Success Stories - Sales Coaching (sandler Training)

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  • Pages: 4

Why did d Dickman Supply S createe two new business units? u To hanndle new busiiness generatted by its Sandler-train S ed engineers.

Dickm D man n Ind dustrrial & Ellectrric Supp S ply

Sanddler Training helpedd


our sales s grow w to the

Dickm man Supply is an a electrical annd industrial prroducts wholesaaler that providdes engineered produuct solutions annd value-added services to the electrical contrracting, industrrial MRO and OEM machine-building markets. It also provides retail r showroom ms and expert sales s consultannts for coonsumers tryingg to make decissions about toolls, electrical peeripherals and lighting fixturess. Basedd in western Ohhio, the companny employs 90 people, includiing seven electrrical engineers, and it operates facilities in Sidney, Greenville andd Celina.

poinnt where we w had to hire more peoople, add locaations, expaand our facillities and start s two new w business units. Thesse are goood problem ms to haave. Tim Geise Presiddent


Tim Geise, G presidentt, had a clear viision for Dickm man Supply. Hee envisioned a major m companyy with exceptional e exppertise and multtiple facilities. It I would be ablle to respond too market demannd for staandard shelf iteems and providde customized solutions, s such as product kittting for just-intime manufacturing, m custom-fabricaated electrical controls c and wiire harness systtems. Unless sales performance p im mproved, this viision was unatttainable. Whenn Doug Borcherrs joined Dickm man as vice preesident and salees manager, he assessed the situatiion. The sales team t consisted of several salesspeople plus thhree young electtrical engineerss who were w highly com mpetent in theirr technical speccialties. Sales performance p waas steady, but stuck in the $10 to $15 $ million rangge. Doug wresttled with severaal questions: Could C the electriccal engineeers sell? Could the team grow sales? Could increased sales bee sustained longg term? He soughht expert help too obtain the rigght training andd coaching for his h team. SOLUT TIONS

Initiallly, Doug and Tim T enrolled fivve salespeople/engineers in thhe President’s Club C sales traininng program. Thhe goal was to help them deveelop the skills to t take sales to the next level. Doug attended class and learned neew skills and teechniques alonggside his team. A graduate of other training system ms, he was interrested from thee first session. Recognizing R thaat change couldnn’t occur in a vacuum, v he creaated a campaign of ongoing reeinforcement. Every E sales meetinng included a debrief d segmentt, where a salessperson could describe d a succeess or failure, and thhe team would dissect, analyzee and share feeedback about what w worked, whhat didn’t and why. He H incorporateed Sandler remiinders into everry sales discusssion and providded personal coachhing in betweenn customer callss with his salesppeople.

Sandler works. Sure, it


seems expensive at first.

After a few short months, the Dickman salespeople began to muster their courage and apply the Sandler techniques. They had learned how to gather information and ask powerful discovery questions that helped customers more precisely define their most urgent problems. As a result, the sales engineers could apply their expertise and target solutions in ways customers valued. This collaborative, problem-solving approach helped customers feel in control and able to buy without feeling “sold.” The salespeople began to experience significant sales breakthroughs, and on average, their monthly sales increased by 10 to 20%.

But when you see the results and the confidence it gives your salespeople, you understand what it’s worth. Bob and the Sandler system helped us reach our goals and achieve extraordinary growth. We’re excited about the possibility to go to an even higher level now. Doug Borchers Vice President & Sales Manager

By the end of the first year, annual sales grew to $17 million. As revenues increased, Dickman expanded. It created a wire assembly division to build wire harnesses and custom wire leads. It moved the Union City store to the larger community of Greenville. It opened a third branch in Celina and created Electro-Controls, Inc. as a separate corporation, to handle the growing custom electrical controls business. It added employees and launched a well-designed and highly functional website that included an online retail component. In 2008, annual sales reached $38 million, a $25 million increase in less than 10 years — in large part due to the sales team and electrical engineers who understood that successful selling meant solving the right problems for the right customers. The initial goals Tim and Doug defined have been realized, and they’re refining their vision for the future. BOTTOM LINE

The people of Dickman Supply effectively leveraged the Sandler Training and translated it into increased sales, physical expansion, new corporate entities and a growing workforce. How did they do this? They made important commitments in response to three simple questions: ƒ Will you invest the money? Dickman leadership committed funds for in depth, ongoing

training and development — and they followed through. ƒ Will you use what you learn? Participants committed to apply the Sandler techniques —

and they followed through. ƒ Will you show up? Participants committed to attend the weekly sessions — and they

followed through. Not every company can triple sales revenues in 10 years, but most see significant, measurable gains in less than a year. Why? They have a clear vision of success. They’re willing to take decisive action. And finally, they’re determined to turn the impossible into the possible.

To learn more about Dickman Industrial & Electric Supply, contact: Doug Borchers Vice President & Sales Manager Phone: (937) 492-6166 Email: [email protected] Web:

Robert Chapman The Roger Wentworth Group, Inc. Phone: 937.231.9517 Email: [email protected] Web:

Crossbridge Communications, LLC develops results-based communication solutions. To learn more, contact: Barbara Spencer Hawk, President Phone: 937.299.6489 Email: [email protected] Web:


How do you turnn sales challengess into sales s resultss?

Im mpo ossib ble Task T k Yo ou Ask? A ?

Bob and the Sandler


Selling System m have far

Are yoou turning sales challenges intto sales results?? Hundreds of our clients havve found meaniingful ways to distinguish d them mselves from thheir competitioon. They’ve learrned to sell ratherr than negotiatee. They’ve discoovered how to make m the sale without w slashinng prices or spillinng their candy in the lobby. Thhey’ve masteredd techniques thhat help custom mers buy withouut feelingg sold. They’vee found effective ways to handdle cold calls annd prospects whho say “no” or “I’ll thhink about it.”

exceeeded my expeectations. My know wledge of how to bee a beetter businessman is far greater, g annd I now undeerstand hoow my actioons and atttitude plaay a siggnificant roole in my


ƒ John Covin ngton never thought his compaany would secuure a single $1,7700,000

consulting contract c with one visit to the prospective p clieent. ƒ Bob Kenneddy never expected he would have h sales peoplle earning $1000,000 a year wiith

commissionns based on maargins. ƒ John Grinn nell didn’t expecct Grinnell Leaadership Solutioons would be teeaching

leadership skills s to the larggest constructioon companies in i the world.


ƒ George Hum mmel never thoought a prospecct would pay hiis salesman $3,,000 to make a

If yoou care aboout

ƒ Daryl Kulakk never expecteed that followin ng his first mornning of Sandlerr training, he’d

yourrself and want w to seee succcess on youur horizon,, invitte Bob intoo your life.

sales call. place one phone call, acquuire $15,000 off committed connsulting contraacts and eventually start s his own traaining institute. ƒ Jeff Barker never anticipatted he’d not on nly make cold saales calls, he’d take fuel oil

customers away a from his competition. c ƒ Bob Kuzmicck, our first clieent thirteen yeaars ago, never expected e to plaace three more

sales peoplee in our Sandlerr training.

Jarrodd Shell Sales Representative R e Kitcheens by Design

ƒ Clara Schap ppe never prediicted that, afterr opting out of a receptionist job j to pursue a

newly createed sales positioon, she’d becom me one of the toop ten Prudentiial agents in the country. ƒ Bob Kenneddy never imagin ned his companny could get paaid by a prospecct for a needs


Bob and the Sandler system helped us reach our goals and achieve extraordinary growth. We’re excited about the possibility to go to an even higher level now. Doug Borchers Vice President & Sales Manager Dickman Industrial & Electric Supply

ƒ Doug Borchers and Tim Geise never anticipated that two young electrical engineers

would generate so much business they’d have to create two new companies to handle the growth. ƒ Steve Langer asked if we could help develop his twenty-two year old son into an

effective sales person. Eight months later, Andrew was signing up accounts for their steel servicing business. ƒ Greg McAfee never thought he would disqualify a prospect for his business. Today,

Greg’s sales people focus solely on qualified prospects, because their time is too valuable. ƒ Byron Kentner never expected our sales training would help his accountants

communicate more effectively on a day-to-day basis with their clients. ƒ Dave Doerman didn’t anticipate that our training could enhance his method of selling

for IBM. ƒ Steve Waible wasn’t sure what our training could do for a pastor. He was used to

working with the invisible, now, he’s turning the impossible into the possible. ƒ Ralph Quinter wasn’t sure his sales manager would be able to learn the competition’s

prices when he called on customers, but now customers readily share the price sheets. ƒ Charlie Puissegur never expected to get paid by a prospect to demonstrate a computer

software program. ƒ Ron Wiley never expected he could stop taking “think-it-overs” and start making

money. ƒ Carolyn Chisano never envisioned making a sales call without her portfolio, until she

walked into a significant prospect’s office without it and walked out the door with a new client. BOTTOM LINE

How did all these people accomplish what they once believed was impossible? They were willing to create a clear vision of success. They were prepared to take action. They made important commitments in response to four simple questions: ƒ Will you invest the money? ƒ Will you use what you learn? ƒ Will you show up? ƒ Will you risk doing something different?

Sandler isn’t for everyone. It’s not easy. It takes time. It’s expensive. It works.

Robert Chapman The Roger Wentworth Group, Inc. Phone: 937.231.9517 Email: [email protected] Web:

Crossbridge Communications, LLC develops results-based communication solutions. To learn more, contact: Barbara Spencer Hawk, President Phone: 937.299.6489 Email: [email protected] Web:

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