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Present Continuous Tense Conversation youtube What is Samantha doing? Seleccione una: a. She is studying for the history test and finishing the math homework. b. She is studying for the math test and eating some cookies. c. She is listening to music and writing notes in her notebook. PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What is Dillara doing? Seleccione una: a. She is cleaning her room and taking to Maria on facebook. b. She is studying for the test and listening to music. c. She is doing her homework and writing notes. PREGUNTA 3 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What is Samantha studying for the test? Seleccione una: a. Geometry and math. b. Chemistry and biology. c. World War I and World War II. PREGUNTA 4 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What does Samantha think Marissa and Lola are doing to study for the test? Seleccione una: a. She thinks they aren't studying for the test. b. She thinks they organized a study group. c. She thinks they are reading their classroom notes. PREGUNTA 5 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Why Dillara is not studying for the test? Seleccione una: a. Because she is cooking the dinner. b. Because she is doing her math homework. c. Because she is downloading a CSI episode.

INFORMACIÓN No marcadasMarcar pregunta Texto informativo Watch the video again. Reproducción Vídeo Read the following statements and select the information true or false according to the video. PREGUNTA 6 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Dillara doesn't remember anything she learned in class. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 7 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Samantha is listening to music too loud. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 8 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Grace is Samantha's sister. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 9 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Samantha is checking her old history notes to remember what she learned. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 10 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00

No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Dillara can study alone at home. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 11 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Samantha isn't studying a lot for the test. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 12 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Dillara will be up all night studying for the test. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 13 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta They are getting too distracted when they talk each other. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 14 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 5,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Finally, they are going to focus on studying for the test. Seleccione una: a. True b. False

Read the folowing story.

Today my family and I are camping. I am sitting on the grass eating a delicious ice cream. My brothers Tom and Jim are playing soccer and my cousin Paul is in the park. He is drawing landscapes. We are having a fantastic holiday in Sopó. Sopó is a little village near to Bogotá with a church, parks, houses and a delicious place to eat desserts. In this moment my parents are buying some desserts here. My sister Katie is in the house now because she is studying with her friends for an important exam. Our nanny is cooking a delicious meal for them and nanny’s son is watching TV. Katie and her friends are going to the cinema after they finish studying. Tomorrow morning we are going swimming in a village near our home and in the afternoon I am visiting my girlfriend. In the evening, we are going to be together again.

Answer the following questions. Select the best answer. PREGUNTA 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What are Tom and Jim playing? Seleccione una: a. They are sitting on the grass. b. They are drawing landscapes. c. They are eating an ice cream. d. They are playing soccer. PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Why Katie isn't going to Sopó? Seleccione una: a. Because she is traveling to another city. b. Because she is visiting her friends. c. Because she is studying for an important exam. PREGUNTA 3 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What is nanny's son doing?

Seleccione una: a. He is watching TV. b. He is playing the guitar. c. He is reading a book. d. He is listening to music. PREGUNTA 4 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Where are Kate and her friends going after they finish to study? Seleccione una: a. They are going to the gym. b. They are going to the park. c. They are going to swim. d. They are going to the cinema. PREGUNTA 5 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What time is the family going to be together again? Seleccione una: a. In the afternoon. b. In the evening. c. In the morning. d. At noon. INFORMACIÓN No marcadasMarcar pregunta Texto informativo Read the following statements and select the information true or false according to the text. PREGUNTA 6 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Paul is drawing landscapes. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 7 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta They travel to Sopó.

Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 8 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Katie is in Sopó. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 9 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta The nanny is cooking a meal. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 10 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Katie and her friends are traveling to Sopó. Seleccione una: a. False b. True

MONTHS OF THE YEAR Let's pay attention to the following video about the months of the year. Now, let's practice. Put the letters in order and write the number of the month.








































PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 30,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

PAST TIME EXPRESSIONS Common Past Time Expressions

Example Sentences

Similar Expres

yesterday (one day before today)

I walked to work yesterday.

yesterday morn yesterday eveni yesterday aftern

the day before yesterday (two days before today)

Redd bought a house the day before yesterday.

last night (the most recent night)

Avril travelled to Halifax last month.

this morning (an earlier time on the same day)

Kathleen called me this morning.

one week ago (a specific period of time in the past)

Kenneth and his wife had a baby one week ago.

in 1990 (a specific point in the past)

Darren finished university in 1990.

Yesterday, I walked to work.

The day before yesterday, Redd bought a house. Last month, Avril travelled to Halifax.

This morning, Kathleen called me. One week ago, Kenneth and his wife had a baby.

In 1990, Darren finished university.

when + subject + past tense verb Paul played basketball when he was a student. (a specific period of time, event, or point in the When he was a student, Paul played basketball. past)

the week before the night before last time last week last month last year this afternoon this evening one hour ago one day ago one month ago one year ago in 1970 in March on Sunday

when I was born

when John finis

when I turned 1

LET'S PRACTICE: CHOOSE THE CORRECT OPTION TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES: 1. I went to the beach Respuesta 2. I went to Disneyland Respuesta 3. I went to the store Respuesta 4. I went to Seattle Respuesta 5. My puppy was born Respuesta

In this lesson, we are going to learn about the verb to be in past. But, before we start, let's remember what is the verb to be in present:

Let's start!

PREGUNTA 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 100,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta

VERB TO BE IN PAST Let's watch the following video: Use of the simple past The simple past is used principally to describe events in the past. Remember: 1. wasn't is the short form of was not. You can say either: I was not in Paris, or I wasn't in Paris. 2. weren't is the short form of were not. You can say either: we were not in Paris, or we weren't in Paris.



2. You Respuesta


3. She Respuesta

in London last week.

4. He Respuesta 5. It Respuesta

on holiday. cold.

6. We Respuesta 7. You Respuesta 8. They Respuesta 9. The cat Respuesta 10. The Respuesta

at school. (negative) at the cinema. at home. on the roof. (negative) children in the garden.

PREGUNTA 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 100,00

Marcar pregunta

Enunciado de la pregunta


Michael works in a restaurant in the centre of Madrid, Spain. He goes to work at 5pm, but yesterday at 5pm, he wasn't on the bus, he was in a taxi going to the hospital. He was very sick! Usually, he works in the kitchen all evening, but yesterday he wasn't in the kitchen. He was in the X-ray department of the hospital because the doctors were worried about his stomach pains. Normally, at 11pm, Michael takes a bus to go home after finishing at the restaurant, but yesterday at 11pm, he was still in the hospital and he was still unhappy and sick. He was in a bed and he was very hot - 102 degrees! Was he worried? Yes, he was! In the morning, he was better and the doctors were pleased. What was the problem? It was bad food - from his restaurant!

AFTER READING "MICHAEL AND HIS STOMACH", YOU CAN DECIDE IF THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ARE TRUE, FALSE OR NOT MENTIONED? 1. Michael was in the restaurant yesterday afternoon. Respuesta 2. He goes to work in the restaurant by bus. Respuesta 3. Yesterday, he was in a bus going to the hospital.Respuesta

4. He was in the hospital because of his head. Respuesta 5. He was in the X-ray department of the hospital. Respuesta 6. He was in the hospital until 11pm. Respuesta 7. He was with his friends at the hospital. Respuesta 8. The doctors were very worried about him the next morning. Respuesta 9. The problem was food from his restaurant.Respuesta 10. Michael was in bed at the hospital. Respuesta

In this section you are going to: 

Review irregular verbs in Past Simple.

But first, do you remember what is the simple past? Here is a video that might help you:



Write the following verbs in the Past Tense: Example: Write


1. Bring Respuesta 2. Cut Respuesta 3. Get Respuesta 4. Stop Respuesta 5. Fly Respuesta 6. Build Respuesta 7. Freeze Respuesta 8. Blow Respuesta 9. Enjoy Respuesta 10. Draw Respuesta 11. Meet Respuesta 12. Hurt Respuesta 13. Stand Respuesta 14. Throw Respuesta 15. Study Respuesta

16. Play Respuesta 17. Speak Respuesta 18. Fight Respuesta 19. Drink Respuesta 20. Eat Respuesta

n this section you are going to:    

Review regular and irregular verbs in past Simple. Review grammatical structure in Past Simple. Identify the subjects. Use affirmative sentences in Past Simple.

Keep in mind this:


Write the verb in brackets in the past simple affirmative.

1. She Respuesta 2. I Respuesta

(study) English last year. (work) in a drugstore two years ago.

3. The baby Respuesta

(cry) a lot last night.

4. We Respuesta

(travel) to New York last December.

5. Joan Respuesta

(buy) a new car.

6. My cousin Respuesta

(lose) his keys.

7. I Respuesta

(teach) French last semester in the university.

8. My brother Respuesta 9. He Respuesta 10. I Respuesta

(break) up with his girlfriend yesterday.

(read) an interesting book last year. (have) a pet when I was a child.

PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 10,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Rewrite the following sentences in Past simple.

Example: He gives me a rose. He gave me a rose.

1. I keep the meat in the fridge. Respuesta . 2. He sleeps all night. Respuesta . 3. The detective finds some footprints. Respuesta . 4. He breaks a bottle this morning. Respuesta

. 5. I think of something to do. Respuesta . 6. They marry in a church. Respuesta . 7. Andy waits for an hour. Respuesta . 8. The alarm clock wakes him at six o'clock. Respuesta . 9. She wears a black dress. Respuesta . 10. They understand the problem. Respuesta .


Listen to the following conversation.

Reproducción Silenciar -1:46 Pantalla completa

Answer the following questions. Select the best answer. PREGUNTA 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Where did she go last summer? Seleccione una: a. She went to Toronto. b. She went to Orlando. c. She went to Rome. d. She went to New York. PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta How did she travel? Seleccione una: a. By plane. b. By car. c. By bus. PREGUNTA 3 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta How long did it take you to get there? Seleccione una:

a. Nine days. b. Five days. c. Three days. d. Seven days. PREGUNTA 4 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Did she buy expensive food? Seleccione una: a. Yes, she didn't. b. No, she did. c. Yes, she did. d. No, she didn't. PREGUNTA 5 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Did she have the opportunity to speak English? Seleccione una: a. Yes, she didn't b. No, she did. c. No, she didn't. d. Yes, she did. INFORMACIÓN No marcadasMarcar pregunta Texto informativo Read the following statements and select the information true or false according to the text. PREGUNTA 6 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta 1. She stayed in a house. Seleccione una: a. True. b. False. PREGUNTA 7 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta She traveled by plane. Seleccione una: a. True.

b. False. PREGUNTA 8 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta It didn't rain there. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 9 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta She ate in cheap restaurants. Seleccione una: a. False. b. True PREGUNTA 10 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Everybody understood her English. Seleccione una: a. True. b. False.

Read the following story. Mrs. White's grandfather Mrs. White’s grandfather lived with her and her husband. Every morning he went for a walk in the park and came home at half past twelve for lunch. One morning a police car stopped outside Mrs. White’s house at twelve o’clock and the policeman helped Mr. White to get out. One of them said to Mrs. White, “The poor old gentleman lost his way in the park and telephoned us for help. So a car was sent to bring him home.” Mrs. White was very surprised, but she thanked the policemen and they left. “Grandfather, you have been to that park nearly every day for twenty years. How did you lose your way there?” The old man smiled, closed one eye and said, “ I didn’t quite lose my way. I just got tired and I didn’t want to walk home!” Taken from http://engleza-fse.edu.ro/

According to the previous reading, answer the following questions. Select the best answer. PREGUNTA 1 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Who did Mrs. White’s grandfather live with? Seleccione una: a. He lived with his brothers. b. He lived alone. c. He lived with his wife and son. d. He lived with Mrs. White and her husband. PREGUNTA 2 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What did he usually do every morning? Seleccione una: a. He goes to work. b. He drove his car. c. He went for walk in the park. d. He cooked a delicious breakfast. PREGUNTA 3 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta

What time did he come back home? Seleccione una: a. At eleven fifteen. b. At ten forty-five. c. At a quarter to ten d. At half past twelve. PREGUNTA 4 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What happened one morning at twelve o’clock? Seleccione una: a. A police car stopped outside Mrs. White's house. b. The old man drank a lot of alcohol. c. The family ate a delicious lunch. d. A policeman arrested Mrs. White's grandfather. PREGUNTA 5 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta What did the old man tell the police when he phoned them? Seleccione una: a. He fell down on the street. b. He was robbed. c. He didn't have money to return to the house. d. He lost his way in the park INFORMACIÓN No marcadasMarcar pregunta Texto informativo Read the following statements and select the information true or false according to the text. PREGUNTA 6 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta 1. The old man lived with his wife. Seleccione una: a. True b. False PREGUNTA 7 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta The old man telephoned the police.

Seleccione una: a. False. b. True. PREGUNTA 8 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Mrs. White's grandfather took a bus back home. Seleccione una: a. False b. True PREGUNTA 9 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta Mrs. White was angry with her grandfather. Seleccione una: a. False. b. True. PREGUNTA 10 Sin responder aún Puntúa como 1,00 No marcadasMarcar pregunta Enunciado de la pregunta The old man lied because he didn't want to walk home. Seleccione una: a. True. b. False

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