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  • Pages: 12

Noticeis hereby given that a SPECIAL WORKSHOP of the Governing Body of the City OF Pelican Bay will be held on the 10th day of February, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall at 1300 PelicanCircle, Pelican B"y, Texas, tt which time the following subjects will be discussed, to wit:

1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. ROLL CALL. 3. POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES WORI(SHOP. 4. ADJOURNMENT. I, the undersigned authority, do hereby certify that the above Notice of A Special Workshop of the Governing Body of the City Pelican Bay is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said Notice on the bulletin board, in the City Hall of the City in Pelican Bay, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessibleto the general public at all times and said notice was posted on tr'ebruary 7th,2005, at 10:00 O'clock A.M., and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of the meeting.

Datedthis the 7th day ofFebruary,2005.

NOTICE OF MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OF PELICAN BAY Noticeis herebygiventhat a regular meetingof the GoverningBody of the abovenamedCity will be held on the Sth day of February, 2005at 7:00 P.M. in the City Hall at 1300PelicanCircleoPelicanBay, Texas,at which time the followingsubjectswill be discussed, to wit: 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. OPENINGPRAYER. 3. ROLLCALL. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. 5. REVIEW AND CONSIDERAPPROVAL OF THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE PREVIOUS MEETING. 6. RSVIEW AI\D APPROVE RESOLUTION 125CALLING FOR GENERAL BLECTION. 7.


8. CONSIDERAPPROVAL TO ALLOW THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH REDPOINT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY. 9. REVIEW AND APPROVE CONTRACT VEHICLE LEASE AGREEMENT. IO. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE RE-WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH SANSOM PARK FOR DISPATCH AIID JAIL SERVICES. 11. REVIEW AIID APPROVE THE SALE OF A POLICE VEHICLE TO CHIEF'CLARJ< F'ORA (DARIID CAR CONVERSION. 12. DISCUSSIONAND APPROVAL OF'THE DRAFTING OF A CITY RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE USE OF CITY VEHICLES OUTSIDEOF THE CITY LIMITS OF PELICAN BAY. 13. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RACIAL PROFILING RBPORT. 14. REVIEW AND APPROVE APPLICATIONS FOR NEW F'IREFIGHTERS. 15. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT. 16. POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT. 17. ADJOURNMENT. authority,do herebycertifythattheaboveNoticeof Meetingof theGoverning Bodyof theCity of PelicanBay I, theundersigned is a true and correctcopyof said Noticeand that I posteda true and correctcopyof saidNoticeon the bulletinboard,in the City to the generalpublic at all timesand said noticewas posted Hall in PelicanBay, Texas,a placeconvenientand readilyaccessible on February4th,2005,at 6:00 O'clock P.M., and remainedso postedcontinuouslyfor at least72 hours precedingthe scheduled time of the meeting. Dated this the 4th day of February, 2005. City of Pelican Bay

MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE GOVERNING BODY OFPELICAN BAY On the8thdayof February, 2005,theCouncilof theCity of Pelican Bayconvened in a meeting, thesamebeingopento thepublic at the regularmeetingplacethereof,in the City Hall, andnoticeof saidmeetinghavingtime,placeand subjectthereof,having beenposted asprescribed in Article6261-17 V.S.C.S. 1. CALL TO ORDBR. Themeetingwascalledto orderat7:00p,m.by MayorHawkins. 2. OPENING PRAYER. AldermanKeller gavethe openingpmyer. 3. ROLL CALL. AldermanKeller, AldermanHunter,andAldermanSparkswerepres€nt.AldermanDavisand AldermanMcElvea were absent. 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. 2l citiaensattendedthemeeting. 5. REVIEW AIID CONSIDER APPROVAL OT'THE CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FOR THE PREVIOUS MEETING. A motionwasmadeby AldermanKeller thatwasseconded by AldermanSparksto approvethe minutesfrom the lastcouncilmeeting.Themotionpassedby a vote of 3/FORand0/OPPOSED. 6. REVIEW AliD APPROVE RESOLUTION 125CALLING FOR GENERAL ELECTION. AldermanSparks movedto approveResolution125 callingfor a GeneralElectionandnamingReneeMcWhorterasPresidingJudge andJamesTalley asAlternatePresidingJudge.AldermanHuntersecondedthemotionthatpassedby a voteof 3/FORand0/OPPOSED. 7.

REVIEW AND CONSIDERAPPROVAL OF THE CLOSE-OUTOF THE ELEVATBD STORAGE TANK CONTRACT. A motionwasmadeby AldermanKeller thatwasseconded by AldermanSparksto approvethe close-outof the elevatedstoragetankcontract.Themotionpassedby a vote of 3/FORand O/OPPOSED.

8, CONSIDER APPROVAL TO ALLOW THE MAYOR TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH REDPOINT DEVELOPMENT TO ALLOW ANNEXATION OF THE PROPERTY. AldermanSparks movedto allow Mayor Hawkinsto enterinto negotiations with RedpointDevelopmentto allow annexationof the property. The motionwassecondedby AldermanHunterandpassedby a vote of 3/FORand0/OPPOSED. 9. REVIEW AND APPROVE CONTRACT VEHICLE LEASE AGREEMENT. A motionwasmadeby AldermanHunterandsecondedby AldermanSparksto approvethe LeaseAgreementwith BryanChancellor.The motionpassed by a voteof 2/FORand I/OPPOSED. IO. REVIEW AI\D APPROVE THE RE-WRITTEN CONTRACT WITH SANSOM PARK FOR DISPATCH AND JAIL SERVICES. AldermanKeller movedto approvethere-writtencontractfrom SansomPark. AldermanSparkssecondedthe motionthatpassedby a vote of 3/FORandO/OPPOSED. 11. REVIEW AND APPROVE THE SALE OF A POLICE VEHICLE TO CHIEF CLARK F'ORA (DARN' CAR CONVERSION. A motionwasmadeby AldermanSparksto approvethe saleof a policevehicleto Chief Clark for a "DARE" car conversionat no costto theCity. AldermanHuntersecondedthemotionthatpassedby a voteof 2/FORand I/OPPOSED. 12. DISCUSSIONAI\D APPROVAL OF'THE DRAFTING OF A CITY RESOLUTION PERTAINING TO THE USE OF CITY Vf,IIICLES OUTSIDE OF THE CITY LIMITS OF PELICAN BAY. A motionto table thediscussionuntil a workshopon PolicePolicy & Procedures on Thursday,February10,2005,wasmadeby AldermanSparksandseconded by AldermanKeller. Themotionpassedby a vote of 3/FORand0/OPPOSED.

FrotnThe Chiqfs Desk

MEMO Chief George C. Clsrk Jr.


Police Department statisticsfor fan. 2005 Calls for Service:21 Arrests: 12 Reports:12

Vehicle fleefi No problems with the vehicles,except for Unit 2had to have the heater core replaced after going out2weeks ago. GS completed the repairs once again for no cost of labor. Both other units are in satisfactory condition and performing well. Personnel Officer Cecil Williams resigned due to an unknown medical condition. Other issues: The transformation to SansomPark dispatch went well, we are now online with SPPDand our radios have never had better reception. Racial profile report for the year 2004is complete and on file. G&S auto has comrnitted to building the Dare/Beat the Heat car, at no cost to me. I have received several offers for donated parts to rebuild the vehicle. I should have my tax return in about 2 weeks, I will more than likely be personally investing $500-1000dollars in building the car. Projectedtime for completion is 3 to 4 months.

PelicanBayPoliceDepartment 13ooPelicanCircle

Azle,Texas 76ozo From the Office of

Ctrief George C. Clark

(D)rug (A)buse(R)esistance (E)ducation The D.A.R.E.andBEAT TheHEAT Policecarprogram D.A.R.E.standsfor Drug Abuse ResistanceEducation.It is a drug abuse prevention education program designed to equip elementary, middle and high school children with knowledge about drug abuse,the consequencesof abuse, and skills for resisting peer pressure to experiment with drugs, alcohol and tobacco.Basedon the premise that prevention is the only long-term answer to drug abuse,the program includes all50 statesand 53 countries.The D.A.R.E. program is taught in over 75o/oof the nation's school districts, creating a positive atmosphere for students to interact with uniformed law enforcement officers. The D.A.R.E.cars serveas a very important tool for police officersand narcotics programs.The D.A.R.E. unifs always capture the attention of the kids, The kids love the cars. Kids look at a normal white police car and its no big deal, but when they seea D.A.R.E. car they say Wow check that out!" Local businessestraditionally donate flancywheels, custom paint, stereosand much more to make the D.A.R.E.cars look special. No taxpayer money is used in fixing up the cars. D.A.R.E. teacheskids how to recognize and resist the direct and subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco,marijuana, and other drugs. And since between 70"/oand90% of all crime is drug related, it is absolutely vital that we reach the children of America before it is too late. The use of the D.A.R.E vehicles attracts the attention of the children and teens, therefore making it easier to talk to them about the dangers of drugs, alcohol and tobbaco, if you are a parent then you know to get through to a child you must first capture their attention.

Sincewe do not have any schoolsin our City but all of the local children attend the Azle ISD, this will be a cooperativeeffort to participatein the D.A.R.E. program with the Azle ISD, by showing the car at local events and school functions. Therefore doing our part to help our children here in our community.

A D.A.R.E. program car.

Beot The Heat, Inc



Ra.ciag Eor Edtzc,ation the Beat The Heat, Inc


- To help EDUCATE the young peopleof our communitiesaboutthe real problemsof illegal drugsand alcohol use, - To EDUCATE everyoneto the horrors of alcohol or drug impaired driving, - To EDUCATE the generalpublic about DRAG RACING, and encourageeveryoneto not racein the street.

Denton County Sheriffs Dept. Beat the Heat cat.

The vehicleI will be buildingwill be the old 1997FordCrownVictoria that wasour former K9 Unit. The repairsthat will needto be completeand customwork performed will be asfollows: 1. 1997-99Ford MustangMotor donated.Will be installedby G&S Automotive. 2. Transmissionrepairandcustomization,includinga high performanceshift kit. Trans.Will be installedby G&S Automotive 3. Cold Air induction 4. Customwheelsandtires by donation 5. CustomBlack paintjob featuringflaming"D.A.R.E." and"Beatthe Heat" insignias. 6. Completerenovationof the interiorof the vehicle. 7. Dual spotlightsand emergencystrobelights.

Once the car is complete and operational, I will also utilize the vehicle to participate in the Beat the Heat Drag racing events held at Denton Dragway and Kennedale Dragwa|, where several other police deparbnents participate with their D.A.R.E. and Beat the Heat police cars. During theseevents teenagersare allowed to race against the cars on a legal drag strip in an effort to motivate them to keep from racing on the public roadways, and also allows the teens to photograph the car and get an up close look at a high performance police vehicle. I will also have baseballcards made with the picture of me and Luhrs with the car and hand them out at theseevents as well as the local schools.

The theme for the car will be. " Racing for Educatiory and drug abuseresistance,Burning rubber for our future" We do this for the children....becauseour children are our future!


Chief G. C. Clark

r ed


potn t O pmef f it io"


Mayor Marlyn Hawkins City of Pelican Bay 1300PelicanCircle Pelican Bay, TX 76020-4500 CERTIFIED MAIL# 7OO1T94OOOO4 6558 0769 RE: ProposedAnnexation of 50 Acre ResidentialDevelopment

Dear Mayor Hawkins, Redpoint Development, or its assignsin title, is currently in the processof acquiring a 50 acre parcel of land located at the south end of Power SquadronRoad. It is our understandingthat the property lies within the extra territorial jurisdiction of the City of Pelican Bay, Texas. Our conceptualplan for the property is to develop approximately 44lots averaging 0.75 of an acre in size. We believe the tax base generatedfrom this development could greatly benefit the City and the developmentcould also benefit by having water and sanitary sewer service to the property, along with police force and fire protection. Therefore we respectfully requestCity Council to allow the Mayor to both consider and negotiate an agreementwith Redpoint Development to allow annexationof the property and for the City to provide both utilities and City servicesto this proposeddevelopment. Sincerely, A r -/l






JtrAtinMcWilliams President Redpoint Development, Inc.

o Fax 817.222.0095 2909RaceStreet,Fort Worth, TX 76lll oTe1817.222.230A


I l.

APPROVE THE FULL TIME EMPLOYMENT OF A POLICE OFFICER. AldermanSparksmoved themotionthatpassed to approvethe fulltime employmentof Sgt.Chancellor.AldermanHunterseconded by a voteof 3/FORand2/OPPOSED.. AldermanSparksmovedto approvethe fulltime employmentof themotionthatpassed Cpl.Leavell.AldermanHunterseconded by a voteof 5/FORand0/OPPOSED.

12. REVIEW AND APPROVAL A CHANGE TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT POLICY AND PROCEDURESREMOVING THE 2%I0/IILERESIDENTIALREQUIREMENT. AldermanKeller movedto removethe2l/2 mile residentialrequirement from the FIre DepartmentPolicy andProcedures, subjectto the definitionof the activitiesof thenon-residents. Themotionwassecondedby Alderman Sparksandpassed by a voteof 5/FORand0/OPPOSED. lJ.

REVIEW AND APPROVEAPPLICATIONSFOR NEW FIREFIGHTERS. AldermanKellermoved to tablethereviewof applicationsfor newfirefightersuntil thenext councilmeeting.AldermanDavis seconded themotionthatpassed by a voteof 4/FOR,O/OPPOSED and I/ABSTAINED.

14. FIRE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT. ChiefMitchell presented the Fire DepartmentReport. 15. POLICE DEPARTMENT ACTIVITY REPORT. ChiefClarkpresented thePoliceDepartment Report. 16. ADJOURNMENT. Themeetingadjourned at 7:50p.m.



g ? / A 7/ ?A A E 1 E :4 9




Lawrence& Associates Municipal Managementand PlanningConsrlltants

FaxTransmittal Cityof PelicanBay


Atftu Nancy/ llllayor & Gouncil




project Elevated StorageTank

tr Urgent

EI For Your Informadon


JessicaKaltenbach 2 , including cover February 7,2005

El Response Requeated

El Acfiort Requested

DearMayorand Council, On January17, 2045,Tim Morrissent a lefterwith a final paymentrequestand close out documents related to the elevat€d storage tank project oompleted by Caldwell Tanks. This letteroutlinedthe sequenceof events pertainingspecificallyto the final completionof this project. In his letterTim providedthe followingfacts: 1. Dateof substantialand finalcompletion: January/11, 2005 2. Contractualdate of substantialcompletion:Octoberg, 2004 3. Date halflrvaybetween November 23, 2QQ4(date tank could be filled) and January11,2005 (datetestswere received):December17,2004 4. Numberof days betweencontractualdate and final completiondate:69 5. Numberof days betweencontractualdate and final completiondate: 39 6. 69 daysX $200= 13,800 7. 39 daysX $50 = $1,950 8. Totalestimatedamountto be deductedfrom contract:$15,750 9. Total amountowed to contractor:$25,850(flnalinvoice)+ $3,290(amountdue from previousinvoice,#Six) = $29,140 10.Totalowed- liquidated damages($29,140- $15,750)= $13.390 Tel.: 9'121442-6578 Fax: 9721442-6598

P.O-Box222 Wylie,Texas75098

ttz,tA7/2A85 16: 49


PAGE 42182

Lawrence& Associates

Therefore,accordingto Tim Monis, the total amount due to Caldwell Tanks rs $13,390. I believe payment should be issued and a letter should be drafted to explain the reductionin balanceowed in accordancewith conditionsstipulatedin Article 3.2 of the ContractAgreementbetweenthe City and CaldwellTanks. I would urge you to make this final paymentto Caldwellas soon as possible. Further delay in paymentto Caldwellcould aggravatethe situationand reiult in unnecessary delays in processingclose out documentationwith Caldwell and the Office of Rural CommunityAffairs (the grantfundingagency). Furthermore,If the closure of this project is impeded and the City receives another grant award, the City would not be eligibleto accept this grant award ($250,000). A final decision has not been issued relativeto TCDP awards for this funding cycle, but PelicanBay has a good chance of receivingan award. Awards should be announced in May or June2005. I would be happy to assist the Gity in any way possiblewith this matter; please don't hesitateto call me.


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