Fcc 09010502 - Opa Komto

  • Uploaded by: Stichting Oud in Afrika (Old in Africa Foundation)
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 199
  • Pages: 1

Franciscan Clarist Congregation P.O. Box 410 Nekemte Eastern Wollega ETHIOPIA

OPA-KOMTO 2009 – project number 09-01-05-02

Dear sisters, We are pleased to confirm that Stichting Oud in Afrika will support the OPA-KOMTO 2009 as requested. We hereby grant EUR 2.000,-- (currently approx. Birr 28000). Please use the project number (09-01-05-02) in any communication. We will make an advance payment of 50% for the first six months of 2009. Please send us quarterly reports by e-mail and a payment request by regular mail, not later than early July for the second half of this year. All financial reports must be based on budget versus actual realization. A payment request should always contain your international bank details, the project number and the requested amount to avoid misunderstandings. Attached you will find the grant conditions connected to this grant. We wish you all the best with your work and are happy to be able to support it! Best regards, also to all your staff and congregation members,

Stichting Oud in Afrika Henk J.Th. van Stokkom

c/o P.O.Box 255, 3300 AG Dordrecht NL Chamber of Commerce Rotterdam 24 32 39 23 ABNAMRO bank account NL66ABNA0473580144 [email protected] – www.oudinafrika.org – phone +31 78-6149975

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