Exam Preparation Questions - Weeks 1-4

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  • Words: 505
  • Pages: 5
QUESTIONS Exam preparation

Topic 1 Managers and Managing 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Define management, efficiency and effectiveness. Why is it important to study management? List and briefly explain four functions of management. Briefly describe three types/levels of managers. Explain Mintzberg’s managerial roles. What are the three skills that managers need to posses in order to effectively and efficiently manage organisations?

Topic 2 Evolution of management thought 1. In what ways are Weber’s and Fayol’s ideas about bureaucracy and administration similar? In what ways do they differ? 2. Which of Weber’s and Fayol’s principles seem most relevant to the creation of an ethical organisation? 3. Why was the work of Mary Parker Follett ahead of its time? To what degree do you think it is appropriate today? 4. What is contingency theory? What kind of organisations familiar to you have been successful or unsuccessful in dealing with contingencies from the external environment? 5. Why are mechanistic and organic structures suited to different organisational environments? 6. What are the four principles of management as identified by Taylor? 7. Identify the schools of management thought and the people who contributed to development of those schools. 8. Explain Hawthorne Studies and Hawthorne effect. 9. Explain systems theory.

Topic 3 Value chain, information technology 1. What are the four ways to create a competitive advantage? 2. Explain Total Quality Management and its principles. 3. Why is it important for managers to pay close attention to value-chain management if they wish to be responsive to their customers? 4. To be useful, information must be of high quality, be timely, be relevant, and be as complete as possible. Why does a tall management hierarchy, when used as a management information system, have negative effects on these desirable attributes? 5. Define Information Technology and Information Management Systems. 6. What is the relationship between IT and competitive advantage? 7. Because of the growth of high-powered, low-cost wireless communications and IT such as videoconferencing, many managers soon may not need to come into the office to do their jobs. They will be able to work at home. What are the pros and cons of such an arrangement. 8. Explain the link between IT and control, IT and coordination and IT and structure. 9. What are the six computer-based information systems?

Topic 4 Decision making, planning and strategy 1. What are the main differences between programmed decision making and non-programmed decision making? 2. In what ways do the classical and administrative models help managers appreciate the complexities of real-world decision making? 3. Why do capable managers sometimes make bad decisions? What can they do to improve their decision-making skills? 4. What is groupthink? When is groupthink least likely to be a problem? What steps can group members take to minimise groupthink? 5. What is organisational learning, and how can managers promote it? 6. Describe the three steps of planning. Explain how they are related. 7. What is the relationship among corporate-, business-, and functional-level strategies, and how do they create value for an organisation?

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