such (Lamps) (as) missiles to drive away the Evil Ones.” Hilali-Khan “& indeed We have adorned the nearest Heaven with lamps, & We have made such lamps (as) missiles to drive away the Shayatin. (devils)” Shakir “& certainly We have adorned this lower Heaven with lamps & We have made these missiles for the Shaitans.” Sher Ali “& verily, We have adorned the lowest Heaven with lamps, and We have made them the means of driving away satans.” Khalifa “We adorned the lowest Universe with lamps, and guarded its borders with projectiles against the devils.” More biased translation by Khalifa.He is out of step with the other 11 translations.He has inaccurately translated “Heaven” as “Universe.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 67:5 Continued Arberry “And We adorned the lower Heaven with lamps, and made them things to stone Satans.” Palmer “And we have adorned the lower Heaven with lamps; and set them to pelt the devils with.” Rodwell “Moreover we have decked the lowest Heaven with lights, and have placed them there to be hurled at the Satan.” Sale “Moreover we have adorned the lowest Heaven with lamps, and have appointed them to be darted at the devils.” Irving “We have decorated the nearest Sky with lamps. We have placed them as missiles directed towards the devils.” Dawood “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with lamps, missiles to pelt the devils with.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 72:8-10 Meteors thrown at Djinn Pickthall “And (the Jinn who had listened to the Qur'an said): We had sought the Heaven but had found it filled with strong warders and meteors … But he who listeneth now findeth a flame in wait for him.” Yusuf Ali “'And we pried into the secrets of Heaven; but we found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires … but any who listen now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.” Hilali-Khan “'And we have sought to reach the Heaven; but found it filled with stern guards and flaming fires … but any who listens now will find a flaming fire watching him in ambush.” Shakir “And that we sought to reach Heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and flaming stars … but he who would (try to) listen now would find a flame lying in wait for him.” Sher Ali “`And we sought to reach Heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and shooting stars … But whoso listens now finds a shooting star in ambush for him.” Khalifa “`We touched the Heaven and found it filled with formidable guards and projectiles … Anyone who listens is pursued by a powerful projectile.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 72:8-10 Continued Arberry “And we stretched towards Heaven, but we found it filled with terrible guards and meteors … but any listening now finds a meteor in wait for him. Palmer "'But we touched the Heavens and found them filled with a mighty guard and shooting-stars … but whoso of us listens now finds a shooting-star for him Rodwell “And the Heavens did we essay, but found them filled with a mighty garrison, and with flaming darts … but whoever listeneth findeth an ambush ready for him of flaming darts.” Sale “And we [formerly] attempted [to pry into what was transacting in] Heaven; but we found the same filled with a strong guard [of angels], and with flaming darts … but whoever listeneth now, findeth a flame laid in ambush for him, [to guard the celestial confines].” Irving “We reached out for Heaven and found it staffed with stern guards and shooting stars … though anyone who eavesdrops now finds a shooting star lurking there for him.” Dawood “We made our way to the high Heaven and found it filled with mighty wardens and fiery comets …. but eavesdroppers find comets lying in wait for them.” 3rd September 2009

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Angels guarding Heaven against the Evil Djinn Angels guard Heaven against the Evil Djinn who try to climb up to it. The Koran says that Meteors are Stars that Angels use as missiles to throw at the Djinn.

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The Sky is described as a Barrier to control the Djinn

Barrier of the Sky

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Many verses of the Koran describe the Sky as being barrier to prevent the Djinn or Genies from climbing up to Heaven. This suggests a belief in a solid Sky.


Keeping the Djinn out of Heaven Heaven Solid Barrier

Djinn Djinn


Earth According to the Koran, one of the functions of the Sky is to act as a barrier to keep the Djinn from climbing up to Heaven. This implies that the Sky is solid. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 37:6 Stars attached to firmament According to the Koran, the Stars are just little lights attached to the solid Sky. Surah 81:1-2 says that the Stars will eventually fall to the ground.

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Surah 37:6 Stars embedded in Firmament Pickthall “Lo! We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an ornament, the planets.” Yusuf Ali “We have indeed decked the lower Heaven with beauty (in) the stars.” Hilali-Khan “Verily! We have adorned the near Heaven with the stars (for beauty).” Shakir “Surely We have adorned the nearest Heaven with an adornment, the stars.” Sher Ali “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with an adornment - the Khalifa “We have adorned the lowest Heaven with adorning planets.”

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Surah 37:6 Continued Arberry “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Palmer “Verily, we have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Rodwell “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the adornment of the Stars.” Sale “We have adorned the lower Heaven with the ornament of the Stars.” Irving “We have beautified the worldly Sky with the splendour of Stars .” Dawood “We have decked the lower Heaven with Constellations.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 22:65 The Sky might fall 1 The Koran refers to the possibility of the Sky falling. This implies a belief in a solid Sky or Firmament. Such a belief is similar to of the story of Chicken Little.

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Surah 22:65 The Sky might fall 2 Left: Chicken Little after being struck by a piece of the Sky that has fallen down. The Koran implies that the Sky is solid & that this is a very real possibility.

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Claim 38 (Multiple Surahs) - Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Koran does not understand what Meteors are and does not refer to the Solar wind. The Koran says that the Sky is a solid Dome and that the Stars are little lights imbedded in it. These Stars are used as missiles by Angels who throw them at the Djinn who try and climb up to Heaven. The reference to bits of Heaven falling refer to the possibility of a piece of the solid Sky Dome falling to Earth. All of this is totally contrary to modern Science and is the sort of thing that a man like Mohammed may have imagined. These verses contain huge Scientific errors and prove that the Koran does not come from God.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 39 Atmosphere characteristics

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Claim 39 The Returning Sky

[I swear] by heaven which returns. Surah 86:11 Harun Yahya This is said to be a reference to three features of the Earths atmosphere.

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Claim 39 The Returning Sky 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

According to this claim, the Koran referred to certain special characteristics of the Atmosphere 1400 years ago. These are the Troposphere facilitating condensation, the Ozonosphere blocking Cosmic Rays and the Ionosphere reflecting Radio Waves. These phenomena were only discovered in the C20th, but the Koran is said to refer to them 1400 years ago. Mohammed could not possibly have known these things unless God had told him. Some Muslims claim that such Scientific foreknowledge proves the Divine Authorship of the Koran

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Surah 86:11 Checking the translation Pickthall “By the Heaven which giveth the returning rain” Yusuf Ali “By the Firmament which returns (in its round)” Hilali-Khan “By the Sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again.” Shakir “I swear by the rain-giving Heavens” Sher Ali “By the cloud which gives rain repeatedly.” Khalifa “By the Sky that returns (the water).” Arberry “By Heaven of the returning rain.” Palmer “By the Heaven that sends back the rain!” Rodwell “I swear by the Heaven which accomplisheth its cycle.” Sale “By the Heaven which returneth [the rain]” Irving “By the sky with its cycle.” Dawood “By the Heaven with its recurring cycles.”

3rd September 2009

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The Returning Sky

This is what the “Returning Sky” really means. Rainfall in the Arabian peninsula is seasonal. Summer and Autumn are very dry and then in the Winter, the rain returns.

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Claim 39 (Surah 86:11 ) - Conclusion 1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

This verse says nothing about the special properties of various layers of the Earths atmosphere. Such an interpretation involves reading things into the words that are not there. The “Returning Sky” is merely a reference to seasonal rainfall which occurs in winter and spring in the Arabian peninsula. There is nothing remarkable about this verse which is merely referring to the weather. Islamic Fundamentalists have distorted the meaning of this verse in a desperate attempt to prove their extreme Religious beliefs.

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Claim 40 Atmospheric depletion

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Claim 40 Atmospheric Depletion by Solar Wind

“… Don't they see how We come to the land eroding it from its extremities?…” Surah 21:44

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Claim 40 Atmospheric Depletion by Solar Wind 1.

This verse is said to allude to the Earths Atmosphere being slowly stripped away by the Solar Wind.


This discovery was only made in the C20th.


Some Muslims will then say that Mohammed could not have known about this 1400 years ago.


Then they will claim that such advanced Scientific knowledge in a 1400 year old book can only be due to Divine Revelation.


Therefore, it is argued, Islam must logically be true. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:44 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Nay, but We gave these and their fathers ease until life grew long for them. See they not how we aim to the land, reducing it of its outlying parts? Can they then be the victors?” Yusuf Ali “Nay, We gave the good things of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them; See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will win?” Hilali-Khan “Nay, We gave the luxuries of this life to these men and their fathers until the period grew long for them. See they not that We gradually reduce the land (in their control) from its outlying borders? Is it then they who will overcome.” Shakir “Nay, We gave provision to these and their fathers until life was prolonged to them. Do they not then see that We are visiting the land, curtailing it of its sides? Shall they then prevail?” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:44 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “Nay, we provided those and their fathers with the good things of this world till life grew long for them. Do they not see that we are visiting the land, reducing it from its outlying borders? Can they even then be the victors?” Khalifa “We have provided for these people and their ancestors, up until an old age. Do they not see that every day on earth brings them closer to the end? Can they reverse this process?” Arberry “Nay, but Ourselves gave these and their fathers enjoyment of days, until their life had lasted long while upon them. What, do they not see how We come to the land, diminishing it in its extremities? Or are they the victors?” Palmer “Nay, but we have granted enjoyment to these men and to their fathers whilst life was prolonged. Do they not see that we come to the land and shorten its borders? Shall they then prevail?” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:44 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “Yes! we have given these men and their fathers enjoyments so long as their life lasted. What! see they not that we come to a land and straiten its borders Is it they who are the conquerors?” Sale “But we have permitted these [men] and their fathers to enjoy [worldly prosperity], so long as life was continued unto them. Do they not perceive that we come unto the land [of the unbelievers, and] straiten the borders thereof? Shall they therefore be the conquerors?” Irving “Rather We have let such persons and their forefathers enjoy themselves until life seems to last too long for them. Do they not see how We come to the earth to clip it off along its borders? Will they turn out to be the winners?” Dawood “Yet have we indulged them and their fathers so that they have lived too long.Can they not see how we invade their land and diminish its borders? Is it they who will triumph?” 3rd September 2009

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Claim 40 Response 1.

If you look at the verse in context, you will see that it is addressed to a group of people who have displeased God despite his past generosity to them.


This Surah is thought to date from Mohammed's time in Medina and so it is likely a criticism of his enemies in Mecca, the Quraysh tribe.


The reference to diminishing land most likely refers to the forces of Mohammed gradually encroaching of the territory of the Quraysh as they gradually close in on Mecca in the years leading up to its conquest in AD630.

3rd September 2009

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Mohammed flees Mecca (The Hijra) In AD 622 Mohammed was forced to flee from Mecca by his enemies & he sought refuge in the City of Medina.

This is the starting point for the Islamic Calendar. 3rd September 2009

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Mohammed preaching to followers in Medina Left: While in Medina, Mohammed gained a lot of followers & became the leader of the City. War soon erupted between Medina & the Quraysh who controlled Mecca. Surah 21:44 refers to how Mohammed's forces in Medina gradually gained the upper hand & conquered the outlying regions of Quraysh territory

3rd September 2009

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Mohammed returns to Mecca in triumph.

In 630 AD Mohammed conquered the Quraysh and entered Mecca

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Claim 40 (Surah 21:44 ) - Conclusion 1.

This verse says nothing about the Solar Wind or the Earths atmosphere.


The reference to land eroding refers to the way in which Mohammed's enemies in Mecca, the Quraysh gradually lost control of the outer parts of their territory to the Muslims of Medina before their final defeat by Mohammed when he conquered Mecca in AD630.


Interpreting this verse as an allusion to atmospheric depletion takes it totally out of context and it is\complete nonsense.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 41 Ozone layer depletion

3rd September 2009

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Claim 41 Ozone Layer depletion “Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom we had provided no covering protection against the sun.” Surah 18:90 This reference to people not being protected is said to refer to the Ozone hole.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 41 Ozone Layer Depletion 1.

This claim is really an alleged prophecy concerning a Scientific matter.


Some Muslims claim that the Koran referred to the hole in the Ozone layer 1400 years ago.


Believers in this claim say that Mohammed could not have predicted such things unless God told him about them via Divine Revelation.


Supporters of this claim argue that such information in the Koran proves its Divine origin and the truth of their Religion.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:89-90 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Then he followed a road till, when he reached the risingplace of the Sun …” Yusuf “Ali Then followed he (another) way, until, when he came to the rising of the Sun …” Hilali-Khan “Then he followed another way until, when he came to the rising place of the Sun …” Shakir “Then he followed (another) course until when he reached the land of the rising of the Sun …” Sher Ali “Then indeed he followed another way. until he reached the rising-place of the Sun …” Khalifa “Then he pursued another way when he reached the far east…”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:89 – 90 Checking the translation 1 Arberry “Then he followed a way until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Palmer “Then he followed a way until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Rodwell “Then followed he a route, until when he reached the rising of the Sun.” Sale “Then he continued [his] way until he came to the place where the Sun riseth.” Irving “Then he followed [another] course until when he reached the place where the Sun rises.” Dawood “He then journeyed along another road until he reached the East and saw the Sun rising.”

3rd September 2009

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Claim 41(Surah 18:90 ) Response 1.

The Ozone Layer is not mentioned in Surah 18:90 or anywhere else in the Koran.


The hole in the Ozone Layer only began in the late C20th. Surah 18:90 refers to things that were already in the past in the C7th AD and not to future events.


The holes in the Ozone Layer are at the Polar regions in the North and South.Surah 18:85-90 indicates that the traveller was travelling East towards the direction of Sunrise and not North or South.

3rd September 2009

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Ptolemy & Copernicus Nowadays, when people speak of “Sunrise” & “Sunset” they do not mean it literally. However, before Copernicus (Bottom LHS) published his Heliocentric Theory in 1543, everyone did take them literally including Muslims. Before AD1543, everyone accepted the views of Ptolemy (Top LHS) the C2nd AD Greek Astronomer who believed in a stationary Earth & a moving Sun in orbit around it. The Koran wrongly agrees with Ptolemy & not Copernicus. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:89 - 90 Rising place of the Sun The Sun rises up out of a muddy pool of water in the East. The Koran describes this as being a specific place that people can go to 3rd September 2009

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Apollo rising from the sea at Dawn.

The story in the Koran about the Sun rising from the sea resembles the story in Greek Mythology about Apollo causing Sunrise by rising out of the Eastern Sea. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 41 (Surah 18:90 ) - Conclusion 1.

This verse says nothing about the Ozone layer.Such a concept is not mentioned in the Koran.


The verse is not referring to the present day or the Polar regions where the holes in the Ozone Layer are.


This verse refers incorrectly to the Sun moving above a Stationary Earth implying a belief in a Geocentric Cosmology that was accepted during the time of Mohammed.


The idea that the Sun rises at a particular place is absurd and implies a belief in a Flat Earth.


No verses referring to such ideas could possibly be of Divine origin.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 42 Mountains provide stability

3rd September 2009

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Claim 42 Mountains provide stability ". . . the mountains, how they have been pitched (like a tent). The Earth how it was made even." Surah 88:19-20 Bucaille/Harun Yahya (See also Surah 16:15 & 21:31)) "Have We not made the Earth an expanse and the mountains stakes." Surah 78:6-7 Bucaille/Harun Yahya "And the mountains (God) has fixed them firmly." Surah 78:6-7 Bucaille/Harun Yahya "(God) has cast into the ground (mountains) standing firm, so that it does not shake with you." Surah 31:10 Bucaille/Harun Yahya 3rd September 2009

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Claim 42 Mountains provide stability



According to this claim, Mountains provide stability by acting like Pegs in the Earths Crust. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 42 Mountains provide stability to Earths crust 1.

This claim is that the Koran correctly mentioned how mountains act like pegs in the Earths crust and promote stability.


This we are told was not discovered by modern Science until the C20th.


Believers in this claim say that Mohammed could not have predicted such things unless God told him about them via Divine Revelation.


Supporters of this claim argue that such information in the Koran proves its Divine origin and the truth of their Religion.

3rd September 2009

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Mountains in the Koran According to the Koran, God created mountains in order to keep the Earth from moving & to prevent earthquakes. This implies a Flat & stationary Earth.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 16:15 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And He hath cast into the Earth firm hills that it quake not with you, and streams and roads that ye may find a way.” Yusuf Ali “And He has set up on the Earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you; and rivers and roads; that ye may guide yourselves.” Hilali-Khan “And He has affixed into the Earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you, and rivers and roads, that you may guide yourselves.” Shakir “And He has cast great mountains in the Earth lest it might be convulsed with you, and rivers and roads that you may go aright.” Sher Ali “And HE has placed in the Earth firm mountains lest it quake with you and rivers and routes that you may find the way to your destination.” Khalifa “And He placed stabilizers (mountains) on Earth, lest it tumbles with you, as well as rivers and roads, that you may be guided.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 16:15 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “And He cast on the Earth firm mountains, lest it shake with you, and rivers and ways; so haply you will be guided.” Palmer “And He has cast firm mountains on the Earth lest it move with you; and rivers and roads; haply ye may be guided. Rodwell “And He hath thrown firm mountains on the Earth, least it move with you; and rivers and paths for your guidance.” Sale “And he hath thrown upon the Earth [mountains] firmly rooted, lest it should move with you, and [also] rivers, and paths, that ye might be directed.” Irving “He has set up headlands on the Earth lest it sway with you, and rivers and paths so that you may be guided.” Dawood “He set firm mountains upon the Earth lest it should move away from you and rivers, roads and landmarks that you may be rightly guided.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:31 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “& We have placed in the Earth firm hills lest it quake with them, & We have placed therein ravines as roads that haply they may find their way.” Yusuf Ali “& We have set on the Earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with them, & We have made therein broad highways (between mountains) for them to pass through: that they may receive guidance.” Hilali-Khan “& We have placed on the Earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with them, & We placed therein broad highways for them to pass through, that they may be guided.” Shakir “& We have made great mountains in the Earth lest it might be convulsed with them, & We have made in it wide ways that they may follow a right direction.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:31 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “& We have placed in the Earth firm mountains lest it should quake with them; & We have made therein wide pathways, that they may be rightly guided.” Khalifa “& We placed on Earth stabilizers, lest it tumbles with them, & we placed straight roads therein, that they may be guided.” Arberry “& We set in the Earth firm mountains lest it should shake with them, & We set in it ravines to serve as ways, that haply so they may be guided.” Palmer “& we placed on the Earth firm mountains lest it should move with them, & He made therein open roads for paths, haply they may be guided!”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 21:31 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “& we set mountains on the Earth lest it should move with them, & we made on it broad passages between them as routes for their guidance.” Sale “& we placed stable [mountains] on the Earth, lest it should move with them; & we made broad passages between them for paths, that they might be directed [in their journeys]” Irving “We have placed headlands on Earth lest it should sway while they are on it, and have placed mountain passes on it as highways so they may be guided.” Dawood “We set firm mountains upon the Earth lest it move away from them and hewed out highways in the rock so that they might be rightly guided.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 31:10 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “He hath created the Heavens without supports that ye can see, and hath cast into the Earth firm hills, so that it quake not with you.” Yusuf Ali “He created the Heavens without any pillars that ye can see; He set on the Earth mountains standing firm, lest it should shake with you.” Hilali-Khan “He has created the Heavens without any pillars, that you see and has set on the Earth firm mountains, lest it should shake with you.” Shakir “He created the Heavens without pillars as you see them, and put mountains upon the Earth lest it might convulse with you.” Sher Ali “He has created the Heavens without any pillars that you can see, and He has placed in the Earth firm mountains that it may not quake with you.” Khalifa “He created the Heavens without pillars that you can see. He established on Earth stabilizers (mountains) lest it tumbles with you.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 31:10 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “He created the Heavens without pillars you can see, and He Palmer “He created the Heavens without pillars that ye can see, and He threw upon the Earth firm mountains lest it should move with you.” Rodwell “Without pillars that can be seen hath He created the Heavens, and on the Earth hath thrown mountains lest it should move with you; and He hath scattered over it animals of every sort.” Sale “He hath created the Heavens without visible pillars [to sustain them], and hath thrown on the Earth [mountains] firmly rooted, lest it should move with you.” Irving “He has created the Heavens without any visible support. He has cast headlands on the Earth lest it sway with you, and dispersed all kinds of animals throughout it.” Dawood “He raised the Heavens without any visible pillars, and set firm the mountains on Earth lest it should shake with you.He dispersed upon it all manner of beasts.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 78:6-7 Mountains keep the Earth from moving Mountains


According to the Koran, Mountains are like paper weights that hold down a sheet of paper. . 3rd September 2009

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Earth with Mountains

Earth Without Mountains

3rd September 2009

Surah 78:6-7 Mountains keep Earth from moving Perhaps this is what the Koran means when it says that mountains are like tent pegs that keep the Earth from moving. Here the Mountains help to keep the Earth steady and in its proper position. 12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Surah 78:6-7 Mountains do not keep the Earth from moving In reality, mountains do not keep the Earth from moving. The Earth moves over 300 million miles every year in its orbit around the Sun.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 78:6-7 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Have We not made the Earth an expanse, & the high hills bulwarks?” Yusuf Ali “Have We not made the Earth as a wide expanse, & the mountains as pegs?” Hilali-Khan “Have We not made the Earth as a bed, & the mountains as pegs?” Shakir “Have We not made the Earth an even expanse? & the mountains as projections (thereon)?” Sher Ali “Have We not made the Earth as a bed, & the mountains as pegs?” Khalifa “Did we not make the Earth habitable? & the mountains stabilizers?”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 78:6-7 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “Have We not made the Earth as a cradle & the mountains as pegs?” Palmer “Have we not set the Earth as a couch, & the mountains as stakes?” Rodwell “Have we not made the Earth a couch? & the mountains its tent-stakes?” Sale “Have we not made the Earth for a bed, & the mountains for stakes [to fix the same]? “ Irving “Have We not laid the Earth out as a cradle and set the mountains up as kingpins?” Dawood “Do we not spread the Earth as a bed and raise the mountains like supporting poles?”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 88:19-20 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And the hills, how they are set up and the Earth, how it is spread?” Yusuf Ali “And at the Mountains, how they are fixed firm? - And at the Earth, how it is spread out?” Hilali-Khan “And at the mountains, how they are rooted and fixed firm and at the Earth, how it is spread out?” Shakir “And the mountains, how they are firmly fixed, and the Earth, how it is made a vast expanse?” Sher Ali “And at the mountains, how they are fixed and at the Earth, how it is spread out?” Khalifa “And the mountains and how they are constructed And the earth and how it is built.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 88:19-20 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “How the mountains were hoisted, how the Earth was outstretched?” Palmer “And at the mountains how they are set up and at the Earth how it is spread out?” Rodwell “And to the mountains how they are rooted; and to the Earth how it is outspread?” Sale “And the mountains, how they are fixed; and the Earth, how it is extended?” Irving “Nor how the mountains have been erected? Nor even how the Earth has been flattened out?” Dawood “The mountains, how they were set down, the Earth how it was made flat.”

3rd September 2009

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Where Earthquakes occur Himalayas Mountains Rocky Mountains Andes Mountains

This map shows the places in the World where Earthquakes occur. These are along the edges of Tectonic Plates and near to major mountain ranges. 3rd September 2009

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Plate Tectonics Far from preventing Earthquakes, Mountains can often cause Earthquakes. Mountains are created where the edges of Tectonic Plates collide.

Contrary to what the Koran says, the Earths surface moves despite mountains. 3rd September 2009

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Contact between Plates rubbing against each other causes Earthquakes. 153

Mountain Formation Despite what the Koran says. Mountains were not created by God as anchors for the Earth or its surface. Most mountains are formed as crumple zones between two colliding Continental plates.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 42 - Conclusion 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

This claim is complete nonsense.Earth and it surface move and mountains do not keep it stationary. Mountains do not prevent Earthquakes or Earths surface moving.In fact, mountains are crumple zones caused by parts of the Earths surface colliding slowly. Mountains frequently occur in major Earthquake zones. In the Koran, mountains are like paperweights holding down a flat stationary object. Far from proving the Korans divine authorship, such mistakes prove that it was written by fallible people who believed all sorts of contemporary nonsense.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 43 Lowest point on Earth

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The Middle East & Europe during Mohammed's lifetime. During Mohammed's lifetime (AD570-632) the two main powers in the Middle East were the East Roman (Byzantine) Empire and the Persian Empire. In AD613, a Persian army captured Jerusalem near to the Dead Sea.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 43 Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth

“The Romans have been defeated. In the lowest part of the Earth. But after defeat they will soon be victorious. Between three or nine years. God’s is the imperative first and last. On that day the believers will rejoice.” Surah 30:2-4 http://www.quranmiracles.com/articles.asp?id=68 3rd September 2009

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Claim 43 Koran correctly identifies the lowest point on Earth. 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

This claim is based on Surah 30:2-4, which refers to a series of defeats suffered between AD613 and 616 by the Byzantine or East Roman Empire due to a Persian invasion. The Persians overran Syria, Egypt and Palestine.One defeat was at Jerusalem near the Dead Sea in AD613. is that the Koran correctly identified the Dead Sea as the lowest point on Earth 1400 years ago.Surah 30:2-4 This was not discovered by modern Science until the C20th. Believers in this claim say that Mohammed could not have predicted this unless God told him about them via Divine Revelation. Supporters of this claim argue that such information in the Koran proves its Divine origin and the truth of their Religion. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 30:2-4 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land, and they,after their defeat will be victorious.” Yusuf Ali “The Roman Empire has been defeated - In a land close by; but they, (even) after (this) defeat of theirs, will soon be victorious .” Hilali-Khan “The Romans have been defeated. In the nearer land (Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Palestine), and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.” Shakir “The Romans are vanquished, In a near land, and they, after being vanquished, shall overcome.” Sher Ali “The Romans have been defeated .In the land nearby, and they, after their defeat, will be victorious.” Khalifa “Certainly, the Romans will be defeated. In the nearest land. After their defeat, they will rise again and win.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 30:2-4 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “The Greeks have been vanquished in the nearer part of the land; and, after their vanquishing, they shall be the victors.” Palmer “The Greeks are overcome in the nighest parts of the land; but after being overcome they shall overcome.” Rodwell “The Greeks have been defeated in a land hard by: But after their defeat they shall defeat their foes.” Sale “The Greeks have been overcome [by the Persians], in the nearest part of the land; but after their defeat, they shall overcome [the others in their turn].” Irving “The Byzantines have been defeated on the nearest front! Following their defeat they shall conquer a few years later.” Dawood “The Greeks have been defeated in a neighbouring land.But in a few years, they themselves shall gain victory.” 3rd September 2009

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Claim 43 Response • • • •

Surah 30:2-4 does not mention the Dead Sea at all or say that it is the lowest place on Earth. The nearest battle to the Dead Sea was at Jerusalem, 20 miles away in AD614. The Dead Sea is 414 metres below Sea Level, but Jerusalem is 750 metres above Sea level. The reference to the Romans defeat “in the lowest part of the Earth” is not an accurate translation.All 12 translations consulted disagree with it including 6 Muslim translations. The “lowest” land really means the nearest land.This refers to Mesopotamia, Syria, Palestine and Egypt which are near to Arabia where Mohammed was at the time.

3rd September 2009

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Heraclius defeats the Persians In AD627, the Byzantines defeated the Persians and regained all their lost territory. This was as the Koran dad “predicted.” However, the Koran was not written down in its present form until after the death of Mohammed in AD632.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 43 Conclusion • •

Surah 30:2-4 does not mention the Dead Sea at all or say that it is the lowest place on Earth. No battle took place at the Dead Sea during Mohammed's lifetime.The nearest battle was in Jerusalem which is 750m above Sea level. This “Miracle” is based on a dubious translation.Muslims never realised that the Dead Sea was the lowest point on Earth until they learned it from Westerners in the C20th.This was despite 1400 years of studying the Koran. Like the other alleged Scientific Miracles in the Koran, this one is also a fraud.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 44 General stability of Earths Crust

3rd September 2009

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Claim 44 General Stability of Earths Crust "He Who made the Earth an abode and set rivers interstices and mountains standing firm." Surah 27:61 Bucaille According to Bucaille, this is reference to the general stability of the Earths Crust today compared with the past

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Claim 44 Earths Crust more stable than in the past According to Bucaille, Surah 27:61 alludes to the Earths Crust being unstable and semi-molten on the early Earth soon after the Planet’s formation.

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Claim 44 The Stable Earth 1.

According to this claim, the Koran referred to the present day stability of the Earth’s crust today compared with it’s condition billions of years ago.


Modern Geology only discovered this in the C19th.


How, we are asked could Mohammed have known this 400 year ago unless God had told him?


This we are told proves the divine authorship of the Koran and the truth of Islam.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:61 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Is not He (best) who made the Earth a fixed abode, & placed rivers in the folds thereof, & placed firm hills therein, & hath set a barrier between the two seas?” Yusuf Ali “Or, who has made the Earth firm to live in; made rivers in its midst; set thereon mountains immovable; & made a separating bar between the two bodies of flowing water?” Hilali-Khan “Is not he (better than your gods) who has made the Earth as a fixed abode, & has placed rivers in its midst, & has placed firm mountains therein, & has set a barrier between the two seas.” Shakir “Or, who made the Earth a resting place, & made in it rivers, & raised on it mountains & placed between the two seas a barrier.” Sher Ali “Or, who made the Earth a place of rest, & placed rivers in its midst, & placed upon it firm mountains, & put a barrier between the two waters?” Khalifa “Who is the one who made the Earth habitable, caused rivers to run through it, placed on it mountains, & created a barrier between the two waters?” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 27:61 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “He who made the Earth a fixed place and set amidst it rivers and appointed for it firm mountains and placed a partition between the two seas.” Palmer “He who made the Earth, settled, and placed amongst it rivers; and placed upon it firm mountains; and placed between the two seas a barrier.” Rodwell “Is not He, who hath set the earth so firm, and hath made rivers in its midst, and hath placed mountains upon it, and put a barrier between the two seas? ” Sale “[Is not he more worthy to be adored], who hath established the Earth, and hath caused rivers [to flow] through the midst thereof, and placed thereon immovable [mountains], and set a bar between the two seas?” Irving “Who set the Earth up as a residence, laced it with rivers and planted headlands on it, and laid an isthmus between both seas.” Dawood “(Surely worthier is he) who established the Earth & watered it with running rivers, who has set mountains upon it and placed a barrier between the two sea’s.” 3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 44 (Surah 27:61) 1.

This verse says nothing about the condition of the Earth billions of years ago.


In fact, the reference to mountains being placed upon the Earth suggests that they are special creations and that the author of the Koran is ignorant of mountain building processes which are occurring all the time.


This verse is just saying that God made the Earth a pleasant place for humanity to live.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 44 Immobile Mountains? Despite what the Koran says. Mountains were not created by God as anchors for the Earth or its surface. The Earths surface including mountains are moving at a rate of a few centimetres a year due to Continental Drift.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 44 Conclusion (Surah 27:61) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

The Koran makes no reference to the condition of the Earths crust either today or in the past.There is no evidence for the concept of a planetary crust in the Koran. The Koran is just saying that the Earth is a pleasant place to live. The Koran is wrong about the Earth and its mountains being immobile.Earth rotates and moves around the Sun while its surface including mountains move slowly due to Continental Drift. The Koran’s idea of mountains seems to be that they are special creations and not the product of millions of years of Continental Drift. This suggests that the author of the Koran has no concept of the Geological timescale. This “Scientific Miracle” is nothing but the product of Bucaille’s imagination.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 45 Seven layer in Earth’s Crust

3rd September 2009

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Claim 45 Seven Layers of Earths Crust Some Muslims claim that the Koran correctly predicted that there are seven layers in the Earths crust. 1. crust 2. lithosphere 3. upper mantle 4. astenoshpere 5. lower mantle 6. outer core 7. inner core

“It is Allah Who created the seven Heavens and of the Earth the same number, the command descending down through all of them.” Surah 65:12 Harun Yahya 3rd September 2009

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Claim 45 Seven Layers of Earths Crust 1.

This claim says that 1400 years ago, the Koran alluded to the fact that there are seven layers in the Earths crust.


Modern Science is said to have only discovered this in the C20th, 1400 years after the time of Mohammed.


Supporters of this claim say that since Mohammed could not possibly have known this by himself, the only explanation is that God told him this.


This, it is said, proves the Divine Authorship of the Koran and the truth of Islam.

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Surah 65:12 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Allah “it is who hath created seven Heavens, and of the Earth the like thereof. Yusuf Ali “God is He Who created seven Firmaments and of the Earth a similar number.” Hilali-Khan “It is Allah Who has created seven Heavens and of the Earth the like thereof (i.e. seven).” Shakir “Allah is He Who created seven Heavens, and of the Earth the like of them.” Sher Ali “Allah is he who created seven Heavens, and of the Earth the like thereof.” Khalifa “God created seven Universes and the same number of Earths.” Another dishonest and inaccurate translation by Khalifa. The other 11 contradict him. translations 3rd September 2009

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Surah 65:12 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “It is God who created seven Heavens, and of Earth their like.“ Palmer “God it is who created seven heavens, and of the earth the like thereof.” Rodwell “It is God who hath created seven Heavens and as many Earths.” Sale “[It is] God who hath created seven Heavens, and as many [different stories] of the Earth.” Irving “God is the One Who created seven Heavens, and the same [number of planets] which are like the Earth.” Dawood “It is God who has created seven Heavens and Earths as many.”

3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 45 (Surah 65:12) 1.

The Koran makes no reference to solid layers of rock under the Earth.


The Earths interior is usually divided into four or five layers by Geologists and not seven.


The Seven Earths are the Seven levels of Hell which were imagined to be below the Earths surface.


Hell in the Koran and Hadith is a seven level dungeon and not solid rock.It is nothing like Earths crust.

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Four or five layers in Earths interior

In reality, there are only four or five layers in the Earths interior. Islamic Fundamentalists count up to seven by fiddling the numbers by subdividing the crust & double counting sub layers.

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Four or five layers in Earths interior •



Upper mantle


Lower mantle

Outer core

Inner core

Islamic Fundamentalists split the Upper Mantle into sub layers and count then twice to fiddle the number of layers to get seven. 3rd September 2009

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Seven levels of Hell below us. Al-Tirmidhi 5735 Narrated by Abu Hurayrah He (Mohammed) then asked, "Do you know what is below you?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) knew best, he said, "It is the Earth." He then asked, "Do you know what is under that?" On their replying that Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) knew best, he said, "Under it there is another Earth with a journey of five hundred years between them," and so on till he had counted seven Earths with a journey of five hundred years between each pair. He then said, "By Him in Whose hand Muhammad's soul is, if you were to drop a rope to the lowest Earth it would not pass out of Allah's knowledge."

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Hell is under the Earths surface



3rd September 2009

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According to Al-Tirmidhi, Mohammed explicitly stated that Hell was a place under the Earths surface.


Seven Earths = Seven Hells Flat Earth

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3rd September 2009

Seven Hells under the

The Koran refers to seven Earths which seem to be levels in the Islamic Hell. Each Hell seems to be for different types of punishment & each has its own entrance gate.

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Medieval Christian Hell with multiple levels.

In the Middle Ages, Christians also believed in a multi-level Hell where sinners were tormented.

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Surah 65:12 Seven Levels of Hell

The Koran seems to refer to Hell having seven layers. This is a similar concept to that in Dante’s Divine Comedy. Indeed, Dante may have been influenced by the Koran. 3rd September 2009

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Seven layer Hell under the Earth Al-Bukhari Volume 3 Book 43 Number 632: Narrated Said bin Zaid: Allah's Apostle said, "Whoever usurps the land of somebody unjustly, his neck will be encircled with it down the seven earths (on the Day of Resurrection). " Al-Bukhari Volume 3 Book 43 Number 633: Narrated Abu Salama: That there was a dispute between him and some people (about a piece of land). When he told 'Aisha about it, she said, "O Abu Salama! Avoid taking the land unjustly, for the Prophet said, 'Whoever usurps even one span of the land of somebody, his neck will be encircled with it down the seven earths." Al-Bukhari Volume 3 Book 43 Number 634: Narrated Salim's father (i.e. 'Abdullah): The Prophet said, "Whoever takes a piece of the land of others unjustly, he will sink down the seven earths on the Day of Resurrection." 3rd September 2009

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Seven layer Hell under the Earth Al-Bukhari Volume 4 Book 54 Number 417: Narrated Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Al-Harith: from Abu Salama bin 'Abdur-Rahman who had a dispute with some people on a piece of land, and so he went to 'Aisha and told her about it. She said, "O Abu Salama, avoid the land, for Allah's Apostle said, 'Any person who takes even a span of land unjustly, his neck shall be encircled with it down seven Earths.' " Al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 418: Narrated Salim's father: The Prophet said, "Any person who takes a piece of land unjustly will sink down the seven Earths on the Day of Resurrection." Al-Bukhari Volume 4, Book 54, Number 420: Narrated Said bin Zaid bin Amr bin Nufail: That Arwa sued him before Marwan for a right, which she claimed, he had deprived her of. On that Said said, "How should I deprive her of her right? I testify that I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'If anyone takes a span of land unjustly, his neck will be encircled with it down seven Earths on the Day of Resurrection." 3rd September 2009

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Going down to the Seven Earths

The Hadith describes sinners being thrust down to the seven Earths. This suggests that Hell is under the ground and has seven levels.

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Indian Cosmology The idea of a multi layered Underworld where the wicked were punished was known in India many centuries before Jesus or Mohammed lived. Flat Earth

Multi-layered Underworld

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Surah 15:43-44 Seven Gates of Hell According to the Koran, Hell has seven gates. Presumably, one for each level of Hell. The Islamic Hell is a series of subterranean dungeons and not layers of solid rock.

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Surah 15:43-44 Seven Gates of Hell Pickthall “And lo! for all such, Hell will be the promised place. It hath seven gates, and each gate hath an appointed portion.” Yusuf Ali “And verily, Hell is the promised abode for them all! To it are seven gates: for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned.” Hilali-Khan "And surely, Hell is the promised place for them all. "It (Hell) has seven gates, for each of those gates is a (special) class (of sinners) assigned. ” Shakir “And surely Hell is the promised place of them all. It has seven gates; for every gate there shall be a separate party of them.” Sher Ali “And, surely, Hell is the promised place for them all”. It has seven gates, & each gate has a portion of them allotted to it.” Khalifa "And Hell awaits them all. It will have seven gates. Each gate will get a specific share of them." It will have seven gates. Each gate will get a specific share of them." 3rd September 2009

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Surah 15:43-44 Continued Arberry “Gehenna shall be their promised land all together. Seven gates it has, and unto each gate a set portion of them belongs. Palmer “And, verily, Hell is promised to them all together. It has seven doors; at every door is there a separate party of them. Rodwell “And verily, Hell is the promise for them one and all. Sale “And hell is surely denounced unto them all:It hath seven Portals; at each Portal is a separate band of them; It hath seven gates; unto every gate a distinct company of them [shall be assigned]. Irving “Hell will [serve as] an appointment for all of them together. It has seven gates; each gate will have a portion assigned from them." Dawood “They are all destined for Hell.It has seven gates and though each gate they shall come in separate bands.”

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Surah 17:1 The Night Journey

Here Mohammed & Gabriel are shown touring Hell & seeing sinners burning & being tortured. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 17:1 The Night Journey

Here adulterous women are shown impaled on hooks in Hell Fire 3rd September 2009

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Surah 17:1 The Night Journey This picture shows women hanging by their hair & being tortured in Hell Fire for the “sin” of stirring up male lust by “provocatively” exposing their hair to men other than their husbands.

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Surah 17:1 The Night Journey This picture shows women who were too talkative or disrespectful of their husbands hanging by their tongues above Hell Fire

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Surah 4:145 Hypocrites in depths of Hell Pickthall “Lo! the hypocrites (will be) in the lowest deep of the fire, and thou wilt find no helper for them.” Yusuf Ali “The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the fire: no helper wilt thou find for them.” Hilali-Khan “Verily, the hypocrites will be in the lowest depths (grade) of the fire; no helper will you find for them.” Shakir “Surely the hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire and you shall not find a helper for them.” Sher Ali “The hypocrite shall surely be in the lowest depths of the fire; Khalifa “The hypocrites will be committed to the lowest pit of Hell, and you will find no one to help them.”

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Surah 4:145 Continued Arberry “Surely the hypocrites will be in the lowest reach of the Fire; thou wilt not find for them any helper.” Palmer “Verily, the hypocrites are in the lowest depths of Hell-fire, and thou shalt not find for them a help.” Rodwell “Verily the hypocrites shall be in the lowest abyss of the fire: and, by no means shalt thou find a helper for them.” Sale “Moreover the hypocrites shall be in the lowest bottom of Hell fire, and thou shalt not find any to help them [thence].” Irving “Hypocrites will stand on the lowest level of the Fire; you will never find an supporter for them.” Dawood “The hypocrites shall be cast into the lowest depths of the fire: there shall be none to help them.”

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Surah17:8 Hell is like a dungeon Pickthall “But if ye repeat (the crime) We shall repeat (the punishment), and We have appointed Hell a dungeon for the disbelievers.” Yusuf Ali “But if ye revert (to your sins), We shall revert (to Our punishments): And we have made Hell a prison for those who reject (all Faith).” Hilali-Khan “But if you return (to sins), We shall return (to Our Punishment). And We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers”. Shakir “It may be that your Lord will have mercy on you, and if you again return (to disobedience) We too will return (to punishment), and We have made Hell a prison for the unbelievers.” Sher Ali “But if you return to mischief, We too will return to punishment, and remember We have made Hell a prison for the disbelievers.” Khalifa “But if you revert to transgression, we will counter with retribution. We have designated Gehenna as a final abode for the disbelievers.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah17:8 Continued Arberry “But if you return, We shall return; and We have made Gehenna a prison for the unbelievers.” Palmer “But if ye return we will return, and we have made Hell a prison for the misbelievers.” Rodwell “But if ye return, we will return: and we have appointed Hell - the prison of the infidels.” Sale “But if ye return [to transgress a third time], we [also will] return [to chastise you]; and we have appointed Hell to be the prison of the unbelievers.” Irving “If you should turn back, We will go back (too) and turn Hell into a confinement for disbelievers!” Dawood “If you again transgress,you shall again be scourged. We have made Hell a prison house for unbelievers.”

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Seven Earths = Seven levels of Hell Earth


1 5

3rd September 2009


The Seven Hells of Islam Name Description

1st Hell 2nd Hell 3rd Hell 4th Hell 5th Hell 6th Hell 7th Hell

Jaheem Jahanam Sa'ir Saqar Ladha Hawiyah Hutama

Bad Muslims Idol Worshipers Fire Worshipers Atheists Jews Christians Religious Hypocrites


In reality, this is what the Seven Earths of the Koran really are. 2 6



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They are each different levels in Hell 202

Claim 45 (Surah 65:12) - Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7.

This verse says nothing about layers of rock under the surface of the Earth. There are only 4 or 5 layers in the Earths interior.Any more is due to splitting layers and double counting rocks. The “Seven Earths” are in fact the layers of Hell, which is supposed to be below us. Hell is not under the Earth.The Earths interior is only superficially like Hell.The Earths interior is heated by radioactive decay of minerals and not by burning Sinners and Idols. The Earths interior is solid rock and not enormous caves full of billions of sinners. The Seven Earths of the Koran are just the sort of thing that an Arab in Mohammed's time would have imagined. Such absurd claims discredit any Divine Authorship for the Koran. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 46 Continental Drift

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Claim 46 Continental Drift “You see the mountains you reckoned to be solid going past like clouds”. Surah 27:88 Harun Yahya This is supposed to be a reference to Continental Drift.

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Surah 27:88 Continental Drift 1.


3. 4.

According to this claim, the Koran alludes to Continental Drift 1400 years ago even though it was only discovered in the C20th. The same verse is also used to try and prove the Earths rotation. (Claim 35) This shows how the vague words can be interpreted to mean whatever suits the reader’s personal preference. How, we are asked, could Mohammed have known such information unless he received it from God? Thus, we are told, the Koran has been proven to be of Divine origin and Islam is true.

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Surah 27:88 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “And thou seest the hills thou deemest solid flying with the flight of clouds: Yusuf Ali “Thou seest the mountains and thinkest them firmly fixed: but they shall pass away as the clouds pass away: Hilali-Khan “And you will see the mountains and think them solid, but they shall pass away as the passing away of the clouds. Shakir “And you see the mountains, you think them to be solid, and they shall pass away as the passing away of the cloud Sher Ali “And thou seest the mountains, which thou thinkest to be firmly fixed, pass away as the clouds pass away Khalifa “When you look at the mountains, you think that they are standing still. But they are moving, like the clouds.

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Surah 27:88 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “And thou shalt see the mountains, that thou supposest fixed, passing by like clouds Palmer “And thou shalt see the mountains, which thou dost deem solid, pass away like the passing of the clouds Rodwell “And thou shalt see the mountains, which thou thinkest so firm, pass away with the passing of a cloud! Sale “And thou shalt see the mountains, and shalt think them firmly fixed; but they shall pass away, even as the clouds pass away. Irving “You will see the mountains, which you reckoned were solid, slip away just as clouds slip away.” Dawood “The mountains, firm though you might think them, will pass away like clouds.”

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Claim 46 (Surah 27:38 ) - Response •

• •

Surah 27:38 does not refer to the movement of mountains.The references to the mountains “passing” refers to them passing away (being removed) and not passing by. To understand the verse, it needs to be read in the context of the preceding and following verses. This verse refers to God removing the Earths Mountains at the End of the World sometime in the future and not in the present day. Interpreting this verse as a supposed reference to Continental Drift is based on taking it out of context and distorting the meaning.

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Surah 27:88 God causes the Mountains to pass away on Judgment Day This is what the “passing” of mountains means.

With Mountains

The Koran says that the mountains will be removed by God at the End of the World. This has nothing to do with mountains actually moving in the present day.

Without Mountains

Level Plain = Flat Earth

3rd September 2009

See also: Surah 18:47 & Surah 84:1-4

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Surah 18:47 God will cause the Mountains to pass away on Judgment Day Pickthall “And (bethink you of) the Day when we remove the hills and ye see the Earth emerging, and We gather them together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Yusuf Ali “One Day We shall remove the mountains, and thou wilt see the Earth as a level stretch, and We shall gather them, all together, nor shall We leave out any one of them.” Hilali-Khan “And (remember) the Day We shall cause the mountains to pass away (like clouds of dust), and you will see the Earth as a levelled plain, and we shall gather them all together so as to leave not one of them behind.” Shakir “And the day on which We will cause the mountains to pass away and you will see the Earth a levelled plain and We will gather them and leave not any one of them behind.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 18:47 Continued Sher Ali “And bethink of the day when we shall remove the mountains and thou wilt see the nations of the Earth march forth against one another and we shall gather them all together and shall not leave any one of them behind.” Khalifa “The day will come when we wipe out the mountains, and you will see the Earth barren. We will summon them all, not leaving out a single one of them.” Arberry “And on the day We shall set the mountains in motion, and thou seest the Earth coming forth, and We muster them so that We leave not so much as one of them behind.” Palmer “And the day when we will move the mountains, and thou shalt see the (whole) Earth stalking forth; and we will gather them, and will not leave one of them behind.”

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Surah 18:47 Continued Rodwell And call to mind the day when we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth a levelled plain, and we will gather mankind together, and not leave of them any one. Sale On a [certain] day we will cause the mountains to pass away, and thou shalt see the Earth appearing plain [and even]; and we will gather [mankind] together, and we will not leave any one of them behind Irving “Some day We shall set the mountains travelling along and you will see the Earth lying exposed” Dawood “Tell of the day when we shall blot out the mountains and make Earth a barren waste.”

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Claim 46 - Conclusion •

The Koran does not refer to the movement of mountains in Surah 27:38 or anywhere else.The references to the mountains “passing” refers to them passing away (being removed) and not passing by. This verse refers to God removing the Earths Mountains at the End of the World sometime in the future and not in the present day. Interpreting this verse as a supposed reference to the Continental Drift is based on taking it out of context and distorting the meaning. This is another example of distorting the Koran to support extreme Religious beliefs.

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Claim 47 The barrier between the two Sea’s (Harun Yahya)

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Claim 47 The two Seas (Harun Yahya)

“He has let loose the two seas, converging together, with a barrier between them they do not break through.” Surah 55:19-20 Harun Yahya 3rd September 2009

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According to some Muslims the Koran refers to the fact that the waters of the Mediterranean & Atlantic are slow to mix at the Straights of Gibraltar due to differences in salinity in each body of water 216

Claim 47 The Two Sea’s (Harun Yahya) 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Some Muslims claim that Surah 55:19-20 shows a very detailed knowledge of Oceanography. They claim that the Koran refers to the way in which the waters of the Mediterranean are slow to mix with the Atlantic Ocean at the Straights of Gibraltar. This is due to differences in salinity between both bodies of water which were not discovered until the C20th. How, we are asked could Mohammed have known about this 1400 years ago unless God had told him. Thus, we are told, such miraculous information in the Koran proves its divine authorship and the truth of Islam.

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Surah 55:19-20 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “He hath loosed the two seas. They meet. There is a barrier between them. They encroach not (one upon the other).” Yusuf Ali “He has let free the two bodies of flowing water, meeting together: Between them is a barrier which they do not transgress.” Hilali-Khan “He has let loosed the two seas (the salt water and the sweet) meeting together. Between them is a barrier which none of them can transgress.” Shakir “He has made the two seas to flow freely (so that) they meet together: Between them is a barrier which they cannot pass”. Sher Ali “He has made the two bodies of water flow. They will one day meet; Between them there is at present a barrier; they cannot encroach one upon the other.” Khalifa “He separates the two seas where they meet. A barrier is placed between them, to prevent them from transgressing.”

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Surah 55:19-20 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “He let forth the two seas that meet together, between them a barrier they do not overpass.” Palmer “He has let loose the two seas that meet together; between them is a barrier they cannot pass!” Rodwell “He hath let loose the two seas which meet each other: Yet between them is a barrier which they overpass not.” Sale “He hath let loose the two seas, that they meet each another.Between them [is placed] a bar which they cannot pass.” Irving “He has loosed both seas which still come together;between them lies an isthmus which neither tries to cross.” Dawood “He has let loose the two oceans:They meet one another.Yet between them stands a barrier that they cannot overrun.”

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Response to Claim 47 (Surah 55:19-20 ) 1. 2.

3. 4.

This verse does not mention either the Mediterranean, Atlantic or the Straights of Gibraltar.How do Muslims know that this is what is being referred to? Surah 25:53 also mentions the Two Sea’s and says that one of them is Salty water and the other is fresh water.Both the Mediterranean and Atlantic are salty and so they cannot be the Two Sea’s referred to in the Koran. It seems that one of the Two Sea’s is a general reference to the salty waters of the worlds oceans and the other Sea is a reference to a the worlds freshwater. Whatever, the case, this alleged miracle does not exist in the Koran.

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Surah 25:53 The Two Sea’s Pickthall “And He it is Who hath given independence to the two seas (though they meet); one palatable, sweet, and the other saltish, bitter; and hath set a bar and a forbidding ban between them.” Yusuf Ali “It is He Who has let free the two bodies of flowing water: One palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter; yet has He made a barrier between them, a partition that is forbidden to be passed.” Hilali-Khan “And it is He Who has let free the two seas (kinds of water), one palatable and sweet, and the other salt and bitter, and He has set a barrier and a complete partition between them.” Shakir “And He it is Who has made two seas to flow freely, the one sweet that subdues thirst by its sweetness, and the other salt that burns by its saltiness; and between the two He has made a barrier and inviolable obstruction.”

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Surah 25:53 Continued Sher Ali “And He it is Who has caused the two seas to flow, this palatable and sweet, and that salt and bitter; and between them He has placed a barrier and an insurmountable partition.” Khalifa “He is the One who merges the two seas; one is fresh and palatable, while the other is salty and undrinkable. And He separated them with a formidable, inviolable barrier (evaporation).” Arberry “And it is He who let forth the two seas, this one Sweet, grateful to taste, and this salt, bitter to the tongue, and He set between them a barrier, and a ban forbidden. Palmer “He it is who has let loose the two seas, this one sweet and fresh, that one bitter and pungent, and has made between them a rigorous prohibition.

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Surah 25:53 Continued Rodwell “And He it is who hath let loose the two seas, the one sweet, fresh; and the other salt, bitter; and hath put an interspace between them, and a barrier that cannot be passed.” Sale “It is he who hath let loose the two seas; this fresh [and] sweet, and that salt [and] bitter: And hath placed between them a bar, and a bound which cannot be passed.” Irving “He is the One Who has cut off both seas, this one being sweet, fresh, while the other is salty, briny. He has placed an isthmus in between them plus a barrier to block them off.” Dawood “It was he who sent the two seas rolling, the one sweet, the other salt and bitter,and set a rampart between them, an insurmountable barrier.”

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Claim 47 Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4.

Surah 55:19-20 does not mention either the Mediterranean, Atlantic or the Straights of Gibraltar. The Two Sea’s of the Koran are the world’s oceans and the world’s freshwater. There is nothing to explain as this alleged Scientific Miracle is based on wishful thinking and ignores what the Koran says about the nature of the Two Sea’s There is another interpretation of the Two Sea’s by Maurice Bucaille based on Surah 27:61 which will be dealt with in the next section.

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Claim 48 The two Sea’s (Bucaille)

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Claim 48 The two Seas (Bucaille) “He placed a barrier between The two seas. Is there divinity besides God? Nay, but most people do not know. Surah 27:61 Bucaille

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Claim 48 The Two Sea’s (Bucaille) 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

This is another alleged Scientific Miracle in the Koran based on an alternative interpretation by Maurice Bucaille. This interpretation is that several verses of the Koran describe how when the freshwater of rivers do not immediately mix with Seawater at river estuaries due to differences in density. Some claimed that Mohammed could not have known this 1400 years ago unless it had been revealed by God Therefore, it is argued, the Koran must be of divine authorship. However, this argument is very weak just like previous one by Harun Yahya concerning “the Two Sea’s.”

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Claim 48 The two Seas (Bucaille) "(God) is the One Who has let free the two seas, one is agreeable and sweet, the other salty and bitter. He placed a barrier between them, a partition that it is forbidden to pass." Surah 25:53 Bucaille "The two seas are not alike. The water of one is agreeable, sweet, pleasant to drink.The other salty and bitter. You eat fresh meat from it and you extract from it ornaments which you wear." Surah 35:12 Bucaille "He has loosed the two seas. They meet together. Between them there is a barrier which they do not transgress. Out of them come pearls and coral." Surah 55:19,20 & 22 Bucaille 3rd September 2009

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Response to Claim 48 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

This interpretation is less absurd than that of Harun Yahya. However, even if we accept that it is true, there is nothing miraculous about it. Any fisherman or sailor sailing near a river estuary such as at the head of the Persian Gulf could easily have noticed. the differences between fresh water and sea water. River water would not be salty and it would contain some silt. Seawater would be clearer and be salty.Both types of water would look and taste differently. No miraculous knowledge is required. There is also an alternative interpretation of the Two Sea’s that does not require any miraculous knowledge either.

3rd September 2009

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Bahrain – Land of the Two Sea’s The most likely meaning of the term “Two Sea’s” is that it refers to Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. The Arabic name for Bahrain literally means “Land of the Two Sea’s.” There are huge aquifers full of freshwater from ancient rainfall in the rocks below Bahrain. Mohammed could easily have known about Bahrain. 3rd September 2009

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Bahrain – Pearl Diving Left: Pearl divers in Bahrain "He has loosed the two seas. They meet together. Between them there is a barrier which they do not transgress. Out of them come pearls and coral." Surah 55:19,20 & 22 The Koran associates the “Two Sea’s” with pearls. Bahrain is one of the largest sources of Pearls in the world. The meeting of the Two Sea’s may refer to freshwater fountains coming out of the sea bed around Bahrain. 3rd September 2009

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Apsu and Tiamat – The Two Sea’s Apsu (Saltwater World Ocean)

Apsu (Saltwater World Ocean)

Tiamat (Freshwater Sea)

Left: The Two Sea’s according to Mesopotamian Mythology. Perhaps the Koran is referring to a similar belief.

In Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology, there were also two Seas. One Sea was a saltwater World Ocean encompassing a flat circular Earth. The other Sea was a huge freshwater ocean under the Earth which “explained” where the water from springs came from. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 48 Conclusion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Even if Bucaille’s interpretation of the “Two Seas” is correct, there is nothing remarkable about this. Anyone sailing the Persian Gulf 1400 years ago and approaching the mouth of a river would have known that river water and sea water are slow to mix. However, it is more likely, that the “Two Sea’s” refers to freshwater springs and the seawater in or around Bahrain in the Persian Gulf. What the Koran says is merely describing what can be seen by anyone and is not miraculous or even intended to be miraculous. The author of the Koran may well have believed in a mythical freshwater ocean under the Earths surface. Those who see a miracle here are misinterpreting the Koran.

3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Claim 49 Mid Ocean ridges in the Sea floor

3rd September 2009

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Claim 49 Mid Ocean ridges in Sea floor

“[I swear] by Heaven which returns and the Earth which splits.” Surah 86:11-12 3rd September 2009

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Claim 49 Mid Ocean ridges 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

This alleged “Scientific Miracle” relates to mid ocean relates to the discovery of mid ocean ridges at the boundary of Tectonic plates. New oceanic crust is generated at a rate of a few centimetres a year and a similar amount of old crust is recycled back into the Earth in subduction zones at the edges of other Tectonic plates. This drives the movement of Tectonic plates carrying Continents. This was only discovered in the 1960’s. How then, we are asked could Mohammed have known about this 1400 years ago. (Surah 86:11-12) Many Muslims reply that Mohammed could not have known unless he had been told by God. This amazingly modern Geological information claim many Muslims proves the divine authorship of the Koran and the truth of Islam.

3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Claim 49 Mid Ocean ridges in Sea floor

Mid Ocean Ridges at the edges of many Tectonic Plates were only discovered in the 1960’s. How, we are asked did the Koran know about them 1400 years ggo?

3rd September 2009

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Surah 86:11-12 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “By the Heaven which giveth the returning rain, and the Earth which splitteth (with the growth of trees and plants.” Yusuf Ali “By the Firmament which returns (in its round), and by the Earth which opens out (for the gushing of springs or the sprouting of vegetation).” Hilali-Khan “By the Sky (having rain clouds) which gives rain, again and again and the Earth which splits (with the growth of trees and plants)” Shakir “I swear by the rain-giving Heavens, and the Earth splitting (with plants)” Sher Ali “By the cloud which gives rain repeatedly, and by the Earth which opens out with herbage.” Khalifa “By the Sky that returns (the water). By the Earth that cracks (to grow plants) .” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 86:11-12 Checking the translation 2 Arberry “By Heaven of the returning rain, by Earth splitting with verdure.” Palmer “By the Heaven that sends back the rain and the Earth with its sprouting!” Rodwell “I swear by the Heaven which accomplisheth its cycle, and by the Earth which openeth her bosom.” Sale “By the Heaven which returneth [the rain]; and by the Earth which openeth. [to let forth vegetables and springs] “ Irving “By the Sky with its cycle,by the Earth cracking open.” Dawood “By the Heaven with its recurring cycles and by the Earth ever bursting with new growth.”

3rd September 2009

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Surah 86:11-12 What it really means “[I swear] by Heaven which returns and the Earth which splits.” Surah 86:11-12 is referring to seasonal rain and the splitting of the soil due to the growth of plants. There is no miracle involved at all.It merely describes what Arab farmers had known for thousands of years before Mohammed 3rd September 2009

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Claim 49 Conclusion 1.

This is a classic example of Islamic Fundamentalists taking a verse out of context and reading their own fantasies into it.


There is no mention of oceanic crust splitting and expanding here or anywhere else in the Koran.


Surah 86:11-12 is describing how plants push up the soil as they are growing, something that anyone can observe.


There is no Scientific Miracle here.


This seems like a deliberate distortion of the words of the Koran.


This is not a Scientific Miracle, but rather it is most likely a deliberate Scientific lie. 3rd September 2009

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Claim 50 Darkness underwater

3rd September 2009

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Claim 50 Darkness underwater “Or [the unbelievers' state] are like the darkness of a fathomless sea which is covered by waves above which are waves above which are clouds, layers of darkness, one upon the other. If he puts out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Those Allah gives no light to, they have no light.” Surah 24:40 Harun Yahya

3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Claim 50 Darkness underwater 1.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

This alleged “Scientific Miracle” says that the Koran contains miraculous Oceanographic knowledge about the lack of light deep underwater. Such information,it is claimed requires diving far deeper than any diver could manage without modern technology. How then, is it that the Koran mentions the darkness of the deep ocean? Mohammed, we are told could not possibly have known this 1400 years ago. The only explanation, we are told is Allah’s divine authorship of the Koran. Islamic Fundamentalists cannot understand how anyone can be an unbeliever, when Allah has given us such clear signs of the truth of Islam.

3rd September 2009

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Surah 24:40 Checking the translation 1 Pickthall “Or as darkness on a vast, abysmal sea. There covereth him a wave, above which is a wave, above which is a cloud. Layer upon layer of darkness. When he holdeth out his hand he scarce can see it. And he for whom Allah hath not appointed light, for him there is no light.” Yusuf Ali “Or (the Unbelievers' state) is like the depths of darkness in a vast deep ocean, overwhelmed with billow topped by billow, topped by (dark) clouds: depths of darkness, one above another: if a man stretches out his hands, he can hardly see it! for any to whom God giveth not light, there is no light!” Hilali-Khan “Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with a great wave topped by a great wave, topped by dark clouds, darkness, one above another, if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.” Shakir “Or like utter darkness in the deep sea: there covers it a wave above which is another wave, above which is a cloud, (layers of) utter darkness one above another; when he holds out his hand, he is almost unable to see it; and to whomsoever Allah does not give light, he has no light.” 3rd September 2009

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Surah 24:40 Checking the translation 2 Sher Ali “Or, their deeds are like thick layers of darkness spread over a vast and deep sea, on whose surface rise waves above waves, above which are clouds - layers upon layers of darkness. When he holds out his hands, he can hardly see it; and he whom ALLAH gives no light - for him there is no light at all.” Khalifa “Another allegory is that of being in total darkness in the midst of a violent ocean, with waves upon waves, in addition to thick fog. Darkness upon darkness - if he looked at his own hand, he could barely see it. Whomever GOD deprives of light, will have no light.” Arberry “or they are as shadows upon a sea obscure covered by a billow above which is a billow above which are clouds, shadows piled one upon another; when he puts forth his hand, well-nigh he cannot see it. And to whomsoever God assigns no light, no light has he. Palmer “Or like darkness on a deep sea, there covers it a wave above which is a wave, above which is a cloud,- darkness's one above the other,- when one puts out his hand he can scarcely see it; for he to whom God has given no light, he has no light. 3rd September 2009

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Surah 24:40 Checking the translation 3 Rodwell “Or like the darkness on the deep sea when covered by billows riding upon billows, above which are clouds: darkness upon darkness. When a man reacheth forth his hand, he cannot nearly see it! He to whom God shall not give light, no light at all hath he!” Sale “Or, as the darkness in a deep sea, covered by waves [riding] on waves, above which are clouds, being [additions of] darkness one over the other; when [one] stretcheth forth his hand, he is far from seeing it. And unto whomsoever God shall not grant [his] light, he shall enjoy no light at all.“ Irving “Or like darkness on the unfathomed sea: one wave covers up another wave, over which there [hang] clouds; layers of darkness, one above the other! When he stretches out his hand, he can scarcely see it. Anyone whom God does not grant light to will have no light! .” Dawood “Or like the darkness of a bottomless ocean spread with clashing billows and overcast with clouds:darkness upon darkness.If he stretches out his hand he can scarcely see it.Indeed the man from whom God withholds his light finds no light at all.”

3rd September 2009

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Mohammed preaching to followers The Koran is comparing the state of unbelievers to a man deep underwater in a dark ocean. However, for the people listening to Mohammed reciting the Koran to have understood Surah 24:40 they would have to already know that it is very dark deep underwater. In fact Surah 24:40 presumes such knowledge among its listeners.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 50 Darkness underwater Despite the claims of Islamic Fundamentalists you do not need a Submarine to realise that it is dark underwater.Fishermen can see objects just below the surface, but not deep down on the ocean floor because it is too dark.

3rd September 2009

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Claim 50 Conclusion 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

Surah 24:40 does not include any miraculous knowledge that was not already known to the Arabs of Mohammed's time. In fact, this verse assumes that the listeners already know such things.It is comparing unbelievers to something familiar to listeners. Arab fishermen or sailors could easily see that it is dark underwater. There is no need for Allah to have told Mohammed about this. This example of an alleged Scientific Miracle is merely referring to something which was common knowledge among the Arabs of Mohammed's time.

3rd September 2009

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Conclusion Conclusion for Koran Science & Cosmology (Part 3) 1.



4. 5.

This Presentation has examined 19 further examples of alleged Scientific Miracles in the Koran and found them to be totally unconvincing. The “evidence” for Scientific Miracles in these 19 examples does not stand up to scrutiny anymore that that in the other Presentations. This “evidence” is based on vague phrases, dishonest or inaccurate translations,taking verses out of context & ignoring the most obvious or traditional interpretation. Different Fundamentalists can make the same vague few words mean completely different & contradictory things. These 19 examples do not support claims of Scientific Miracles in the Koran.

3rd September 2009

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3rd September 2009

12 - Koran Science & Cosmology (Pt 3)


Continued on next Presentation ……

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