Failed Findings

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 4
Item List with Results Sorted by

Checklist Name Item


Audit Finding Details

Audit-00000587/Findings Number 355 Project Audits for period ending June 30,2009 CO Audit Program 4

Does the CO have current registration with the


CO Audit Program 5 CO Audit Program 13

Has the CO obtained tax exempt status? Does the CO have a process for informing the NO of

Fail Fail

CO Audit Program 18

Have all findings from previous audits been


CO Audit Program 5

If an automated system is used, is the software an "off


CO Audit Program 3

Are all CO bank accounts and related authorized


CO Audit Program 1

Do balances per book agree to accounting records?


CO Audit Program 7

Are surprise petty cash counts conducted at least once


CO Audit Program 2 CO Audit Program 2

Is CCF the only funding source for the CO? Are receipts recorded correctly in the CO accounting

Fail Fail

CO Audit Program 5

Are checks made payable to a vendor identified by an


CO Audit Program 17

Monthly expenditures do not vary more than 10% from


CO Audit Program 4

Are receivables cleared in a timely manner and the


CO Audit Program 1

Does the CO have a system to monitor/report


CO Audit Program 3

Does the CO maintain a fixed asset ledger showing the


CO Audit Program 7

Have all items disposed of this year been in compliance


CO Audit Program 9 CO Audit Program 6

Are fixed assets appropriately insured? If discrepancies are discovered in an inventory, are the

Fail Fail

CO Audit Program 7

Does the CO maintain financial accounting for the value




CO Audit Program 1

Are DFCs paid to the intended recipient in 30 days or


CO Audit Program 7

Does the CO have a documented procedure for visiting


CO Audit Program 8 CO Audit Program 9

Are home visits documented in files at the CO? Are child files and child status slips organized and kept

Fail Fail

CO Audit Program 10

Based on a 10% random sample, do all child files


CO Audit Program 11

Is confidential child and family information maintained in


CO Audit Program 12

Does the CO have a documented process for the annual


List with Results Audit Finding Details

The CO wasn't able to acquire permit to operate from the City Hall's office. As per project's BIR registration, tax type is "Income Tax". The CO have no process yet, it is a requirement from the NO to provide them a copy of the There were still 8 out of the 30 previous audit findings remain not complied. FITS is not in compliance with the acceptable accounting standard software as per the The CO was able to register te bank account with the NO but failed to register the Sampled months: July and December 2008 bank reconciliation reflects zero deposit in There was no record of surprise petty cash count conducted during the Fiscal Year. The CO have other funding sources such as community contributions. Sampled months; July and December 2008 bank reconciliation reflects zero deposit in It was noted from the sampled payment vouchers that all checks are made payable to a The CO's monthly average spending rate is 85% of the monthly projected budget, indicating 8 out of the 36 cash advances sampled were not liquidated within the CO's prescribed The project does not have a system to monitor their payables (e.g. contracts, deduction/ The fixed asset ledger indicates the date of purchase but doesn't indicate the location. From the fixed asset ledger, there were 14 items with a total amount of Ps80,395 that were The project's assets are not covered with insurance. The receipts and disbursement were appropriately recorded however, the running balance The CO's inventory does not indicate the monetized value. 5 out of the 39 DFC's received during the month of July 2008 were paid beyond 30 days, The CO conducted home visits to the enrolled children though, they have no documented 14 out of the 60 reviewed child files have no updated home visit report on file. We observed that the child files are kept in unlocked cabinets located at the entrance of the 20 out of the 60 child files reviewed have missing enrollment form. Aside from the CO staff, Parent Leaders have access to the child and family information The CO conducted the annual verification of children during the end of the fiscal year

September 11, 2009

Corrective action/due date


Responsible The CO will acquire permit to operate from the City Hall's office not later than January 2010


The CO has a certification from the BIR wherein stated that donations received shall be entitled to deductions and exemptions PM from donor's tax. The CO will clarify and obtain documentation that same certificate will suffice The CO will ensure that the NO will be immediately furnished copy of the board resolution whenever there are changes in the governing board and staff. (November 2009) The CO is continuously working towards compliance of prior year findings. Remaining findings were hope to be compliedPM by January 2010 no corrective action The CO will register to the National office all the changes in bank signatories not later than November, 2009


no corrective action Regular conduct of surprise count will be done and supporting documents will be kept starting October 2009.


no corrective action no corrective action no corrective action The CO will closely monitor implementation of activities to avoid underspending. (December 2009)


CO to closely monitor liquidation of advances and procedures to penalize staff who does not liquidate on time will be implemented PM (November 2009) The project will create and implement a system to monitor payables not later than October 2009.


To ask Philip - location field on FAIS-The CO will complete the entries in the FAIS, including the location of the asset, not later Amy than December 2009 December 2009 The entry to reverse the disposal (per book) has been made last Aug 2009 by the CO. Disposal of the 14 items will still bePM done, however, the CO will ensure that the disposal process will be followed, including the signing The CO will review materiality of its assets and will work for the insurance of those not later than December 2009 Amy The CO will have zero inventory starting October 2009 and will purchase supplies on a per-request basis only. Therefore,Amy no more stock cards will be maintained as no more inventory will be kept in the office. TThe CO will implement zero inventory starting October 2009, and will purchase supplies on a per request basis only. Thus, Amysupplies inventory records will not be anymore maintained.(October 2009) DFC payments are being closely montiored by the CO and a strategy to minimize, meet & maintain zero delinquency will be PMimplemented starting October 2009 The CO will document the procedure of conducting home visits using the SR-SOP as guide, which, will be adopted thru a PM board resolution. This will then be included in the PMG (november 2009) The CO will ensure that any of the home visit report or CPR (as any of the 2 is acceptable documentation that a home visitPM has and been May made) is accomplished, and current copies are kept on file(November 2009) Cabinets containing confidential child files will be kept locked and unsecured filing cabinets will not be used anymore (November PM and2009) May The CO will try to locate the missing enrollment forms of the 20 children and will ensure that the enrollment forms of new enrollees PM and May will be kept on file (November 2009)

The CO will ensure that the Job Description of Parent Volunteers includes the extent of access to child and family information PM &files May and same volunteers have undergone, understood and signed the CPP which have stateme & May The CO will document the process on how the annual verification is being conducted.(november PM 2009)

Status of Implementation CA numberPAMs comments


November December

CA 4465 CA 4557 CA 4560 CA 4561

complied Refer to the documentation of our meeting when we discuss the updates and corrective action for the prior yr findings


CA 4562


None CA 4563 none none none CA 4564 CA 4565 CA 4566 CA 4567 CA 4568 CA 4569 CA 4570 CA 4571

none CA 4572

4620 4623 4628 4631 4639 4643


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