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Certificate of Project Work Completion This is to certify that the Project-Work titled VISITS)AND INDUSTRY ANALYSIS


has been completed satisfactorily in partial

fulfillment of B.B.A.(IB) (Sem-IV) course of the Savitribai Phule Pune University for the academic year 2016-17 by the following student of “MarathwadaMitraMandal College of Commerce, Pune-411004.




Project Guide

/ 2018




I would like to express my sincere thanks to the Savitribai Phule Pune University and MarathwadaMitraMandal college of Commerce for giving me the opportunity to prepare and present this report. “There is a good saying that the work is successfully completed if the person is guided properly at the right time by the right person”, with that the good opportunities that we receive as well as the efficient supervision and the most valuable the internal guidance. Hereby I would like to express my deep gratitude to our ‘Prof. Miss.KALPANA VAIDYA’, who in her busy schedule provided us with full support and encouragement, her whole hearted co-operation throughout the progress and the completion of the project. Last but not the least I would like to thank my friends for their encouragement and direct or indirect support in completion of the project.






Page No.










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Scandic (Sil) Anandi dairy Agro tourism Accurate Engineering Katraj Dairy

16-37 38-50 51-55 56-78 79-114








CHAPTER-1 1.INTRODUCTION TO INDUSTRY I am pleased to present this Industrial Visit report for B.B.A.(IB) (SY) Semester IV according to the syllabus prescribed by the University of Pune. It covers important topic and information concepts regarding the industries I had visited. This report covers various methodologies of study, profiles of industries, their history, vision, mission statement, future goals and objectives, their product range, manufacturing process of different products, SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat ) analysis, observation and behavior. Recommendations and suggestions are also mentioned in this report and some conclusions are also drawn out.


1.1 THE BUSINESS EXPOSURE Industrial exposure is the subject introduced by the SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY in syllabus of B.B.A.(IB) (SY) Semester IV for the students, so that they will get more practical and realistic knowledge about the industries. It provides an opportunity to the students to explore the industrial world. It helps to introduce to the students to the general nature and structure of source selected industries and business organization. Industrial exposure will help the students to enhance their practical knowledge about the working of industries. It also helps to satisfy the curiosity among the students which they have regarding the industry. In this competitive world students need to understand the, practical concepts, the day to day working, decision making process, various productions and operations carried out by industries, planning and control, how to anticipate future in respect of Market, Technology, Human Resource, Finance and do prediction about future market position as they are the future decision makers. Industrial exposure thus helps the students to understand the core concepts regarding the working of industry.


1.2 Importance and Scope of Business Exposure Business Exposure is of vital importance in today’s competitive business world as it helps the future rising generation by giving them insight to look forward and explores the outside world. Business exposure helps a lot to students as it provides them a new realistic and practical outlook, gives them an opportunity to understand, explore and study the business world outside. It has a large scope of practical knowledge rather than the theoretical knowledge; also many theoretical concepts are cleared and easily understood by business exposure. 1. It introduces the students to the general nature and structure of source selected industries and business organization. 2. It helps them to acquire the more practical and realistic knowledge about the working of industries and carrying out various business activities. 3. It helps the students to understand the various different functions of the organization, industry, like how Planning is carried out, how control is observed in what way production is undertaken, how the orders are received, how the goods are dispatched, what is the marketing strategy, how funds are raised etc. 4. It helps in understanding different process regarding the production, working, working schedule. 5. It directly makes the students aware of the role of different people of different position in an organization, it tells what a manager’s job is, what is an supervisors job, what is labourers job, it makes them aware of the various duties and responsibilities regarding the work at different positions. 6. It brings awareness regarding the carrier opportunities among the students. They come to know what kind of job are there in different types of industries, what are the requirements and skills needed for different jobs and then start preparing for the same as they become carrier conscious. 7. Some industries require good health and hygiene, students are made aware of these requirements. While in some industries certain safety measures are required to be taken while working or performing certain tasks, students are made aware and conscious of these health and safety requirements. 7

8. It helps the students to understand the different tools and techniques used and required in different industries to have control on activities, human force working, production, financial funds, etc. 9. It gives an opportunity to explore the industrial world and to understand more realistic and practical approach rather than only studying from books. 10. It shows how disparity is kept aside and work is done to achieve the common objectives of the organization.


1.3 Objectives of Business Exposure In today’s competitive business, it is the need of the hour to make students aware of the working of the industry. To make them understand the practical concepts to give them practical knowledge regarding the industry so that it helps them in future to have a good carrier. 1. The very basic and primary objective of the business exposure is to make the students aware with the industries to let them know how industries work and how various operations are carried out in an industry. 2. To help in understanding different process regarding the production, working, handling resources both men and material, planning, controlling, organizing, motivating, etc. 3. To give an opportunity to students to explore the industrial world outside and to understand it more realistic and practically. 4. To help to acquire the more practical and realistic knowledge about the working of industries and carrying out various business activities. 5. To make students aware of carrier opportunities in various industries they have and what essential qualities are required to get that position in that industry. 6. To introduce the students to the general nature and structure of source selected industries and business organization. 7. To make the students aware of the role of different people at different positions in an organization, it tells what a manager’s job is, what is an supervisors job, what is an labour’s job, it makes them aware of the various duties and responsibilities at different positions. 8. To make students aware of different industries in the country and what kind of industries are there and which industries are leading.


9. To show different sectors in industry so that their idea may be clear regarding each industry and they may choose the industry in which they want to do their carrier. 10. It helps the students to experience chemistry at workplace. As there are people of different culture, caste, religion and education background, who come together and work as a group and team up to achieve the common goals of the industry or organization. 11. To find the Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threats SWOT analysis it helps a lot. It makes aware of what are strengths of company, what are weakness of the company, how strengths are to be increased, how weakness is to be overcome, what are the future opportunities, what are the threats the industry is going to face in future like threats from other companies in same industry, etc. Thus it helps the students to know how company uses its resources properly in a systematic manner.


1.4 Limitations of Business Exposure

1. The time limit provided is very less to do a well organized study, understand all the concepts, thoroughly understand the working of an industry, its various operations, in a short span of time a proper study cannot be made. 2. The number of industries to be visited is also very less as there is various industries and all types of industries cannot be visited only a few selected are to be visited. Thus a total all round Industrial Exposure is not achieved. 3. Most of the companies do not provide full and adequate information, only some very basic things and concepts are told and many things are kept secret. 4. It may so happen that visit to a good and reputed industry cannot be made and for sake of industrial visit, visit is made to any industry which is available.


CHAPTER-2 METHODOLOGY 2.1 Concept of Business exposure Research methodology is considered as the nerve of the project. Without a wellorganized research plan it is impossible to complete the project and reach any conclusion. Methodology means "the analysis of the principles of methods, rules, and postulates employed by a discipline"; Therefore research methodology is the way to systematically solve the research problem. Research methodology does not only talk about the method but also about the logic behind the methods used in the context of the research study and explains why a particular method has been used in the preference of the other method. After the research problem we have to find out which type of data is to be researched. At this stage we have to do field survey to gather data. One of the important tools of making a project is the availability of useful and adequate data. Methodology is a documented process for management of projects that contains procedures, definitions and explanations of techniques used to collect, store, analyse and present information as part of a research process in a given discipline. Methodology may be a description of process, or may be expanded to include a philosophically coherent collection of theories, concepts or ideas as they relate to a particular discipline or field of inquiry.


2.2 Primary Data 2.2.1 Tools and techniques of primary data We collected the primary data by following tools and techniques: 1. Interview 2. Observation 3. Behavior Interview Method We used this method for our collection of data. In this method we asked questions to the managers and our guide. We asked questions regarding different departments of companies production, Human resource,

Marketing, finance, exports, generally about

the whole process of the company in production of goods etc.We asked descriptive type questions to concerned persons and I think we have got good response which is very helpful to us in our future. Behavioral Data We observed the co-ordination between employees of different levels and departments. The behavior of the concerned people who were guiding us was appreciable. And their nature was helping too. Observation Method Using

the observation method we collected data during our visit. During the visit we

observed the plant, production process, plant layout, machinery used for production etc. We observed the co-ordination between employees of different levels and departments. We observed their Industrial Culture.


2.3 Secondary data Secondary data is the data that have been already collected by and readily available from other sources. Such data are cheaper and more quickly obtainable than the primary data and also may be available when primary data cannot be obtained at all. Common sources of secondary data for social science include censuses, surveys, organizational records and data collected through qualitative methodologies or qualitative research. Secondary data analysis saves time that would otherwise be spent collecting data and, particularly in the case of quantitative data, provides larger and higher-quality databases than would be unfeasible for any individual researcher to collect on their own. In addition to that, analysts of social and economic change consider secondary data essential, since it is impossible to conduct a new survey that can adequately capture past change and/or developments.

2.3.1 Tools and Techniques of secondary data While primary data can be collected through questionnaires, in depth interview, focus group interviews, case studies, experimentation and observation; the secondary data can be obtained through Internal Sources of Data If available, internal secondary data may be obtained with less time, effort and money than the external secondary data. In addition, they may also be more pertinent to the situation at hand since they are from within the organization. The internal sources include. 1. Accounting resources- This gives so much information which can be used by the marketing researcher. They give information about internal factors. 2. Sales Force Report- It gives information about the sale of a product. The information provided is of outside the organization. 3. Internal Experts- These are people who are heading the various departments. They can give an idea of how a particular thing is working 4. Miscellaneous Reports- These are what information you are getting from operational reports. 14

Chapter 3






TYPE OF INDUSTRY SIL is a food industry. Food industry is basically a type of industry that manufacturers food products through various raw materials and with various processes. There are various types of food industries like dairy, poultry, honey, sugar industry etc. It is basically an industry that focuses on products made out of food and fruit preservatives i.e. products like jam, sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc. This industry operates in Pune and has been quiet successful. This company has its own set of standard products and are of specialized quality and excellency. This industry is located at Saswad and has a big production unit and can produce a huge number of products at a time. SIL industry has been developing and growing since a very long time and has been successful in food industry.


COMPANY PROFILE SIL Industry is a food industry which manufactures products made out of food and fruit preservatives. It has been a successful industry. It is a well known brand which operates throughout the country. It is a Scandic Food India Private Ltd Company locally branded as SIL and has been a very well developing food industry. Scandic Food is a 100% subsidiary of Denmark based “Good Food Group A/S”. With factories in 5 countries, the group produces, markets and exports food products to around 80 countries. The group’s principle product range comprises of jams, juices, honey, dressings, nuts, and frozen fruits. Good Food Group also weilds expertise in diverse food categories. In March 2008, Scandic Food acquired the SIL range from Marico in order to tap the Indian processed foods sector.

After acquisition by Marico, SIL continues to introduce innovative products in the market. Its strong distribution network further ensures easy availability of these products across the country. SIL is determined to maintain its momentum of delivering well researched, curated, finest quality products to its consumers.




HISTORY In 1952:- Mr. Rustamji , a Parsi Food technologist commenced the SIL journey under the name – James Smith and Co. The company set out as a processed fruit and continental food brand with a variety of foods in cans and bottles. Even during its early days SIL had around 60 products under this brand. Then in the late 60’s it was acquired by “Rallis India Ltd.” Rallis however, decided to continue with the same name, brand and location i.e. Cotton Green, Mumbai. In 1979:-Mr. Jeroo Mango from Mumbai and Mr. Vakil from Pune purchased SIL in partnership under the same name “James Smith and Co.” and soon operations were shifted from Cotton Green, Mumbai to Khalad village, Saswad near Pune. In 1980:-Manufacturing activity commenced at Saswad. In 1991:-SIL was purchased by “Bombay Oil Industries”. The company name “James Smith and Co.” was changed to “Kanmoor Foods Ltd.” But the brand name and location remained the same. In 1993:-“Marico Industries ltd.” took marketingof SIL from Kanmoor foods. In 2000:-“SIL” manufacturing activity was also taken over by Marico Industry. In 2008:-Scandic Food India Private Ltd., a Danish subsidiary of Good Food Group A/S acquired SIL from Marico Industries.Presently, SIL is the second most leading brand in the Jams category and leading player in all its other processed food segments. Popular for “Lip- Smakin Goodness” SIL has a wide range of products such as jams, sauces, ketchups, baked beans, sweet corn soup and mayonnaise.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Board of Directors have the power of all decisions that are to be made, in regards to SIL industry. The Chairman of SIL industry is Mr. Otto Christensen. Board Of Directors of SIL Industry:1) Torben Christensen 2) Otto Johannes Christensen 3) MahendraSadashivDeodhar


VISSION AND MISSION The objective of SIL industry is to build a positive response among the consumers and provide them with high quality and wide range of products which would help them to fulfil their needs. This organization has a unique advantage, its strategic location. Based in Pune city, a place with historic, cultural importance and a major district in Maharashtra, India. The city is known as ‘The City of Students’ because of its large number of educational centers. Another major advantage is that Mumbai is just 180km away. Thus, using these key factors, they want to serve the state with their superior quality of food products. They want the state to crave for this superior quality of food products. The main motive is not only to earn profit but also to take care of the health of the consumers.


CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSILITY CSR stands for Corporate Social Responsibility. CSRmeans a sense of responsibility towards society, employees, people around and their welfare and development.

         

To provide consumers with high quality of good products.

To make products available to the consumers whenever required.

To take care of the health of the customers.

To increase the economic health of the country.

To ensure that the pollution does not increase while manufacturing the products.

To decrease the poverty of the country by doing charity.

To avoid the usage of harmful products in the manufacturing process.

To carry out activities which would help to build welfare in the community.

To increase entrepreneurship development in the minds of people.

The motive is to reduce the issues of hunger and malnutrition.



The SIL Industry produces jam by cutting the whole fruit into pieces or crushing it. Then it is heated with water and sugar to activate its pectin before being put into containers. The SIL also manufactures.

1.MixedFruitJams, 2.Pineapple Jam, 3.Mango Jam, etc.


2.KETCH-UP’s Ketchup is a sweet and tangy sauce, typically made from tomatoes, sweetener and vinegar, with assorted seasonings and spices. The SIL also manufactures. 1.Tomato Ketchup. 2.Hot Sweet Ketchup. 3.Funmato Ketchup. 4.Hotmato Ketchup.


3.BAKED BEANS The soya beans are boiled, sorted, and the impurities in it are removed. Then the beans are baked and used in making sauces.

4.SWEET CORN SOUP There’s hardly any soul who can ignore the sweet mellow appeal of this slurpy delight. Especially when it’s interspersed with chewy corn kernels.


5.PICKLES Pickling is the process of preserving or expanding the lifespan of food by either anaerobic fermentation in brine or immersion in vinegar. The resulting food is called pickle, or, to prevent ambiguity, prefaced with the adjective pickled.

6.MAYONNAISE Mayonnaise is a thick, creamy dressing often used as a condiment. It is stable emulsion of oil, egg yolk, and either vinegar or lemon juice with many options for embellishment with other herbs and spices. The SIL also manufactures. 1.Veg Mayonnaise. 2.Non Veg Mayonnaise. 3. Mexican Mayonnaise. 4.Cheesy Mayonnaise. 5.Garlic Mayonnaise. 6.Tikka Mayonnaise. 7.Mint Mayonnaise etc.


7.SpreadHazella The goodness of chocolate and healthiness of hazelnut, Hazella Choco is an instant dip into happiness.

8.SAUCES If you have a knack to experiment with snacks, this super slick, thick sauce will definitely garnish your food plates and taste palates with a little something extra.The SIL industry produces various Sauces such as1.Tomato Sauce. 2.Soya Sauce. 3.RedChilli Sauce. 4.GreenChilliSauce etc.


MANUFACTURING PROCESS Manufacturing Process are the steps through which raw materials are transformed into a final product. Manufacturing process is carried out in a very efficient and effective manner. The manufacturing process is done with proper care so that the high quality products are made available for the consumers.The manufacturing process of the baked bean in tomato sauce is carried out in the following steps:-




The soya beans are soaked into the water for atleast 12 hours before boiling it.

2. DRAINING After soaking the process of draining is done by draining the water from the bean.

3.WASHING The beans are then washed properly after draining the water.

4.CLEANING The washed beans are then cleaned properly by removing the impurities from it.

5.BOILING After the process of cleaning the beans are boiled up to 80c.


6.ADDING To make the final sauce many ingredients such as sugar, salt, spices, etc are added to increase the taste of the sauce.

7.FILLING The sauce is then filled in the cans or containers.

8.PACKING The final product is then sealed and packed accordingly for selling in the market.



SIL Industry has a simple chain of distribution. They follow two chains of distribution:-







As per the survey there is a little gap in the company’s communication and consumer understanding of the brand. Management should device “Pocket wise” aggressive communication campaign. As the product is not present nationally, Vernacular Press, Cable TV network, Radio jingles, Shop front gates (low budget advertisement options) could be used for popularizing the brand





A manufacturing unit like the SIL Industry has many machines, electrical units, etc. that needs regular maintenance. SIL Industry has a fixed routine that covers all the maintenance required units.

Machinery All machinery requires maintenance. The maintenance is determined on the number of hours that it has been operated. Based on this the wear and tear of the various machines parts can be estimated. The parts that usually require the maximum maintenance are the rollers of packaging units. The machines that come in contact with the sauces or jams are washed with boiling hot water, then with a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washed with cold water. This process takes place everywhere with the small holding tanks.

Storage Tanks There are two types of storage tanks when it comes to maintenance, the big and the small. The big storage tanks are washed on weekly basis while the smaller once are washes on daily basis. The process involves, washing with boiling hot water, then by chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washing with cold water.


Electrical Department The electrical department is in charge of electrical lies that run through the entire plant they usually have a simple job of just changing the parts that whether down or fuse. A major problem they face is rodents eating their underground wires, however, they now run the cables through G.I pipes. The other equipment that usually burn out are the M.C.B.’s, wires that fuse, motor pumps, etc.

Pest control Rodents are a problem everywhere. To take care of them crews of pest control are called every one month to spray the pesticides to keep the plant rodent free and hygienic. Everywhere during the manufacturing process, the pest control panels are available.


COMPETITORS SIL brand is one of the most competitive brand. To compete with its competitors it every now and then build up some or the other strategies to strive in the competitive world. The following is the list of the competitors in particular products:     

Jams: Kissan, Mapro, TOPS. Sauce/Ketchup:Kissan, Maggi. Tomato Puree:Godrej. Canned and Bottled Products:Kissan. Pickles:Ruchi, Priya, Mother’s Recipe, Bedekar. etc

MY EXPERIENCE Industrial Visit to SIL Industry has been a very wonderful experience. We learnt a lot and it was fun and knowledgeable. SIL is one of the biggest and successful food production industry in Pune. It has very interesting production process. It has many products and are standardized and are of good quality. Its hygienic and clean and it has proper system and machineries installed which are checked and maintained from time to time. It was indeed a wonderful experience.

WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE SIL INDUSTRY? SIL gives proper quality products with high prices. The production process are standardized and are made in appropriate situation and conditions. The products are properly tested and then kept for sale. All this aspects prove that SIL products are good and healthy for use. That’s why we should prefer SIL industry.

OBSERVATION We observed that SIL industry has been one of the famous food industry in Pune and has established a good market base and as we had seen the products, they are of proper quality which are packed properly. And many more aspects makes this industry a successful industry.



















TYPE OF INDUSTRY Anandi dairy is a type of milk industry. Basically this industry manufactures all milk products such as panner,milk,chesse,butter,etc.This industry has been started by MR.CHANDRAKANT JAGTAP. This industry has been started with the objective of providing employment to poor people. The management of this industry mainly focuses on quality of their products.They have their quality control team .This industry produces milk products in excess.This industry is growing and developing rapidly. This industry is located and operated in Khaladvillage ,pune.They have certificate of FSSAI[Food And Safety Standard Authority of India].

COMPANY PROFILE Anandi dairy is food industry which manufactures milk products. It has been successful industry.The milk is supplied all over Pune district and it is also a reputed member of Pune ‘ZilhaSahkariDudhUtpadakSangh’. The brand name of this industry is “ANANDI.” They manufactures:- toned milk, milk, panner, cheese, buttermilk, butter, dahi, ghee, khawa, etc.They have their packing department and their packing sizes of milk-150ml, 250ml, 500ml and so on. They don’t have their factory outlet due to they directly supplies the product to their dealers.The machines used in industry are imported from other state and they also have laboratory which checks the components such as Fats, Calcium and Thickness of milk. The plant is equipped with modern pasteurizer, homogenizer, cream separator, Ghee processing and automatic packing of milk and milk products. The other products such as panner, cheese, butter etc rather than milk are produced as per requirements of the customers. The electricity bill/month is around Rs 2.5lakhs. The total people working in industry as staff are 13 and workers are 30 and industry is opened 24 hours.


HISTORY Anandi dairy was incorporated on 9thjune 2011 with intention of providing employment and welfare for farmers .The milk used in industry is collected from the number of villages .The total collection of milk every day is around 30,000 Litres and yearly turnover of this industry is RS.13crore. Designated partners of Anandi milk and dairy products are: MR.CHANDRAKANT JAGTAP, MRS.RAJVARDHINI JAGTAP, MR.RAJENDRA MANDRARE.

VISION AND MISSION The mission of the company is to provide employment opportunity to the villages near by the plant. The plant pays the farmers according to the quality of the milk instead of the quantity which is an important incentives that promotes the farmers to produce better quality milk that provides more nutrient ion as compared to other products. It's had provided almost 50 employees as a part of the organisation. Vision of the organisation is as many 500 employees as the end of the year and to increase the production from 30000 liters/Day(at present)to 400000liters/day in next year.

MISSION 2019 1.To build a school for the villagers near by. 2.To spread the need of better quality milk in our country.


CORPORATE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES The company has taken the initiative to provide education facilities to all the current employees of the organisation. It has also taken initiative to conduct programmes for the farmers in the villages so as to share information about the importance of milk and its products among the society as a whole every month the organisation plants 100 trees so as to reduce pollution generated by the plant. It has also taken a step towards GO GREEN by using utensils that can be used again instead of the plastic and tetra packing's.

How does the industry helps the farmers ? The farmers get remunerated by the quality and not by the quantity which creates an initiative between farmers so as to produce better milk quality .The organisation provides proper facilities to farmers so as to improve their standard of living.



Milk is white liquid produced by cow and buffalo. It is the primary source of nutrition. The ever increasing rise in domestic demand for dairy products and large demand supply gap could lead India to being a net importer of dairy products. In Anandi industry main production is of milk and the quality and price of milk depends upon the components of milk. The milk collected in 40 litres CAN and two graders check it by smelling the milk and afterwards the milk is sent to the laboratory for further process.

2.GHEE Ghee is pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi butter or from cream to which no colouring matter is added. In one table spoon of Ghee there is 112kcal energy, Fat is approx 5 gram and ghee also contains 0.04 protein and minerals around potassium 1mg.Anandi industry produces ghee according to the requirement of customers.



Anandi industry produces panner, cheese, butter on the basis of their requirements and such products are not perishable so they store it in refrigeration area. The margin which they earn from these products is near about 7-8 %. These industry sometimes supplies panner, cheese, butter, etc to the hotels and earns a good profit. Packing sizes which they have of Panner - 250gm,500gm,750gm,1kg Butter - 150gm,250gm,500gm Cheese- only cubes are produced.


MANUFACTURING PROCESS Basically, the milk is collected in the collection centresin the villages these are the all villages that sells the milk to the Anandi industry which is situated in khalad, Pune The milk which is collected by the farmers are carried or transported in 40liters cans by the vehicles and that cans are emptied in the milk tanker which are located in the collection centres.

1.Milk Transportation Vehicle This means of transportation is made for the transport of milk from various sub urban and urban areas where the collection centres are made and the milk supplier brings the certain amount of milk over right there and the milk is brought at the centres.

2.MOTOR OPERATED PIPELINES The milk from the vehicles is evacuated and transferred to the boilers with the help of motor and rotor operated vacuum liquid suppliers.

3.BOILER ROOM A boiler room consist of the boiler whose prime aim is to pasteurize the milk and kill the certain kind of bacteria.



It is the process of sterilisation of milk using heat the process used in this plant is known as high temperature and less time process which is described as in process.

5.REFRIGERATION The milk obtained from the armer is grouped according to the quality and it is send to refrigeration stage where it is heated upto 53 degree then the milk from refrigeration chamber is send to heating chamber where it is maintained at 72.5 degree for 15 seconds then again it is passed through regeneration chamber then to homogenisation chamber and finally it is cooled below 5 degree and then stored according to quality.

6.PACKAGING The above picture is a packing unit of Anandi dairy. These machine is operated by computer and packages 5000 pouches of milk per hour. The visited dairy has a schedule of packing between 10:30 morning to 4:30 noon according to that Anandi dairy produces 30000 pouches of milk in one day.


7.STORAGE The produce pouches of milk are needed to be store.d place whose room temperature should not exceed above 29 degrees in a chilled or refrigerated.

8.LABRORATORY Quality control unit is a place where the samples of milk before and after are tested to check the quality and state of milk and decide whether the milk is consumable or not and also the vital use of these laboratory is to check the fat percentage of milk and decide the valid pricing of milk as well.




WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE ANANDI MILK? I am a college student and I need milk daily so I used to take Anandi milk because the taste of Anandi give me happiness and also Anandi milk is very healthy .There are many milk product in the market right now like Patanjali , Chitale, Amul etc. but among them Anandi is the best beacuse of its freshness and it’s a trustworthy product till now. I am using Anandi milk since long and I am very glad to say that no other dairy prodcut can beat Anandi because Anandi

is the taste of Pune.

I also use Anandi Butter,

AnandiPanner,Anandichesse, is also very good. Cost of products are very reasonable and all products are easily available in the market.And there is a saying that, “ANANDI MILK PIYEGA PUNE TABHI TO BADEGA PUNE”.

MY EXPERIENCE The industrial visit to Anandi dairy was a fun and knowledge worth visit and in this industry we came to know about the manufacturing and quality of milk and the staff and workers of the industry were co-operative due to which we gain extra knowledge and we also came to know about that how the industry helps economy to develop in a rapid way. It was fun to visit the industry.

OBSERVATION We observe that the Anandi industry is a developing industry and which tries to provide as much as employment to the poor people and the management also tries to do social activities due to which they also have a good public image among the society.And their products are healthy as they are naturally made.







AMUL DAIRYS and many more.




INDEX  Introduction  Why Agro Tourism?  Why is Agro Tourism important?  Priority Needs in Agro Tourism  Scope for Agro Tourism  The future and benefits of Agro Tourism  EXAMPLE


Introduction The future and benefits of Agro Tourism Agricultural and on-farm nature tourism can be defined as businesses run by farmers as part of their normal operations for the enjoyment and education of visitors. Agricultural and nature tourism have the potential to generate increased on-farm revenues, and, given strategic management, could also boost farm profitability. Additionally, since the majority of the public may have little or no contact with agriculture, on-farm tourism is also a way by which non-farmers can learn about agriculture and, in turn, support farm products through increased purchases made directly or indirectly from family farms. This is particularly so in Malta, as the country's small size makes farms within reach of the public. Agro tourism has existed in the Maltese islands for generations. With the introduction of cars, the town folk was able to visit the countryside over the weekends in order to go for a stroll and, at the same time, buy fresh produce off the farmers. It was a common thing for city dwellers to take their children to the countryside in spring in order to buy fresh strawberries directly from the farmers, especially in the north or west part of Malta. Nowadays agro tourism has changed and has developed into an important part of the tourist sector in the Mediterranean. This is particularly so in certain remote areas and small islands in the region where there is little else to see but the beautiful countryside and picturesque views of well-kept fields and valleys lined by trees. And it is for this reason that most agro tourists visit such areas. To get away from it all and to spend time close to nature in a relaxed environment. And where better to do this than on a farm, with the farmers, eating fresh produce at the same time, which has just been brought from the field. This has particularly been the case in Malta where, especially on Sundays, the countryside is flooded with people trying to get away from the built-up areas. Given our mild weather, the countryside is frequented for a good eight months of the year, from October to May. Some farmers have seen an economic opportunity through this weekly exodus from urban areas, selling their produce directly to the consumer, thus bypassing the middleman. Some have even further developed the idea and have set up a restaurant close to the farm. Fresh vegetables, say lettuce, served at such eating places would have been cut literally minutes earlier. The added advantage of agro tourism in the Maltese islands is that since the country is small, the tourist is able to link a visit to a farm with a cultural visit to a historical or archaeological site. Malta's entry into the European Union has given us greater opportunities to advance this sector, both through existing legislation and through financial aid to farmers. 53

Although there is no legislation governing agro tourism in Malta, yet, several preliminary steps have been taken in laying the foundations for a sound agro tourism sector. Firstly, through the first Rural Development Plan, a serious attempt was made at restructuring the agricultural sector. This has been done through the agro environment scheme, the rubble walls initiative and the organic farming project. EU funds were made available to farmers to restore collapsed rubble walls and, thus, enhance the landscape. The organic farming project rewarded farmers for adopting environment-friendly practices. In fact, out of the six farms certified in 2005, four are in various stages of launching agro tourism ventures. Moreover, through Investments in Agricultural Holdings (this is technically referred to as measure 3.1 of the Rural Development Plan), farmers were given the opportunity to restructure and upgrade their equipment and establishments. An organic farmer in the area of Fawwara, Siggiewi, has made use of this scheme. He has not only managed, within a year, to produce high quality extra virgin organic olive oil that is fully certified but has also attracted a lot of interest to his farm, that happens to be located in a protected area next to the coast. As a result, he receives close to 50 visitors a week to his farm. Through this venture, the farmer is not only promoting an environmentfriendly agricultural practice in an environmentally-sensitive area but he is also attracting a lot of visitors to this remote part of the Maltese countryside. Thanks to his example, several other farmers have shown interest in converting to organic farming and engage in agro tourism as they can see it is a profitable proposition. In this new age facing Maltese agriculture sector, farmers such as the Fawwara one act as a beacon to the rest of the farming community. EU membership has brought with it an open market, where the best way to thrive in agriculture is to innovate and exploit one's knowledge and the natural heritage in a sustainable way which can also be done by making the best of new agro business opportunities such as those emanating from agro tourism.


EXAMPLE Baramati Agro Tourism Baramati | Maharashtra Baramati Agro Tourism is categorised as Experiential Rural Stay

BaramatiAgri Tourism is an experiential Rural exploration option that allows guests to experience lifestyle of villages around Baramati as guests participate in wide ranging activities and festivities of the area


 

Experiential rural stay located in Baramati. Baramati is part of Agri Tourism in Maharashtra part which has 500 trained farmers and 152 agri-tourism locations across the state of Maharashtra. Activities at Agri Tourism includes Animal Feeding; Guided Crop /Vegetables / Fruits farms visits and tours, Watching domestic animals and How to care for cattle, Harvest festivals, Rural Festivals, visit Farmers' markets, Visit Taluka Milk Collection centers, Milking the Cow, Temples Visits, Agricultural education programs etc. Guests get to play rural style games and rides such as Bullock card and tractor Rides, Vittidandu, Gotya, Surparanbhya, Kabaddi, Langadi, Kho-Kho, Bullock Ploughing, Lagore&Gallori. Homemade meals served to guests to get a feel of authentic cuisine in rural Maharashtra. Recommended for day picnics ex-Pune and experiential overnight getaways ex-Mumbai / pune.


Accurate Engineering




Introduction Accurate Engineering Company Pvt. Ltd. was established in 1963 by late Mr. VilasraoSalunke, a pioneer in the manufacturing of Measuring Instruments and Gauges in India. Over a period of 54 years ACCURATE has established itself as a brand name in dimensional metrology through variety of products and services, through its own plants and its sister concerns to cater to the needs engineering industry for the Dimensional Quality Control requirements. Accurate is now a major corporate group, exporting its products all over the world. Constant innovation, focus on precision and uncompromising quality has led to technological excellence at affordable costs. This has made us the leader in the field of metrology in India. Our state of art manufacturing setup is supported by, in-house design centre& dedicated software development team.


NAME MR.BharatLande MR.S. T. Saykar MR.Avinash Singh MR.Avinash Singh

WORK Business Head Assistant Manager, Sales Assistant Manager, EXIM Service Standard Products


VISION The main vision of the company is to become leader for the measurement solution in domestic and global market through design, develop and service of competitive range of the measurement system.


MISSION To sustain and lead the domestic and international market leadership by 

State of art manufacturing facility.

End to end measuring solution.

Robust service network.

Continual technology development.


Customer first.

Integrity and humanity.

Dignity of individuals.


Company Profile Basic Information Nature of Business


Additional Business



Manufacturer, Supplier

Registered Address

Year of Establishment Total Number of Employees

67, Swami Vivekanand Nagar, Hadapsar Industrial Estate, Hadapsar, Pune, Maharashtra 411013 1984 26 to 40 people

Infrastructure Location Type


Building Infrastructure


Company USP Provide After Sales Support

 

Installation Training Onsite support

Primary Competitive Advantage

Experienced R & D Department


Marketing Strategy "Blog is the most important piece of your equipment" Blogging has always been an outstanding tool and booster for your leads and optimal conversion, as long as your content is targeted towards solving industry questions and problems, that your piers will understand and engage with. You don't have to be afraid or hesitate when it comes to regular blogging for your engineering company. Although it would be a good idea to hire a pro writer, but you have to make sure, he or she knows enough about your target industry.

The Good Old Email Marketing A successful marketing strategy for engineering company should always include an email marketing component. With a series of thoughtfully written, relevant, and engaging newsletters, you can inform your existing and potential customers of all important event, new products, services, and other news related to your company.

Advantages of User Surveys Surveys can provide you with excellent insights into your target audience's expectations and preferable content. Remember, there's no such thing as inbound marketing as a useless user survey. For instance, a marketing plan for engineering company based on a user survey can use these results to create a webinar to driver additional leads, or as an inspiration for the most relevant future blog topics.


Products offered by Aditya Engineering Company A. Roundness Measuring Machine B. Measuring Machines C. Calibration Equipments D. Shop Floor Equipments E. Gear Measurement A. Roundness Measuring Machine 1.Roundness Measuring Machine » Precirond 1000

Compact Roundness Machine designed to operate on Shop Floor with granite base and high accuracy air bearing spindle. Complete with powerful data analysis with winround software. This provides enhanced functionality and ease of operation accompanied with software assisted centering&leveling. Enables effective measurement of Roundness, Concentricity, Eccentricity, Run out, Flatness, Parallelism, Squareness, Co-axility. Manual vertical & horizontal movement under Rack & Pinion mechanism.

Test Diameter : 300 mm 62

Measuring Height : 350 mm

Work Table Diameter : 160 mm

Resolution : 0.01 micrometer

Roundness Error : 0.05 + 0.0005h micrometer (h in mm)

2.Roundness Measuring Machine » Precirond 2000 This machine provides Air bearings for high accuracy table rotation and long lasting precision. High precision gauge head to give excellent repeatability & linearity over entire range. Software assisted centering&leveling. Various component holding fixtures can be designed as required. Optionally available: Motorized / Semi CNC. Enables effective measurement of Roundness, Concentricity, Eccentricity, Run out, Flatness, Parallelism, Squareness, Co-axility, Vertical Slope etc.

Test Diameter : Max 300 mm

Measuring Height : 400 mm

Work Table Dia : 250 mm

Resolution : 0.01 micrometer

Roundness Error : 0.05 + 0.0005h micrometer (h in mm)


B. Measuring Machines 1.MeasuringMachines » Universal Length Measuring

Model: Lab Microcal 600 comes with measuring spindle cross section of size (60x40mm) for rigidity & straightness accuracy < 1 micron. Measuring head carriage precisely preloaded & aligned with special bearing to ensure the lifetime accuracy. Adjustable anvil design ensures parallelism of measuring faces of anvil. Single measuring machine with entire mechanical calibration scope Follow Abbes Constant measuring force is maintained over entire measuring range. High precision Ruby styli used for thread measurement.

Measuring Range - External : 0-600 mm Measuring Range - Internal : 3-450 mm with optical accessories Instrument Uncertainty : 0.7 +L/1000 micrometer (0.4 +L/1000 micrometer) – On request Resolution : 0.1 micrometer / 0.01 micrometer with optical accessories Repeatability : 0.3 micrometer at +/- 2 sigma (0.2 micrometer at +/- 2 sigma)

2.Measuring Machines » Gauge Block Comparator Calibration of gauge blocks with central & parallelism by 5 point calibration method. Software as per IS3605 with capability of maintaining the gauge history.Differential probing system from MAHR.Comes with Cast Iron frame for high accuracy & stability, and carbide measuring slides for long life. By using this gauge, one can calibrate Gauge Block from 0.5mm to 100 length Center Deviation Parallelism by measuring at 5 points and there by selection of the Grade.


Measuring Range : 0.5 - 100 mm

Measuring System : Digital

Repeatability : 0.02 micrometer

Display : Digital Read out with RS 232 port

Resolution : 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001 mm

Lifting Device : Pneumatic pump to be operated manually

Software : Suitable for calibration of Gauge Block Imperia


C. Calibration Equipments 1.CalibrationEquipments » Floating Carriage Micrometer

It provides calibration of major, minor, & effective pitch diameters for external threads plug gauge. Can be used to check effective diameter of tapes. All its guides ways, wear parts are hardened to prevent wear during prolonged use. Vee guides ¢ers are made from high carbon high chromium steel for longer life. Offers effective calibration of Thread Plug Gauges & Taps Provides Major, Minor & Pitch Diameters calibration of threads. 

Mechanical / Electric Model

Range : 0-100 mm / 0-4

Resolution : 0.0002 mm / 0.00001

Repeatability : 0.002 mm / 0.00001

Accuracy : 0.004 mm & 0.002 mm with P10 probe

Accessories : Thread measuring wires, Prisms, Cylindrical masters & Taper thread plug attachment. Mandrel set, Female center BSPT & NPT attachment


2.CalibrationEquipments » Dial Calibration Tester It's based on Abbe's principle and is used for calibration of Dial Gauges (Plunger & Lever type) and Bore Gauges. It has replaceable probe, so dedicated probe as master is not required. Has optional interface to PC for DG Cal software as per IS2092:1983 for plunger type dial & IS11498:1985 for lever type dial. Calibration of Dial gauges (Plunger & Lever Type) and Bore Gauges. Suitable for 0.01 and 0.001 mm least count. Interface with computer for DG Cal Software. Graphical presentation for errors in both directions. Measuring Travel : 0-25 mm / 1 inch Repeability : 0.0003 mm on Sylvac Display Unit with P25 probe. Repeability : 0.001 mm on Sylvac Dial.


D. Shop Floor Equipments 1.Shop Floor Equipments » Tool Set Its designed to keep on Shop Floor, right next to the machine. It's used for giving tool offset on VMC for diameter & height of tools. It has Sylvac electronic display & scale, min/max function indicator & output is upto isolated RS232 for both the axis optionally. Pneumatic Clamping for positive gripping Spindle Taper: ISO 50 / ISO 40 / ISO 30 / BT 50 / BT 40 / BT 30 / HSK 100 / HSK 63 / HSK 50 / HSK 40 Work table is provided with storage facility.

Height Measuring Range : 400 / 500 mm for Tool Set 1 & 2 respectively Maximum Diameter : 300 mm Runout on Spindle Nose : <= 0.002 mm

2. Shop Floor Equipments » Receiving Gauges

A wide range of highly accurate Receiving Gauges are manufactured using quality tested raw material, heat treated and stabilized in in-house sub-zero plant for dimensional stability over a period of time. Customers can avail this range in various standards as well as customized dimensions as per their requirements. To check Hole position and center distance as per customers.


Also specialty in Cam Shaft, Crank Shaft, Manifold and Connecting Rod etc, Automobile park checks, Customized specific gauges i.e. Runout, Concentricity, Symmetricity, Length& Diameter Checking Gauges.


E. Gear Measurement 1.Gear Measurement » CNC Bevel Gear Roll Tester

Unique design for fast measurement of straight bevel gear. 1. Preloading of gears 2. Rotation for measurement 3. Evaluation of measurement 4. Contact Cycle pattern (optional) 5. Retraction with graphical representation are displayed on the PC Contact Pattern (Blue Matching Comparing) by Camera images. Evaluation software version 1.0 for Radial composite error, Radial tooth-to-tooth composite error, Working Radial error.


2.Gear Measurement » CNC Bevel Gear Roll Tester

Unique design for fast measurement of straight bevel gear. 1. Preloading of gears 2. Rotation for measurement 3. Evaluation of measurement 4. Contact Cycle pattern (optional) 5. Retraction with graphical representation are displayed on the PC Contact Pattern (Blue Matching Comparing) by Camera images. Evaluation software version 1.0 for Radial composite error, Radial tooth-to-tooth composite error, Working Radial error.


3.Gear Measurement » CNC Bevel Gear Roll Tester

Unique design for fast measurement of straight bevel gear.

1. Preloading of gears 2. Rotation for measurement 3. Evaluation of measurement 4. Contact Cycle pattern (optional) 5. Retraction with graphical representation are displayed on the PC Contact Pattern (Blue Matching Comparing) by Camera images. Evaluation software version 1.0 for Radial composite error, Radial tooth-to-tooth composite error, Working Radial error.


4.Gear Measurement » CNC Universal Gear Roll Tester

 The Tester is designed & produced with regard to the knowledge & experience of the branch of meaning practice.

 The Tester in its basic equipment is determined for measuring of spur gear with straight and helical teeth.

 Measure error of double flank rolling on one side direction.  Error of double flank rolling per pitch.  Tooth error, run out etc.


Sales and services The industry has 4 regional offices Bengaluru Chennai Gurgaon Nashik

Domestic Distributors Pune Mumbai Faridabad Kolkatta Hyderabad

International Distributers Brazil Canada China France Germany Ireland Italy Mexico South Africa Thailand Turkey USA Australia Malaysia









Competitors     

Alliance Engineering Company. National Engineering Services. GOKA ENGINEERING COMPANY. Savas Engineering Company P Ltd. Speed Engineering Solutions Pvt. Ltd

Observation Owing to the skilled, experienced and hard working force, we have been able to attain remarkable success in this domain. Our company has hired different professionals after the analysis of various technical parameters. We believe in providing proper and regular training sessions to our employees in order to achieve more efficient and flawless work. Team comprise of following professionals:

 Skilled and semi-skilled labours  Engineers and technicians  Quality controllers  Administrative experts  Logistics professionals Adityais professional measuring machine, shop floor machine manufacturer, exporter and supplier. Since the foundation of Aditya, the company has showed impeccable work skills and the services provided by the company to its customers.







TYPE OF INDUSTRY Katraj dairy is a food industry. Food industry is basically a type of industry that manufactures food products through various raw materials and with various processes. There are various types of food industry like dairy, poultry, honey industry, sugar industry etc. It is basically an industry that focuses on products made out of milk i.e. dairy products like pasteurized milk, buttermilk, curd etc. This industry operates in pune and has been quite successful.Thiscompany has its own set of standard products and are of specialized quality and Excellency. This dairy is located at katraj and has a big production unit and can produce a huge number of products at a time.Katraj dairy has been developing and growing since a very long time and has been successful in dairy industry.

COMPANY PROFILE Katraj dairy is a food industry which manufactures milk products. It has been a successful industry. It is a local brand which operates only in pune. In punezilhasahakaridudhutpadaksanghmaryadit, popularly known as KATRAJ DAIRY.It is locally branded as KATRAJ and has been a very well developing food industry. Business Type:Manufacturer / Supplier

Year Established:1967

Number of Employess:300-1000

Total Annual Revenue:Rupees 1 Crore

Location:Pune, Maharashtra, India


HISTORY Katraj Dairy was incorporated in 1960 with an intension of providing an organized facility of milk collection for the village level farmers situated in Pune district. Katraj Dairy started with milk collection of about 0.30 lakh (30.000) litres per day in the first year of operation and today, has steadily grown to over 2.00 lakh (0.20 million) litres per day and has a financial turnover of over Rs.250 crores. Katraj Dairy has acheived ISO 22000:2005 certification from DetNorskeyVeritus. Katraj Dairy with its nine chilling plants and 72 BMC spread almost all over the district has an installed milk handling capacity of over 5 lakh liters per day. The main plant of Katraj is equipped with modern Pasteurizer, homogenizer, Cream separator, Ghee processing, Milk Clarifier, Condense Milk Plant , Automatic packing of milk and milk products and other quality testing devices and well equipped labs. Katraj Dairy has an installed processing capacity of 2 lakh (0.2 million) liters per day. Katraj dairy manufactures / Distributes milk and milk products like Pasteurized / Homogenized-Cow milk, Toned milk, Double toned milk, Standardized Milk, Full cream milk, Cow & Buffalo Cream and Ghee, Shrikhand, Amrakhand, MalaiPaneer, Dahi, Flavoured Milk, Lassi, JeeraTak, Table Butter, Milk Powder, Softy Ice cream, Pedha, Khoa, sterilized milk in 200 ml bottle and hard Ice-cream with different flavours in different pack sizes and Mango, Anjeer&MalaiBurfi, Kalakand&KajuKatali. All these products are available at Katraj owned parlours at various locations in Pune City and through appointed distributors and retailing circuits. Very soon, Katraj plans to introduce an online ordering system for its distributors/ retailers and consumers. Katraj products have been in use in thousands of homes in Pune since 1961. Katraj Milk, Katraj Ghee, KatrajShrikhand, KatrajAmrakhand, KatrajLassi, KatrajJeeratak (buttermilk) , Katraj cream have made Katraj a leading food brand in Western Maharashtra. Today Katraj is a symbol of high-quality milk products sold at reasonable prices, the genesis of a vast co-operative network triumph of indigenous technology, the marketing of a farmers’ organization.



The boards of directors have the power of all the decisions that are to made, in regards to Katraj Dairy. The chairman of Katraj Dairy for the term between 2009- 2013 was Mr.RambhauSambha Tule. 1. Shri.VishnushethDharmaji Hinge (Chaiman) 2. Smt.VaishalitaiKalidasGopalghare (ViceChaiman) 3. Shri.RamchandraDhondibaThombre (Director) 4. Shri.GopalraoRamchandraMhaske (Director) 5. Shri.BalasahebJayvantraoDhamdhere (Director) 6. Shri.Balasaheb Shankar Newale (Director) 7. Shri.SandeepMarutiJagdale (Director) 8. Shri.BalasahebKondibhauKhilari (Director) 9. ShriDilipPandurangThopate (Director) 10. Shri.BhagwanDnyanobaPasalkar


(Director) 11. Shri.RamdasJanardhanDivekar (Director) 12. Shri.ChandrashekharBalasahebShete (Director) 13. Smt.KeshartaiSadashivPawar (Director) 14. Shri.DaulatLokhande (Director) 15. Shri.LakshmanSabajiTitkare (Director) 16. Shri.Jeevan Dada Tambe (Director) 17. Dr.VivekHinduraoKeheersagar (Director)


VISION AND MISSION The objectives of Katraj Dairy are, to build a valued chain of farmers to source milk at an organized level, manufacture products at a very high quality level and create a demand for their products in the competitive market without having any reasons to be pointed at.

This organization has a unique advantage, its strategic location. Based in Pune city, a place with historic, cultural importance and a major district in Maharashtra, India. The city is known as ‘the city of students’ because of its large number of educational centers. Another major advantage is that Mumbai is just 180km. away. Thus using these key factors, they want to serve the state with their superior quality of milk. They want the state to crave for this superior quality of milk.

THE FARMERS & KATRAJ DIARY Prior to Katraj Diary, farmers use to sell their milk to middlemen. These middlemen were never trust worthy as the farmers milk was always adulterated with water, promises that were never fulfilled, the true price at which the milk was sold was never known and the farmers didn’t get their money most of the time, if they ever got it at all. Although the farmers didn’t like this system, they didn’t have a choice, as there were no other alternatives. However, as Katraj Dairy came along, a new picture was painted. Katraj simplified this system to eliminate the problems of the farmers and create a win- win situation for both of them. Katraj strategically placed collection centers in the middle of the villages. Thus making it very convenient for the farmers to contribute their milk. Furthermore, the farmers are paid their money on the spot, based on quality and quantity of milk. This also creates a meeting point for all the farmers to discuss various new methods and techniques to increase their cattle’s milk producing capacity. It also gives the farmers a sense of pride, as they can be proud of the quality of milk being produced by their cattle.


CORPORATE SOCIAL ACTIVITIES CSR basically stands for company social responsibility. CSR means a sense of responsibility towards society, employees, people around, and their welfare and development. Katraj dairy has been very successful and been developing and has been playing crucial role in development of people and farmers.

HOW DOES KATRAJ DAIRY HELP THE FARMERS? The collection centers pay the farmers for their milk on the spot based on quality and quantity of milk. Because of which the farmers don’t have to wait on their money. Katraj teaches and educated the farmers with new dairy technologies, thus keeping them up to date with a global market. Katraj also provides the farmers with vitamins for their cattle, to receive a better quality of milk. They also teach the farmers what type of fodder is to be fed to the cattle when. They also provide medical assistance for the cattle, to their limit. Katraj is also trying to promote organic/green milk. Organic milk is basically milk from cows that have been exclusively fed organic feed, have not been treated with synthetic hormones, are not given certain medications to treat sickness, and are held in pens with adequate space.



Milk is an almost ideal food. It has high nutritive value. It supplies bodybuilding proteins, bone forming minerals and health giving vitamins and furnishes energy giving lactose and milk fat. Besides supplying some essential fatty acids, it contains the above nutrients in an easily digestible and assailable form. All these properties make milk an important food for pregnant women, growing children, adolescents, adults, invalids, convalescents and patients alike. Milk may be defined as a whole, fresh, clean, lacteal secretion obtained by the complete milking of one or more healthy Milk animals excluding that obtained within 15 days before or 5 days after calving or such periods as may be necessary to render the milk practically colostrum’s free and containing the minimum prescribed percentage of milk fat and milksolids-not-fats. Pasteurization: The term pasteurization refers to the process of heating each & every particle of milk to at-least 63° C for 30 minutes, or 72° C for 15 seconds in approved and properly operated equipment. After pasteurization the milk is gradually cooled to 5° C or below. Homogenization: Homogenization refers to the process of forcing the milk through a homogenizer with the object of sub dividing the fat globules.

Composition: Class of Milk

Minimum Fat %

Cow Milk


Standardized Milk

4.5 3.0 1.5 Less than 0.1 6.5 6.0

Tonned Milk Double Tonned Milk

Skimmed Milk Full cremed Milk Buffalo Milk

SNF% 8.5 8.5 8.5 9.0 8.7 9.0 9.0 87


When milk fat is concentrated into a fraction of the original milk, that portion is known as cream. Cream is a rich portion of milk fat. Cream is the product of cow or buffalo milk or a combination thereof which contains not less than 25 % milk fat. Buffalo cream is made from Buffalo milk. This cream is used only for ghee making not for cooking. Shelf Life :30 days from manufacturing when stored below 5 0C.

Various Types of Cream  Table Cream:- It Contains 20 to 25 % of Milk fat  Plastic Cream:-It Contains 65 to 85 % of Milk fat  Whipping Cream:-It Contains 30 to 40 % of Milk fat. Composition: Water Fat Protein Lactose ASH Total Solids SNF

22 - 32 % 65 - 75 % 1 - 1.2 % 1.2 - 1.5 % 0.3 - 0.4 % 68 - 78 % 2.5 - 3.2 %



Ghee is the pure clarified fat derived solely from milk or from desi (cooking) butter or from cream to which no coloring matter is added. Ghee is the clarified butter fat prepared chiefly from cow or buffalo milk. Ghee is used as a cooking or frying medium, in confectionary, for direct consumption with rice chappatisetc.Cow ghee is mainly used in indigenous pharmaceutical preparations (Ayurveda).

Composition: Milk Fat Moisture

not less than 99.7%

Free Fatty Acid (oleic)

max 1.4 %

not more than 0.3 %

Packing Sizes : 1000 ml Pet Jar , 500 mlPolypack/ Pet Jar, 200 ml Poly pack/ Pet Jar and 15 ltr tin.



Shrikhand is a semi-soft sweetish - sour whole milk product prepared from lactic fermented curd. The curd (dahi) is partially strained through a cloth to remove the whey and thus produce a solid mass called chakka (the basic ingredient for shrikhand). This chakka is mixed with the required amount of sugar, cardamom, jaiphal etc. to yield shrikhand.

Composition: Moisture

Max: 42%


8.5% <= dry basis


9% <= dry basis

Lactose with sugar(with sucrose)

72.5% >= % by weight, dry basis


0.9 % >= dry basis

Lactic acid

1.4 % <= (% by weight)

Solids(0% by weight)


Packing Sizes : 100 250 500 ml plastic cups

ml ml

plastic plastic

cups cups



Panner refers to the milk solids obtained by the acid coagulation of boiled whole milk & subsequent drainage of whey. The acids commonly used are citric in both natural & chemical forms. Traditionally paneer has been a variety of pressed channa, used mainly in preparing cooked vegetable dishes like palakpaneer, paneer butter masala etc.

Composition: Moisture Total Solids Fat pH

50 - 55 %(not more than 70%) 45 - 50 %(not less than 30%) 26 - 28 % (Not less than 50 % of dry matter) 6.0

Packing Sizes : 200 gm rotogravure 500 gm rotogravure 1000 gm rotogravure laminated pouch .

laminated laminated

pouch. pouch.



MatkaDahi is a fermented milk beverage. Dahi originally was set using mud pots since ancestral days for the purpose of getting that unique flavor & taste gained due to the porous property of mud pots allowing filtered air flow. But now a daysdahi prepared from milk fermenting with lactic culture & packed in plastic cups 370 ° C. Composition of Whole Milk Dahi: Water Fat Protein Lactose Ash Lactic Acid

85 - 88 % 5-8% 3.2 - 3.4 % 4.6 - 5.2 % 0.70 - 0.71% 0.5 - 1.1 %

Packing Sizes : 100 gmMatka 200 gmMatka 100 gm Plastic Cup, 200 gm Plastic Cup, 400 gm Plastic Cup



Flavored Milks are milks to which some flavors/ colors and sugar been added. When the milk is used the product should contain a milk fat % at least equal to the minimum legal requirement for market milk, but when fat level is lower(1.2%) , the term drink is used.

Composition: Fat

Min 30 %

Packing Sizes : 200 ml Poly bag



Lassi is a fermented Milk beverage popular in all parts of India. The technology of lassi making is however confined to only households. Lassi has a great potential in the Indian Market.

Composition: Water Total Solids Fat SNF Protein Lactose with suger Ash Lactic Acid

75 - 80 % 20 - 25 % 3-4% 6-7% 3-4% 12 - 15 % 0.4 -0.6% Max: 0.75 %

Packing Sizes : 200 ml Poly pack



Taak is also called chhas or mattha, refers to desi buttermilk. It is a popular drink during the hot Indian summers, as it helps reduce body heat and lower the body temperature. Thus a relaxing drink enjoyed by everyone.

Composition: Water

95- 96 %

Total Solids



Min: 1%


2.0 - 2.5 %


1 – 1.5 %


1.2 - 1.5 %


0.4 %

Lactic Acid

Max: 0.35 %

Packing Sizes : 200 ml Poly bags



For years together, table butter is being cherished as a tasty food, popularly eaten with bread. It also forms a good topping on indigenous food like Pav-bhaji, Thalipith (Pan Cake). Katraj Table Butter is marketed by Katraj Dairy Manufactured By Dynamic Dairy Industries Ltd., Baramati, Maharashtra, India.

Composition: Milk Fat

Not Less Than 80%


Maximum 3%

Milk Solids

less than 1.5% 16% >=(m/m)


Packing Sizes : 100 gm , 500 gm 96


Ice-Cream may be defined as frozen dairy product made by suitable blending & processing of cream & other milk products, together with sugar & flavor, with or without stabilizer or color & with the incorporation of air during the freezing process. According to PFA rules Ice-Cream is the frozen product obtained from cow or buffalo milk or a combination there of or from cream and or other milk products with or without addition of cane sugar, fruit, fruit juices, preserve fruits nuts, chocolate, edible flavors & permitted food colors.

Nutritive Value:-Among milk products, Ice cream is also a rich source of calcium, phosphorus & other minerals of vital importance in building good bones & teeth. Being rich in Lactose, Ice-Cream flavor greater assimilation of calcium in the diet. The protein content of Ice Cream is also rates high, both in quantity & quality. Ice Cream provides valuable proteins in a very palatable form. In fact, Ice Cream is most palatable source of milk protein to the vegetarians. Ice Cream is an excellent source of food energy. It is a very desirable food item for growing children & persons who need to put on weights. Ice-Cream is a rich source of many essential vitamins, without which normal health & growth cannot be maintained. Thus it is an excellent source of vitamin -A, a good source of vitamin -B (Thiamine) & G (Riboflavin) & a fairly good 97

source of Niacin, vitamin - E & in fruit Ice Cream of vitamin -C. The digestibility & palatability of Ice Cream is also very high.

Flavors:Vanilla Strawberry Pista Mango Chocolate Butterscotch

Composition: Fat SNF Sugar Stabilizer &Emulizer Protiens

>=10% 10- 11 % 15 - 16 % 0.4 - 0.5 % >=3.5%

Packing Sizes : 500ml Family pack 1000ml Family pack 2000ml Family pack 4000ml Family pack



Pedha is prepared using khoa based material. Khoa is mixed with sugar and then heated in a kadhai made of food-grade metal. After heating desired flavouring and nuts are added to the pedha mass. It contains Jaiphal.

Composition: Total Solids Fat Moisture

max 85 % 18 - 20 % Min 15 %

Packing Size 1kg box 500gm box 250gm box



MalaiBurfi is a Plain variety of burfi. It is made from buffalo milk & sugar; Decorated with Edible silver paper, cardamom, almond &pista nuts. Shelf Life :Best before 5 days from packaging when stored in cool & dry place.

Composition: Fat % Moisture % SNF % Lactic Acid % Total Solid %

15 – 20 % 15 – 20 % TS-Fat 0.18 – 0.27 % 80 – 85 %

Packing Sizes : 250 gm Box


14.KHOA Khoa / Khava / Mava refers to the partially dehydrated whole milk product prepared by the continuous heating of milk in a karahi over a direct fire, while also constantly stirringcum-scraping by using a khunti till it reaches a semi solid consistency. Thereafter, the pancontents are removed from the fire and worked up into a solid mass known as khoa-pat. Shelf Life :15 days from manufacturing when stored below -18 0C.

Composition: Lactic Acid Fat % Moisture % Total Solid %

0.50 % Min 18 % 35 – 40 % Max 65 %

Packing Sizes : 200 gm Packet 500 gm packet


15.Katraj Aqua (Mineral Water)

Katraj Dairy with their well known products now introducing mineral water with katraj brand i.e. KATRAJ AQUA. Water in its purest form is really a life giving liquid. KATRAJ AQUA (to live a healthy family life) gives the assurance that each drop of water that you consume is full of energy & freshness. Our dairy is also an ISO- HACCP 9001-2008 certified Dairy and it stands testimony to the quality of product. We strictly follow the quality measures regarding hygiene and quality of products.

Packing Sizes : 500 ml Bottle 1000 ml Bottle 500 ml (24 Bottle Box) 1000 ml (12 Bottle Box)


MANUFACTURING PROCESS Initially, the milk is collected in the collection centers in the villages. This where all the villagers come and sell their milk to Katraj Dairy. After which, the milk is transported to the Katraj plant, situated in Katraj, Pune. The milk is transported in special vehicles designed for the sole purpose of milk transportation.

1.Milk Transportation Vehicle This means of transportation is made for the transport of milk from various sub urban and urban areas where the collection centres are made and the milk supplier brings the certain amount of milk over right there and the milk is brought at the centres.

2.MOTOR OPERATED PIPELINES The milk from the vehicles is evacuated and transferred to the boilers with the help of motor and rotor operated vacuum liquid suppliers.


3.BOILER ROOM A boiler room consist of the boiler whose prime aim is to pasteurize the milk and kill the certain kind of bacteria.


It is the process of sterilisation of milk using heat the process used in this plant is known as high temperature and less time process which is described as in process.


5.REFRIGERATION The milk obtained from the armer is grouped according to the quality and it is send to refrigeration stage where it is heated upto 53 degree then the milk from refrigeration chamber is send to heating chamber where it is maintained at 72.5 degree for 15 seconds then again it is passed through regeneration chamber then to homogenisation chamber and finally it is cooled below 5 degree and then stored according to quality.

6.PACKAGING The above picture is a packing unit of Anandi dairy. These machine is operated by computer and packages 5000 pouches of milk per hour. The visited dairy has a schedule of packing between 10:30 morning to 4:30 noon according to that Anandi dairy produces 30000 pouches of milk in one day.


7.STORAGE The produce pouches of milk are needed to be store.d place whose room temperature should not exceed above 29 degrees in a chilled or refrigerated.

8.LABRORATORY Quality control unit is a place where the samples of milk before and after are tested to check the quality and state of milk and decide whether the milk is consumable or not and also the vital use of these laboratory is to check the fat percentage of milk and decide the valid pricing of milk as well.



Katraj Dairy has a simple of chain distribution. They follow two chains of distribution, 1. Manufacturer →Customer 2. Manufacturer →Wholesalers→Retailer→Customer



Gurukrupa Associates (Mrs. Deepali V. Bhadale)

Sinhagad ,Swargate.

Kaniphnath Milk Balasaheb V. Gavhane)

Swargate ,Shivajinagar, Mundhava, Hadapasar.




Bibavewadi Ghorpadi,

Shivam Milk Agency (Shri. Sandeep U. Ghate)

Market Yard, KondhavaGaon,Undari, Satav Nagar Mahadeonagar, Uralidevachi.

Balaji Milk Agency (Shri. Sanjay R. Ambekar)

Vanwadigaon, SalunkeVihar, Manish Park.

Assa Associates AmarpalsingBadh)

Pune Camp, Nana Peth, BhavaniPeth, KoregaonPark .


Om Sai Distributors (Shri. Anil S. Londhe)

Yerwada, Kalyaninagar, Vadgaonsheri, Vimannagar, Vishrantwadi, Dhanori

Sidhdheshwar Milk Sagar K. Shelake)


Renghill Corner, Bopodi, Khadaki, Dapodi, C.M.E., Sangavi, New sangai.


Gokhalenagar, ChaturshrungiPayatha, PaudPhata, Jaibhavani Nagar to ChandaniChowk

Sayali Milk Suppliers (Saui. Vaishali K. Gopalghare)

Yerandavana, Karve Nagar, Varaje, Uttamnagar, Kotharudgaon.

Shevantai Milk Ravindra D. Takke)




Shriraj Milk Agency (Shri. Rajendra J. Bhargude)

Rakshak Nagar, Sathe Pimple, KalewadiPhata, Wakad, Dangechowk, Tathawade, Ravet, Punawale.

Yamuna Traders (Shri. Ramesh B. Phanse)

Kasarwadi, Pimpari,Kalewadi.

Dattakrupa Enterprises (Shri. Subodh N. Kale)

VivekVasahat, Shridhar Nagar, Sudarshan Nagar, Udyog Nagar, Bijali Nagar, ChinchwadGaon.

Vyankatsh Milk Agency (Shri. Rohidas K. Lawande)

AkurdiGaon, AkurdiNigadiPradhikaran,Dehuroad, TalegaonDabhade,Kamshet, Lonawala.

Rudra Enterprises (Sau. Chhaya C Jagtap)

SantTukaram Nagar, Ajamera, Neharu Nagar, Balaji Nagar, Indrayani Nagar, Landewadi, BhosariGaon.

Kunal Milk Agency (Shri. Rahul D. Takke)

Pashan, Sutarwadi,Bavdhan, Batalian, Aundhgaon.


ShriSaikrupa Distributors (Shri. Amod B. Pandhari)

Someshwarwadi, Sanewadi,Pariharchowk, balewadi, Hinjwadi.

Radha Krishna Milk Agency (Shri. Sandip D. Chambhare)

Morwadi, Ajamera, Mohan Nagar, Yamuna Nagar, rupi Nagar, Talawade, Phule Nagar, Chikhali road, Shahunagar.



MAINTENANCE A manufacturing unit like the one at the Katraj Dairy plant has many machines, electrical units, etc., that needs regular maintenance. Katraj Dairy has a fixed routine that covers all the maintenance-required units.

ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT Machinery:All machinery requires maintenance. The maintenance is determined on the number of hours that it has been operated. Based on this the wear and tear of the various machine parts can be estimated. The parts that usually require the maximum maintenance are the rollers of the packaging units. The machines that come in contact with the milk are was washed with boiling hot water, then with a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washed with cold water. This process takes place every day with the small holding tanks.

Storage Tanks:There are two types of storage tanks when it comes to maintenance, the big and the small. The big storage tanks are washed on weekly bases while the smaller ones are washed on a daily basis. The process involves, washing with boiling hot water, then by a chemical, then with boiling hot water again and then washing with cold water.

Electrical Department:The electric department is in charge of all the electrical lies that run through the entire plant. They usually have a simple job of just changing the parts that whether down or fuse. A major problem they face is rodents eating their underground wires, however, they now run the cables through G.I. pipes. The other equipment that usually burn out are the M.C.B.’s, wires that fuse, motor pumps, etc.

MAIN ELECTRICAL POWER HOUSE OF THE PLANT Refrigeration Unit:This unit is in charge of all the refrigeration of all the products inside Katraj Dairy. It contains 6 compressors out of which only 2 operate at a time. Each pair of compressors operates not more than 6 hours at a time. When the demand for refrigeration increases, 4 compressors run at a time. Ammonia gas is used for refrigeration. If there is low pressure in the lines of the ammonia gas, Sulphr powder is added to the gas to help detect any leaks.


Pest Control Rodents are a problem everywhere. To take care of them crews of pest control are called every 1-month to spray pesticides to keep the plant rodent free and hygienic.



We would like to inform you that Katraj dairy has established a new training center in the dairy campus, In which, dairy can organize various trainings like:

A] Industrial training for college students

Student’s from :

    

Dairy Technology B. Tech Food Technology Mechanical Engineering MBA : Manufacturing, Marketing, Humanresource, Finance PhD projects etc.


B] Commercial Training

           

Clean Milk Production Processing of Milk and packaging Manufacturing of various Milk products Dairy machinery maintenance Quality and food safety Hygiene and sanitation for dairy plant Quality Management System (QMS) 9000: 2008 Food safety Management System (FSMS) ISO 22000:2005 Electrical distribution, safety & maintenance in dairy Industry Operation of Refrigeration plant Efficient steam generation & distribution ETP waste management in dairy Industry


C] Training for farmers

D] Training on Marketing


VISITS We would like to inform you that Katraj dairy allow the industrial visit’s to school & college student’s and also for those who are interested in dairy. In this Screening of documentary, visit to various dairy sections like milk processing, boiler, refrigeration, Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP), etc are included. Visitor’s Hours = 9.30 am to 14.00 pm Visiting Fee = Rs. 20/- per person Visitor’s should follow industries rule and regulations. For more details – E-mail : [email protected] Phone No : 020-24370697 Mobile No. : 7447441867


1. Agarwal Dairy 2. Om dairy 3. Ruja dairy 4. Shreehari milk dairy 5. Kamble dairy 6. SantTukaramdoodh dairy 7. Yash dairy 8. Ubhe dairy 9. Laxmi milk distributers 10. Shiv krupa milk dairy

MY EXPERIENCE Industrial visit to katraj dairy has been a very wonderful experience. We learned a lot and it was fun and knowledgeable. Katraj dairy is one of the biggest and successful food production industry in pune. It has a very interesting production process. It has many products and are standardized and are of good quality and taste as we had samples ourselves. It’s hygienic and clean and it has proper systems and machineries installed which are checked and maintained from time to time. It was indeed a wonderful experience.



Katraj dairy gives proper quality products with affordable prices. The production process are standardized and are made in appropriate situations and conditions. The products are properly tested and then kept for sale. All this aspects prove that katraj dairy products are good and healthy for use. That’s why we should prefer choosing katraj dairy.

OBSERVATION We observed that katraj dairy has been one of the oldest food industry in pune and has established a good market base and as we had tasted the products, they are of proper quality and taste which are packed properly. And many more aspects makes this dairy industry a successful industry.


CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION I conclude that while going through the entire industrial visit, the co-operation is found to be very well organized developed and most ideal industries in every walk of their projection, administration and management aspects.

Our visit to above five industries brought to light how an industry runs and operates. All the stages involved in final product formation where showed into detail the practical difficulties that arise in and the way in which these problems are handled were also seen. The way in which raw materials can be processed efficiently yet cost effectively to give rise to final product making use of available technology was witnessed. I extended our heartiest thanks to all five industries who gave us an opportunity and honored













MANDAL’S COLLEGE OF COMMERCE” and all the teachers

especially to Prof.miss.Kalpana Vaidya Mam. Prof.Uday Kiran Sir.for co-ordinating the visit.




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