Success Stories - Business-industry (crossbridge)

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  • Words: 2,612
  • Pages: 15
Business B i & IIndustry d t SUCCESS STORIES


Contents ƒ CASE STUDY

Boosting Sales through Cross-Selling | The Polar Companies ƒ HOW-TO GUIDES

AV Operating Instructions | P&G Health Care Center ƒ MARKETING MATERIALS

Acquisitions Package | WinWholesale Inc. ƒ MARKETING & SELLING STRATEGY

The Magic Curve™ | Audio Visual Systems, Inc. ƒ STRATEGIC ANALYSIS

Steel Briefs: Performance Benchmarks | Sight & Sound ƒ STRATEGIC PLAN

Acquiring New Capacity | Sight & Sound ƒ SUCCESS STORIES

Marketing Professional Services | Sandler Training ƒ TRAINING PROGRAM

Lean Innovation | TechSolve, Inc. ƒ TRAINING PROGRAM

Lean for the Machine | TechSolve, Inc. ƒ TRAINING PACKAGE

A55 Delta Maintenance | Makino, Inc.

While each project typically involved multiple print, digital and/or web components, only one image is shown.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC © 2010


Boosting Sales through Cross-Selling The Polar Companies provide industrial cleaners, fluids and resource management services to business and manufacturing. Its closed-loop system reduces costs, improves reuse, and offers safe recycling and disposal. CHALLENGE

The company was losing revenue because salespeople were not effectively selling the full range of industrial fluid management products and services. The vice president had recognized the problem and was

Powerful Asset Your tools provide a useful framework for pinpointing the

seeking a simple, direct solution. SOLUTION

challenge, and in your hands, they

We created a compact PowerPoint case study highlighting one customer

become a powerful asset for turning

and one salesperson, whose cross-selling strategies and customer

problems into solutions.

responsiveness significantly increased sales. We also worked with the

Charlie Puissegur Vice President The Polar Companies

general and sales managers to develop specific strategies for selling Polar products and services. RESULTS

First-year results boosted sales by $600,000, and in three years, crossselling was directly responsible for producing $1.8 million dollars in revenue. The case study has been used to anchor a variety of sales development sessions and explain the company’s fluid management strategy to customers and stakeholders.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC


© 2010


AV Operating Instructions for P&G Audio Visual Systems, Inc. provides state-of-the-art AV equipment and installation services to business, industry and government throughout North America. They also operate a successful staging and event division that provides audio, video and special effects services. CHALLENGE

When AVS was selected to install state-of-the-art presentation systems in the Procter & Gamble Health Care Research Center, they needed effective user guides for the wide array of presentation, sound, satellite

Valuable Asset Your ability to present a tremendous number of facts in a

and videoconferencing technologies throughout the facility. SOLUTION

concise manner and to totally

We designed a unifying strategy and model for a series of mini-guides.

embrace our complex industry is

We worked with the expert technical staff to develop clear descriptions

what makes you such a valuable

of all installed technology and create room-by-room mini-guides with


step-by-step instructions. All materials were targeted to the non-expert AV user, so any P&G employee or visitor could readily access and use all

Scott Wills Director of Engineering Audio Visual Systems, Inc.

the available technologies to present, train, tape focus groups, etc. RESULTS

The materials were described as so simple and clear, even new users could operate the varied systems with complete confidence. The appropriate mini-guides are in each AV-capable room, and master copies are maintained in a central location.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



Acquisitions Package WinWholesale Inc. is a $2.6 billion business with more than 530 wholesale distributors in 40-plus states. It sells plumbing, heating, airconditioning, electrical, and similar materials and supplies to contractors and other professional customers. CHALLENGE

The goal was to develop an informative, persuasive brochure and series of contact letters to introduce WinWholesale to select independent industrial wholesalers who might want to join the WinWholesale family

Revenue Growth WinWholesale has grown to more

of companies. SOLUTION

than $2 billion in revenue, and part of that growth was spurred

We designed and created a brochure and a series of versatile contact and

by the materials developed

follow-up letters to establish credibility, define the opportunity and

by Crossbridge.

illustrate the process. All elements were flexible, easy to use and tailored

Jack Johnston President WinWholesale Inc.

to fit into an expensive, pre-existing package. RESULTS

During the first two and a half years of use, the materials helped identify potential acquisitions and boosted revenues by more than $20 million.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



The Magic Curve™ Audio Visual Systems, Inc. provides state-of-the-art AV equipment and installation services to business, industry and government throughout North America. They also operate a successful staging and event division that provides audio, video and special effects services. CHALLENGE

AVS had grown into one of the largest regional AV technology providers and installers, and their staging and event division was in demand throughout North America. The CEO and General Manager were

Partnership in Action You define partnership in action. You have the wonderful ability to let us do what we do best, while

interested in figuring out a way to move to the next level by boosting revenues and optimizing profits without adding real estate or workers. SOLUTION

quietly making sure we’re still

Using the Crossbridge Magic Curve™, we conducted a one-day session

communicating with our clients

with top leadership, management, sales and customer service personnel

at their level, not ours.

to capture and analyze critical indicators. This information was used to

Terry Friesenborg General Manager Audio Visual Systems, Inc.

create a target analysis, redirect the marketing and sales strategies, and create a detailed marketing plan, to be implemented over the next year.

Profitable & Competitive


As you worked with different teams,

The simple process was so effective all participants were able to provide

I could see the change. They began

the required data and indicators without significant preparation. Higher

to raise the bar and hold themselves

margin customers, products and services were clearly defined. All

to tougher standards. I have no

salespeople were retained, but one or two were shifted to areas of

doubt the work you’ve done helped

greater strength, and more emphasis was placed on effective customer

make us more profitable and

service. The strategy helped salespeople find and sell to a clearly defined


customer profile, and over the course of a year, roughly 80% of total

Judy Pickett Finance Manager Audio Visual Systems, Inc.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC

sales were shifted to higher-margin products and services.



Performance Benchmarks & Strategies Sight & Sound provides state-of-the-art AV equipment and installation services to business, industry and government. Located in Jacksonville, Florida, it also operates a successful staging and events function to provide audio, video and special effects services. CHALLENGE

The company faced a classic array of challenges. It was suffering from a crisis-driven approach, lack of overall vision and strategic plan, lack of sufficient personnel for day-to-day operations, low risk tolerance, and

Positioned to Compete I wanted you to know we landed a

erratic marketing and advertising. The CEO and president wanted to stabilize the company and move to the next level, even if it meant stepping outside their comfort zone.

$1 million contract today. The work you’ve done for us not


only contributed to this coup, it’s what positioned us to

We conducted a no-holds-barred Steel Briefs strategic analysis to

compete in the first place.

benchmark marketing, advertising and public relations. We then

Jon Davis President Sight & Sound

developed and helped implement a cohesive Strategic MAP for Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations to boost recognition, image and performance. Elements included a corporate brochure, logo redesign, website restructure and cleanup, product and service sales materials, targeted proposals for high-value business, customer contact packages and newsletters, and ongoing PR and ad campaigns. RESULTS

The concerted focus on solidifying foundations and then tackling growth helped transform the company. It began to land long-term, high-dollar contracts, many of which exceeded $1 million. It developed a reputation for reliable, excellent technology, service and events. Within three years, Sight & Sound had grown into a $3.5 million company.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



Acquiring New Capacity Sight & Sound Productions has grown into the premier provider of hotel AV services in Jacksonville, Florida, and it operates a successful staging and event production business unit that provides audio, video and special effects services for corporate meetings and major events. CHALLENGE

At the height of the recent recession, Sight & Sound was faced with a unique opportunity. The owner of Mugwump Productions, another events business, decided to retire. His company specialized in top-notch

Action & Results You extract the right information, distill it into something useful, and

props, 3D sculptures and décor. The Sight & Sound president needed a practical, win-win plan for acquiring Mugwump to expand capacity. SOLUTION

help us translate that into action and results. The outcome is always

The president requested assistance in developing a cohesive strategy to

the same — a truly great product

make the acquisition business case to his partner, the bank and

tailored to our business and

Mugwump. Together, we crafted a compact summary of each business

our goals.

and their complementary products and services, shared core values and

Jon Davis President/Owner Sight & Sound Productions

acquisition advantages. We analyzed basic market indicators and illustrated how Sight & Sound’s market share and future growth would be jeopardized if Mugwump were purchased by a competitor. RESULTS

The strategy was successful, and in February 2010, Sight & Sound acquired Mugwump Productions. The acquisition expanded market share, increased capital valuation, and enhanced the company’s capacity to deliver front-to-back products and services to a wider range of customers. Having a clear vision and strategic plan in hand helped smooth the transition, and sales have met or exceeded pre-acquisition projections.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



Marketing Professional Services The Roger Wentworth Group, Inc. is a Sandler Training group that provides sales and leadership training to companies and individuals. CHALLENGE

Bob Chapman is as an expert Sandler trainer and business success coach. He had numerous success stories to share with existing and potential clients, but he’d never taken time to develop them into active marketing materials. He needed versatile print, digital and web content to supplement an existing website and to use in varied settings, such as

Credibility & Results The Success Stories have helped establish credibility with clients old and new, and they are an effective way to emphasize the significant results our training can help produce. Bob Chapman Sandler Training The Roger Wentworth Group

one-on-one meetings and group presentations and events. SOLUTION

The goal was to gradually build a flexible package of content-based materials demonstrating Bob’s expertise and superb client results. We designed a crisp template that complemented the website. We helped define content suited to C-level prospects, captured examples, collected results data, generated graphs, solicited endorsements and created an interactive assessment. The evolving package includes: ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ ƒ

Professional Snapshot – Bob Chapman credentials Email Bulletin – Turn Challenges into Results Success Indicators – What do Clients Say? Self-Assessment – Top 12 Mistakes Professionals Make Success Story – Impossible Task You Ask? Success Story – Dickman Industrial & Electric Supply


Bob shapes the package to suit each audience and venue, and uses the components in print, email and web-based formats. He can now document significant bottom-line results approaching $30 million in increased client revenues, and share client examples and testimonials attributing their success to his coaching. Crossbridge Communications, LLC



Lean Innovation TechSolve, Inc. provides Lean engineering and process training and consulting solutions to a range of industries, including manufacturing, aircraft/defense, government and healthcare. CHALLENGE

A team of expert consultants had been convened to develop a hands-on new product development training program targeted to industry and manufacturing. The goal was to have a testable program in hand within eight weeks. The vice president

Multi-Million Dollar Impact The leadership team identified a

recognized this diverse team would require expert assistance in capturing, conveying and illustrating their concepts, so he contacted Crossbridge.

design optimization with the potential to cut costs by $3.3


million … and an action plan to increase sales by $100 million

We worked with consultant team to design, build and test a

over 3-5 years …

comprehensive, hands-on activity-based instructional package

Ken Bloemer, Ph.D. Director of Innovation & Strategic Services TechSolve, Inc..

that incorporated critical problem-solving skills and practical planning tools. All materials and activities were carefully constructed to suit participants ranging from engineers to top level decision makers.

Innovation Transfer This same design refinement could apply to 20 or more product lines, with the potential to save $66 million or more … Design Engineer Xomox, Inc.


During the Alpha Test alone, we identified significant product improvements and untapped innovation opportunities. One product refinement would save $3.3 million in production costs. Even more powerful, this same refinement could be applied across approximately 20 separate product lines, with the potential to save $66 million. The innovation action plan had the potential to increase revenues by $100 million. Similar results emerged each time the program was offered.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



Lean for the Machine TechSolve, Inc. provides Lean engineering and process training and consulting solutions to a range of industries, including manufacturing, aircraft/defense, government and healthcare. CHALLENGE

A new business unit was created to focus on part cost reduction strategies. The immediate challenge was to teach effective methods for using a custom part production and manufacturing analysis program, even though it was still undergoing revision.

$3 Million Impact The Lean for the Machine program


you helped develop has cut cycle

We worked with the business unit director and core team to

time in half and removed about 67%

design, build and test a comprehensive, hands-on activity-based

from production costs on average.

instructional package that developed critical problem-solving skills

Revenues exceeded $3 million in the

and incorporated the software. All materials and activities were

first year and are ahead of

carefully constructed to suit participants ranging from engineers


to production supervisors, machine operators, part designers and

Pretty impressive results. We could not have been nearly as successful in so short an amount of time without Crossbridge. Mike Gugger Director of Part Cost Reduction TechSolve, Inc.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC

purchasing agents. RESULTS

The program has helped manufacturers slash cycle times and reduce production costs, and business unit earnings are ahead of projection.



A55 Delta Maintenance Makino is a global manufacturer of high speed horizontal and vertical machining centers and Ram and Wire EDM machines. It provides turnkey and stand alone solutions. CHALLENGE

Makino customers were experiencing difficulties with the A55 Delta 5-axis machining center, because in-plant maintenance personnel lacked the specific skills essential to maintaining the machine and refining its multi-axis parameters.



The A55 training is a great success. The training has gone beautifully,

We worked with the expert Makino engineering, maintenance and

the materials are outstanding, and

training team to design and implement an intensive five-day

everyone agrees it’s been a

training program using the AIM Center’s competency-based

fantastic program.

training model. The training program went through extensive

Barbara Burns Director of Technology Transfer Makino, Inc.

Alpha and Beta tests and rigorous participant and instructor assessments. RESULTS

The program helped manufacturing maintenance personnel successfully pinpoint, evaluate and fix machining center problems, conduct routine maintenance, and calibrate the five-axis parameters to improve performance and reduce machine downtime.

Crossbridge Communications, LLC



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