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1. What is the outer region of the kidney called? a) renal cortex b) medulla oblongata c) the pelvis d) kidney muscularis e) aorta answer: A

7. A larger-diameter muscular tube that transports blood away from the heart toward the cells of body tissues is called________. a)Vein B)Artery C)Capillary D)Venule answer: B

2. The kidneys regulate: a) excretion b) the collecting duct c) amount of water and substances that are removed to and from the blood d)how urine will leave the body e) the breakdown of amino acid answer: C

8. What is the smallest kind of vein a. artery b. venule c. arteriole d. heart e. lungs answer: B

3. What hormone is released by the kidneys? a. adrenaline b. calcitonin c. erythropoietin d. insulin e. oxytocin answer :C

9. How large is the human heart? a. watermelon b. fist c. It greatly varies d. golf ball e. marble answer: B

4. The function (s) of nephrons include: A. glomerular Filtration B. Tubular Reabsorption C. Tubular Secretion D. All of the Above E. None of the Above answer: D

10. What is the single greatest killer of men and women in the United States? a. car accidents b. marijuana c. cardiocascular disease d. aids e. cigarettes answer: C

5. Which of the following is a mechanism to move blood from the lower parts of the body toward the heart? a. Valves in veins prevent backflow of blood b. Contraction of skeletal muscle squeeze veins c. Breathing causes pressure changes that move blood toward the heart d. all of the above answer: D

11. The amount of air inhaled or exhaled during a normal breath is called a. inspiratory reserve volume b. tidal volume c. expiratory volume d. vital capacity e. residual volume answer: b

6. What are the two circuits through which blood flows through the heart? a) the pulmonary circuit and systematic circuit b) the myocardium circuit and systemic circuit c) the the atrium circuit and the pulmonary circuit d) the pulmonary circuit and systemic circuit answer: D

12. What is a process of the respiratory system? a. breathing b. external respiration c. gas transport d. internal respiration e. all of the above answer: e

13. Which one is NOT a main function of the nose? a. filtration and cleansing b. breathing c. conditioning the air d. olfaction answer: b 14. What adjustable passageway produces the voice? a. the larynx b. the bronchial tree c. the pharynx d. the eustachian tubes answer: a 15. Which part of the lower respiratory system serves as the main airway and consists of a tube reinforced with c-shaped rings of cartilage? a) Alveoli b) Trachea c) Larynx d) Epiglottis e) Bronchi ANSWER: B 16. Which of the following is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and the blood? A. Breathing B. External respiration C. Gas transport D. Internal respiration ANSWER: B 17. What is the boxlike structure composed of mostly cartilage that functions as a "traffic director" for materials passing through the neck? A. Pharynx B. Epiglottis C. Larynx D. Glottis E. Bronchial tree ANSWER: C 18.In the very early stages of reproduction, the step where a secondary oocyte is released from the ovary and swept into the oviduct: a.Step One: Ovulation b.Step Two: Fertilization c.Step Three: Cleavage

d.Step Four: Morula e.Step Five: Blastocyast answer: A 19.By day 4, successive divisions produce a morula, a solid ball of cells that enter the uterus. a.One: Ovulation b.Step Two: Fertilization c.Step Three: Cleavage d.Step Four: Morula e.Step Five: Blastocyast Answer: D 20. A single sperm Penetrates the secondary oocyte. Eventually, the sperm and egg nicleui will fuse, resulting in a fertilized egg or zygote. a. Step One: Ovulation b. Step Two: Fertilization c. Step Three: Cleavage d. Step Four: Morula e. Step Five: Blastocyast Answer: B 21. In what part of the male reproductive system are sperm stored and mature? a. penis b. urethra c. epididymus d. vas deferans ANSWER C 22. What is the most common cancer for males, ages 15-35? a. lung cancer b. testicular cancer c. cervical cancer d. prostate cancer ANSWER B 23. What are the two gamete cells? a. androgen and testosterone b. sperm and egg c. zygotes d. estrogen and progesterone ANSWER B 24. What are the only three chromosomes that can be tolerated in excess? A.21, 13, 18 B.13, 15, 16 C.21, 22, 23 D.1, 2, 3 E.2, 4, 6

Answer : A 25. Which one of the following genotype is homozygous recessive? A.AA B.Aa C.aa D.aA E.none of the above Answer: C 26. The genotype of both parents are Aa, what’s the chance of the offspring has genotype of aa? A.1/2 B.1/4 C.1/6 D.0 E.1 Answer: B 27.The human prenatal period is divided into three period,except_____ A)Pre embryonic period B)Embryonic period C)Postnatal period D)Fetal period E)Period Answer:C 28.Usually,how many weeks after fertilization does birth occurs? A)I have no idea. B)24 hours after fertilization. C)40 days after fertilization. D)10 weeks after fertilization. E)38 weeks after fertilization. Answer:E 29)The early stage in the reproductive process include: A)Ovulation B)Fertilization C)Cleavage D)Morula E)All of the above Answer:E 30)Which is the first stage of labor? A)Dilation stage B)Expulsion stage C)Placental stage D)Parental stage

E)None of the above Answer:A 31. How many homologous chromosome pairs are there in a cell? A. 45 B. 23 C. 28 D. 22 Answer: B 32. Condition in which there are three representatives of one chromosome is called: A. Mitosis B. Nondisjunction C. Trisomy D. Crossing Over Answer: C 33. How many stages does mitosis have? A. 1 B. 12 C. 8 D. 4 Answer: D 34. In what stage of mitosis does cytokinesis take place? A. Interphase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase Answer: D 35. Three copies of chromosome 21 causes: A. Turner Syndrome B. Klinefelter Syndrome C. Down Syndrome D. Tay-Sachs Disease E. All of the above Answer: C 36. How many spermatozoas and eggs will be produced in the end of spermatogenesis and oogenesis? A. 4, 4 B. 1, 4 C. 1, 1 D. 4, 1 E. 3, 1 Answer: D

37. Chromosomes always consist of: A. DNA B. Proteins C. Nutrients D. Mutations E. A & B Answer: E 38. The daughter cells produced in meiosis are genetically: A. Mutated B. Dissimilar C. Identical D. Similar E. A & B Answer: B 39. The structure of the lung is most like ___. a) a balloon b) a grapelike cluster c) foam rubber d) coral Correct answer: C 2. Pneumonia can be caused by: a) radiation, chemicals, or allergies b) fungi or protozoans c) bacteria or viruses d) all of the above e) none of the above Correct answer: D 40. During normal breathing, which is a factor in exhalation? a) contraction of intercostal muscles b) contraction of the diaphragm c) abdominal contraction d) relaxation of the diaphragm e)none of the above Correct answer: D 41. What are the four processes that play a part in respiration? A.Breathing, Diffusion, Submission, Gas Transport B.Breathing, External respiration, Gas transport, Internal Respiration C.Breathing, Filtration, Cleansing, Gas transport D.External respiration, Cleansing, Carbon Exchange, Filtration E. Chemical Reaction, Oxygen Transport,

Filtration, Cleansing Answer B 42. What makes up the upper respiratory system? A.sinuses B.diaphragm C.bronchi and bronchioles D.sinuses, nasal cavity, and pharynx Answer D 43. The alveoli of the lungs are A.surfaces for gas exchange B.covered with capillaries C.cup shaped chambers for gases to go in D.all of the above Answer D 44. Oxygen is carried from the _____ throughout the body by the _____. ____ is a protein in the red blood cells that binds to oxygen in order to carrie it from the lungs to the cells. A.alveoli, blood, hemoglobin B.blood, saliva, hydrogen C.alveoli, hemoglobin, plasma D.brain, alveoli, hemoglobin Answer A 45. Which of the following is not a function of the Nephrons (units of the kidneys responsible for urine production) A. Glomerular filtration B. Tubular reabsorption C. Tubular secretion D. Glomerular homeostasis Answer: D 46. Which of the following are part of the urinary system? A) Bladder B) Kidneys C)Ureter D)Urethra E) They are all components of the urinary system Answer: E 47. Which of the following is not a region of the kidney? A) Renal cortex B) Renal medulla C) Renal vein D) Renal pelvis

Answer: C

48. What is the most common cancer in men between ages 15 and 35? A. Colon Cancer B. Testicular Cancer C. Lung Cancer D. Breast Cancer E. All of the above Answer: B

D)Morula E)All of the above Answer:E 54)Which is the first stage of labor? A)Dilation stage B)Expulsion stage C)Placental stage D)Parental stage E)None of the above Answer: A.

49. What part of the male reproductive system stores the sperm for maturation? a) testes b) urethra c) epididymis d) prostate gland e) seminal vesicles Answer: C

55. What is the correct order of the early stages of the reproductive process? A. cleavage, fertilization, ovulation, implantation B. ovulation, fertilization, implantation, cleavage C. fertilization, ovulation, cleavage, implantation D. ovulation, fertilization, cleavage,implantation Answer: D

50. Which female reproductive part is located externally? a)Labia Majora b)Uterus c)Cervix d)Overies e)None of the above Answer: A

56. What are the three parts of the prenatal period? A. Pre-Pregnant, Pregnant, Post-Pregnant B. Fertilization, Pregnant, Labor C. Pre-Embryonic Period, Embryonic Period, Fetal Period D. Cleavage period, Implantation period, Extraembryonic period Answer: C

51.The human prenatal period is divided into three period,except_____ A)Pre embryonic period B)Embryonic period C)Postnatal period D)Fetal period E)Period Answer:C

57. This term describes the union of a sperm and an egg. A. ovulation B. fertilization C. embryonization D. mitosis Answer: B

52.Usually,how many weeks after fertilization does birth occurs? A)I have no idea. B)24 hours after fertilization. C)40 days after fertilization. D)10 weeks after fertilization. E)38 weeks after fertilization. Answer:E 53)The early stage in the reproductive process include: A)Ovulation B)Fertilization C)Cleavage

58. This is the fertilized ovum containing genetic material from both the mother and father with a total of 46 chromosomes A. embryo B. blastocyst C. zygote D. morula Answer: C. 59.How many homologous chromosome pairs are there in a cell? A. 45 B. 23 C. 28 D. 22 Answer: B

60.Condition in which there are three representatives of one chromosome is called: A. Mitosis B. Nondisjunction C. Trisomy D. Crossing Over Answer: C

61.What is a stem cell? A. the end of a cell B. unspecialized cells that divide continually C. specialized cells D. unspecialized cells that dont divide ever E. none of the above answer:B

62.In what stage of mitosis does cytokinesis take place? A. Interphase B. Metaphase C. Anaphase D. Telophase Answer: D 63.What is the type of cell division that produces haploid gametes? A. Interphase B. Mitosis C. Meiosis D. Cytokinesis Answer: C 64.Interphase is? A. Specific segment of DNA that controls protein synthesis. B. Stage of mitosis in which chromosomes attach to mitotic spindle. C. A time when changes occur both in the nucleus and cytoplasm. D. Period of growth and preparation for cell division. Answer: D 65.What is the first stage in cell division? A) Prophase B) Interphase C) Metaphase D) Anaphase E) None of the above Answer: B 66.What is the cell divison cycle in which one nucleus divides into two daughter nucei containing the same number and kinds of chromosomes? A.) Interphase B.) Mitosis C.) Meiosis

D.) Cytokinesis ANSWER: B 67.Three copies of chromosome 21 causes: A. Turner Syndrome B. Klinefelter Syndrome C. Down Syndrome D. Tay-Sachs Disease E. All of the above Answer: C 68.How many spermatozoas and eggs will be produced in the end of spermatogenesis and oogenesis? A. 4, 4 B. 1, 4 C. 1, 1 D. 4, 1 E. 3, 1 Answer: D 69.Chromosomes always consist of: A. DNA B. Proteins C. Nutrients D. Mutations E. A & B Answer: E 70.The daughter cells produced in meiosis are genetically: A. Mutated B. Dissimilar C. Identical D. Similar E. A & B Answer: B 71.Which one of the following structures does not constitute the lower respiratory system? A. Epiglottis B. Larynx C. Pharynx D. Trachea E. Alveoli Answer: C. 72.What structure of the lower respiratory system is considered the source of the voice? A. Trachea B. Bronchi C. Larynx D. Bronchioles E. Lungs Answer: C.

73.Tidal Volume is...? A.The amount of air inhaled or exhaled during an ordinary breath. B.The amount of air that can be inhaled in addition to a normal breath. C.The amount of air that can be exhaled in addition to a normal breath. D.The amount of air remaining in the lungs after maximum exhalation. E.The amount of air that can be inhaled or exhaled in a single breath. Answer: A. 74.What is the function of the pharanyx? A. The main airway B. Conduct air from trachea to each lung C. Common passageway for air, food, and drink D. Adjustable entryway that produces the voice E. Provide internal surface area for gas exchange Answer:C. 75. Where does the pulmonary circuit transport blood to: a) Lungs b) Arms c) Legs d) Brain e) All the Above Answer: A 76. Which artery is responsible for delivering blood to the head and the brain? a) Pulmonary Artery b) Coronary Artery c) Carotid Artery d) Renal Artery e) Aorta Answer: C 77. The correct order that oxygen- rich blood flows through in the body is: a) Heart - vein - artery - capillary - arteriole venule b) Heart - artery - capillary - arteriole - venule vein c) Heart - artery - arteriole - capillary - venule vein d) Lungs - heart - capillariy - muscles - vein venule e) Heart - arteries - arteriole - capillary - vein – venule Answer: C 78. Which is correct in the relation to blood transportation? a. Arteries transport blood away from the heart b. Arteries and veins both transport blood away

from the heart c. Veins transport blood to the heart d. Both A and C e. Arteries and veins both transport blood to the heart Answer: D 79.) What are the 3 regions of a kidney in order? a. renal pelvis,renal medulla, renal cortex b.renal medulla, renal pelvis, renal cortex c. renal cortex, renal medulla, renal pelvis d. None of these are in the correct order ANSWER: C

80.) Metabolic wastes include which of the following substances? A. Carbon Dioxide ...B. Water C. Salts D. All of the above Answer: D 81.) Which of the following is a function of Nephrons? A. Glomerular filtration B. Tubular reabsorption C. The rest of the answers are correct (A,B,D) D. Tubular secretion Answer: C 82.What muscular tubes transport blood away from the heart? a. Capillaries b. Arteries c. Venules d. Veins e. Arterioles ANSWER: B 83.Which of the following are microscopic blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules? a. Capillaries b. Arteries c. Venules d. Veins e. Arterioles ANSWER: A 84.What muscular tubes transport blood to the heart? a. Capillaries b. Arteries c. Venules d. Veins e. Arterioles ANSWER: D 85.Which of the following are the controllers of blood pressure and the "gate-keeper" of

capillary networks? a. Capillaries b. Arteries c. Venules d. Veins e. Arterioles ANSWER: E 86.What are the nephrons responsible for? a. conserving water b. forming urine c. transforming vitamin D into calctirio...l d. maintaining homeostasis ANSWER: B

87.The hypothalamus reponds to changes in the concentration of water in the blood by: a. increasing secretion of ADH b. decreasing secretion of ADH c. increasing ducts of nephrons d. both A & B E. none of the above ANSWER: D 88.In what age are the neural connections to the external urethral sphincter fully developed, which allows conscious control over urination? a)10 b)4 c) 6 d)35 Answer: D 89.Which hormone is released by the adrenal cortex? A. Atrial natriuretic B. Adolestrone C. ADH D. Nephons Answer: B 90.What is the site where substances are removed... from and added to the filtrate? a. distal convoluted tubule b. collecting duct c. renal tubule d. proximal convoluted tubule e. glomerular capsule Answer: C 91.The Lower Respiratory System, responsible for exchanging gases is made up of the following, EXCEPT: A) Lungs B) Trachea C) Sinuses D) Bronchi E) Bronchioles Correct Answer: C 92.What is the main function(s) of the larynx?

A) A selective entrance to the lower respiratory system B) Production of voice ...C) Housing of the auditory tubes D) Both A and B Correct Answer: D 93.What causes emphysema? A) The reduction in the number of alveioli B) Production of voice C) Housing of the auditory tubes D) Both A and B Correct Answer: A 94.Which of the following is NOT true about lung cancer? A) 85-90% of all cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking B) Lung cancer usually has no symptoms until it was quite advanced C) The progression to lung cancer begins with chronic inflammation D) Lung Cancer is usually detected in time for a cure Correct Answer: D 95.What are the types of chromosome alterations? a. inversion b. translocation c. duplication d. all of the above answer: D 96.When is an allele described as dominant? a. when the effects of an allele cannot be detected, regardless of whether an alternative allele is also present b. when the effects of an allele can be det...ected, regardless of whether an alternative allele is also present c. only when an allele is the only one present d. none of the above answer: B 97.What is a carrier? a. someone who displays the recessive phenotype but is heterozygous for a trait and can pass on the dominant allele to descendants b. a small canine with a rather high pitched bark c. someone who displays the dominant phenotype but is heterozygous for a trait and can pass on the rece...ssive allele to descendants d. someone who displays the dominant phenotype but is homozygous for a trait and can pass on the recessive allele to descendants answer: C 98. individuals with two copies of the same allele of a gene:

a. genotype b. heterozygous c. phenotype d. homozygous answer: D. 99.If a couple's genotypes are all FfGg,so what is the posibilityfor their child has the FFGg and FFgg? A.1/16;1/4 B.1/16;1/16 C.1/8;1/16 D.1/16;1/8 ANS:C

100.About Sex-Linked G...enes, which one of following is NOT ture? A. The Y chromosome is important in determining gender. B. An embryo without Y chromosome will develop as a female. C. A son can inherit an X-linked recessive allele only from his mother. D. A daughter's X-linked recessive allele must be inherited by her mother. Answer: D. 101.The condition in which there are three representatives of one chromosome is called A. Monosomy B. Trisomy C. Nondisjunction D. Autosomy Answer: B 102.A combination of a DNA molecule and specialized proteins called histones is a A. Chromosome B. Diploid C. Gene D. Centromere Answer: A 103.Meiosis keeps the chromosome number ____ ...over generations and _____ genetic variability in the population. A. Constant, decreases B. Constant, increases C. Changing, increases D. Changing, decreases E. None of the above Answer: B 104.During this process, a nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes at each pole, and the mitotic spindle disassembles. A. Anaphase B. Interphase

C. Metaphase D. Telophase E. Prophase Answer:D 105.What is not true of mitosis? A. it prodcues two diploid cells B. its daughter cells are genetically dissimiliar C.... Chromosomes are exchanged in crossover D. Occurs in somatic cells E. One cell division Answer: C

106.) An Acrosome: A. Contains the father's Chromosomes. B. Is a sac that covers the head of the sperm, contains enzymes that will assist in fertilization. C. Contains mitochondria that will provide metabolic energy to fuel the trip to the egg. D. Contains mitochondria that will provide metabolic energy to fuel the trip to the egg. E. Produces eggs and the hormones estrogen and progesterone. Answer:B. 107.) How much sperm does a healthy man produce each day? A. 10 million B. 100 million C. 1 milloin D. 100,000 E. 1 billion ANSWER B 108.what is the right sequence of cell division? 1.prophase 2.metaphase 3.anaphase 4.telophase A 1234 B.1324 C.2314 D.3241 E, ALL OF THEM ABOVE!! ANSWER A 109.mitosis results in what? A.gamete production B.growth C.repair D.A and B E.B and C ANSWER E 110.meiosis involves how many cell divisions? A.1 B.2

C.3 D.4 E.5 ANSWER B 111.) What is the name of the process in which maternal and paternal forms of genes mix together? A. Anaphase B. Mitosis C. Cytosis D. Crossing over E. Telophase ANSWER: D. 112.) Chromosomes arranged in pairs on the basis of physical characteristics, such as overall length and centromere location is known as: A. Metaphase B. Cytokinesis C. Karyotype D. Cytophase E. Mitosis ANSWER: C. 113.) In order, what are the four stages of mitosis? A. Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase B. Metaphase, Anaphase, Prophase, Telophase C. Anaphase, Telophase, Metaphase, Prophase D. Telophase, Anaphase, Prophase, Metaphase E. Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Telophase ANSWER: A. 114.A Combination of a DNA Molecule and specialized proteins called histones is a ______. A. Chromosome B. Diploid C. Gene D. Centromere Answer: A 115.When does the postnatal period begin? A.)After Implantation B.)After fertilization C.)After birth D.)After Puberty E.)Before gastrulation Answer:C 116.How many gamete cells are made by the male through meiosis? A.) 1 B.) 2 C.) 3 D.) 4 E.) 5 Answer: D 117.Cell differentiation is...

a.) The process by which cells become... specialized with respect to structure and function b.) When primary germ layers are established c.) Part of the embryonic period d.) a and c e.) all of the above Answer: D

118.In what age are the neural connections to the external urethra sphincter fully developed, which allows conscious control over urination? A. 10 B. 4 C. 6 D. 3 E. 5 Answer: D 119.What is the site where substances are removed from and added to the filtrate? A. Distal Convoluted Tubule B. Collect ducts C. Renal Tubule D. Proximal Convoluted Tubule E. Glomerular Capsule Answer: C 120.Which hormone is released by the adrenal cortex? A. Atrial Natriuretic B. Adolestrone C. ADH D. Nephons E. Renin Answer: B 121.What hormone is manufactured by the hypothalamus and then travels to the posterior pituitary for storage and release? A. Hemodialysis B. Antidiuretic Hormone C. Aldosterone D. Atrial Natriuretic Peptide E. Juxtaglomerular Apparatus Answer: B 122. The heart a) is a muscular pump b) generates the force needed to circulate blood c) has 3 layers d) is not a single structure e) all of the above Correct answer (e) 123. Capillaries are: a) Microscopic blood vessels that connect arterioles and venules

b) Blood vessels that control blood pressure c) responsible for the pumping action of the heart d) tissues of the heart correct answer(a)

124. Which is not a system of heart failure? a) fatigue b) shortness of breath c) fluid accumulation in the lungs or limbs d) weakness e) swelling correct answer (e) 125. Blood pressure is a) The pressure of blood against the vessel walls b) the exchange of blood and body cells c) a network of capillaries d) a network that transports blood to and from body tissues e) oxygen richblood that enters the cell through mitosis correct answer: (a) 126.Which of the following takes blood to the heart? a. Artery b. Vein c. Arteriole d. Capillary Answer: B 127.What did Mendel not test on? A. Peas B. Trees C. Bees D. Mice answer: B. 128.The main component of the cardiovascular system is? a. LUNGS b. HEART c. BRAIN d. ARMS ANSWER IS B 129.the alternate expansion and recoiling of arties create a pressure wave called the? a. blood flow b. pulse c. sugar level d. chlosteral level answer is b

130.What is the primary male sex hormone? a. estrogen b. progesterone c. testosterone d. uterine the answer is c.

131.What do the ovaries do? A. Produce eggs B. Produce estrogen C. Transport the eggs D. A & B E. All of the above the answer is D 132.The most common age for Testicular Cancer in men is A) 40-50 B) 5-12 C) 15-35 D) 50-65 Answer is C 133.the narrow neck of the uterus, called the cervix, projects into the... a) Vagina b)Clitoris c) Labium minora d) all of the above answer A 134.Which one of the following is not a dominant gene? a. Freckles b. Widow's Peak c. Attached Earlobes d. Tongue Rolling e. Dimples Answer: C 135.If a genetic trait is heterozygous, what is its genotype? a) AA b) Aa c) aa d) either a or c e) none of the above Answer: B 136.Which of the following is not a primary sign of Cystic Fibrosis? a) digestive problems b) respiratory problems c) circulatory problems d) salty sweat e) all of the above are signs of CF Answer: C 137.Different forms of a gene are called what? a) genotypes

b) chromatids c) chromosomes d) alleles e) phenotypes Answer: D 138.During the first meiotic division, meiosis I produces two cells, each with how many chromosomes? A. 22 B. 23 C. 24 D. 25 The answer is B 139.____ can specialize to be ANY cell type. A) Pluripotent B) Totipotent C) Multipotent D) Unipotent Answer- B 140.How are gametes created? A) Meiosis B) Mitosis C) Cytokinisis D) Nondisjunction Answer - A)

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