Executive Summary - Self-study For Reaccreditation (cotc)

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Central Ohio Technical College

Self-Study Executive Summary Spring 2008

Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

S i gn if i cant C han ges & Ac comp l ishme nts s in ce 19 98


In May 2004, Dr. Bonnie L. Coe, vice president and dean of faculty, was appointed as interim president, and in June 2004, she was named the first president of Central Ohio Technical College.


In 2007, the president initiated a series of organizational changes to increase effectiveness, facilitate program delivery, and reflect current academic and organizational priorities. Lines of authority, responsibility, and accountability were clarified to create an enterprising core leadership team capable of pursuing the vision, and pivotal administrative functions were centralized to streamline operations.


The John L. and Christine Warner Library & Student Center — Scheduled to be completed in July 2008, the new library and student center will feature 25,000 square feet of library space. The student center will include a modern food court, student affairs offices, student organization space, a learning commons, various lounge and activity areas, and a new bookstore.



Coshocton — In 2003, the site was approved by the Higher Learning Commission as a fullservice campus. In 2008, campus functions were relocated to the renovated facility, Montgomery Hall. The facilities include 15 new classrooms, laboratory space, a lecture hall, a nursing laboratory, and a distance learning classroom. Knox County — For more than 22 years, classes have been offered in Knox County. In winter 2007, the Knox extended campus began offering a limited number of classes in Ariel Hall, a former movie theater building donated to the college. The facility is under renovation, so classes will continue to be conducted in multiple locations within the county until renovation work is completed. Pataskala — In autumn 2006, COTC began offering classes in Pataskala. Student enrollment has consistently exceeded all projections since then. In December 2007, the college established a Pataskala Campus Advisory Board of community leaders to engage the community in the planning and development process.



The Gateway is another indicator of the college’s responsiveness to growth. The one-stop student service design incorporates three primary areas: Advising, Admissions, and Customer Services. The goal is to provide efficient, responsive student customer services.


The college’s academic offerings have expanded from the initial six fields of study to include 18 associate degree programs with 31 majors/options and 14 certificate programs. Nineteen new programs of study were added since 1997-1998.




More than $2.2 million has been invested in instructional equipment in recent years. Upgrades included extensive improvements to the Newark campus infrastructure, significant investment in Digital Media Design technologies and facilities, comprehensive radiology suite renovations and equipment, and the expansion and enhancement of extended campus computer labs and infrastructures.

In December 2005, COTC purchased Datatel Colleague. It supports automated, institutional business processes, convenient web access, and self-service for both students and employees. Once Colleague is fully implemented, users will have convenient access to business-critical historic transaction data. The Degree Audit module, scheduled for autumn 2008 implementation, will allow COTC to track course number changes through an automatic Course Equate process.


Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

INTRODUCTION Securing the Future This Executive Summary includes highlights from the 2008 Self-Study for reaccreditation, which was submitted as formal application for continued accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association. Accreditation, which occurs on a ten-year review cycle, is critical to the college for a number of reasons: it ensures the quality and integrity of programs and services, allows students to transfer credits to other accredited colleges and universities, enables students to obtain financial aid and veteran’s services, and allows the college to participate in projects funded by federal grants.

The mission of Central Ohio Technical College is to meet the technical education and training needs of students and employers in the area.

The 2008 Self-Study report captures the results of an intensive, two-year process that involved more than 90 students, faculty, staff, and community members. The report demonstrates that Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) is a strong, vital organization, with a meaningful mission that guides all college decisions, strategies, and services. The Self-Study emphasizes the college’s strengths, challenges, and opportunities, along with its commitment to secure the future of the students, faculty, staff, employers, and communities served. It demonstrates that COTC is a future-oriented organization focused on learning and access, with a clear vision. It shows how the college remains connected to its constituents and reveals the distinct identity that pervades everything the college does. It includes three change requests to recognize the Pataskala and Knox County sites as full-service campuses, permit the college to offer full degree programs online, and authorize the establishment of degree sites anywhere within the service district. The full Self-Study report provides a comprehensive and public view of the college that reflects its mission and values, how these are carried out through programs and services, and how they are documented and evaluated. The report is available through the office of the vice president for institutional planning and human resources development or at http://www.cotc.edu/cotc/SelfStudy/selfstudy.asp.

College Profile COTC merited statewide recognition as the fastest growing technical college in Ohio and national recognition for its 16 The college has been accredited since 1975, and its legal service district includes Licking, percent annual growth rate. Knox, and Coshocton counties within central Ohio. Student enrollment has increased from 1,716 students in 1998 to more than 3,100 in 2007 (75 percent). The percentage of The college has changed significantly since the last site visit. In 2004, for example, COTC merited statewide recognition as the fastest growing technical college in Ohio and national recognition for its 16 percent annual growth rate. Unique partnerships and collaborations help the college thrive.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

female students has increased from 65 percent to 73 percent, and a greater ratio of students attends full time (increasing from 38 percent in 1998 to 47 percent in 2007). Student body demographics have changed during the past ten years. The college’s total minority population has grown from 6.53 percent in 1998 to 9.49 percent in 2007. In the autumn term of 2007, the college drew students from 39 of Ohio’s 88 counties and enrolled 104 students from 33 other countries. The average student age is 27 years.

We are setting an example in the state as a costshared campus that works. Jerry Besanceney, Chair Ohio State Newark Board

Central Ohio Technical College shares a campus with The Ohio State University at Newark. The two institutions have complementary missions and a collaborative relationship that benefits all. The co-located status significantly increases the range of facilities and programs the community and COTC students, faculty, and staff can access and utilize. While the governance, mission, curriculum, and faculty of each institution remains autonomous, an annual cost-sharing agreement designates shared costs for select personnel, facilities, operating expenditures, and capital equipment investments. Cost-shared departments provide services to both institutions; these include building and grounds, athletic programs, technology services, business and finance, the library, human resources, purchasing, the Child Development Center, career services, student support services, financial aid, development, marketing, and public relations. Currently there are over 180 staff members who work for both institutions and whose positions are cost-shared.

N ineteen ne w pro g rams o f stud y we re added s in ce 1 997- 1998 . Advanced Manufacturing Technology — Machining (revised 2007) Business Management Technology — Software Applications Option (renamed 2007-2008 Office Administration Option) Business Management Technology — Marketing/Sales Option


Forensic Science Technology Human Services Program — Gerontology Option Human Services Program — Gerontology Certificate Law Enforcement Technology

Digital Media Design Technology

Nursing Technology — Practical Nursing One-Year Program

Digital Media Design Technology — Digital Graphics Option

Nursing Technology — State Tested Nurse Aids (STNA) Certificate

Digital Media Design Technology — Game Design Option

Surgical Technology — Surgical Technology Alternative Delivery Two-Year Associate Degree

Drafting and Design Technology — Civil Design Option

Surgical Technology — One-Year Certificate

Early Childhood Development Technology — Early Childhood Development Option

Surgical Technology — One-Year Certificate Alternative Delivery

Early Childhood Development Technology — Teaching Option


Electrical Trades Technology


Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

Se le cted Compa r iso ns: A Sta t ist ica l S umma ry of T hen and N ow STUDENTS


Total Enrollment



% Full-Time



% Part-Time





By Campus Newark











% Men



% Women



% Non-Ohio Residents



% Black/African American



% American Indian/Alaskan Eskimo



% Asian/Pacific Islander



% Hispanic





Student enrollment has increased from 1,716 students in 1998 to more than 3,100 in 2007.

Diversity (%)

Total % Minority Students FACULTY & STAFF (FTE)** Regular Faculty








Other Professionals



Clerical & Secretarial



Service & Maintenance***





Part-time Faculty

FINANCIAL INFORMATION Budget Total Revenue State Appropriations as % of Revenue Total Expenditures Tuition & Fees







FACILITIES Classroom Space (in square feet) Newark



Coshocton (Montgomery Hall)



Knox (Ariel Hall)





Pataskala Laboratory Space (in square feet) Newark












*The college offered four introductory computer classes at Pataskala in 1998. ** Faculty and Staff statistics are based upon Autumn 1999 and Autumn 2006 IPEDS data. ***Most Newark campus service and maintenance employees are cost-shared and are paid by The Ohio State University. As such, they are not included in the COTC IPEDS report.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

CRITERIA FOR EXCELLENCE Criterion 1 | Mission & Integrity The mission documents define the college and serve to distinguish it from all other two-year and technical colleges.

The mission of Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) reflects the college’s vision, values, and goals. It is central to all college endeavors, including budgeting, planning, degree and non-degree programming, development, and expansion. The mission documents define the college and distinguish it from all other two-year and technical colleges. In 2007, a formal review process was conducted to evaluate, refine, and update these pivotal elements to ensure they anchored the college to the present and positioned it for success. At a time when many Ohio technical colleges were revising their missions or dropping the word “technical” from their names, the college reaffirmed its commitment, retained its name, and expanded its technical programs. Since June 2004, the president has communicated a clear vision for the college to define long-term aspirations.

Strengths • The mission accurately reflects the college today and into the future. The mission

is succinct, widely disseminated, and readily understood by both internal and external constituents. • Multiple critical operations (e.g., strategic planning, budget, human resources,

etc.) are now overtly mission driven, and the relationship between mission and operations is continuously reinforced and improved. • The college values integrity as demonstrated by personnel, student, and fiscal

accountability policies and procedures. • The college recognizes a diverse community of learners and has implemented

policies and practices that create an atmosphere of mutual respect and an appreciation of differences.

Challenges • The mission documents should clearly reflect the college’s demonstrated

commitment to diversity. • The college must continue to find meaningful ways to convey its awareness of

and responsiveness to the issues of diversity in today’s global economy. • As has been noted, internal communications have significantly improved during

the past five years. The challenge will be to sustain and further refine internal communication venues and pathways.

Opportunities for the Future • The college has engaged in a comprehensive review of the mission documents.

The mission was reconfirmed in 2007. The review of the vision, values, and goals offers an opportunity to involve both internal and external constituents, elicit feedback, and communicate about the current state and future directions for the college. • The new organizational structure provides clear accountability and requires

cabinet-level collaboration to accomplish strategic objectives, respond to current




Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

needs, and anticipate and prepare for an environment that is constantly changing.

COTC M iss ion Do cument s


The mission of Central Ohio Technical College is to meet the technical education and training needs of students and employers in the area.


To be the number one technical college in the state of Ohio both quantitatively and qualitatively.


In achieving its mission, the college embraces the following values:



Broad access to all programs offered by the College.


High ethical standards of honesty, professionalism, and fairness in all operations and transactions.


Continuous improvement of the quality of all its programs and operations.


The professional development of students, staff, faculty, and administrators to assist them in achieving their maximum potential.


Community service and the protection of the environment.


Maintenance of a healthy economic environment, by targeting access to employment.


Innovation in technical education programming and delivery.


Student centered and market sensitive college operations.


Prudent fiscal management.

Central Ohio Technical College is committed to fulfilling its mission by striving: 1.

To provide high quality, accessible programs of technical education in response to current and emerging employment needs.


To provide an appropriate core of general education for technical programs.


To provide course work and support services to meet the needs of the under prepared student.


To establish articulation agreements with secondary schools and institutions of higher education facilitating the transfer of credit for courses and programs.


To design and provide site-specific workplace training and development programs to meet the needs of employers.


To provide continuing professional education opportunities.


To provide credit and non-credit programs to meet the personal growth and quality of life goals of the community.


To be proactively involved in community economic development.


To provide opportunities that enhance students’ personal, professional, leadership, and cultural development.


To establish services that support the academic programs and the larger mission of the College using innovative, efficient processes that have a student-centered focus.

Mission, Values, and Goals — Approved by the Board of Trustees, August 20, 1995




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

Criterion 2 | Preparing for the Future The average student-toteacher ratio is 17:1. This highly desirable studentto-teacher ratio creates inviting classroom experiences and opportunities for individual academic success.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) has a strong commitment to its future and that of the community. This commitment is unwavering and accommodates changes in college governance and evolving strategies for translating the mission into action. One of the most significant changes occurred in May 2004, when the college appointed its own president. This change enabled the college to focus on growth and academic programming and maintain a strong, positive working relationship with The Ohio State University at Newark. Since then, the college has focused on expanding access to technical education, providing rigorous academic programming, and solidifying its financial position. Enrollment growth is an important mission-driven goal. The Ohio Board of Regents Higher Education Information (HEI) reporting system documented a continued record enrollment for autumn 2007. Expansion into the service areas through the extended campuses in Coshocton, Knox, and Pataskala further demonstrates its commitment to access. The number of faculty has grown and more than 81 percent hold doctorate or master’s degrees. The approach to and priorities for higher education in Ohio are evolving. Nonetheless, the college has strengthened its overall financial position, which allows it to recruit and retain high-quality faculty and staff, provide a high-quality teaching and learning environment that includes state-of-the-art technology and instructional materials, and reinvest reserve funds into development and growth.

St udent body et hnic and ra cia l compos it ion is s ignif icant ly mo re d iverse tha n the homo geneous th ree- count y se rv ice reg ion . ETHNIC/













COTC Autumn 2007 Service Region














Strengths • The college values continuous improvement and assessment, has processes in

place to support these functions for both academic and institutional operations, and continues to develop means to organize and manage them. • The college and its faculty, staff, students, and constituents benefit from the

cost-shared, co-located relationship with Ohio State Newark. Shared personnel, operations, and capital facility and equipment expenses reduce costs and improve management efficiency and effectiveness. • COTC is a technology leader and significant investments help the college

effectively deliver state-of-the-art technical education. Improvements include a 10 Gigabit fiber network, secure campuswide WiFi network, technical support




Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

for students, staff and faculty, and online course delivery through a streaming server. • The college has many state-of-the art buildings and facilities. Both the Reese

Center and the Warner Library and Student Center offer leading edge technological capability. Montgomery Hall on the Coshocton campus was renovated and opened in January 2008. Ariel Hall on the Knox campus will be renovated following the completion of the capital campaign in May. • Access has been a strategic focus since 2001, and while the extended campuses

are one of the best examples, the college has employed a range of access strategies. These include online registration, the development and online delivery of a significant number of courses, online service support and delivery, and a firm commitment to maintaining affordable tuition. • The college is in solid financial standing with adequate reserves, solid financial

ratios, and a ten-year history of positive annual operating performance to budget. The college is in full compliance with state fiscal requirements under Ohio Senate Bill 6. This performance has allowed the college to aggressively pursue compensation initiatives, expansions and improvements in both facility and academic offerings, and a competitive position related to technology.

Challenges • The college is rurally located in an ethnically homogeneous service area. Exposing

students, staff, and faculty to ethnically and culturally diverse events and environments remains a challenge. • Providing the same caliber of face-to-face services and similar state-of-the-art

facilities and technological capacity at all extended campuses will be a budget and planning challenge for the college. • A key to success will be funding, structuring, and delivering high caliber profes-

sional development for all full- and part-time faculty and staff on all campuses. • In August 2007, the governor announced the creation of a University System that

encompasses all public two- and four-year institutions. This system focuses on student access and collaboration among colleges and universities, but the impact on higher education and individual institutions is unclear. It is imperative the college find ways to understand, integrate, and respond to this new strategy for higher education.

Opportunities for the Future • The college uses a variety of means for promoting institutional effectiveness, and

it must take advantage of opportunities for centralizing and standardizing planning, continuous improvement, and assessment processes. • The three-year faculty agreement ratified in autumn 2007 created a sense of

continuity and stability. It established performance and quality standards for faculty rank and promotion. Implementing this agreement offers opportunities for quality improvement and enhanced collaboration between faculty and the administration. • The college is committed to creating a strategic plan that includes all its stake-

holders. This Self-Study and the research and findings it prompted throughout the college will be the cornerstone of a more traditional, detailed strategic plan.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

Criterion 3 | Student Learning & Effective Teaching Learning assessment is faculty driven, and the college is committed to an assessment culture.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) provides effective teaching and learning to meet the technical education and training needs of students and employers. This commitment is reinforced by strategic and tactical planning, faculty development opportunities, learning assessment techniques, exceptional student services, and appropriate financial resources. Learning assessment is faculty driven, and the college is committed to an assessment culture. It has defined assessment in a clear, meaningful way; benchmarked existing assessment activities, tools, and strategies; evaluated and refined existing student learning outcomes; and fostered communication to support outcome-based assessment. It has supplied essential resources to improve teaching effectiveness and learning assessment activities. The Student Learning Assessment Steering Committee (SLASC) is the coordinating body for academic assessment. The co-chairs have the option for reassigned time to support focused efforts and continued improvements, and they have access to and meet regularly with critical decision makers, such as the vice president for academic affairs, regarding assessment strategies.

Curriculum des ign and st udent learning assessme nt a re inte grated p roce sses .

Curriculum Design & Learning Outcomes • Program faculty and academic administrators develop and submit • Plans of study • Program learning outcomes • Course syllabi • Curriculum committee reviews submission and makes recommendations • Vice president for academic affairs conducts review/issues final approval

Analysis • Program faculty and academic administrators collect and analyze internal/external data for “next step” or revisions to “current step”

Learning Assessment • Program faculty and academic administrators develop and submit • Program Master Assessment Plan • Program Annual Report • SLASC reviews submission and makes recommendations • Vice president for academic affairs conducts review/issues final approval




Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

Strengths • Learning assessment is faculty driven, and a substantial infrastructure is in place.

The process promotes vital integration of curriculum development and learning assessment processes and helps to ensure strong communication between curriculum development and learning assessment personnel. • The college has well defined learning outcomes for General Education and for

each technical program. • The college provides students with extensive options for and access to support

services. • A structured plan for faculty development is in place. • All programs incorporate ample real-world experiences designed to enhance

student learning and contribute to successful employment.

Challenges • Additional training and development will be necessary to support faculty and

ensure continuous improvement of learning assessment and teaching effectiveness. • Many faculty members find student advising to be a challenge. A plan is in place

to provide development opportunities to support faculty in fulfilling advising responsibilities. • Technical services are too limited during non-business hours and on the

extended campuses. • Though having cost-shared program labs is cost efficient, non-class-related

access to the labs can be challenging due to conflicting class schedules. • Like many institutions, COTC makes tough decisions to balance institutional

priorities and budget capacity. The college must continue to ensure all critical operations are properly staffed.

Opportunities for the Future • The college’s commitment to continue to improve upon and to institutionalize

learning assessment and teaching effectiveness represents both a challenge and an opportunity for creative solutions. • While the college has an established track record with Distance Education, online

degree program options represent a new frontier and offer opportunities for expansion and fulfillment of the access mission. The change request to offer degree programs online has been submitted; when it is approved, the plans need to be translated into continued action.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

Criterion 4 | Acquisition, Discovery & Application of Knowledge The college promotes and supports practices that help students and employees become or remain inquisitive, creative, socially responsible lifelong learners.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) is fully committed to educating the whole person. To this end, the college promotes and supports practices that help students and employees become or remain inquisitive, creative, socially responsible lifelong learners. Specifically, student learning outcomes for General Education and program curricula underscore the college’s fundamental commitment to graduate competency in oral and written communication, critical thinking, mathematical and scientific literacy, and other academic achievements possessed by educated individuals. Learning outcomes also emphasize preparing the student to function and succeed in a global, technologically literate, multicultural work world. Students, staff, and faculty have access to curricular and co-curricular activities, programs, and events that promote social responsibility and encourage exploration and discovery. The college provides professional development for faculty, administrators, and staff to support continuous learning, and it acts upon its core values to encourage and protect freedom of inquiry and the good-faith free exchange of ideas.

The co lle ge has s ix fully a c cred ited , approved, or ce rt if ied p rograms and a n accred ited Ch ild Deve lop ment Ce nte r.





Child Development Center

National Association for the Education of Young Children

Criminal Justice programs in Law Enforcement

Ohio Peace Officer Training Council

Diagnostic Medical Sonography

Joint Review Committee on Education of Diagnostic Medical Sonography (approved) Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (accredited)

Early Childhood Development

Ohio Department of Education (ODE) under the Prekindergarten Associate Degree Certification

Radiographic Technology

Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiographic Technology

Registered Nursing

Commission on National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, based upon compliance with the Standards and Recommendations of the Accreditation Review Committee on Education in Surgical Technology

Surgical Technology

Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs


Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

Strengths • Although COTC is a technical college whose faculty is not required to engage in

research activities, a number of faculty members are involved in research activities and present their findings to internal and external colleagues. • The college effectively and publicly recognizes faculty and staff achievements. • The college has developed an excellent balance of technical and General

Education courses that individually and collectively support the mission. • Programs are carefully designed to provide students with a range of opportunities

for real-life work experience in their chosen fields of study. • The active involvement of extended campus advisory boards and academic

program advisory committees has helped the college to fulfill its mission.

Challenges • The college recognizes the need to fund increased participation in professional

development opportunities that help faculty and staff improve their skills and remain abreast of new advancements. • The issue of intellectual property (IP) rights has been effectively defined for

faculty and staff, but IP rights for students are not yet clearly defined. • The college needs to find effective methods for assessing faculty, staff, and

student lifelong learning and its impact on institutional effectiveness planning. • The college might need to develop capstone General Education courses or other

means by which students can demonstrate, and the college can assess, aggregate achievement of General Education student learning outcomes.

Opportunities for the Future • Critical core values, such as freedom of inquiry, are available in print; in the

future, they will also be posted online. • The college will explore additional opportunities for students to strengthen both

their General Education and technological skills and for faculty members to strengthen their ability to help students achieve maximum student success. To these ends, collegewide initiatives, such as writing across the curriculum and the new communication and pre-college communication labs, provide effective models. • The website contains valuable information, and the college strives to make this

information easily accessible. The college has created a website enhancement committee to improve access; this work is still in the early development stage. • Faculty and students should seek additional opportunities for scholarly inquiry,

and faculty should pursue grant and funding opportunities accordingly.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

Criterion 5 | Engagement & Service The issues of engagement and service are central to the college’s success.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) is firmly rooted in the tradition of community engagement and service to multiple community constituencies. Founded thirty-five years ago by local benefactors to serve the needs of the community, the college has grown to serve the multiple needs of Licking, Knox and Coshocton County residents, and enhanced its community service and outreach activities accordingly. Today, the college has built a broad-based coalition of partners representing a myriad of internal and external constituency groups. The president, the Cabinet, administration, faculty, staff, and students serve this important mission-driven foundation. The issues of engagement and service are central to the college’s success, and the college offers a wide variety of activities, events, programs, initiatives, and services to and in partnership with our community constituents. These engagement points serve the greater community and accommodate varied age groups, diverse populations, a wide range of businesses and employers, and other groups with specific needs and interests.

COTC has estab lis hed pa rtne rs h ips with ot her edu cat ion prov ide rs .



Denison University — A Licking County partner

Coshocton County Career Center

Hocking College

Delaware Area Career Center

Kenyon College — A Knox county partner

Eastland Career Center/Electrical Trades Center

Kent State Tuscarawas Campus— A Coshocton Center partner

Knox County Career Center

Mount Union College of West Virginia Mount Vernon Nazarene University — A Knox county partner Muskingum College — A Coshocton Center partner Ohio State Newark — The cost-shared partner of COTC and co-located at the Newark campus Ohio University Tech Prep Heart of Ohio Consortium — Columbus State Community College Ohio University-Lancaster Ohio University-Chillicothe

Career-Technical Education Center (C-TEC) of Licking County Tech Prep Heart of Ohio Consortium — Liberty Union High School South-Western Career Academy South-Western City Schools Gahanna Lincoln High School Lancaster High School Watkins Memorial High School Chillicothe High School Circleville High School Lakewood High School Olentangy High School Paint Valley High School Pickerington North High School Westerville Central High School Westerville South High School

Strengths • The college has a deeply rooted history of service to its constituents. This

historical context has been a driving force behind a consistent and everincreasing commitment to partner with diverse groups and individuals to strengthen community ties. COTC has clearly demonstrated its dedication to outreach and engagement activities and initiatives within the communities it serves.




Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

• The college participates in economic development activities vital to the region.

This involvement extends beyond memberships in traditional organizations and is evidenced by activities in Coshocton and Knox counties, Pataskala, and Newark. • The college attracts a significant number of transfer students from various

institutions within the state of Ohio. On average, over 10 percent of new students beginning in the autumn quarter of each year are classified as transfer students. • The college invites community involvement and receives an extraordinary level

of community support. This support is evidenced by the active participation of leading business and community members on college boards and committees, and significant investments represented by contributions to development funds and capital campaigns along with donations of critical equipment and facilities.

Challenges • The college continues to strive to find ways to more effectively reach and engage

prospective students through events, direct mail campaigns, and outreach programs. • Many students are nontraditional, work at least part time, and have family

responsibilities, so they have commitments that compete with community engagement opportunities. This represents a logistical challenge when identifying, developing, and communicating engagement opportunities. • Similarly, it is a challenge to find the proper personnel, department, and

resources to house, track, and disseminate the plethora of data related to engagement opportunities.

Opportunities for the Future • The college recognizes how critical it is that constituents value its role and

contributions in the community. There are notable opportunities to increase college brand recognition and improve community awareness and understanding of two-year technical degree advantages by introducing the social marketing campaign, and encouraging even more community involvement in college programs and operations. • The college has a vision to be the number one technical college, both quantita-

tively and qualitatively. All college functions need to find fresh opportunities for sharing this vision with students, faculty, staff, and the community. • Career Services is seeking ways to enhance and increase student awareness of

job-related services. Ideally, every student should meet with a Career Services representative before graduation, but too often, students do not take advantage of the services the office provides. • COTC needs to continue to expand programs and services geared toward diverse

students. As the population of non-majority students continues to grow, services and education programs will continue to be paramount to the success of these individuals. • Alumni represent a powerful, relatively untapped resource. In conjunction with

the extraordinary level of community commitment, alumni and new emerging constituents offer opportunities for creative partnerships and collaborative relationships vital to securing the future of the college.




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

CHANGE REQUESTS Change Request 1 | Full-Service Campuses at Knox & Pataskala Extended campuses provide convenient associate degree access, allow students to complete a degree locally, and stimulate economic development.

Central Ohio Technical College (COTC) requested that the Knox and Pataskala sites be recognized as full service campuses, providing a full range of instruction as well as administrative and support services. Each of these campuses enrolls one hundred or more students (unduplicated headcount) in an academic year. Both campuses will provide increased access to academic programs for area residents and increased workforce development initiatives serving employers within the college’s service district. As full-service campuses, these sites will provide convenient associate degree access that allows students to remain close to home and work and complete a degree locally. The new campuses will also stimulate economic development in the respective communities and relieve some Newark campus space constraints.

Change Request 2 | Complete Degree Programs Online The primary purpose for offering online degrees is to increase access to higher education for students who cannot or choose not to pursue degrees on campus.

COTC requested approval to offer all of its existing programs and degrees online. The proposed change only affects program delivery. Admission standards and processes, assessment, General Education, and graduation requirements will remain unchanged in quality and rigor. The primary purpose for offering online degrees is to increase access to higher education for those who cannot or choose not to pursue degrees on campus, such as working adults with demanding work schedules and single parents with difficult child care situations. In addition, online programming will serve as enrichment for high school students who may enroll through Ohio’s Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Program. Online education helps resolve challenges of transportation, time, and high school activities, and it allows students to enter the workforce sooner or complete their education more affordably.

Change Request 3 | Degree Sites at Any Location Approval to open degree sites anywhere in the service district will help COTC fulfill its mission to respond to the technical education and training needs of students and employers.



COTC requested approval to open degree sites anywhere in its legal, three-county service district (Coshocton, Knox, and Licking counties). Currently the college operates two full-service campuses, one in Newark and one in Coshocton. In addition, the college operates two degree sites, one in Knox County and one in Pataskala. Approval to open degree sites anywhere in the service district will help COTC fulfill its mission to respond to the technical education and training needs of students and employers. Convenience is an important factor. Distance learning courses are both flexible and accessible, but they are not always the optimum solution for potential learners. The college’s ability to offer degree programs at a variety of locations throughout the service area will help the college remain vital and responsive, and it provides a solution to the current classroom space shortage at the Newark campus.


Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study

CONCLUSION The Self-Study process provided an opportunity to reflect on institutional strengths, challenges, and opportunities for the future. The strengths have been captured as best practices, the challenges have been placed into an action plan for further improvement, and the opportunities are preserved for future direction for the college. The report demonstrates that COTC is a strong, vital organization that accomplishes its mission. As a result, Central Ohio Technical College formally requests continued accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Schools and Colleges.

Cross-Cutting Themes In promulgating the new Self-Study criteria, the HLC demonstrated it values four cross-cutting themes: orientation to the future, focus on learning, internal and external connectedness, and distinctiveness. COTC used the themes to evaluate and synthesize findings revealed through the Self-Study process and addressed the themes in the report. The Self-Study confirmed the college is a future-oriented organization focused on learning. It is connected to its constituents and aware of its distinctive identity. Under the leadership of an effective administrative team, it has expanded its capacity to promote student learning and engage multiple and diverse constituencies. It has increased engagement with the community and become a more active and influential stakeholder in the region it serves. Most importantly, it has gained a clearer sense of its academic purposes, obligations, and capacities to prepare diverse constituencies for future challenges.

Future-Oriented The college engages in planning, is driven by its mission, is financially strong, and maintains adequate reserves. The strong link between budgeting and planning allows the college to maximize financial resources to improve the institution and ensure capital funds are available to meet facility needs. Community generosity has greatly minimized facility debt, and COTC benchmarks very well with state fiscal watch ratios. For three years, the college has reserved funds in its operating budget, so it is well positioned to support the Warner Center operation. The recently purchased Datatel system provides a robust, flexible structure capable of accommodating administrative computing needs well into the future. The COTC and Ohio State Newark partnership is the preeminent model for co-located and cost-shared institutions. The arrangement increases productivity and efficiency in administrative operations, makes resources available to support the academic mission, and enables a breadth of student services, including athletics and residence halls, which the college otherwise could not afford to offer.

Learning-Focused Effective teaching and student learning are the top priorities at COTC, where the significant increase in and focus on assessment activities and extensive support services




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College

directly contribute to student success. The Gateway integrates customer-oriented admissions, advising, and initial registration services to support access. New programs and economic development are interconnected. Experiential learning links students and programs and employers in a full circle that includes curriculum, labs, locations, funding, jobs, and employers. Advisory committees connect the college and community, ensure programs serve both students and employers, and create a dynamic, responsive curriculum. To help students acquire the skills employers value, COTC is the only two-year institution in Ohio to require both an internship and portfolio development for select programs. COTC supports faculty scholarship and creativity, and it promotes faculty and staff professional development. Outstanding achievements are recognized with merit raises and awards.

Connected From its inception, COTC has defined its goals to serve the students, the community, and the common good. Advisory committees and involved industry leaders connect the college and the curriculum to the business community. Academic programs reflect the changing regional economy, and the 2007 Employer Survey results indicate this is a significant strength. The college embodies cooperation and partnership in action. It engages with external constituents, collaborates with other organizations, partners with high schools and institutions of higher learning, and fosters a culture of service. Students have access to a variety of volunteer and community service activities and programs, and service is integral to the learning opportunities provided. Faculty and staff community service and involvement helps the college model these values for constituents. The college culture and processes support frank and complete communications. One noteworthy example is the college’s success with Interest Based Bargaining (IBB), which has had a broad impact on the organization beyond the contract negotiations and agreement.

Distinctive The college has an unambiguous, clear, and distinct mission, which pervades everything it does. It is accountable, operates with integrity, and has processes in place for self-reflection, continuous evaluation, and institutional improvement. The college understands the complexity of the diverse society in which it operates, and it strives to honor the worth of all individuals. The college offers many programs that carry out these priorities, and its vision for the future allows it to build on its legacy of educational quality and service. It has been successful in developing unique, innovative, and distinct programs suited to the individual communities it serves. It secured an Appalachian Grant to support the Coshocton campus development. It purchased the historic Roscoe Village Inn in Coshocton and acquired the donated movie theater building in the heart of downtown Mount Vernon, actions which demonstrate commitment to each community’s vitality and success. The college has a long-standing reputation for adding value. It has been able to attract well respected, highly visible community leaders to support development efforts, and has been entrusted with valuable commodities such as buildings, resources, and money.




Central Ohio Technical College | Self-Study




Self-Study | Central Ohio Technical College




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