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  • Pages: 62
Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas


An undergraduate thesis submitted to ROGELIO RAMOS GUCE Taysan Senior High School Taysan San Jose, Batangas In partial fulfillment of the subject requirements in Inquiries, Investigation & Immersion


Lance Kerwin G. Adaya John Kenneth B. Custudio Ernesto Gonzaga Jr. Von Jeriel Ramos Marjorie Atienza May I. Casil Dessire M. Fabul Rhica Jean Laud Princess M. Lisanque Corina M.Masajo Maecee Reyes Maria Cristina Sales

2nd Semester SY 2017-2018 Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas


This research paper entitled Poultry-raisers Orientation and Underlying practices Leading to a Transformed Restoration of backYard egg business in San Jose, Batangas used descriptive as the type of research and qualitative as the research method. The researchers used interview as their approach. The study sought to determine the following: the orientation and underlying practices of poultry raisers in terms of: a. sanitation and environment protection; b. cost efficiency; and c. life expectancy. ; the poultry raisers’ techniques in maintaining these underlying practices. ; and the suggestion that may be put in place towards a transformed restoration and practices of backyard egg raising in the community. There are five key informants in this research. The researchers used interview as their main research tool in gathering data. The sampling method used by the researcher is convenience sampling. Based on the study the researchers found out the following: (A) most of the poultry raisers exemplifying their own methods and practices towards maintaining and enhancing their business. In sanitation and environment protection, cleaning and proper sanitizing must be observed. In cost efficiency, management skills and cash operation must be utilized. And lastly, in life expectancy, they have to make business widen and the income must grow ; (B) the poultry raisers believe that starting this kind of business really needs a huge capital and they must monitor their business daily; and (C) this is a lucrative type of business that is why most of poultry owners gain profits. The poultry raisers used this following suggestion to maintain the fruitfulness of their business. The suggestions are good managerial skill must be

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

utilized, having a good capital foundation before they start the business, knowing their obligation and proper behavior towards the government and the market, continuing their business no matter what happens and lastly, enhancing business by entertaining new ideas for their business and also fixing things for the benefit of their business. Based on the stated conclusions, the researchers recommend the following: (A) for the poultry raisers to improve their managerial skills towards poultry farming they can attend seminars and/or trainings that can help them acquire tips for the enhancement of their enterprise; (B) poultry farmers should sustain proper methods, processes and practices for the betterment not only of their farms but also to contribute in conserving the environment; (C) putting more attention to this kind of business should be observed to enrich poultry raisers’ goals and for the profitability to last for a long time; and (D) this study can be used by the future researchers for them to acquire some additional information for the same field of study they are doing.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas


INTRODUCTION The outlook for the Philippine chicken industry appears optimistic because the demand for chicken products is expected to increase, along with population and income growth (DA and NAFC 2002a, b). According to Poultry Management in the Philippines, poultry raising has been a highly specialized business in the country since 1973. The establishment and the proliferation of poultry breeding farms added a new dimension to the industry. There are multiple poultry farms all over the 33 barangays of San Jose contributing lots of economic progress in the whole town. What started as primarily backyard enterprise, the egg production business in this town has now evolved into commercial scale proportion. The growth of poultry industry in the Philippines particularly in San Jose, Batangas has been impressive for its fast growing progress for years. From the numerous chickens, it has produced plenty of eggs. Likewise, the chicken waste has been used for various purposes. Poultry provides humans with food and fiber in the form of eggs, meat and feathers. There is a large commercial chicken industry that provides us with eggs and meat. Many people also love to raise and show chickens and other poultry species at fairs and other poultry shows. Others just love to raise them as backyard pets and for fresh eggs every day. Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

According to Collins dictionary, poultry farm is a farm on which domestic fowls, especially chickens, are reared for their eggs or meat. Poultry farms are farms that raise chickens, ducks, turkeys, and other birds for meat or egg production. In the past, poultry farming involved raising chickens in the back yard for daily egg production and family consumption. However, poultry farming today is a huge business that is split into several operations including hatcheries, pullet farms for meat production, or farms for egg production. Contract poultry farming is when a company and a farmer decide to produce b reeders, broilers, turkeys, quailor commercial laying hens by signing a contract between them. This arrangement has been successful for over 50 years and is one o f the most secure and financially successful forms of agricultural production. As the human population increases, the poultry industry continues to grow to meet the demand for poultry products in world markets. The importance of poultry farms lies in the quality of products that are provided to humans. Broiler farms provide meat that supplies the human body with high quality proteins. Layer farms provide eggs rich in proteins and vitamins, especially the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Poultry farms are fast-paced operations that can fulfill the demand for meat and eggs, and can be expanded easily to meet the ever-growing demand. (Farran,2009) According to Business Diary in the Philippines, chicken broiler and egg production are the most progressive animal enterprises in the Philippines today. The poultry industry in fact began as a backyard enterprise but has shifted to the formation of very large integrated contract farming operations.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Each operation in the poultry business has become a huge business by itself. Some farms specialize in producing eggs for market consumption, or for hatching chicks for the purpose of meat production. Many large farms specialize in raising broilers for meat production. Other businesses are focused on feed preparation or on using the wastes of poultry farms for compost production and fertilizing farmlands. If managed and marketed well, all segments of the poultry business can be profitable. For years, the poultry businesses in San Jose have been progressive when it comes to daily growth of produced eggs and the counterparts of the entity, and according to the World Egg Day 2016 - a celebration that manifests the plentiful poultry farm businesses, almost a half of million eggs were produced during the parade of eggs yet it seemed to be the daily production in certain poultry farms. It cannot be denied that the town of San Jose has a lucrative business of poultries and poultry products where high supply of chicken meat and eggs are exported into different cities. The continuing survival and growth of the Philippine poultry industry therefore depends on its ability to compete in the global market, which, in turn, depends largely on the efficiency of its production and marketing systems. But despite this impressive performance as an addition to economic growth, it entails various problems including inefficient management, the prevalence of many destructive poultry diseases and parasites, the improperly managed chicken houses, the unpleasant appearance of wastes and its stinky smell, and even the inappropriate managing skills of owners that is lacking for some reasons of handling their business.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

In such poultry farms, it cannot be denied that the chemicals coming from the growing poultries are used to properly raised chickens and also the stinky wastes that bring unpleasant smell in the community in most times of flood. And it is seen that most farm owners ensure the cages of the chickens by means of covering the wholeness of the poultries, in such a way, the people would not totally inhale unnecessary waste. This study entitled Poultry-raisers Orientation and Underlying Practices Leading to a Transformed Restoration of Back-Yard Egg Business in San Jose, Batangas aims for the awareness and understanding to proper management of poultry businesses and sufficient tactics by owners showing their ability and skills towards balancing funds and the products.

OBJECTIVES This study sought to determine the following: 

The orientation and underlying practices of poultry raisers in terms of: a. Sanitation and environment protection; b. Cost efficiency; and c. Life expectancy.

The poultry raisers’ techniques in maintaining these underlying practices.

The suggestion that may be put in place towards a transformed restoration and practices of backyard egg raising in San Jose , Batangas.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The study aims to determine the Poultry-raisers Orientation and Underlying practices Leading to a Transformed Restoration of back-Yard egg business in San Jose, Batangas. Specifically, the study seeks to determine the following: 1. What are the orientation and underlying practices of poultry raisers in terms of: A. sanitation and environment protection; B. cost efficiency; and C. life expectancy 2.

How do poultry raisers maintain these underlying practices?


What suggestions that may be put in place towards a transformed restoration

and practices of backyard egg raising in San Jose, Batangas?

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK The Hecksher-Ohlin theory of comparative advantage based on factor endowments is at the core of neoclassical trade theory. This theory came as a refinement of David Ricardo’s comparative advantage theory (Todaro, 2007). The theory explains patterns of trade between countries in terms of their relative endowments of the two factors of production, labor and capital (Sodersten, 1984). Following this theory, countries that are rich in capital will produce and export capital-intensive goods while those richly endowed with labor will concentrate in the production of labor-intensive goods. There are substantial gains from trade in this world as trade allows specialization in products intensive in the country’s abundant factor. However, the

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

theory is based on a number of assumptions. The key assumptions are that there are two factors of production, no transport cost, perfect competition, and homogenous production function of the first degree. Production functions are such that the two commodities produced show different factor intensities and that production functions are different between commodities but the same for both countries (Sodersten, 1984). While these assumptions are made to enable the theory to work they are subject to much criticism due to the limitations they impose and lack of realism around assumptions like the existence of perfect competition and even same production functions existing in both countries. Todaro (2007) stresses that this theory enables us to describe analytically the impact of economic growth and trade on trade patterns and structure of national economies respectively. There are two 7 main conclusions that come from this theory. First is that it promotes free trade with all countries as a result they also gain from trade and that world output increases as a result of trade among countries. The second conclusion is that under free trade price ratios will tend to equalize factor prices across trading countries. Put in another way, the theory suggest that prices of factors of production will be the same as countries engage in free trade. Under this theory any trade protection reduces welfare as it introduces a distortion meaning that consumers pay more for imports, which affects the exchange rate and reduces trade (and the benefits from exchange and specialization). Aside from that, the value chain theory is define as the full range of activities that firms and workers perform to bring a product from its conception to final use (Gereffi, 2011). It therefore involves understanding all the different stages of

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

manufacturing including intermediary phases under which a product goes through until it becomes a final product ready for consumption. The concept of value chain rose to prominence in the 1960s and 1970s by analysts charting a path of development for mineral exporting economies (Girvan 1987). It has its roots in the commodity chain concept and the world system approach which was conceived as a network of labour and production process whose end result is a finished commodity (Gereffi 2011). The value chain approach is deployed as an intermediate unit of analysis, where the totality of all product chains makes up the industry system. In this sense, the value chain approach enables one to see all the different stages that a product goes through in its manufacturing. The value chain approach to analysis allows one to understand how industries are organised by examining the structure and dynamics of different actors involved in that particular industry (Gereffi, 2011). Its methodology is mainly based on investigating in an industrial context the connections and linkages within the industry. Theoretically it raises questions of governance and power which are of much significance to the operation of an industry or a sector. There are three basic important components of value chains which are very important in recognizing value chain as an analytical tool, namely: value chains are repositories for rent; effectively functioning value chains involve some degree of governance; and, effective value chains arise from systematic as opposed to point efficiency (Kaplinsky, 1998). In terms of governance, the value chain framework of analysis argues that there are key actors in the chain. Gereffi et al (2001) defines governance as a non-

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

market coordination of economic activity within the chain through influence of lead firms along the production chain. For instance through governance structures, firms can take decisions that may directly or indirectly influence the whole production process. Gereffi et al (2001) have identified four main features of governance in the value chain analytical framework. First, is the idea that within value chains coordination can take different forms, which can be explained as inter-firm networks, in this case there are relationships that exist among different firms along the chain. There can also be quasi-hierarchical relationships between powerful lead firms and independent but subordinate firms in the chain; this 10 might be a situation where lead firms control an important raw material or intermediate product. Governance can also take the form of vertical integration within firms, some firms can decide to invest along the chain and have enterprises that support one another. The second feature of governance largely shows how the lead firms assume control in the chain. Basically, how lead firms derive their power within the value chain stems from two traits namely market power, which is measured in terms of market share and the degree of concentration. The other crucial aspect is the positioning of such firms in the value chain, which enables them to create and appropriate high returns. Kaplinsky (1998) argues that these two sources of power stems from the barriers to entry that will be in force in that particular chain. The third characteristic of governance arises due to the need for coordination within the chain. The needs for coordination can be classified into two namely, coordination that arises as more companies are involved in specifying the products

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

that their suppliers have to make, then the more they are likely to create governance structures in order to coordinate supplier activities (Gereffi, et al 2001). The other component concerns how these companies are exposed to risks as a result of supplier failures, it then implies that the more that firms are exposed to supplier failure the more they will intervene to coordinate and monitor supply chain. Last governance as already highlighted earlier, involves the ability of one firm to influence the activities of other firms in the chain. This position is attained through, lead firms defining the products to be produced by suppliers and specification of processes and standards used in the production process. Gereffi et al. (2001) further argue that chains also vary with respect to how strongly governance is exercised, that is how governance is concentrated in the hands of a one firm and the number of lead firms that exercise governance over other chain members. This brings another aspect that is of the importance of in the governance of value chain which is power asymmetry. The form of governance in the chain changes as an industry evolves and matures and also governance patterns also varies from one stage to another within the same chain (Dolan and Humphrey, 2004). The second element consist the issue relating to barriers to entry and rent in the value chain. Kaplinsky (2010) argues that economic rent emanates from a situation of differential productivity of factors and barriers to entry which basically reflects scarcity. Economic rent is mostly dynamic in nature and can be eroded by the forces of competition. In the case of producer rent, it is transferred into consumer surplus through the process of competition. Competition allows for 11 innovation and new ways of organizing production and as

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

it increases within the chain, then it might lead to improved efficiency and reduction of barriers to entry and economic rent. The final analytical element of the value chain framework is the systemic efficiency that becomes inherent in analysing a sector as one chooses such an approach. It therefore moves the focus of attention from point to the whole system. In this process it enables one to understand the different stages that a product has to pass through and weaknesses associated with each stage. This in turn will give a good reflection to analysts and policy makers on the possible policy intervention and identifying the particular stage to target. Such an approach will result in proper decisions being made and will ensure success of the whole sector in the long run.


INPUT Orientation and




A symposium about

Underlying practices

proper orientation and

Leading to a Transformed

practices in order to

Restoration of backYard

achieve transformed

egg business in San

restoration of egg

Jose, Batangas.


Figure 1: Conceptual Framework

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

This research is entitled Poultry-raisers Orientation and Underlying practices Leading to a Transformed Restoration of Back-Yard Egg Business in San Jose, Batangas (POULTRY). This utilizes two approaches of qualitative research: interview and case study. The researchers will conduct an interview with some selected owners from different barangays of San Jose, Batangas, to give necessary information about their growing poultry farms and its market. This study gears to produce an output which has a symposium about proper orientation and practices in order to achieve transformed restoration of egg business. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study can be beneficial to the following: To poultry-raisers, this study can provide them significant information that can help them enrich their knowledge in raising their backyard egg business better; it will also inform poultry-raisers about the best-suggested practices that they may apply to make their business much better. To the researchers, the result of the study will help them put into action what they have learned while conducting the research in preparation for they chosen field or profession in the future. To future researchers, this can be a reliable source for similar areas of study. The result of this study can also be utilized to consolidate their own findings and the literature may be used to confirm the said findings.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

SCOPE AND LIMITATION OF THE STUDY This study is conducted to determine the poultry-raisers orientation and underlying practice which leads to a transformed restoration of backyard egg business in San Jose, Batangas. The participants of this study are only the selected poultry-raisers in San Jose. The researchers of this study will use interview and case study as their research design in gathering information to be able to come up with the valid data for this study. The subject of the study will involve the poultry-raisers within San Jose with the maximum number of to poultry forms selected. The findings are based on the information given by the participants. The accuracy and authenticity of the findings were limited to the degree of sincerity of the participants and extent of their knowledge concerning the orientation and underlying practices leading to a transformed restoration of backyard egg business for a better flow of egg business in San Jose, Batangas.

DEFINITION OF TERMS This includes conceptual and operational definition of terms covered in this study. Backyard. It is a general area near and around someone’s home (Merriam Webster); the farm itself. Consumption. It is the act of using or utilizing of a particular thing (Merriam Webster); an operation of consuming needs for poultry products especially chickens.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Demand. It pertains to the ability and need or desire to buy goods and services (Merriam Webster); the capacity of poultry businesses to meet their desired customers. Enterprise. It is a project or activity that involves many people and that is often difficult (Merriam Webster); poultry farm that is raise by the owner. Industry. It refers to the process of making products by using machinery and factories (Merriam Webster); an entity of producing products from poultries and how it works as a process of market. Lucrative. This pertains to producing money or wealth (Merriam Webster); serves as the income and profit of a poultry business. Orientation. This is the act or process of orienting or of being oriented (Merriam Webster); things the raisers ought to implement. Poultry. It refers to domesticated birds kept for eggs or meat (Merriam Webster); Growing chickens from cages. Poultry farm. It pertains to a farm on which domestic fowls, especially chickens, are reared for their eggs or meat (Collins Dictionary); a built in business houses for growing chickens. Practices. It refers to actions done or performed often customarily or habitually (Merriam Webster); already given things to do. Production. It refers to the process of making or growing something for sale or use (Merriam Webster); the process by which poultry products are being counted.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Progress. It is the process of improving or developing something over a period of time (Merriam Webster); the process of upgrading performance of production. Proliferation. It refers to the increase in number of something that amounts quickly (Merriam Webster); the rapid growth of poultry products and its production. Quality. It means the characteristic or feature that someone or something has: something that can be noticed as a part of a person or thing (Merriam Webster); value or excellence of poultry products. Restoration. This is an act of restoring or the condition of being restored (Merriam Webster); renewal of things. Sanitation. This is the process of keeping places free from dirt, infection, disease, etc., by removing waste, trash and garbage, by cleaning streets, etc. (Merriam Webster); the process of keeping poultry free from any harmful insects that may affect its growing business. Transformed. It pertains to change in composition or structure (Merriam Webster); to make new things. Waste. It means of, relating to, or being material that is left over or unwanted after something has been made, done, use, etc. (Merriam Webster); a poultry product that, if sold, can produce an amount of money.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas


This chapter covers the reviewed literature used to attain a clearer perspective and direction in the conduct of the study and to arrive at an adequate background of the study. It also contains different aspects of the study through gathered related literature and studies authored locally and internationally about the research problem. Research on meat production worldwide indicates that poultry is the fastest growing livestock sector, especially in the developing countries (Delgado et al. 1999; Taha 2003; Landes et al. 2004; Conroy 2004). Costales et al. (2003) stated that Philippines is no exception. The outlook for the Philippine chicken industry appears optimistic because of the demand for chicken products. It is expected to increase, along with population and income growth (DA and NAFC 2002a, b). Productivity improvements and developments in marketing infrastructure, such as the expansion of food processing, the modernization of the retail sector (e.g., growth in supermarkets and hypermarkets), and increasing refrigeration ownership, are additional drivers for future demand growth (Livestock Development Council 2002; DA and NAFC 2002a, b). Aside from that Hamra (2010) said that poultry raising is said to be a huge source of income therefore a lot of people prefer this business. As the number of poultry farms increases, different effects of it also increases. That is why a lot of researches emerge regarding poultry business.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

According Cavite et al. (2014), a poultry man should have at least a working knowledge of poultry management. Considered of great help to a poultry in the acquisition of the proper “know how” in poultry raising books, journals, and magazines dealing with poultry. If possible, a poultry man should procure those edited locally so that he can more or less learn local management practices. Foreign literatures are also good guides to an intelligent farmer. But it should be remembered that there are things in them that cannot be adopted in the Philippines. Every business and an entrepreneur must have a starting capital to be used in setting up a good beginning of a particular enterprise. As for the poultry raising, it should have a huge amount of capital for its different aspects and needs as it functions daily. In the study of Laguador (2013), he stated that entrepreneurs have the awareness of past, current and future issues affecting their future business enterprise. Because of this reason, Bernardo (2014), the researcher, was inspired to examine the commercial potentiality of the local egg industry in San Jose, Batangas within a span of four (4) years, from 2009 to 2012, and determine the challenges or problems that have confronted said industry over the same period. Ngoka et al. (2008) noted that the amount of profit made in poultry production depends primarily on good management. They further observed that people were increasingly becoming aware of the need to have skilled manpower to run poultry production operations. Would-be poultry farmers now accord high priority to training their own poultry operators before actually beginning production.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

According to a study done by Hamra (2010) poultry farms, mainly chicken farms producing meat or eggs, can be highly specialized operations. To maximize profits and plan future enterprise activities, a feasibility analysis prior to investment and proper management during the operation are required. Additionally, Boehler (2010) mentioned that poultry production is designed in such a way that many of the larger companies, known as integrators, operate hatcheries, feed mills, and processing and maintain contracts with the producers that raise animals for their organization. Furthermore, Ravallion et al. (2007) said that large commercial integrators are unable to consistently supply rural areas because live-bird sales dominate the poultry market in India and moving live birds over long distances is prohibitively costly, due to transport, shrinkage, and mortality costs. According to Aho (2010), it was declared that while economic recessions in the world provide a preview of the limits of growth in food sufficiency, poultry is the most sustainable major meat compared to pork and chicken. Eggs are the most sustainable animal protein. The growth in world egg production is following the growth of the human population (International World Poultry Production, 2012) and the world will need 70 percent more food in 2050 and by the same time 70 percent of the population will be urbanized. In the study of GoI (2008), he stated that greater availability and affordability of poultry meat and eggs could contribute to enhanced nutrition (and poverty reduction), given that rural and urban households allocate more than 15 and 19

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

percent or their food expenditure to animal source food respectively, although primarily to milk and dairy products. That is why Rabobank (2008) stated that improved infrastructure, availability of cold chain facilities, and changing consumer preferences, away from whole fresh chickens, could contribute to increasing the supply of ‘affordable’ processed poultry products in rural areas, for the benefit of the 316 million poor Indian rural consumers living below the international poverty line of US$ 1 a day, or the 668 million rural poor living on less than US$ 2 a day. These vertically-integrated poultry firms either own or determine by contracts all parts of the production, processing, and distribution processes. According to a research done by Hamra (2010), due to the type of business and growth potential, poultry farms should be constructed in a manner that allows for future expansion. This should include plans for expansion of feed storage areas, drainage, and effluent.

Facilities on a poultry farm According to Hawileh (2012), that poultry houses should be built of durable material that can easily and effectively be cleaned and disinfectants. All equipment should be cleaned with high pressure water cleaner, detergents and disinfectants. Management, staff and visitors should follow the personal hygiene practices and committed to bio-security needs. According to Wood et al. (2009), facilities on poultry farms are related to the purpose of the farm. In general, all poultry farms share common facilities and

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

equipment such as feeders and drinkers. However, depending on the purpose of the farm, some facilities vary. For instance, some meat production farms include slaughter house facilities. The purpose of having these slaughtering facilities on a broiler farm is to minimize cost and increase profits through vertical integration. Egg production farms are equipped with nest boxes if the breeders are raised on the floor, or, if raised in cages, automated belt systems are installed for collection of eggs.

Management of Poultry Farms Waste Handling Wood et al. (2009) stated that wastes are produced in all types of poultry operations. After poultry houses are cleaned and sanitized, the wastes should be confined in one area for later removal by specialized companies for composting or proper disposal to avoid contaminating the environment. This confinement area can be used for all types of wastes including litter from most poultry farms and unhatched eggs from hatcheries. Furthermore, Hamra (2010) said that poultry litter can also be considered to be a by-product with economic potential. At the end of a production cycle in a broiler or egg-production operation, litter is removed mechanically from the poultry house, and can be used as fertilizers for crop production. Litter can also be removed and sold to commercial processors for composting operations or nursery preparations. It can also be composted on the farm in a confined area, and then applied to farm lands.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Feeding Farran (2009) stated that feed costs have a major impact on the profitability of poultry farm operations. The high cost of feed is related to the energy and protein contents of the diet. In an unbalanced diet, with an excess protein, feed would cost more, thus increasing production costs. With low protein diets, chickens would take more time to grow, and could be at a higher risk of catching diseases. Chickens have different nutrient (feed) requirements depending on their type, age, and sex. Rations formulated to meet nutrient requirements produce faster growing, and healthier chickens, and thus better products and more profits. Aside from that, Karcher (2009) stated that excess dietary nutrients are often excreted in the feces. The excess nitrogen and phosphorus in feces could cause a threat to the environment. For this reason, managing feed formulas for accuracy is an important step in the poultry farm management to safeguard the environment, and reduce operating costs.

Disease Management In the management of poultry farms, probably one of the most difficult phases is the management of the newly introduced flock. For the operation to be profitable, a good disease prevention program should be available for the newly introduced chicks to avoid any future losses. Diseases can be transmitted via humans, other birds, newly introduced chicks, or contaminated equipment. Controlling diseasefrom

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

the beginning is important for the success of the operation (Mobley and Kahan, 2007).

Vaccination According to the study of Farran (2009), vaccination is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of diseases that can cause losses in a poultry operation. Diseases can be caused by viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites. Viruses are the number one cause of poultry disease and are considered to be the largest threat to poultry farms. Viral diseases can be reduced by proper sanitation on the farm, biosecurity measures, and vaccination of the chicks and chickens. Viruses can cause several diseases; the major ones include: Marek's disease, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, laryngotracheitis, fowl pox, fowl cholera, and avian encephalomyelitis (Jacob et al., 1998). Vaccination is mainly done to prevent Marek’s disease, which can infect laying hens and hence, a whole flock if the eggs are infected. There are several vaccination methods. Some vaccines are administered via drinking water. Others can be sprayed, whereby the spray enters the nostril or the eye to form antibodies. Another way is by injection using an automatic syringe in the neck (Jacob et al., 1998). Chicks are usually vaccinated between 2 to 16 weeks of age, depending on the type of vaccine and disease. Some vaccines are marketed as mixtures to prevent more than one disease.

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More vaccination methods have been developed in the United States. For example in-ovo vaccination has made the process more labor efficient. This method vaccinates the embryo in the egg at the hatchery; after that there isn’t any need to vaccinate again on the farm (Williams, 2007).

Cleaning and Sanitizing According to Smith (2007), the sanitation process differs depending on the floor type and type of poultry house. Several disinfectants can be used to clean and sanitize the poultry house. However, the disinfectant must be chosen carefully to avoid problems with newly introduced flocks. Additionally, Wood et al., (2009) stated that wastes are produced in all types of poultry operations. After poultry houses are cleaned and sanitized, the wastes should be confined in one area for later removal by specialized companies for composting or proper disposal to avoid contaminating the environment. This confinement area can be used for all types of wastes including litter from most poultry farms and un-hatched eggs from hatcheries.

Proper Monitoring According to the study of Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines poultry production (2007), poultry production operations may also be characterized by non-point sources of effluents or emissions which may need to be monitored through the proper implementation of nutrient management strategy as described

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above, taking into consideration potential impacts to human health and the environment from the presence of disease-agents in the waste streams.

Budgeting Rhodes et al. (2008) stated that starting a poultry farm requires start-up capital and a budget for the operations. They usually get loans from banks or other lenders for start-up costs. The startup cost varies with the size, and the facilities required for the farm to run. Furthermore, he stated that the budget represents the income, fixed & variable costs, profits, and investment amounts for the poultry farm, depending on its size. Determining the values and using an enterprise budgeting sheet will give the broiler producer a clear view of the operation and whether or not it is feasible. Additionally, he said that the poultry farms should prepare a cash flow. The main aim of preparing a cash flow statement for a poultry farm is to estimate the available cash for loan payments and other farm requirements prior to the start of the project. The poultry producer would then have a clear idea of the revenues and costs, and can determine a payment schedule to pay back the loan. It is expected in the poultry businesses that a starting capital plays a vital role in putting up a good management of poultry raising. According to Poultry Management in the Philippines, since 1973, poultry raising had been highly specialized business in the country through different amounts of capital. The establishment and the proliferation of poultry breeding farms added a new dimension

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to the industry that makes an addition to the economic development of the whole country. Poultry raising includes chickens and its supply, meat and eggs production, buying and selling process, and proper management in the sustainability of poultry farming. Therefore, this really pertains to a variety of aspects in terms of maintenance and changes inside the business area.

Synthesis The study conducted by Laguador is somewhat similar to the article of Cavite as it tackles all about the important of proper poultry management. Awareness of the past, the current, the possible future business enterprise is the entrepreneurs should have. By this reason, a researcher named Bernando was inspired to examine commercial potentially of the local egg industry in San Jose Batangas within the span of 4 years and determine problems that have conducted said industry over the same period. In starting up of a business the poultry farming requires budget for the operations (Rhodes, for it is expected in a poultry business that starting capital plays a vital role in putting up a good management of poultry raising. In line to this, it is said in the poultry management in the Philippines that poultry raising had been highly specialized business in the country through different amounts of capital. According to Aho, poultry is the most major meat compared to pork and chicken. Eggs is said to be given the most sustainable animal protein. The growth in world egg production is following the growth of human population. By this, we have

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the greater availability and affordability of poultry meat and eggs which can contribute to enhance nutrition according to the study of Gol. In this chapter, a researcher named Hamra (2010), made plans for expansion of feed storage areas, drainage and efficient to have a poultry from which is constructed in a manner that allows for future expansion and this plans are about facilities in poultry farm; waste handling and management of poultry farms on feeding disease management vaccination, cleaning and sanitizing.

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This chapter contains the research design, subjects of the study, research instrument, research locale, sample and sampling procedure and data gathering procedure.

Research Design This study utilized a descriptive research method which is used to obtain information concerning the current status of the phenomena “what exists” with respect to variables or conditions in a situation (Rao, 2014). The researchers were able to gather information based on the answers given by









observational descriptive research from which they viewed and recorded key informants’ insights as they were asked about the specific concerns of the study. They also conducted brief interviews and discussions with the assistance of guide questions.

Respondents The key informants of this research are five of the poultry-raisers in San Jose, Batangas. They are conveniently selected based on their availability. To gather different information from them, the researchers constructed questions based on their readings. After constructing questions, the researchers went to the possible key

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

informants and asked if they are available. Aside from asking, the researchers gave the consent forms and explained it to them. The researchers explained everything that will happen to the interview. The key informants who accepted and signed the consent forms were interviewed and willingly answered the questions given by the researchers. The researchers used recorders and at the same time they jotted down all the information given by the key informants. As part of the documentation procedure, the researchers took pictures while they were conducting the interview.


























Research Instrument The researchers used interview as their main research tool in gathering data. The interview aimed to identify poultry-raisers’ orientation and underlying practices leading to a transformed restoration of backyard egg business in San Jose,

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Batangas. Through the use of the interview, the researchers were able to gathered information. Interviewing is the easy way of data gathering because it involves gathering resources from the respondents through sharing their thoughts and ideas. The respondents are the subject and interview is the tool to identify the insights of the subject.

. Research Locale This research entitled Poultry-raisers Orientation and Underlying practices Leading to a Transformed Restoration of back-Yard egg business in San Jose Batangas in San Jose Batangas. According to the Bernardo (2014), Batangas has a total of 32 municipalities and two key cities and is divided into four congressional districts. San Jose belongs to the fourth congressional district, which is designated as the agribusiness area of the province. Established on April 26, 1765 as the old San Jose de Malaquing Tubig, the fertile soil of San Jose is good for planting coffee, lanzones and black pepper. As a third class municipality, San Jose has experienced major shift in its agricultural patterns over the years. At present, San Jose is known mainly for its robust livestock, poultry and egg industry. What started as primarily backyard enterprise, the egg production business in this town has now evolved into commercial scale proportion. The proximity of San Jose to Batangas City, Lipa City and to the Metro Manila areas ensure the municipality of commercial linkages. As a matter of fact, the municipality is dubbed

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as the Egg Basket of the Philippines, generating an estimated five (5) million eggs daily). It practiced the rich development and progress of various poultry raisers and business partners (Office of Municipal Agriculturist, San Jose).

Sample and Sampling Procedure The researchers conducted the interview through the use of convenience sampling. According to Saunders et al. (2012), convenience sampling (also known as availability sampling) is a specific type of non-probability sampling method that relies on data collection from population members who are conveniently available to participate in the study. It is a type of sampling where the first available primary data source will be used for the research without additional requirements. In other words, this sampling method involves getting key informants wherever you can find them and typically wherever is convenient.

Data Gathering Procedure Interview has been conducted as the primary tool to gather information. The researchers constructed questions based on their researches. After constructing questions, the researchers went to the possible key informants and asked if they are available. Aside from asking, the researchers gave the consent forms and explained it to them. The researchers carefully explained everything that will asked during the interview. The key informants who accepted and signed the consent forms were interviewed and willingly answered the questions given by the researchers. The researchers used recorders and at the same time they jotted down all the information

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given by the key informants. As part of the documentation procedure, the researchers took pictures while they were conducting the interview. After conducting the interview, the researchers consolidated all the given information.

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Chapter IV Presentation, Interpretation and Analysis of Data This chapter deals with the presentation, interpretation and analysis of data gathered from key informants. SOP NO. 1: The orientation and underlying practices of poultry raisers in terms of:

A. Sanitation and Environment Protection

Table 2: SOP 1A- Cleaning and Proper Sanitizing Theme



Cleaning and Proper

 “Syempre, first ay yung disinfection



ng area dahil ngayon at maraming prone sa mga sakit so iyan ang first na amin talagang, at bia security. Second, paglilinis ng kapaligiran tapos yung mga trays na kailangan dapat malinis tapos yung sa timbangan ay isa pang kailangan and then yung paglilinis ng kapaligiran.”

“ Una ay yung kalinisan araw araw, lilinisin ang paligid, ang inuman,

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yung pinagkainan tinitingnan kung malinis.”

“ Ah, dapat may ahm. Pag


minomonitor yung manok, yung kalinisan at saka yung manok dapat ay nagcoconsult ka sa vet. para maiwasan yung mga sakit mga ganun.”

“ Eh laging malinis dapat , laging


aagapan ng linis araw araw.”

“ syempre, may mga tao akong nagmemaintain sa aking poultry at tsaka inoobserve nila lagi kung malinis yung paligid, kase diga, hindi naman maiiwasan yung mga dumi na sometimes e nagiging cause para magkasakit yung mga manok “

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Based on the statements of KI1L10-13, KI2L12-13, KI3L12-14, KI4L11, and KI5L9-12 cleaning and sanitizing must be observed. KI1L10-13 specifically stated that poultry farms should use disinfectants. As supported by Smith (2007), the poultry house must be cleaned and sanitized after poultry are removed. The sanitation process differs depending on the floor type and type of poultry house. To clean and sanitize the poultry house several disinfectants can be used. However, to avoid problems with newly introduced flocks the disinfectant must be chosen carefully. KI3L12-14 also stated that consulting a veterinarian must be observed as well. Moreover, Farran (2009) said that an effective way to reduce the negative effects of diseases that can cause losses in a poultry operation is through vaccination. Diseases can be caused by viruses, mycoplasma, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites. Viruses are considered to be the largest threat to poultry farms and the number one cause of poultry disease. Viral diseases can be reduced by proper sanitation on the farm, biosecurity measures, and vaccination of the chicks and chickens. Aside from that, KI2L12-13, KI4L11, and KI5L9-12 stated that cleaning must be observed. They indirectly stated that waste must be cleaned to operations. Additionally, Wood et al. (2009) stated that after poultry houses are cleaned and sanitized, the wastes should be confined in one area for later removal by specialized companies for composting or proper disposal to avoid contaminating the

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environment. This confinement area can be used for all types of wastes including litter from most poultry farms and un-hatched eggs from hatcheries. B. Cost Efficiency

Table 3: SOP 1B- Management skills Theme Management Skills

Transcription 


“ Syempre management, yung KI1L16-18 tutok mo sa hanap buhay kase kailangang araw-araw mag all around ka para Makita mo yung ginagawa ng mga tao, yung aming routine sa araw araw ay nagagawa ng bawat isa.”

“ Syempre malulugi ako kapag KI3L17-19 hindi




practices na ito. Kaya kailangan talaga





imonitor nung mga boy yung mga pagpapakain yun para walang mga pagigng masinop.”

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According to the statement of KI1L16-18, she always uses her management skills in monitoring her employees whether they are doing all of their assigned work or not. At the same time she also monitors them if they are performing the proper routine that should be applied every day. Additionally, Hamra (2010) stated that management in the poultry farms should be divided into four categories: (a) the feeding that may affect the chickens; (b) the disease management that can affect not only the chickens but also the human; (c) the vaccination that is an effective way to reduce the negative effects of disease that can cause losses in a poultry operation; and (d) managing the cleaning and sanitizing process that could help the poultry more safe in any kind of epidemic viruses. On the other hand, KI3L17-19 stated that if her practice would not be effective, she will not gain profit. That is why she always makes sure that her employees work hard to feed the chickens. This was supported by Ngoka et al (2008) when he noted that the amount of profit made in poultry production depends primarily on good management. They further observed that people were increasingly becoming aware of the need to have skilled manpower to run poultry production operations. Would-be poultry farmers now accord high priority to training their own poultry operators before actually beginning production.

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Table 4: SOP 1B- Cash operation Theme Cash operation

Transcription 

“ Depende sa gastos.Malaking

Code KI2L16-23

pera ang ginugugol diyan bago ka magsimula ay talagang iisipin mo ang budget. Hindi naman maaaring iisang tao ang gagawa niyan, laging may katulong. Naririyan ang mga gamot, ang ilaw, ang tubig. Yan ay dapat kumpleto. Kung minsan nga ay di maiiwasang magkasakit , dagdag diyan ang mga gamot, vitamins, lahat. Mababawasan ang kita, edi babawi naman iyan at hindi naman pababayaan na yung sakit nyang iyon, kanit nga malugi ka doon sa panahong iyon, pag naman gumaling babawi ka din. ”

“Ay syempre . Kapag bulok ang

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praktis ay pamihadong malulugi. Kaya dapat ay paramihin ang negosyo para dumami ang kita, kapag kaunti ay nako, diga?”

“ eh di unang una, dahil nga ayos


yung mga practices e syempre nagiging ayos din yung kita. Halimbawa na laang e, kapag ayos ang mga kondisyon ng mga manok tapos may buyer ako, edi ayos ang benta. Ayos ang mga manok eh.”

According to KI2L16-23 and KI5L15-17, the owners should think of the budget wisely before starting a business. There are utilities expenses such as medicine for maintenance of chicken’s health, lighting and most importantly water supply all of WHICH demand big amount of money. As supported by Rhodes et al. (2008), starting a poultry farm requires start-up capital and a budget for the operations. The owners usually get loans from banks or other lenders for start-up costs. The startup cost varies with the size, and the facilities required for the farm to run. Furthermore, they stated that the budget represents the income, fixed & variable costs, profits, and investment amounts for the poultry farm, depending on its size. Determining the values and using an Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

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enterprise budgeting sheet will give the broiler producer a clear view of the operation and whether or not it is feasible. Additionally, KI4L14-15 said that bad practices can lead to the loss of a poultry business. The poultry business is better when it is wider. The more chicken, the more eggs would be produced and at the same time more money would be given to the owner. In the same sense, Hamra (2010) said that poultry farms, mainly chicken farms producing meat or eggs, can be highly specialized operations. To maximize profits and plan future enterprise activities, a feasibility analysis prior to investment and proper management during the operation are required.

C. Life Expectancy

Table 5: SOP 1C- Business widening and Income growth Theme Business Widening and Income Growth

Transcription 

“ Pag kumita ka lang saka mag iimprove at magtatagal ang practices na yan. Kailangang magdagdag ng building para makapagproduce ng marami para makadagdag ng kita , makadagdag ng investment.”

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Code KI1L21-23

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“Kung ito naman ay ginagamitan


ng tiyaga, pagiging determinado para mapalago ang business ay tingin ko’y magattagal areh.”

“ Sa tingin ko’y magtatagal kung


papatibayin ang pundasyon. Unang una kailangang maraming capital, capital ang kailangan diyan eh kapag makapagpalago ka ng negosyo.”

“ syempre, tatagal yun as long


as, yun yung kailangan ng business ko tapos yun yung magpapalago sa income ko, I”ll make this into the point na, kung ito yung kinakailangan e basta go ako “

KI1L21-23 states that improvement of practices would last long if the business is doing good. This is in agreement with poultry management in the Philippines (1973) which states that the establishment and the proliferation of poultry breeding Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

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not only form added a new dimension of the industry that makes an addition to the economic development of the whole country, but also contribute first to the income of the enterprise. Aside from that, KI3L22-23 cited hard work and dedication as contributing to success of the business. As supported by Fowler at Awoko magazine (2018), to achieve a success in poultry farming, a lot of hard work is involved. So, it is very clear that this business needs a lot of works for its business. On the other hand, KI4L18-23 stated that strong foundation is key in making business last. He added that a huge amount of capital is also needed. This suits to Rhodes (2008) statement that starting a poultry farm requires start-up capital and a budget for the operations. Capital is mainly the primary foundation in putting up a poultry farm. Lastly, KI5L20-22 states that as an owner he will do what is effective if it will bring income. This anchors to Greenharrisburg (2007) saying that poultry farming has already proven to be a lucrative business, so as an owner may be willing to do anything for the source of income.

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Table 6: SOP 1C- Consistency Theme Consistency

Transcription 

“Hindi naman kailangang

Code KI2L28-30

matanggal iyan kung napapanatili nga yung kalinisan at naibubudget ng ayos ang benta at pinagbilhan at nakaksunod ka sa buwis, kautusan ng munisipyo, yung pagrerenew.”

According to KI2L28-30, removing those practices is unnecessary if these are really effective in maintaining the cleanliness. The profit or income should be managed correctly. A poultry raiser must follow the regulations in terms of paying taxes that is an ordinance of the municipality in renewing business permits. This was supported by Hawileh (2012), in his study he said that poultry houses should be built of durable material that can easily and effectively be cleaned and disinfectants. All equipment should be cleaned with high pressure water cleaner, detergents and disinfectants. Management, staff and visitors should follow the personal hygiene practices and committed to bio-security needs.

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SOP NO. 2: The poultry raisers’ techniques in maintaining these underlying practices.

Table 7: SOP 2- Proper monitoring technique Theme

Transcription 

Proper Monitoring Technique

“Monitoring. Araw araw ay

Code KI1L26-28

kailangang maround mo at tsaka at the same time ay may farm manager na talagang umiikot para mapanatili yung production at tsaka yung kalinisan ng kapaligiran.”

“ Araw araw ay dapat imonitor at tsaka yung mga katulong ko dyan malinis iyan at talagang


ginagawang malinis. Hindi pinababayaan.

“ Ay syempre kailangan ay araw araw mong bisitahin at imonitor.

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Ika nga ay always observe dapat. Hahahahah.” 

“ Ay syempre naman. Kailangang


araw araw ay minomonitor. Tsaka malaki ang mapapakinabang namin diyan kung kikita kami . Kaya kanya kanya yang diskarte.”

According to KI1L26-28, KI2L34-35, KI3L27-28 and KI4L24-26, poultry must be monitored daily. The owners should make sure that their employees properly monitor and accomplish every task given to them. They also stated that the cleanliness of the environment must be strictly observed because it also benefits the owners. Furthermore, based on the Environmental, Health, and Safety Guidelines Poultry Production study (2007), poultry production operations may also be characterized by non-point sources of effluents or emissions which may need to be monitored through the proper implementation of nutrient management strategy as described above, taking into consideration potential impacts to human health and the environment from the presence of disease-agents in the waste streams.

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Table 8: SOP 2- “Just go with the flow” process Theme “Just go with the flow” Process

Transcription 

“ wala naman masyadong mga

Code KI5L25-26

technique, basta ako, ginagawa ko laang yung mga bagay na sa tingin ko ay makakatulong sa pagpapalago ng negosyong ito “

KI5L25-26 stated that she doesn’t follow specific techniques but rather use methods which she think could help her business. This was the same with what Ifeoma (2015) stated. He said that management may be regarded as the art of utilizing all the available resources at the disposal of the entrepreneur for effective production. The most pressing goal of any enterprise is profit maximization in which poultry production is not an exception. This cannot be possible without effective decision making, supervision and coordinating ability of the entrepreneur.

SOP NO. 3: The suggestion that may be put in place towards a transformed restoration and practices of backyard egg raising in San Jose , Batangas.

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Table 9: SOP 3- Managerial skills Theme Managerial Skills

Transcription 

“ Unang- una na dyan, kung

Code KI1L32-37

paano, kung kaya mo bang imanage ang inumpisahan mong negosyo. Then paano mo sya napaplano. Kung ito ba ay in sa industry. Bago ka mag- umpisa ng hanap buhay, kailangan ba ito ay everyday, o may Malaki ba itong maitutulong. Syempre, pag may negosyo ka dapat ay may market, na syang unang makakatulong sa negosyo at syempre management.”

To be a successful owner, you have to master different number of skills. To get a higher percentage of profit you will have to be technically competent at all times. You will need to develop strong skills that are needed throughout your business and you are also expected to communicate clearly and use time wisely. According to KI1L32-37, in a business industry, it is very essential that every

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business has proper management. An owner must know if he/ she is capable to continue or even start a business. An owner must consider if the business is needed in the community and if it has a target market. Additionally, Cavite et al. (2014) stated that a poultry man should have at least a working knowledge of poultry management. Considered of great help to a poultry farms in the acquisition of the proper “know how” in poultry raising are books, journals, and magazines dealing with poultry. A poultry man should procure those edited locally so that he can more or less learn local management practices.

Table 10: SOP 3- Capital foundation Theme Capital Foundation

Transcription 

“ Kung magsisimula sa ngayon, dapat pala hihingi ng permit. Pag naaprubahan, edi tsaka makakapagsimula, Kaya laang, ang uunahin muna ay budget. Kung ilan ang sisimulan, kung ilan ang iyong pinaplano, kailanga’y budget.”

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Code KI2L38-4

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Every business needs capital for its foundation. Cavite et al. (2014) emphasized that every business and an entrepreneur must have a starting capital to be used in setting up a particular enterprise. KI2L38-40 stated that an entrepreneur must have a necessary permit to establish a business. When the business is formally registered, they should start a plan. Moreover, KI2L38-40 said that every entrepreneur must budget the money for the business. According to Rhodes et al. (2008), starting a poultry farm requires start-up capital and a budget for operation. In addition to that, they also stated that poultry farms should prepare a cash flow. They usually get loans from bank or other lenders for start-up costs. It was also stated in the study on Poultry Management in the Philippines (1973) that it is expected in the poultry business that a starting capital plays a vital role in putting up a good management raising. Table 11: SOP 3- Obligation and proper behavior Theme Obligation and Proper Behavior

Transcription 

“ Kinakailangan nilang sumunod sa mga pinapatakbong batas tungkol sa pagpopoultry . Sumunod ka sa mga patakaran, magkaroon ka ng proper waste management tapos, kailangan maging mabait sayong mga suki

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Code KI3L32-35

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para di ka iwan at kailangan, basta kailangang makisama ka. Iyun.”

According to KI3L32-35, the owners of the poultry farms should obey the rules and regulation of the government. They should interact with their regular customers as well as with other people who could be their market. In addition, Rabobank (2008) stressed that improved infrastructure, availability of cold chain facilities, and changing consumer preferences, away from whole fresh chickens, could contribute to increasing the supply of ‘affordable’ processed poultry products in rural areas.

Table 12: SOP 3- Continuation Process Theme Continuation Process

Transcription 

“ Eh kailangan eh wag mag ah—

Code KI4L29-30

tuloy tuloy laang ang ano, ang negosyo, wag nyang, kumbaga tumigil”

KI4L29-30 said that an owner must continue the business regardless of what happens in the business. The owner should know that doing business is not easy and problems cannot be avoided.

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

As supported by the study of Laguardo (2013), entrepreneurs must have the awareness of the past, current and future issues affecting their future business enterprise. That’s why it is important to continue the business even though there are problem or issues that the business encountered. It is also important that an owner knows how to face the problems and do his/her best to overcome it.

Table 13: SOP 3- Business Enhancement Theme Business Enhancement

Transcription 

“ edi ano, basta kung may mga bago silang alam na sa tingin nila ay ayos naman kapag naimplement sa business nila, e why not na gawin nila. Dun naman sa mga matatagal nang nagpapatakbo ng ganitong negosyo, edi ayusin na lamang kung anong nasimulan o kaya ay mas ayusin at gumawa pa ng mas makakapagbigay ng malaking kita sa kanilang business “

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Code KI5L29-33

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

According to KI5L29-33, if the owner notices that there is a better practice that could help the business to progress, the owner must try it. It is a lot better to try this new practice to enhance the business. It is important to continue the process of improving your business. This was supported by the study of Hamra (2010). Due to the type of business and growth potential, poultry farms should be constructed in a manner that allows for future expansion. This should include plans for expansion of feed storage areas, drainage, and effluent.

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Chapter V Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations Summary The study aims to determine the poultry-raisers’ orientation and underlying practices in backyard egg business in San Jose, Batangas. Specifically, the study sought to determine the following: the orientation and underlying practices of poultry raisers in terms of: a. sanitation and environment protection; b. cost efficiency; and c. life expectancy. ; the poultry raisers’ techniques in maintaining these underlying practices. ; and the suggestion that may be put in place towards a transformed restoration and practices of backyard egg raising in the community. The researchers found out that poultry raisers understand that cleaning and proper sanitizing processes should always be observed. Every poultry farm should use proper disinfectants that could lessen the possibility of spreading diseases. All the tools used must also be cleaned and sanitized after use. They also realized the effectiveness of management skills and cooperation terms of cost efficiency. The owners must use their management skills in monitoring their employees because the growth of their business depends on it. Likewise, they must observe the expenses or the usage of their money and follow the designed budget. In terms of life expectancy, practices would last long and will improve if these really help the business and also if these make the business earn a lot of income.

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Aside from that, consistency might be helpful too. Sticking with the practices that you usually do might really help an owner to boost his/her business. The researchers also found out that there are different techniques that the owners use in maintaining their underlying practices. An owner must monitor his/her business properly and daily. Aside from that, the owners can just go with the flow of their practices that may lead to a good result in the business growth. The suggestions that may be put into place towards a transformed restoration and practices of backyard egg business in San Jose, Batangas are good managerial skill must be utilized, having a good capital foundation before you start the business, knowing your obligation and proper behavior towards the government and the market, continuing your business no matter what happens and lastly, enhancing business by entertaining new ideas for their business and also fixing things for the benefit of their business.

Conclusion Based on the study the researchers found out the following: 

Most of the poultry raisers exemplifying their own methods and practices towards maintaining and enhancing their business. In sanitation and environment protection, cleaning and proper sanitizing must be observed. In cost efficiency, management skills and cash operation must be utilized. And

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

lastly, in life expectancy, they have to make business widen and the income must grow. 

The poultry raisers believe that starting this kind of business really needs a huge capital and they must monitor their business daily; and

This is a lucrative type of business that is why most of poultry owners gain profits. The poultry raisers used this following suggestion to maintain the fruitfulness of their business. The suggestions are good managerial skill must be utilized, having a good capital foundation before you start the business, knowing your obligation and proper behavior towards the government and the market, continuing your business no matter what happens and lastly, enhancing business by entertaining new ideas for their business and also fixing things for the benefit of their business.

Recommendation Based on the stated conclusions, the researchers recommend the following: 

For the poultry raisers to improve their managerial skills towards poultry farming they can attend seminars and/or trainings that can help them acquire tips for the enhancement of their enterprise;

Poultry farmers should sustain proper methods , processes and practices for the betterment not only of their farms but also to contribute in conserving the environment;

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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas

Putting more attention to this kind of business should be observed to enrich poultry raisers’ goals and for the profitability to last for a long time; and

This study can be used by the future researchers for them to acquire some additional information for the same field of study they are doing.

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region IV-A (CALABARZON) Division of Batangas District of San Jose TAYSAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL Taysan, San Jose, Batangas


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