Sex Adverstisement For you what does meaning the sex advertamient? Well, someones think the sex help to sell, according to the research ,sexually attractive imagery doesn’t need to pertain (pertenece) to the prouct or service in question . For example sexually attractive imagery include nudity, models and muscular men. Inputs (IPE) Culture and Society We have seen what products or service are good when we listen or see, that is the strategy since everything enters through (mediante) the senses. The adverstiment become as popular it make people buy what they want. We are extremely strongly wired to react to sex. In fact,so strongly, that we will respond to messages that only imply sex, you don´t need to use pictures of fully naked models in yoru ads, showing an ankle or a neck will work just as effectively. Also the society is every time more open, the way sex is shown in ads is ever more direct. Outputs (OPE) Economic and marketing Generally, a lot Enterprises or Companies finding to sell either product , service o until Brand, where they is making use of provocative or erotic imagery for leave faster to consumer, in this way cause interest because the women and men feel attraticon to them. In addition we are in a time of consumption, all that is created must be sold , besides companies looking for increase your earnings.
Active People: Society in special Young people Passive people: companies Influencing Factor A big factor that there is considered is consumer society or capitalism there is a massive consumption of goods and services, as a consequence of a massive production3 and that the supply is wide, even surpassing the demand.
Opinion That is a topic controversial; Some companies have developed campaigns based on this erotic factor resulting in "controversy" or criticism that has led to the censorship of their own ads, although this was probably the main objective, since usually the censored ads are among the most it is usually discussed or debated, so that the goal of capturing attention is achieved with great success.
Graphics 3233 adds, publico en 83, 93 y el 2003 en revistas populares such as : Cosmopolitan,ReedBook , Play boy findind sexual imagens el 20% de los anuncios 15% en el 83 , 20% en el 93 y 27% en el año 2003 y esto ha incrementado con los años In the most that adverstisement to refer or sell producto such as : alcohol, entreiment and beaty The study showed sex is primarily used to sell low-risk products impulse purchases.